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09-16 投稿



herbalist 发音

英:[ˈɜːrbəlɪstˌˈhɜːrbəlɪst]  美:[ˈhɜːbəlɪst]

英:  美:

herbalist 中文意思翻译



herbalist 常用词组

herbalist doctor ─── n. 中医

herbalist 词性/词形变化,herbalist变形


herbalist 相似词语短语

1、arbalist ─── n.(中世纪的)劲弩

2、cembalist ─── n.羽管键琴演奏者

3、herbalism ─── n.草药医术学

4、cerealist ─── 谷类学家

5、verbalist ─── n.咬文嚼字者;善用词藻者

6、verbalists ─── n.咬文嚼字者;善用词藻者

7、aerialist ─── n.高空杂技演员;空中飞贼

8、herbals ─── n.植物标本集;草本植物(herbal的复数形式)

9、herbalists ─── n.草药医生

herbalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3, herbalist doctors are known to the southerners. ─── 郎中是南方人对医生的尊称。

2、The supress for living became a burden.so he seld fruit, foster chicken,and make an efort of learning being herbalist doctor. ─── 生存的压力对他来说显得格外沉重,他贩过水果,养过鸡,还下工夫学习中医。

3、The Emperor Shen Nung was a herbalist. ─── 神农氏是一位草药医生。

4、Treating acute Gastricism and Enteritis with Herbalist Medicine and Western Medicine in Dog ─── 中西医结合治疗犬急性胃肠炎

5、In 1983 national health survey, 1.9% of people said they had contacted a chiropractor, naturopath, osteopath, acupuncturist or herbalist in the two weeks prior to the survey. ─── 1983年的国家卫生调查显示,1.9%的人在调查前两周接受过脊椎推拿、整骨、理疗、针灸或者草药等传统医药的治疗。

6、His father Yang Molin, the famous herbalist in Northeast China at that time, devoted his whole life to the research and therapy of hematopathy and gained outstanding achievements. ─── 他出身中医世家,其父杨墨林是当时东北三省知名的老中医,以毕生精力从事血液病研究和治疗,取得惊人业绩。

7、Known for the herbalist doctor in the South dialect, from the Five Dynasties Late Tang Dynasty after the flooding caused by rank. ─── 尊称医生为郎中是南方方言,由唐末五代后官衔泛滥所致。

8、8. In some cases, though, supplements prescribed by a qualified naturopath or herbalist may be used safely as an adjunct to standard care, she maintains. ─── 然而,她认为,在某些病例中,由称职的自然疗法医师或草药师开出的营养补给品可以安全地用于辅助规范治疗。收藏指正

9、Media reports said he lived a simple life as a herbalist , but his hair could complicate things. ─── 据媒体报道,陈文海生前是一名采药人,过着简朴的生活,不过他的长发也给他带来了诸多不便。

10、The old herbalist doctor applied ink to his face, saying that it could treat parotitis. ─── 老中医在他的脸上涂上乌金,说是可以治腮炎。

11、My mother wants me to see herbalist. ─── 我的妈妈要我去看中医师。

12、To cultivate Chinese medicine clinical great master,we must thoroughly understand the special law of herbalist doctor growing up and to study the model of succession of teachers of Chinese medicine. ─── 要培养和造就中医临床大家,必须在充分认识中医成才特殊规律的基础上,来研究中医的传承模式。

13、Doctors have the doctor, herbalist, Xinglin, and so another name. ─── 医生还有大夫、郎中、杏林等别称。

14、Mother advised me to see an herbalist. ─── 妈妈要我去看中医师。

15、Curing Bovine Resort Placenta with the Combination of herbalist doctor and Western medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗奶牛胎衣不下的疗效观察

16、Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit is delicious and nutritive which has the function of cure in herbalist literature. ─── 荔枝色、香、味俱佳,营养丰富,中医文献记载其有食疗两用之功效。

17、Subject_Topical_Eng: Chinese Traditional Medicine;Herbalist Doctor;Pharmacopoeia;Patent Medicine;Miracle Drug ─── 中药港;中医;中药;药理药典;秘方验方;食疗药膳;新药特药

18、In some cases, though, supplements prescribed by a qualified naturopath or herbalist may be used safely as an adjunct to standard care, she maintains. ─── 然而,她认为,在某些病例中,由称职的自然疗法医师或草药师开出的营养补给品可以安全地用于辅助规范治疗。

19、Talking about several cases from the aspect of herbalist doctora on improper diagnosis and treatment for dog caught cold ─── 从中医的角度谈几例犬感冒的误诊误治

20、Some people say that my herbalist doctor is just a quack. ─── 有人说我的中医不过是个蒙古大夫。

21、I visited a herbalist who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1985. ─── 我访问了郎中谁被诊断患有甲状腺癌于1985年。

22、Although superficially resembled the handbookofamedieval alchemist or herbalist, the manuscript appeared to be written entirely in code. ─── 这份手稿虽然看来像是中世纪鍊金术士或草药医生的参考书,但似乎完全以密码写成。

23、There was no petrol. Garages were converted into eateries and there wasn't a draper or herbalist who wasn't selling cakes on the side. ─── 因为没有汽油,汽车行全改了吃食店,没有一家绸缎铺或药房不兼卖糕饼。

24、Even though it is still a week before Jay Chou s Still Fantasy , he had brought forward performing a song from the new album, A Herbalist Manual at the Motorola Press Conference In Beijing yesterday. ─── 虽然还有一个礼拜,周杰伦的《依然范特西》才会正式发行,但昨日周董趁代言某手机时提前在北京演唱了新歌《本草纲目》。

25、Effects of Health Education on Inpatients'Mood Hospitalized for The First Time and Treated by Herbalist Doctors ─── 健康教育对中医首次住院患者的情绪影响

26、Herbalist doctors think keeping the balance of body and heart and YinYang unison are the important factors of health. ─── 中医认为,保持身心平衡、阴阳调和是健康的要素。

27、Subject_Topical_Eng: Compleat Botanica;Herbalist;Aromatherapist;Herbal Medicine Practioner;Traditional Medicinal Remedy;Part Used;Therapeutic Action;Precaution;Poisonous Indication;Botanical Name ─── 植物大全;草药医生;芳疗师;草药实践者;传统医学疗法;治疗学家行为;预防;中毒指示;植物学名

28、But in order to get indgredients you need herbs.However you don't HAVE to be a herbalist...you just need to find a herbalist. ─── 你需要草药作为成分,但是并不需要必须成为采药者,仅需找到一个采药者即可。

29、The acute bacillary dysentery mostly is wet heat type according to diagnosis of herbalist doctor.the rules of treatment are primary excreting fever,drainaging wet and detoxication. ─── 作者采用产自陕西、甘肃、宁夏的中草药一老蛇盘,配伍黄柏、白芍、葛根等制成老蛇盘合剂,治疗急性普通型菌痢68例,治疗效果观察,治愈率为91%。

30、herbalist instance ─── 名老中医病例

31、Although it superficially resembled the handbook of a medieval alchemist or herbalist, the manuscript appeared to be written entirely in code. ─── 这份手稿虽然看来像是中世纪?金术士或草药医生的参考书,但似乎完全以密码写成。

32、According to Chinese mythology, in 2737 BC the Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, scholar and herbalist, was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water. ─── 幸运的是,上学期末的选修课表里有个叫个“基于网络的研究性学习”的课,我一下子就被吸引住了。二话不说,我就填了这个,想都没想过以后的事,反正就是我想加固的。

33、The website provides detailed information on renowned herbalist doctors, research organizations and institutes of traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 该网站提供知名的草药医师、中医药研究机构和院校的详细信息。

34、Talking about exam reform for herbalist ─── 中医课程考试改革小议

35、When the Chinese herbalist Li Ching-Yuen died in 1933, newspapers around the world reported the news of his passing. ─── 1933年,中国的草药医生李青云离开了人世,一时之间,世界各地的报纸争相报道了他去世的消息。

36、Chinese herbalist ─── 中医; 中医师

37、Famous old herbalist doctor Professor DENG Tie-tao ─── 名老中医邓铁涛教授

38、However, I sent it as a gift to my senior intern, who is a herbalist doctor, in my birthday, and I guess I must be crazy. ─── 不管怎么样,在我生日的时候,我把它送给了我的实习医生导师,一个中医。

39、Lilhocarpus Polystachys Rehd is a sweet and nonsugar folk drink,which has centuries-old edible history.It can prevent many cardiovascular diseases according to Chinese herbalist. ─── 多穗柯甜茶是一种具有很长食用历史的民间非糖甜味饮品,中医药认为其对多种心血管疾病有预防作用。

40、Around the world, a Master Herbalist may also refer to the use of herbs are as medicinal Botany (a neologism by Dr. ─── 在世界各地, 硕士医药 也可能指的是使用草药的药用植物学(一新词新语的Dr.

41、The herbalist doctor We're ready to help. ─── 郎中医生愿意帮助我们。

42、Herbalist 400 +4 to Alchemy skill. ─── 草药医生400+4炼金技能。

43、For historical reasons the king of Thailand had once ordered the prohibition of herbalist doctors which hit hard on the Chinese traditional medicine and treatment in Thailand. ─── 由于历史的原因泰王一度采取了取缔中医的政策,中医药事业受到了极大的冲击。

44、The real father of the twin babies is someone else rather than the poor herbalist doctor.E.Old people always understand the value of time and work hard. ─── 小陈黑灯瞎火地坐在那里,机房对面就是洗手间,我上去就问小陈:小号多少钱?

45、Experience of diagnosis and treatment of famous herbalist doctors of the time on ance vulgaris ─── 寻常痤疮当代名医辨治经验体会

46、I'd be better off going to see the herbalist at the Great Library! I need a few plants to perfume the water in the washbowl. ─── 我最好去见大图书馆的草药医生!我需要一些植物来让洗脸盆里的水发出香味。

47、A qualified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist should really be able to make a difference. ─── 一个合格的针灸和中医应该能够有所作为。

48、I'm going to the herbalist.Oh, you are going to the herbalist too.So do you have time now?Yes, I do. ─── 在接着断线4次以后,我决定先下手为强,不打给他,而且一直占线,过了30分钟,我受到了一个邮件他提醒我手机一直占线。

49、Subject_Topical_Eng: Herbal Smoking Mixtures; Teacher; Wildcrafter; Herbalist; Botanist; Herbs ─── 草药烟草混合物;教师;草药医生;植物学家;草药;

50、The old herbalist doctor said that common St.Paulswort is needed to make the guiding drug to treat his illness. ─── 老中医说想治他的病必须用豨莶做药引。

51、A Chinese herbalist was sentenced to eight months imprisonment, suspended for three years, for conspiracy to defraud an insurance company of medical reimbursement payments. ─── 一名中医师,串谋向保险公司诈骗医疗赔偿费用,被判入狱八个月,缓刑三年。

52、I am a pure,sonsy,and understanding woman,i love music,do some exericise,and i am very good at herbalist doctor's massage,and i could make clothes by myself. ─── 我是一个朴实无华。性格开朗,通情达理的人,喜爱音乐,喜欢健美锻炼,我擅长中医按摩,会自己做服装。

53、Dr.Harry Elwardt is a Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Certified Nutritional Counselor and a Ph.D. in Health & Nutrition.Dr. ─── 哈理.爱沃德是一名自然疗法医生,专业草药医生,健康&营养教授,被授予营养顾问称号。

54、Ask the herbalist to mix a concoction for you.Herbs come in different grades. ─── 然而,有很多谁不想冒险的副作用和药物相互作用 , 可导致这种疼痛的类型。

55、Changchun Yang Liang Herbalist Hematopathy Hospital, founded in 1980, is a hospital curing various blood diseases with Chinese traditional medicines completely. ─── 长春市杨良中医血液病医院成立于1980年,是一家完全以中药治疗各种血液疾病的医院。

56、This product adduction ancientry palace foster face secret, combine modem times herbalist doctor exoterica, as wel as manifold herbal medicine extraction distillate make with extra care. ─── 本品引用古代宫延养颜秘方,结合现代中医理论,以多种中华草药萃取精华精制而成。

57、Herbalist Medicine ─── 中医

58、A roast pig usually hung from a ceiling, and there was a resident herbalist. ─── 天花板上经常悬挂着一头烤猪,店里还有一位常驻草药师。

59、The herbalist is of the opinion that the poor function of the liver (called the outburst of inner fire in the circle of herbalism) may also lead to a nightmare. ─── 4做了亏心时或者精神长期受到压抑,人的精神处于极度的紧张,这也会造成恶梦。

60、To cultivate Chinese medicine clinical great master, we must thoroughly understand the special law of herbalist doctor growing up and to study the model of succession of teachers of Chinese medicine. ─── 摘要要培养和造就中医临床大家,必须在充分认识中医成才特殊规律的基础上,来研究中医的传承模式。

61、institutionally stop "financial land" "'ve CMP herbalist before fever brought cold medicine. ─── 从制度上杜绝“土地财政”“没学过中医的郎中,才会发烧都给感冒药。”

62、Good morning/afternoon/eening, sir. There are massages of herbalist doctor. ─── 您好,先生。我们这里有中医按摩.

63、I've used this product since 1995 when my 2 year old had a sinus infection. It was recommended by an herbalist. ─── 1995年时我两岁的孩子有鼻窦感染我给他用这个产品,它是由一位草药医生推荐的。

64、Samples of Herbalist Therapeutics in Menopause Syndrome ─── 更年期综合征的中医辨证疗法举隅

65、I went to see doctors here and there, including the herbalist, the Taoist priest, Buddhist and so on. ─── 所以东寻西找的,包括中医的医生啊,包括一些道士啊、和尚啊,都接触,接触比较多、比较杂。”

66、Going by the first recipe, which requires Peacebloom, they'll rely on the herbalist gathering profession. ─── 最初的技能需要用到宁神花,相信它会和采花有关联。

67、Which one would you prefer? Male herbalist Doctor or Female herbalist Doctor? ─── 你需要男中医还是女中医技师呢?

68、He has been told by the Chinese herbalist that our parish would soon be moving into a new church building and may need his service. ─── 艾神父从医生那里得知,在烈治文山的华人社区里,有很多中国教友,但是非常缺乏神职人员,这立时勾起他的怜悯心,意欲服事天主的中国子民。

69、Old herbalist doctor Yang You-he's experience to cure the illness in stomach and intestine ─── 杨友鹤老中医胃肠病治疗经验

70、If I sneeze or have a bad cough, I usually consult the herbalist. ─── 假如我打喷嚏或咳嗽得厉害,我通常求诊于草药医生。

71、A System of intelligent herbalist expert diagnosing ─── 一个智能化的中医专家诊断系统

72、There was no petrol.Garages were converted into eateries and there wasn't a draper or herbalist who wasn't selling cakes on the side. ─── 因为没有汽油,汽车行全改了吃食店,没有一家绸缎铺或药房不兼卖糕饼。

73、Subject_Topical_Eng: Chinese Traditional Medicine;Biology Project;Biology Pharmacy;Herbalist Doctor;Chinese Traditional Medicine Combine Western Medicine;Clinic Study ─── 中药;生物工程;生物制药;中医;中西医结合;临床研究

74、herbalist doctor ─── n. 中医

75、Shodu was a skilled herbalist, able to concoct helpful medicine from local plant life to treat common ailments. ─── 肖杜是一位出色的草药医生,能用当地植物调制良药,医治普通小病。

76、Rubus parvifolius L.is Chinese traditional folk medicine,which has multi-pharmacological effect according to Chinese herbalist. ─── 茅莓是一味传统民间中药,民间中医实践认为,该中药具有抗菌消炎,止血活血双向调节等多种药理作用。

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