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09-16 投稿



histories 发音

英:[ˈhɪstəriz]  美:[ˈhɪstəriz]

英:  美:

histories 中文意思翻译



histories 短语词组

1、horrible histories ─── 可怕的历史

2、Twenty Four Histories ─── 二十四史

3、histories of the ─── 的历史记录

4、oral histories ─── 口述历史; ─── 口述历史的笔录或是录音带

5、histories make men wise ─── 历史使人明智

6、credit histories ─── 信用记录

7、Florentine Histories ─── 佛罗伦萨历史

8、life histories ─── 生活史;传记

9、case-histories (case-history ─── 的复数) n. 病历;个案史

10、histories make men wiseppt ─── 历史使人明智

11、case histories ─── 个人历史;病历

12、life-histories (life-history ─── 的复数) n. 生活经历

histories 词性/词形变化,histories变形

名词复数: histories |

histories 常用词组

in the history ─── 在历史上

long history ─── 历史悠久

in history ─── 在历史上

histories 相似词语短语

1、historian ─── n.历史学家

2、historifies ─── vt.把…载入历史

3、castories ─── 城堡

4、histones ─── n.组蛋白,组织蛋白(histone复数)

5、historied ─── adj.有历史的;史上所载的

6、historic ─── adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的

7、historians ─── n.历史学家(historian的复数)

8、midstories ─── 中保守党

9、herstories ─── n.历史;妇女历史

histories 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ladies had reached that vaguely melancholy hour when they felt it necessary to tell each other their histories. ─── 女人们的心情,已经进入那种空洞地悲哀的时辰了,所以她们觉得有把自己的历史互相倾述一下的必要。

2、He nevertheless brought to light a previously unaddressed demand for well-narrated popular histories. ─── 不过,他发现了一种之前从未被注意到的对优美通俗的历史书的需求。

3、The potted histories of communism he provides as context are leaden and sometimes sloppy. ─── 他阐释笑话,给出的却是模糊乃至粗糙的历史语境。

4、"They want to write their own histories. ─── “他们想书写属于他们自己的历史。”

5、these crafts have long histories. ─── 这些手工艺品大多都拥有悠久的历史。

6、Both China and Ireland have long histories and a strong sense of their past. ─── 中国和爱尔兰都拥有悠久的历史和对其历史的强烈的感情。

7、geographies, histories, grammars flew in all directions. ─── 地理书,历史书,语法书飞向四面八方。

8、They were executed, and their fate was recorded in the Party histories, a warning to posterity. ─── 于是他们给处决掉,这下场记在党史里,给后代做个儆示。

9、Borrowers of Alt-A loans have slightly better credit histories than subprime borrowers. ─── 准优级借款人的信用记录略优于次优级借款人。

10、Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. ─── 历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辩。

11、Chinese sericiculture has had 5000 old histories at least. ─── 中国的养蚕至少已经有5000多年的历史。

12、Chief William Bratton said he did not believe past drug use and poor credit histories should immediately disqualify anyone from joining the department. ─── 中文大意是,警察局长不认为有过吸毒经验和不好的信誉历史能够马上标志着申请警察工作的人不合格。

13、China is a country with one of the longest histories in the world. The people of all of China. ─── 中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一。中国各族人民共同创造了光辉灿烂的文化,具有光荣的革命传统。

14、Ozark company produces special fluoride business to already had 50 old histories from main content HF. ─── Ozark公司从事由HF生产专用氟化物业务已有50多年历史。

15、Histories make men wise; poets, witty; The mathematics, subtle; Natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ─── 历史书使人明智;诗歌使人富于想象;数学使人精细;自然哲学使人深沉、有道德、严肃;逻辑和修辞学命名人善于辩论。

16、As an American-based company with 175 histories, Rogers Corporation sincerely invites your participation. ─── 作为一家具有175年悠久历史的美资企业,罗杰斯诚邀您的加入!

17、In civil trial,the doctor and the patient often hold dissenting opinion on the tracks of change and addition in the case histories. ─── 医患双方因医疗行为发生纠纷诉至人民法院后,对病历中存在改动、添加的痕迹,医方和患方会持截然相反的观点。

18、Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. ─── 其教条是神圣的,其规则是约束的,其历史是真实的,其决定是不变的。

19、In her own records of case histories, there is not one sleepwalker who ever got beyond his own front door. ─── 在她记录的病例档案中,没有任何一个在梦游的人曾经走出过自己家的前门。

20、they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories. ─── 他们认为让你听一下这段历史对你有好处

21、Those scenes, reciting texts in the morning, loitering in the labrary,attending at every and each course, had been a set of ancient histories. ─── 以前我常常早起背课文,去图书馆看书,课上出勤全满,这些都成为了历史。

22、Of the many case histories recounted, that of Richard Sorge enlightened and affected Levchenko the most. ─── 在所讲到的许许多多的案例中,使列夫钦科最受启发和最受影响的是理查德·佐尔格的经历。

23、The housing crisis has ensnared many borrowers who had questionable credit histories and who obtained risky subprime loans. ─── 住房危机使许多有不良信用历史和高风险次贷的借贷者陷入了圈套。

24、The four sags had different thermal evolution histories,especially after the Dongying tectonic movement at the end of Eogene. ─── 坳陷内4个凹陷的古地温梯度演化存在差异,特别是在早第三纪末期的东营构造运动以后,各凹陷的地温梯度演化差异更加明显.

25、Histories are often warped by bias. ─── 历史常为偏见所曲解。

26、One world: we live in a globalize world with different cultures and histories, but with the same need to be connected each other. ─── 一个世界:我们生活在一个有着不同文化和历史的全球世界,但是我们有互相联系在一起的共同需求。

27、The result results of bank bad credit can be serious. 70% of planers employers look at the credit histories of job candaytcandidates. ─── 不良的信用结果是严重的。

28、Histories make men wise; poems,witty;the mathematics,suble;natual philosophy,deep;moral, grave;logic rhetoric able to contend. ─── 历史使人聪明,诗歌使人机智,数学使人精细,自然哲学使人深沉,伦理使人庄重,逻辑学和辩论法使人有雄辩之才!

29、The Confucian Analects, the Five Classics, the Thirteen' Classics and the Twenty-four Dynastic Histories have all been handed down to us. ─── 孔夫子的《论语》传下来了,“五经”、“十三经”传下来了,“二十四史”都传下来了。

30、Out of their histories,people come to create their own personal stories,with specific meanings assigned to the object of their addiction. ─── 在自身历史外,人们往往以自己的经历来书写个人的故事,其特定的意义被转化到他们上瘾的对象上。

31、Some patients cannot proide their own histories because of delirium from illness,dementia,or other health or mental health conditions. ─── 一部分由于疾病,痴呆及其它身体或心理健康状况引起谵妄的病人无法提供自己的病史。

32、They read the histories and talk about the weapons and spy tools. ─── 他们阅读历史记录,谈论武器和侦察工具。

33、Noting the similarities between our two countries, he said, "Both of our countries have long, rich histories. ─── 他说:“我们两个国家都拥有悠久丰富的历史。

34、Case histories illustrate known reservoir distribution, geometry, and production potential. ─── 个案记录例证已知油藏分布、几何图形和开采潜能。

35、What at such a time are histories, chronologies, traditions, and all written revelations? ─── 在这样的时刻,一切的历史、年表、传统以及启示录,和我们又有何关系呢?

36、"Several major schools, with differing histories and theories of artistic style , exist to this day. ─── 一些主要的流派(各有不同的历史和不同的艺术风格理论)流传至今。

37、But clinicians report that there is often no quick cognitive fix for people with complex histories. ─── 但临床医生报告说,经常有没有快速复杂的历史与人的认知修复。

38、China is a easten country that have centuries-old histories. ─── 中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。

39、It would be a fine thing to have more such brief histories, made easily readable to the non-specialist, of the major world languages. ─── 如能读到更多这类通俗易懂,且以世界主要语言为对象的简史作品,将是幸事一件。

40、Histories make man wise; poems nitty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. ─── 历史使人明智,诗歌使人聪慧,数学使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑与修辞使人善辩.(培根

41、Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends. ─── 历史上狗儿忠诚的事例较诸朋友忠诚的事例多得多。

42、Countries like Italy, Spain, and Argentina have long football histories and hundreds of thousands of fans. ─── 像意大利、西班牙、阿根廷这些国家有悠久的足球史,并且拥有成千上万的球迷。这句话中有两个知识点。

43、Exeter has one of the longest and most distinguished histories of any of the cities of Britain. ─── 埃克塞特拥有全英国最悠久,最独特的历史。

44、The Twenty-Four Histories are faithful historical accounts of ancient China. ─── 二十四史是中国古代信史。

45、Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathermatics, subtile; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ─── 学习历史让人变得聪明,诗歌增强人的内涵,数学使人敏锐,自然科学让人有深度,道德使我们典雅庄重,逻辑和修辞使我们有主见。

46、Russian novels, Chinese classic literature, Histories of China, Europe and Byzantium. ─── 俄罗斯小说,中国古典文学,中国历史,欧洲史,拜占庭历史.....

47、Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and able to contend. ─── 历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辨。

48、Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able toontend. ─── 历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深邃;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辩。

49、Edward III is the source of many incidents of the other 9 histories by Shakespeare, and has its special meaning in Shakespearean studies. ─── 《爱德华三世》是莎士比亚另外9部历史剧情节的源头,对研究莎作有其特殊的意义。

50、At IAASB, we need to ensure that we write ISAs that can be adopted in jurisdictions with such different legal systems, histories and cultures. ─── IAASB需要确保所制定的国际审计准则能被不同司法体系、历史和文化的国家所采纳。

51、Histories makes men wise;poets witty;the mathematics,subtile;natural philosophy,deep. ─── 历史使人明智;诗歌使人灵秀;数学使人周密;科学使人深刻。

52、As an American-based company with 175 histories, Rogers Corporation sincerely invites your participation. ─── 作为一家具有175年悠久历史的美资企业,罗杰斯诚邀您的加入!

53、The most important of those objects was the so-called Narmer Palette, which depicted a king not mentioned in Egyptian histories. ─── 其中最有价值的一块叫做“纳尔迈小石板”,它雕刻着埃及历史上从未提过的一位国王。

54、Mr Ahern also tells his Polish readers: "Although distant geographically, the histories and experiences of our two countries are closely linked. ─── 埃亨先生还告诉他的波兰读者:“尽管我们地理位置相距遥远,但两国的历史和经历是紧密相连的。

55、Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematics subtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. ─── 介词比起其它语法点相对较零碎,欢迎大家把自己的总结见解发上来个所有会员分享。

56、He said much of the increase is seen in cities with histories of racial tensions and where black people feel alienated and marginalized. ─── 他说,在那些有种族摩擦历史的城市,以及在黑人被疏离和排斥的地方,让孩子在家受教育的黑人家庭数量有较大的增长。

57、The first half of the eighteenth century is commonly named in histories of literature as the Augustan Age in England. ─── 十八世纪上半页在英格兰的文学史上通常被称为奥古斯都时代。

58、If you can find them, I'd recommend both the Elven Nations and Dwarven Nations, which give an account of the histories of these two races. ─── 我还推荐《精灵国度三部曲》和《矮人国度三部曲》,如果还能找到的话。两者均叙述了这两个种族的历史演变。

59、Credit restoration companies work on behalf of individuals with bad financial histories who are tired of being denied good loan terms. ─── 信用修复公司工作,对代表个人不良金融史的人都感到厌倦,被剥夺了良好的贷款条件。

60、One of the three new studies will define differences in autistic children with different developmental histories. ─── 三个新的研究中的一种,对不同的发展历史的自闭症儿童界定不同。

61、We write to preserve our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and appreciate their heritage. ─── 我们写作,是为了保存我们的家族历史,这样我们的孩子和孙子就可以学习、欣赏他们继承的遗产。

62、To dramatize the necessity of clandestine warfare, instructors objectively recited case histories and their import. ─── 为了说明秘密战的必要性,教官们客观地讲述了案例及其意义。

63、Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if they would buy one of the histories if it were printed. ─── 参与重聚的每一个人都被要求跟他们的亲戚谈话,并搞清楚一旦这个履历付印他们是否将会购买一本。

64、"Two thousand years of published human histories say that the warm periods were good for people. ─── 两千年的有记载的人类历史表明温暖时期到人们是有好处的.

65、In most cases such patients have past histories of hy -pertension. ─── 在大多数情况下, 这样的病人过去都有高血压的病史。

66、In their universal histories philosophers and political economists divided the human world into three broad stages: savage, barbarian, and civilised. ─── 哲学家和政治经济学家把人类世界划分为三大阶段,即野性的,蛮夷的和文明的时代。

67、Some of this information may have been available in dynastic histories. ─── 其中一些信息能从各朝代史书中获得。

68、Bukbuyeogi contains the histories of Bukbuyeo,the predecessor of Goguryeo. ─── 北夫余纪包括了北夫余的历史,北夫余是高句丽的前身。

69、In part, the bringing aboard of candidates who had histories of being outspoken against PAP's policies has been stressed quite a bit by the media. ─── 媒体也强调,一些过去对人民行动党的政策作出坦率批评的人,也被人民行动党接纳。

70、The lies vary from relatively harmless claims about leisure activities to lying about career histories and criminal records, the poll showed. ─── 其中既有关于闲暇活动的相对无伤大雅的假话,也有关于工作经历和犯罪纪录的谎言。

71、Doctors compiled thousands of case histories to prove the relationship between smoking and cancer . ─── 医生们搜集了数千个病例来证明吸烟与癌症之间的关系。

72、Chapters in the second part look at individual plays as well as other Shakespearean texts which are closely related to the histories. ─── 再比如渔人从桃花源出来的时候,桃花源的人送给他一包礼物里面有种子和一只拨浪鼓。

73、Histories make men wise; poets witty; mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; morality grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. ─── 历史使人聪明;诗人使人遐想;数学使人精细;哲学使人深沉;伦理使人庄严;理则和修辞使人能够争论。

74、Military histories have focused on strategies and tactics and the sheer drama of battles in action. ─── 军事历史研究集中在战略、战术以及一波三折的具体战斗行动上。

75、As I said, some systems of traditional medicine have histories dating back thousands of years. ─── 如前所述,一些传统医学体系有着数千年的悠久历史。

76、They also the histories of many of the seven thousand people from morn than twenty countries who lived there. ─── 博物馆官员也研究这些居民的历史,他们来自20多个国家有7000多人。

77、We observed EEG anomalies in 72 percent of those who had documented histories of serious physical and sexual abuse. ─── 在有肉体及严重性受虐记录的病人身上,则有72%出现异常的EEG。

78、China is one of the countries with the longest histories in the world. ─── 中国是世界上历史最悠久的国家之一。

79、Generally speaking, wine farming people complete vinous ageing process with the oak bucket that has 13 years of histories. ─── 一般而言,酒农们都用有13年历史的橡木桶来完成葡萄酒的老化过程。

80、The handy book for genealogists: State and county histories, maps, libraries, bibliographies of genealogical works, where to write for records, etc. ─── 如果想从图书馆找到此资料,请在上面的字段中输入邮政编码、州、省或者国家。然后点击"开始"的按钮。

81、Both Kiarostami and Makhmalbaf began their careers early, and their styles are as different as their personal histories. ─── 基和马两人都很早入行,风格由于个人经历而不同。

82、Loss of imprinting of IGF2 has been associated statistically with indiiduals who hae personal and familial histories of colorectal cancer. ─── IGF2印迹缺失与个人患有结肠直肠癌或其具有家族史具有统计学意义上的相关性。

83、Both clubs respect each other because they have such great histories. ─── 两間俱乐部互相尊重,因为他们有如此伟大的历史。

84、Some children persist in building especially elaborate imaginary worlds, with impressive depth in terms of histories, taxonomies, language and maps. ─── 一些孩子热衷于构建复杂的幻想世界,并且在历史、分类、语言及地图等方面颇具深度。

85、The study used case histories from 600 teenage mothers. ─── 使用的是对600名未成年妈妈进行的案例记录分析。

86、There were five missives, five histories, five signatures, and a single signer. ─── 一共五封信,五种说法,五个人名,五种签字,而只有一个写信人。

87、The FFA would verify the credit histories, income statements and third-party custody of all fund securities. ─── FFA将审查所有基金证券的信用记录、收益报表和第三方托管。

88、Both China and Ireland have long histories and a strong sense of their past. ─── 中国和爱尔兰都拥有悠久的历史和对其历史的强烈的感情。

89、His measurement becomes a vision of traces folded; implicate the beginning point of describing the histories. ─── 他的测量变成为摺叠痕迹的视像,提示著描绘历史的起点。

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