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09-16 投稿



howls 发音

英:[haʊlz]  美:[haʊlz]

英:  美:

howls 中文意思翻译



howls 词性/词形变化,howls变形

动词现在分词: howling |动词过去式: howled |动词第三人称单数: howls |动词过去分词: howled |

howls 短语词组

1、howls moving castle ─── 嚎叫移动城堡

howls 相似词语短语

1、gowls ─── 长袍

2、howks ─── 豪克斯

3、how's ─── contr.怎样,如何(howis;howhas;howdoes)

4、bowls ─── n.碗;保龄球;木球;大酒杯(bowl的复数形式);v.玩保龄球;滑动;平稳快速移动(bowl的第三人称单数形式)

5、howes ─── n.(Howes)人名;(英)豪斯

6、fowls ─── n.家禽;鸟;飞禽;vi.打鸟;捕野禽

7、hols ─── n.假期(等于holiday);n.(Hols)人名;(德、瑞典)霍尔斯

8、cowls ─── n.蒙头斗篷;通风帽(烟囱顶上的);连有头巾的修道士服;vt.给…穿蒙头斗篷;给…装上风帽状物;n.(Cowl)人名;(英、法)考尔

9、howfs ─── 如何

howls 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty. ─── 你们要哀号、因为耶和华的日子临近了.这日来到、好像毁灭从全能者来到。

2、Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。

3、He that lives with wolves will learn to howl. ─── 同恶人生活在一起将学会恶行。

4、As he prepares to meet his future trainer, a series of devilish howls from the cave causes him to dash forward to the rescue. ─── 当他准备迎接自己的未来教练机,一系列的恶魔嚎叫从洞穴的原因他短跑着救援。

5、He put up an awful howl and fastened himself tight to her leg. His father managed to pull him loose. ─── 他拼命哭闹,紧抱住她的腿不放。他父亲费了好大的劲儿才让他松了手。

6、Therefore will I howl for Moab, and I will cry out for all Moab; mine heart shall mourn for the men of Kirheres. ─── 因此,我要为摩押哀号,为摩押全地呼喊。人必为吉珥哈列设人叹息。

7、Tes entrailles Hurlent la faim comme un vieux chien. Race of Cain, your bowels Howl with hunger like an old dog. ─── 你们的内脏像一只老狗那样饥饿地吼叫。

8、Suppose you want the dog object to howl, growl or whimper?How do you make the changes dynamically? ─── 假如你要让狗对象发出其他各种各样的叫声,你该如何动态的改变这些属性呢?

9、In a matter of seconds howls of pain were heard, and the three came hurtling out again backwards and tumbled on to the ground. ─── 却听得“哎唷”、“啊哟”连声,三人一个接一个的倒飞了出来,摔在地下。

10、Cross over to Tarshish; Howl, you inhabitants of the coastland. ─── 6推罗人哪,你们当过到他施去;沿海的居民哪,你们都当哀号。

11、He has the looks of a bear or tiger, and his voice sounds like a jackal's howl. ─── 他生成一副熊虎的样子,声音又像豺狼嚎叫,这是心性残忍的大凶之人;

12、Howl, O ministers of the altar. ─── 伺候祭坛的阿,你们要哀号。

13、For this gird yourselves with haircloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned away from us. ─── 为此,你们应身穿苦衣,涕泣哀号,因为上主尚未由我们身上撤回他的烈怒。

14、Their savage howls make even homid Garou uneasy. ─── 他们原始的号叫甚至使人形的狼族都感到不安。

15、Colonel: One long howl, two short, one yelp of wolf. ─── 上校:一个长音,两个短音,一声狼的呜咽。

16、HOWL is a logger implementation providing features required by the JOTM project. ─── HOWL实现了一个日志器,提供了JOTM项目需要的功能。

17、A day he spotted something suspicious in the injection room, setting up wild shrieks and howls . ─── 一天,他听到注射室里鬼哭狼嚎,动静不对劲,才知道是护士在实习,就在隔壁躲了一会儿。

18、It was only after howls of protest about the exorbitant rent to be paid by the taxpayer that he changed his mind. ─── 不过,在纳税人由于不得不为此支付高不可攀的租金而进行了一系列激烈的抗议行动后,克林顿改变了主意。

19、The deplorable howl went the rounds, and also went into Sakyamuni's ears. ─── 凄惨的呼叫声传遍四野,也传进了释迦牟尼佛的耳朵。

20、The north wind that posse howl calls has sucked the word of captain pond, retroflexion in the field in bald. ─── 一团啸叫的北风把队长的话吸过池塘,翻转在光秃秃的田野里。

21、Even as a baby, the Mandrake's howls can knock a person out for a couple of hours. ─── 即使是小娃娃,曼德拉草的叫声也能把人震昏一两个小时。

22、It made my flesh creep to hear the wolves howl. ─── 听见狼嚎我毛骨悚然。

23、Howl, O Heshbon, for Ai has been destroyed; Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah. ─── 3希实本哪,你要哀号,因为艾城已被毁灭;拉巴的女子阿,要呼喊。

24、Piercing howl is absolutely zero (or an immesurably low amount of) hate. ─── 刺耳尖叫完全没有或有极微小的仇恨。

25、Howl, ye ships of Tarshish: for your strength is laid waste. ─── 他施的船只都要哀号,因为你们的保障变为荒场。

26、Envy assails the noblest,the wind howls around the highest peak. ─── 位高招人怨,山高刮大风。

27、Who keeps company with wolves , will learn to howl. ─── 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫.

28、Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant people are cut down; all they that bear silver are cut off. ─── 11玛革提施的居民哪,你们要哀号,因为迦南的商民都灭亡了。凡搬运银子的都被剪除。

29、Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. ─── 你们富有的人哪,应当为那将要临到你们的灾祸哭泣哀号。

30、They set up howls of protest over new taxes. ─── 他们发起反对新税的吼声

31、KJV] Pass ye over to Tarshish; howl, ye inhabitants of the isle. ─── [新译]你们要过到他施去;沿海的居民哪,要哀号!

32、The noise level intensifies.The hollering of children deepens and distends into LOW EERIE HOWLS. ─── 噪音加大,孩子们的叫喊声更为强烈,一直扩展到低沉、可怕的嚎叫。

33、They listened to the howl of the wind through the trees. ─── 他们听着风在林间呼啸的声音。

34、Envy assails the noblest, the wind howls around the highest peak. ─── 位高招人怨;山高刮大风。

35、Blow ye the cornet in Gabaa, the trumpet in Rama: howl ye in Bethaven, behind thy back, O Benjamin. ─── 你们要在基贝亚吹角,在辣玛吹号,在贝特阿文发出警报,本雅明便要惊惶失措。

36、They howl most often at noon. ─── 牠们最常在中午发出吼叫。

37、To express or utter with a howl. ─── 哀号,吼叫吼叫着说出,发出

38、Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. ─── 与狼相结交,就会学狼嚎。

39、His stories caused howls of laughter. ─── 他的故事引起阵阵大笑。

40、Did the little doggies just howl? ─── 刚才有小狗在乱叫么?

41、Some American congressmen greeted the news with howls of protest, though not those from Alabama, where the tanker is to be assembled. ─── 此消息引发部分美国国会议员阵阵抗议,然而这些国会议员并非来自阿拉巴马州,因为KC-30空中加油机在本州组装。

42、All the family members were crying with howls of four children which almost surpassed the thunders. God cried together with them. ─── 全家都在哭泣,四个孩子哭声交织在一起,欲与雷声试比高的。老天也在陪他们哭泣着。

43、To howl, wail, or lament loudly. ─── 哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭

44、She was instantly assailed by smoke, flames, and howls of the damned souls, in whose midst she spotted her sister. ─── 只见里面满是烟雾、火苗,还有罪恶灵魂的嚎叫,在火中她还发现了自己的姐姐。

45、Sound recordist for the films, Jamie spends her spare time accumulating an archive of the pack's howls. ─── 作为录音师,杰米的业余时间全都用来收集狼群的叫声。

46、Did you ever hear him howl , Carl? ─── 你听见过他大笑吗,卡尔?

47、He still howls about the expense of printing. ─── 他还在为印刷开支而吼叫。

48、The road panoram, is in the prospect in roadside Peter, a row police vehicle squawk calls the police siren to howl. ─── 公路的全景,在路边的彼得处于前景中,一队警车尖声鸣着警笛呼啸而过。

49、People can hear their howls three miles away. ─── 人们可以在三哩外听到牠们的吼叫声。

50、Therefore Moab will howl for Moab; They all will howl. For the raisin cakes of Kir-hareseth You will mourn, utterly. ─── 7因此,摩押人必为摩押哀号;他们都要哀号。你们摩押人要为吉珥哈列设的葡萄饼哀叹,极其忧伤。

51、Their howls are heartbreakingly beautiful, with an ethereal quality no other tribe can match. ─── 他们的长嚎透出深深忧郁的美丽,那样的空灵无人能比。

52、Her speech was greeted with howls of derision. ─── 她的演讲受到阵阵嘲笑。

53、"Nonsense! I worth much more than that." The dwarf howls stamping his feet angrily. ─── “胡说!我不可能只值那么点!”矮人咆哮着,双腿在空中乱蹬。

54、Hearing a howl, I know I've hit my mark. ─── 听到一声咆哮,我知道我打中了我的标靶.

55、Howler monkeys are named for the long loud cries, or howls, that they make every day. ─── 吼猴名字的由来,是因其每天所发出的大叫声或吼声。

56、It was only after howls of protest about the exorbitant rent to be paid by the taxpayer that he changed his mind. ─── 不过,在纳税人由于不得不为此支付高不可攀的租金而进行了一系列激烈的抗议行动后,克林顿改变了主意。

57、KJV] Howl, ye ships of Tarshish: for your strength is laid waste. ─── [新译]他施的船只啊,要哀号!因为你们的保障已被毁灭了。

58、Piercing Howl - No longer has a prerequisite (Improved Demoralizing Shout). ─── 刺骨吼叫-此天赋将不再需要任何前驱天赋即可学习.

59、They wander about for food and howl if not satisfied. ─── 他们必走来走去,寻找25食物;若不得饱,就终夜在外。

60、The howl of the wolves gave the lonely traveler a feeling of fear. ─── 听到狼群的嚎叫声,那个单身旅行者不由得害怕起来。

61、His suggestion was met with howls of protest. ─── 他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声。

62、Prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day! ─── 你要发预言说,主耶和华如此说,哀哉这日。你们应当哭号。

63、The family dog began to howl along dismally. ─── 他家的宠物狗开始随着一起低沉的叫着。

64、One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy. ─── 一个是在高原上嚎叫,一个是在毛发里游弋。

65、You can grip the club when you hear the wolf howl. ─── 听见狼嚎你可以握紧棍子。

66、I could not ask that this boy be freed and given a chance at life while that mob howls beyond that window. ─── 当那群暴民在那扇窗外大声号叫的时候,我不能要求把这孩子释放出去,自寻生路。

67、I can already hear the howls of execration: now you're claiming that this cooling is the result of warming! ─── 我好像已经听到狂怒的质问:你宣布窗外的寒冷是气候变暖的结果?

68、Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Woe worth the day! ─── 人子阿,你要发预言说,主耶和华如此说,哀哉这日。你们应当哭号。

69、Who keep company with the wolf will learn to howl. ─── 与狼结交,须学狼嗥。

70、HOWL is an Apache component used for transaction logging and recovery. ─── HOWL是一个Apache元件,用于交易日志记录和恢复。

71、For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: for the fierce anger of the LORD is not turned back from us. ─── 因此,你们当腰束麻布,大声哀号,因为耶和华的烈怒没有向我们转消。

72、His suggestion was met with howls of protest. ─── 他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声。

73、A new toll road in Texas, which is being built by a Spanishcompany, raised howls of outrage. ─── 一家西班牙公司正在得克萨斯州修一条收费高速路,引起了社会上的不满。

74、An angry howl from the other side of the door made her jump and her thick raven hair fell into her face. ─── 一声愤怒的嚎叫从门的另一侧传来,吓得她跳起来,乌黑的头发帖在脸上。

75、Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf. ─── 只有这座山长久地存在着,从而能够客观地听取一只狼的嗥叫。

76、English: Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. ─── 中文:位高遭人妒,峰高招风怒。

77、He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. ─── [谚]跟狼在一起,就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。

78、Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often? ─── 吼猴为什麽要吼叫?为了宣示领土。

79、Did you ever hear him howl, Carl? ─── 你听见过他大笑吗,卡尔?

80、The horns howl into the fray, trying in their own turn to convey one of the cadenza's motives. ─── 圆号撕声力竭地咆哮,企图以自己的声音传达华彩乐段的动机。

81、Amy &Howl . If every thing . just for the past. memmory. Runaway . ─── 人名,如果一切,为了过去,记忆,逃跑--这几个英文什么意思啊?

82、Moab is put to shame, for it is shattered. Howl and cry out; Declare in Arnon That Moab is devastated. ─── 20摩押因毁坏蒙羞。你们要哀号呼喊;要在亚嫩报告,说,摩押毁灭了。

83、Needless to say, such candour brought howls of angry indignation from an industry bent on getting back to business as usual. ─── 不用说,这种直率使得一心想让业务回归从前状态的金融业倍感愤怒。

84、A sled dog howls as torchbearer Lukasi Tukkiapik prepares to carry the Olympic Flame on a dogsled in Kuujjauq, Canada, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009. ─── A作为火炬手卢卡斯鲍斯Tukkiapik雪橇的狗叫声准备携带奥运圣火在狗拉雪橇在Kuujjauq,加拿大,星期二,09年11月10日。

85、She began to howl when he walked out of the door. ─── 他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。

86、If a dog is run over by an automobile and seriously hurt, nine out of ten passers-by will stop to laugh at the poor brute's howls. ─── 如果一条狗被汽车严重辗伤,十有八九过路的中国人会停下来对这条可怜的狗的痛嚎感到好笑。

87、They return at evening, they howl like a dog, And go around the city. ─── 到了晚上,任凭他们转回。任凭他们叫号如狗,围城绕行。

88、The baby with the loudest howls is declared the winner by the sumo judge. ─── 哭声最响亮的婴儿被评委宣布为比赛冠军。

89、"If we play a slow song, we may have the DJ howl. Because dogs howl, too, when they hear sad sounds," Anupan said. ─── 他说:“如果放一首慢歌,主持人可能需要嚎叫,因为当小狗们听到悲伤的声音时,它们也会嚎叫。


1. 动词后的宾语从句


lI hope that they take up this challenge. 我希望他们能接受这个挑战.

lMake sure that the door is closed. 确保门是关着的。

lPoint out what you like about them. 指出你喜欢他们的地方。


一般情况下 ,介词后只能用wh-类或how-类的引导词引导的宾语从句( except, but, besides除外)。

lShe is always thinking of how she can make progress.她总想着如何才能取得更大的进步。

lSuccess depends on whether we make enough effort. 成功取决于我们是否做了足够的努力。


常跟that从句作宾语的形容词有: anxious, certain. convinced, gland, surprised, worried.sorry, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, satisfied等.

lI am afraid that I've made a mistake恐怕我犯了错误。

lI'm sure that he will come tomorrow. 我确信他很快就回来。

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