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thoroughfare 发音

英:['θʌrəfeə]  美:['θɝofɛr]

英:  美:

thoroughfare 中文意思翻译



thoroughfare 网络释义

n. 大道,通路

thoroughfare 词性/词形变化,thoroughfare变形

副词: thoroughly |名词: thoroughness |

thoroughfare 短语词组

1、thoroughfare vessel ─── 冲脉

2、no thoroughfare ─── [法] 不准通行

3、thoroughfare channel ─── [医] 末端小动静脉间通路

4、thoroughfare of nine provinces ─── 九省通衢

thoroughfare 习惯用语

1、No thoroughfare! ─── 此路不通! 禁止通行!

thoroughfare 相似词语短语

1、thoroughbred ─── adj.纯种的,纯血的;优秀的,一流的;受过严格训练的;n.纯种马,纯血马;优秀的人,一流的东西;受过严格训练的人

2、throughfare ─── 直通件

3、thoroughfares ─── 大道

4、thoroughwort ─── n.贯叶泽兰

5、thoroughpaced ─── adj.彻底的;十足的

6、thoroughwax ─── 圆形柴胡

7、throughfares ─── 直通车

8、thoroughbrace ─── 拉条皮带

9、thoroughwaxes ─── 圆形柴胡

thoroughfare 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、alexandria's main thoroughfare, Canopic Street, ran east to west along the length of the rectangular city, and other streets branched off it ─── 亚历山大市里的主街道卡罗皮克街从东到西横跨这个长方形城市,还有许多小街与之连接。

2、He had a feeling that he had been in this neighbourhood before, and that there was a main thoroughfare not far away. ─── 他觉得他以前曾经来过这一带,不远还有一条大街。

3、Jiujiang is the thoroughfare connecting Yangtze River's north and south. ─── 九江是连接长江南北的要道。

4、"For GuChangAn xianyang ancient crossing" to northwest, southwest of guttural thoroughfare in the geographical position is very important. ─── “咸阳古渡”为古长安通往西北西南的咽喉要道,处于十分重要的地理位置。

5、Historically, this is trough Wan Ming and Qing period thoroughfare, Changde, Tianjin center. ─── 历史上,明清时期这里是槽运要道,是承德、天津的集散地。

6、In her indifferent wandering she turned into Jackson Street, not far from the river, and was keeping her way along the south side of that imposing thoroughfare , ─── 就在她心不在焉的闲逛中,她转弯拐进了离河不远的杰克生大街。她沿着这条庄严漂亮的大街南侧往前走着,这时一张钉在门上的招贴引起了她的注意。

7、damaged Thoroughfare and Conception Vessels ─── 冲任损伤

8、a public thoroughfare, usually paved in a village , town, or city, including the sidewalk or sidewalks. ─── 乡村,小镇或城市中的公共通道,通常经过铺设,并包含一条或多条人行道.

9、A female motorist came t_______ merrily down the wrong lane of a crowded thoroughfare and ran s____ into Mr.Jordan's brand-new convertible. ─── 一位女性开车者,愉快地不断嘟嘟按喇叭,驶下拥挤的大道,在一线错误的车道里,而迎头撞进乔丹先生那崭新的敞篷车。

10、the paved surface of a thoroughfare. ─── 大道上铺了石块的路面。

11、In the hope that the new and old customers to Yifeng Lantern brand image, seeking truth from facts, excellence, stability take a commercial thoroughfare, to work together in glory. ─── 在此希望新老客户重视亿丰彩灯品牌形象,事实求是,精益求精,稳走商业大道,携手共创辉煌。

12、the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks; the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel. ─── 在人行路之间的通道;交通车辆行驶的那一部分通道。

13、hernia involving thoroughfare vessel ─── 冲疝

14、Professor Gauderman of the University of Southern California Medical School co-authored a study of children who live within 500 meters of a busy thoroughfare. ─── 南加利福尼亚医学院的教授G.教授对居住在车辆行驶密集道路500米以内的孩子们进行了共同研究。

15、a deep chasm turned into a thoroughfare ─── 天堑变通途

16、The city contains many fine examples of early Australian architecture, including the town hall on King William Street - the wide main N-S thoroughfare. ─── 市区有典型的澳大利亚早期建筑物多处,位于宽阔的南北大道威廉王大街上的市政厅便有其中之一。

17、so that, quiet and rural as it was, the road that ran along beside the river was a high thoroughfare between two splendid and powerful societies. ─── 因此,虽然这儿本是个幽静而又偏僻的地方,但这条沿河蜿蜒的公路却成了交通要冲,连接着两个强盛繁华的社会。

18、A broad thoroughfare. ─── 宽阔的大道

19、Perhaps all the good hearts in the world long to build a smooth thoroughfare by expanding the way and eliminating the dangerous twists and tums. Perhaps the project has begun already. ─── 也许所有善良的心,都想营造平坦的大道,拓直险恶的弯路,也许工程已经启动。

20、A major thoroughfare across Manhattan, Fifth Avenue is a traditional venue to host the various parades each year that reflect New York's cultural diversity and multicultural values. ─── 作为一条穿越曼哈顿的主要街道,第五大道是一个每年都举办各式游行的传统地点,这些游行折射出了纽约的文化多样性及多元文化价值观。

21、At the Majidu of area center, millenarian the thoroughfare that coming is thing square connection all the time. ─── 处在地区中心的马其顿,一千年来一直是东西方联系的要道。

22、south depends on Hanyi railroad ,Yihuang High speed nearly in ruler ten inches;north place Hanjiang , Hanjiang River bridge penetration north and south thoroughfare; ─── 南依汉宜铁路,宜黄高速近在尺咫,座北汉江,汉江大桥贯穿南北通途;

23、Vital Channel;Thoroughfare Vessel, TV ─── 冲脉

24、adversely ascending qi of thoroughfare vessel ─── 冲气

25、Don't be panic, open 3 organizations of in front can immediately open thoroughfare one by one. ─── 不要慌,将面前的3个机关一一打开即可打开通路。

26、A main way or thoroughfare, as distinguished from a lane, alley, or the like. ─── 主要道路或通道,区别于巷子、胡同或其它类似的过道。

27、Along Shahrah-e-Faisal, the main thoroughfare, shop-fronts were smashed and set ablaze. ─── 在市区主街道撒哈拉-法赛,沿途尽是路边商店遭劫后被人纵火焚烧的场景。

28、Then, down the crowded thoroughfare comes the University of Cambridge's most distinctive vehicle, bearing its most distinguished citizen. ─── 剑桥大学最与众不同的交通工具承载着他杰出的市民穿过拥挤的大道.

29、More than a dozen women and one man smashed a glass door and raced into Procter and Gamble's offices on Shanghai's main thoroughfare, Central Huaihai Road. ─── 十来位女性和一位男性撞碎了宝洁公司办事处的玻璃门,并闯入办事处内。这一办事处位于上海主干道淮海中路。

30、A passage, roadway, or bridge that crosses above another roadway or thoroughfare. ─── 上跨路,上跨桥,天桥横跨在另一车道或大道之上的通道、车道或桥梁

31、No thoroughfare for vehicles.; Close to traffic. ─── 禁止车辆通行。

32、LONDON, March 26 :Each battered high-rise becomes a sniper's aerie, each deserted thoroughfare an ambush zone. ─── 伦敦,3月26日:每座残破的建筑都成为狙击手的藏身之所,每条废弃的街道都是展开伏击的战场。

33、They were attracted by Wu Liangxing's personal fascination in his endeavor for business, and determined to join Zomax, to explore a golden thoroughfare in the auto transmission field. ─── 他们被吴良行创业的魄力和人格魅力所吸引,决心加盟中马,在汽车变速器领域开辟出一条金光大道。

34、Road under repair. No thoroughfare. ─── 路面,禁止车辆来往。

35、Your kitchen should not be a main thoroughfare to the rest of your home. ─── 你不应厨房的主要通道,你回家休息.

36、thoroughfare vessel disease ─── 冲脉病

37、Company operating highway as within the coastal Fujian Province, a major thoroughfare, bear a greater share of the transport task. ─── 公司运营的高速公路作为福建省内的沿海大通道,承担了大部分交通运输任务。

38、The Application of Large Sand Bag in Caofeidian thoroughfare Road Bed Engineering ─── 大型充砂袋在曹妃甸通路路基工程中的应用

39、A public thoroughfare, usually paved in a village, town, or city, including the sidewalk or sidewalks. ─── 乡村、小镇或城市中的公共通道,通常经过铺设,并包含一条或多条人行道。

40、Take constructing or purchasing a high-quality healthy merchandise sale thoroughfare as an aim. ─── 以建构一个优质的健康商品销售通路为宗旨。

41、We still feel the effects today: The momentum unloosed in 1909 led to the Lincoln Memorial, opened in 1922, and the Lincoln Highway, the first paved transcontinental thoroughfare. ─── 时至今日,我们仍能感受到当年的影响:1909年的发展势头催生了林肯纪念堂,于1922年开放,以及第一条横贯大陆的林肯高速公路。

42、Can finished product big spare parts supply, the benefit is at the thoroughfare company integration wholesale, combination match, decline low cost; ─── 可成品大散件供应,利于通路商集成批发,组合搭配,降低成本;

43、A bridge will fly to span the north and south, turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare. ─── 一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途

44、Don't park your car on a busy thoroughfare . ─── 不要把你的车停在繁忙的大街上。

45、In the former thoroughfare businessmen and travellers were making for comfortable hotels. ─── 在百老汇大街上,商人和旅客都朝舒适的旅馆赶去。

46、The one breath is throughout blunt, otherwise thoroughfare would a cut a ground to break. ─── 一口气冲到底,否则通路会一截一截地断掉。

47、It was dug in the fifth century B.C. and repeatedly extended and dredged, becoming a major thoroughfare for water transport in subsequent dynasties. ─── 它开凿于公元十五世纪,后成为历代漕运的要道。

48、Keywords Patient of low blood capacity shock vein thoroughfare; ─── 低血容量休克病人;静脉通路;

49、Walking along the cobble-stoned thoroughfare and observing the brightly burning lamps in the stores and wine shops that lined the way, they shook off the depression their meeting with Mei had engendered. ─── 他们走在街心,踏着石板路,看着两旁灯烛辉煌的店铺和酒馆,觉得心里轻松许多,刚才的事情好像只是一个凄楚的梦。

50、no thoroughfare ─── 不通行禁止通过

51、For centuries, the danube was the greatest route in europe.It transported foods and people, creating a dreamlike natural thoroughfare. ─── 几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的通路。

52、thoroughfare vessel attacking heart ─── 冲气犯心

53、Ledra Street, a thoroughfare in the heart of Nicosia had become a potent symbol of Cyprus's ethnic partition. ─── 尼科西亚市中心地带的莱德拉大道一直是塞浦路斯种族分离的有力象征。

54、I saw a school of Tibetan Antelopes running across the thoroughfare which is underneath Qinghai-Tibet Railway when I had a business travel last weekend. ─── 上个周末我出差的时候我看见一群藏羚羊穿越青藏铁路底下的通道.

55、The city serves as the gateway to China's hinterlands and is nicknamed the "thoroughfare to nine provinces". ─── 它还是直通中国内地的关口,享有“九省通道”的美称。

56、the part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks; the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel. ─── 在人行路之间的通道;交通车辆行驶的那一部分通道。

57、Someone were initially accepted as fostering candidates but later were not kept in the thoroughfare of rapid development and training. ─── 一些人初期被接受为培养人选,但后来没有被继续保留在快速发展培养的通道上。

58、The scientist Clayton Rugh has this laboratory on a major thoroughfare in the Ford Rouge Plant. ─── 在工程之外的理解也愈来愈深,主要关乎文化和环保重要性的问题。

59、Environmental Geological Problems and the Prevention for Shanghai Changming Thoroughfare Engineering Across the Changjiang River ─── 上海崇明越江通道工程环境地质问题及其防治

60、A Thoroughfare Straight to Heaven--On Lai Shaoqi's Late-life Landscape Paintings and the Significance of His "Bingyin Reform" ─── 大道通天--评赖少其晚年的山水画及"丙寅变法"的历史意义

61、As a main artery of water transportation, the Grand Canal provides the enterprises along its banks with the convenience of transportation, water supply and drainage becoming a thoroughfare of life for the development of the enterprises. ─── 大运河作为一条水运大动脉,为沿岸企业提供了运输和给排水之便,成为企业发展的生命通道。

62、As a great developing county,green barriers bring more realistic threats to China,which should respond positively by impelling domestic industry to develop green manufacture so as to change the barrier into a thoroughfare. ─── 对中国这样一个发展中大国而言 ,绿色壁垒问题具有更加现实的威胁。 因此必须积极应对 ,趋利避害 ,推动国内产业实施绿色生产 ,方能化壁垒为通途。

63、a wide street or thoroughfare. ─── 一种宽广的街道或大路。

64、A big development project will open up 15 hectares of riverfront landscape, between Suzhou Creek and Shiliupu Pier, by narrowing the main thoroughfare, Zhongshan No 1 Road, from ten to four lanes. ─── 一项大规模开发计划将把主干道中山东一路从十股道压缩为四股道,从而在苏州河与十六铺码头之间开辟一片占地15公顷的临江观景区。

65、cold and deficiency of thoroughfare and conception vessels ─── 冲任虚寒

66、deep-sited part of thoroughfare vessel ─── 伏冲

67、Do not park your car on a busy thoroughfare. ─── 不要将车停在繁忙的大街上。

68、Ledra Street, a thoroughfare in the heart of Nicosia had become a potent symbol of Cyprus's ethnic partition. ─── 尼科西亚市中心地带的莱德拉大道一直是塞浦路斯种族分离的有力象征。

69、avenue;high street;thoroughfare ─── 大街

70、Address: Nanshan Commercial and Cultural Centre, Nanyou Thoroughfare, Nanshan District ─── 南山区南油大道

71、In the depth of velar, fat acid can enter automaticity acyl to change the thoroughfare of action. ─── 在膜的深处,脂酸能进入自动性酰化作用的通途。

72、The reconsideration of establishing the economy thoroughfare for the metropolises of GUANGXI on the grounds of 'the corridor economy' ─── 基于通道经济下的广西中心城市经济走廊构建反思

73、thoroughfare to the sea ─── 出海通道

74、Its back chinese mainland, it is two old economic system most the osculatory dot of press close to, it is China and the main thoroughfare that western nation posture contacts. ─── 它背靠中国大陆,是两大经济体系最贴近的接触点,是中国与西方国家相联系的重要通道。

75、Disharmony of thoroughfare and Ren channels ─── 冲任失调

76、The part of a thoroughfare between the sidewalks,the part of the thoroughfare on which vehicles travel. ─── 在人行路之间的通道,交通车辆行驶的那一部分通道。

77、Historical reason causes assist of bright phearl of difficult and heavy Hanjiang to fence, it is thoroughfare of our country terraqueous traffic since ancient times. ─── 历史原因造成困难重重汉江明珠襄樊,自古就是我国水陆交通要道。

78、Mammary hyperplasia is in close relation with organs, meridian, qi and blood.Its treatment concentrates on liver, kidneys, spleen, conception and thoroughfare vessels as well as local foci. ─── 乳腺增生病属中医“乳癖”、“乳中结核”范畴,与脏腑、经络、气血关系甚密,治疗应从肝、脾、肾与冲任入手,并需重视局部辨治。

79、One of the other tourist attractions, a historical clock tower, divides the two districts along the Southern thoroughfare. ─── 另一处受旅客喜爱的景点之一,具历史性的钟塔楼,沿著南方的大街道将当地划分成两块区域。

80、It is a thoroughfare or, to put it better, a place for the evacuation of knowledge and all the rest. ─── 它是一条康庄大道,说的更好听些,它是一个让知识及类似的东西,可以赖以逃遁躲藏的地方。

81、For example, if your company is located on the corner of a street that is about to be a major thoroughfare, you have a real strength on your hands. ─── 例如如果你的公司所在地的街道角落,即将大通道、你有实力你手中。

82、Avenue Bourguiba, the main thoroughfare in Tunis, is now an all-day debating forum. ─── 突尼斯的主要大街Bourguiba大道现在已经是全天候的辩论论坛。

83、Chongming thoroughfare engineering ─── 崇明越江通道

84、Tong Heung realized circuit, every village access roads, forming a thoroughfare surrounded by the rail, road transport network. ─── 实现了乡乡通油路,村村通公路,形成了四面通衢的铁路、公路运输网。

85、a thoroughfare (usually including sidewalks) that is lined with buildings. ─── 一种两边有建筑物的通道(通常包括步行边路)。

86、deficiency of thoroughfare and conception vessel ─── 冲任不固

87、Theory of Qi Transformation in TCM as the Thoroughfare to Communication and Confluence of TCM and Western Medicine ─── 中医气学说是中西医沟通融汇的坦途

88、She did not know that thoroughfare very well. ─── 她对那条大街并不太熟悉。

89、Walk east along the waterfront then cross back over the main thoroughfare up to the intersection of Fuzhou and Jiangxi Roads. ─── 沿着码头区向东,穿过主街,来到福州路和江西路的路口。

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