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09-15 投稿



heartbreak 发音

英:[ˈhɑːrtbreɪk]  美:[ˈhɑːtbreɪk]

英:  美:

heartbreak 中文意思翻译



heartbreak 词性/词形变化,heartbreak变形


heartbreak 短语词组

1、the heartbreak kid ─── 心碎的孩子

2、dream heartbreak ─── 梦见心碎

3、heartbreak house ─── 心碎屋

4、heartbreak anniversary lyrics ─── 心碎周年纪念歌词

5、heartbreak road ─── 心碎之路

6、bring on the heartbreak ─── 让人心碎

7、new heartbreak ─── 新的心碎

8、the heartbreak prince ─── 心碎的王子

9、how can i love the heartbreak ─── 我怎能爱这心碎

10、heartbreak hotelmv ─── 心碎酒店

11、after the heartbreak ─── 心碎之后

12、have my share of heartbreak ─── 有我那份心碎

13、my share of heartbreak ─── 我那份心碎

14、contend with heartbreak ─── 与心碎抗争

15、heartbreak anniversary ─── 心碎周年纪念日

16、heartbreak hotel ─── 心碎酒店

17、biography of heartbreak ─── 心碎传记

18、heartbreak station ─── 伤心车站

19、heartbreak over ─── 因…而碎心(的痛苦)

heartbreak 相似词语短语

1、parbreak ─── 帕尔布雷克

2、heartfree ─── 无心的

3、heartbeat ─── n.心跳;情感

4、heartbreaking ─── adj.令人心碎的;让人心疼的

5、heartbreaker ─── n.薄情者;令人伤心的事物

6、heartbeats ─── n.心跳(heartbeat的复数)

7、heartbreaks ─── n.心碎;伤心事

8、heartbreakers ─── n.薄情者;令人伤心的事物

9、heartbroke ─── 心碎

heartbreak 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、heartbreak over ─── 因 ... 而碎心(的痛苦)

2、Heartbreak is a part of life. ─── 心碎的痛也是生命的一部分。

3、The most aching memory of mine is that U shed tears before me, but I havent known where your most heartbreak of me was. ─── 我最心痛的记忆是你在我面前的流泪,而我在你心里最心痛的呢,我已经不知道了。

4、They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer. ─── 他们因癌症夺去了一个孩子而肝肠寸断。

5、Steven Gerrard has set his Liverpool team-mates the challenge of overcoming their Champions League heartbreak to make sure they are back in the competition next season. ─── 尽管欧冠的比赛让他们伤心,但包子已经为他的利物浦队友们设定了一个目标,那就是下赛季欧冠要卷土重来。

6、As Crawford contended with heartbreak in his private life, his career soared to greater heights. ─── 当克劳福德在他个人私生活上与伤心事搏斗时,他的职业生涯却上升到了更高点。

7、The Taking is a relentless rollercoaster ride; a story of terror, heartbreak and triumph. ─── 《入侵》千回百转,跌宕起伏;是一部关于恐惧、绝望和胜利的小说。

8、He tossed the reins of his horse to a small pickaninny standing near and started up the steps. He had already forgotten Scarlett's heartbreak and his mind was only on plaguing his valet. ─── 他把缰绳扔给站在旁边的一个黑小子,然后大步走上台阶,他已经忘记了思嘉的伤心事,一心想去捉弄他的管家。

9、And if I can't bridge this distance, stop this heartbreak overload. ─── 如果我不能克服和你的距离,请停止折磨我的心。

10、How to cure " is heartbreak dead " is this kind ill? ─── 如何治愈“心碎死”这种病?

11、Neville is one of the most experienced players in the squad and has suffered heartbreak on a number of occasions for his country . ─── 内维尔是球队里经验最丰富的球员之一,他多次为自己的祖国感到遗憾。

12、Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak(Shakespeare. ─── 宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤(莎士比亚)。

13、Sitting with them in their home years later, I was overwhelmed by their heartbreak. ─── 多 年 后 我 坐 在 他 们 的 家 中 , 被 他 们 伤 心 欲 绝 的 样 子 深 深 地 震 撼 着 。

14、Sitting with them in their home years later, I was overwhelmed by their heartbreak . ─── 多年后我坐在他们的家中,被他们伤心欲绝的样子深深地震撼着。

15、Room at the Heartbreak Hotel ─── 悲伤旅馆的房间

16、You have to understand that there's always going to be some heartbreak in breaking up. ─── 你要明白分手总是会带来一些悲痛的。

17、The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair ─── 我的事业充满机遇和风险

18、Yet it expresses a truth which our forefathers knew, one we have forgotten----and our descendants must learn again, in heartbreak and loneliness. ─── 但我们的后代则必须了解这个事实,尽管他们会感到形单影只,心痛欲碎。

19、We have seen plenty of great first halves that led to heartbreak. ─── 我们看到了太多的伟大的上半场比赛,然后是一个令人心碎的溃败。

20、Don't make apologies because such this heartbreak I will pull through and this bit sort of sorrow matters me not too much ─── 你别说对不起心碎没多了不起这点痛谁会放在眼里

21、He writes songs about subjects people can relate to: Hard luck, hard work, and heartbreak. ─── 他创作的主题是能引起人们共鸣的比如好运、奋斗和伤心等。

22、Sad it is what feeling, aching it is what feeling. What feeling is heartbreak? ─── 伤心是什么感觉,心痛是什么感觉.心碎是什么感觉?

23、Still, he he said a "tough, hard campaign" lies ahead in Afghanistan, "with its share of setbacks and heartbreak. " ─── 不过盖茨也表示,他们在阿富汗仍然面临“一场艰难的硬仗”,“会伴有挫折和悲伤”。

24、Little was heard by us in the upper regions of the considerable ruckus(and surely the heartbreak)being endured some floors below(Brendan Gill) ─── 几层以下可忍受的相当大的喧闹(一定也有心碎),我们住在上面几层的几乎听不到(布伦丹·吉尔)

25、The new series promises an exhilarating mixture of adventure, heartbreak, humour and surprise and pushes the team's resolve and friendships as never before. ─── 新一季将混合了冒险,刺激,幽默,惊喜,同时小组解决问题及之间的友谊都是过去不曾有过的。

26、During this time, she latches on to the few people who bother to care about her, but with each heartbreak and each physical trauma, Astrid learns to become more and more independent. ─── 在这段时光里,她也得到了若干个人的关心,但无不是以身心重创收场。因此,阿斯特里德学着一步步走向独立。

27、Poco - Sea of Heartbreak ─── 伤心的海

28、Moreover, besides saving all the blood and treasure we then lavished, we would have prevented the heartbreak of many women, the dissolution of many homes; ─── 尤有甚者,非但能省却当时流的血、花的钱,让多少妇女免于丧子丧夫之痛、家破人亡之苦;

29、The thrill of risk is like heartbreak to one who has not loved and lost; to the uninitiated, reading about it does not really give you the idea. ─── 对从未爱过或者没有经历过的人,这种冒险的刺激像心碎的感觉。

30、“Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak” (Shakespeare). ─── “宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤”(莎士比亚)

31、The challenge is not how to survive heartbreak but to learn from them. ─── 你面临的挑战不是如何从心碎中解脱出来,而是如何从中吸取教训。

32、4.“Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak” (Shakespeare). ─── “宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤”(莎士比亚)。

33、For many of those freezing at stations, that would add heartbreak to acute physical discomfort. ─── 政府已建议返乡人员今年放弃回家过年,但对那些在车站中饥寒交迫地等待的人来说,这无疑是雪上加霜。

34、Gonna stay at heartbreak hotel. ─── 一次伤心的驻留。

35、The Bible does not deny that there is much heartbreak;nor does it forbid us a sad face as though tears were a betrayal of faith. ─── 圣经并不否认有令人心碎的事情,它也没有禁止我们挂上一副忧伤的面孔,好像流泪就是对信心的背叛。

36、Of course there are thousands more stories of heartbreak. ─── 当然还有成千上万令人心碎的故事。

37、"Little was heard by us in the upper regions of the considerable ruckus (and surely the heartbreak) being endured some floors below" (Brendan Gill) ─── “几层以下可忍受的相当大的喧闹(一定也有心碎),我们住在上面几层的几乎听不到”(布伦丹·吉尔)

38、They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer. ─── 他们因癌症夺去了一个孩子而肝肠寸断。

39、Not the feeling of venture heartbreak, not once begin, also won't such sadness? ─── 不敢尝试心碎的感觉,没有曾经的开始,也不会这样悲伤?

40、Getting so close is a tribute to an undermanned ballclub. Falling short was another heartbreak. ─── 对于人力如此不足的球队可以如此接近首位已经算是难能可贵;但功亏一篑更令人心碎。

41、The loneliness, the heartbreak, the sacrifice you'll face as a woman with a dream on her own. ─── 孤独、心碎以及牺牲,这是有梦想的女人今后必将面对的。——《美国恐怖故事》

42、Sometimes i feel my heartbreak ─── 有时我感到心碎

43、Fission causes separation and division in the human dream causing some to flow with the group and some to fall out of the group leading to rejection or heartbreak. ─── 核裂变在人类之舞中造成了隔绝与分离,让有些人和团队在一起,而另有一些人则被团队赶走而带来了排斥或心碎。

44、When they looked into her young face and saw there the inflexible loyalty to the old days, they could forget, for a moment, the traitors within their own class who were causing fury, fear and heartbreak. ─── 人们对媚兰那年轻的脸上可以看出,她对过去的一切是忠贞不渝的。 这使人们会暂时忘记自己一伙人中那些使人愤怒、害怕、心碎的败类。

45、"Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, just like when you get sick," CEO Miki Hiradate said. ─── 姬会社的员工每年还可享受两个上午的“购物假”,在此期间员工可去商场抢购打折商品。

46、Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreak but to learn from them. ─── 心碎,只要你愿意,会持续许久;伤口,只要你允许会越来越深。你面临的挑战不是如何从心碎中解脱出来,而是如何从中吸取教训。

47、Jennifer, we're sorry you're experiencing the heartbreak of psoriasis but it sounds like you've found a good treatment program. ─── 詹妮弗,对于你的令人烦恼的牛皮癣,我们表示很遗憾。不过我们为你找到了一个很好的治疗方案。

48、Neville is one of the most experienced players in the squad and has suffered heartbreak on a number of occasions for his country. ─── 内维尔是球队里经验最丰富的球员之一,他多次为自己的祖国感到遗憾。

49、The heartbreak of defeat in the Stadium of Light served to reignite United's attacking prowess, and they have plundered 60 goals in the proceeding 27 games, at an average of 2.2 goals per game. ─── 在光明球场的另人心碎的失利重燃了曼联的进攻之火,在接下来的27场比赛中,他们狂灌了60球,场均2.2个进球.

50、You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. ─── 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及被深爱的人抛弃。

51、My chin quivered with a mixture of heartbreak and rage. ─── 我的下巴因心碎和愤怒交杂在一起而颤抖个不停。

52、Footprints Through The Snow is an elegant and sweet natured album that takes a Conor Oberst / Elliott Smith drift through tales of heartbreak and poignantly hopeful woe. ─── [b]专辑介绍:[/b]这个乐队我也是第一次听,首先是被专辑的封面吸引。一听就喜欢上了,充满了迷人、悦耳的曲调,简单和松弛的歌曲风格。

53、Ellis Island became known as Heartbreak Island among immigrants. ─── 埃利斯岛在移民中以伤心岛著称。

54、As usual in the very young, she marveled that people could be so selfishly oblivious to her pain and the world rock along just the same, in spite of her heartbreak. ─── 像小时候惯常有过的那样,她奇怪人们居然会那样自私,毫不理睬她的痛苦,而且不管她多么伤心,地球仍照样安安稳稳地转动。

55、.fresk."She sighed,knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreak. ─── “她叹气了,知道他的生活是不尽的伤心欲绝。

56、I wore sunglasses and played Heartbreak Hotel and God Bless the Child on my sax. ─── 我戴着太阳镜,用萨克斯管吹奏《伤心旅馆》和《上帝保佑孩子》。

57、10.At 20, when dispointed in love, he drank the wine to mitigate the heartbreak and harped on it to everyone. ─── 10.20岁失恋了,要喝酒要痛苦,要长篇大论,要对每个人倾诉。

58、Such heartening news will, of course, offer little consolation to the thousands of fortysomething women who face the agony and heartbreak of discovering they may have left it too late. ─── 如此的消息令人鼓舞,给成千上万四十岁左右的妇女带来了不小的安慰,她们原以为自己生育已经太晚而苦恼心碎。

59、P> You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love. ─── 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及你深爱的人的抛弃。

60、All the town was drifting toward the graveyard. Tom's heartbreak vanished and he joined the procession, not because he would not a thousand times rather go anywhere else, but because an awful, unaccountable fascination drew him on. ─── 全镇的人潮水般涌向坟地,汤姆突然不伤心了,也跟在后面。 实际上,他很想到别的地方去,但是却被一种可怕的、不可言状的魔力吸引到这里。

61、Little was heard by us in the upper regions of the considerable ruckus (and surely the heartbreak) being endured some floors below(Brendan Gill) ─── 几层以下可忍受的相当大的喧闹(一定也有心碎),我们住在上面几层的几乎听不到(布伦丹 吉尔)

62、When you lose a patient, particularly when the patient dies at your own hand, the heartbreak mixes with unbearable guilt. ─── 当你失去耐心,尤其是当病人逝世自己另一方面,混合在一起,无法忍受的伤心内疚。

63、And anyone who has ever lost a pet knows the pain of heartbreak. ─── 丧失宠物的人也都知道那种酸楚和心痛。

64、Heartbreak House ─── 伤心之家

65、The way I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair. ─── 我选择的道路充满机遇,也有辛酸与绝望.

66、Might have to move the honeymoon suite To the heartbreak hotel. Wait. Wait. What was she talking about? ─── 可能需要把蜜月套间移至,心碎旅馆了。等等,他说什么?。

67、"Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak" (Shakespeare). ─── “宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤” (莎士比亚)。

68、What medicine can treat heartbreak? ─── 什么药可以治心碎?

69、So keep in heartbreak hotel ─── 你将永远被困在这里

70、Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartBreak ─── 宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤

71、This is what happens when you look back to happiness, this pain, this heartbreak, this discontent." ─── 当你回顾过去的幸福时,便会发生这样的情况,这样的痛苦,这样的伤心,这样的遗憾!"

72、I don't wanna have just another heartbreak ─── 我不想要再心碎一次

73、Despite these shared propensities16,people who hope they can create a duplicate of,say,a lost child may be setting up that clone for heartbreak. ─── 尽管孪生人有种种相近或相同的习性,但是,要是你希望克隆--比方说--一个失去的孩子的话,你可能是自找心碎。

74、Sad it is what feeling, aching it is what feeling, heartbreak what feeling is? ─── 伤心是什么感觉,心痛是什么感觉,心碎了是什么感觉?

75、I am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have never known hardship or heartbreak. ─── 我不至于愚蠢到设想/认为你们因为年轻就不知道困难或者伤心。

76、The road I have chosen is laden with opportunity, yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair. ─── 我选择的道路充满机遇,也有辛酸和绝望。

77、I thought his best line was saying I would use Elvis economics to take America to Heartbreak Hotel. ─── 我认为他最妙的言语是,我将采用“‘猫王’的经济政策”,把美国带向“伤心旅馆”。

78、The Heartbreak Kid> BD. ───

79、I was heartbreak for the mistaken years ─── 我为错过的岁月感到心痛

80、More Die of Heartbreak ─── 更多的人死于心碎

81、Who is of so little faith that in a moment of great disaster or heartbreak has not called to his god? ─── 即使没有信仰的人,遇到灾难的时候,不是也呼求神的保佑吗?

82、And then afterwards he said to me, it will always be difficult, but if you cry like this every time, you will die of heartbreak. ─── 哭完了他对我说,这确实很难,你每次都像哭的话,你会因心碎而死。有时候知道难就够了。

83、Ricky is said to like nothing better than relaxing wearing his specs and slippers and cuddling up to Jennifer at their home, named Heartbreak Hotel in a tribute to Elvis. ─── 为了表示对猫王的敬意,他们把自己的住宅命名为“心碎旅馆”(猫王的歌名)。据说哈顿最喜欢随意地戴副眼镜、蹬双拖鞋,和珍妮弗一起依偎在家中。

84、Coming Together, Coming Apart: A Memoir of Heartbreak and Promise in Israel ─── 合久必分:以色列回忆录

85、And hope its global tour will offer people the chance to overcome the pain of heartbreak through art. ─── 他们希望这一全球巡回展能通过艺术抚平失恋人士内心的痛苦。

86、I desertion my feeling, with cowardly those who escape heartbreak, do I return activity of qualified sex heart? ─── 我把自己的感情丢掉,用懦弱逃避心碎的,我还有资格做爱心活动吗?

87、For stories such as these suggest that some animals may experience joy, love and heartbreak remarkably like our own. ─── 因为这些故事表明有些动物可能体验到和我们人类极其相似的快乐,爱情和悲伤。

88、"'Home is where the heartbreak is,' reads a headline in a Kashmiri newspaper. ─── “‘家乃伤心地’,一份克什米尔报纸的头条是这么一句话。

89、But love = feeling is a false equation that they pick up from the media and the environment in general, leading very often to wrong decisions and heartbreak later on. ─── 但是把爱等同于感觉,这是他们从媒体和一般环境中信手拈来的一个错误的等式,它往往导致错误的决定和随之而来的悲伤。

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