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09-14 投稿



isolating 发音

英:[ˈaɪsəleɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈaɪsəleɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

isolating 中文意思翻译




isolating 短语词组

1、isolating culture ─── 隔离文化

2、isolating valve ─── [化] 隔离阀

3、isolating switch ─── [电] 隔离开关

4、isolating diode ─── [电] 隔离二极管

5、isolating cock ─── 隔离旋塞

6、isolating gap ─── [电] 隔离隙

7、isolating capacitor ─── 隔流电容器,级间耦合电容器

8、bituminous (electric) isolating paint ─── [化] 沥青绝缘漆

9、asphalt (electric) isolating paint ─── [化] 沥青绝缘漆

10、carrier-isolating choke coil ─── [电] 载波隔离抗流圈

11、mechanical isolating factor ─── 机械性隔离因素

12、isolating circuit ─── 隔离电路

13、isolating part ─── 隔离部分

14、isolating mechanism ─── 隔离机制

15、isolating amplifier ─── 分隔放大器,缓冲放大器

16、isolating link ─── [电] 隔离开关

17、isolating layer ─── 隔离层

18、automatic isolating valve ─── 自动隔离阀

19、isolating gatedriver ─── 隔离网关驱动程序

isolating 词性/词形变化,isolating变形

动词过去分词: isolated |名词: isolator |动词过去式: isolated |动词现在分词: isolating |动词第三人称单数: isolates |

isolating 常用词组

isolating switch ─── 隔离开关;断路器;切断开关

isolating valve ─── 隔离阀

isolating 相似词语短语

1、isolation ─── n.隔离;孤立;[电]绝缘;[化学]离析

2、implating ─── 暗示

3、insolating ─── vt.使曝晒

4、inflating ─── n.充气;加压;v.膨胀;充气(inflate的ing形式);adj.膨胀的;充气的

5、desolating ─── adj.荒凉的;感到凄凉的

6、isolative ─── adj.好孤立的;成为孤立的;隔离的

7、insulating ─── adj.绝缘的;隔热的;v.使绝缘(insulate的ing形式);隔离

8、solating ─── vi.溶胶化,液化凝胶

9、immolating ─── vt.献祭;牺牲;为供神而宰杀

isolating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In trying to isolate us, they only succeed in isolating themselves. ─── 他们想孤立我们,结果却只孤立了他们自己。

2、These ten Qing scholars believed that knowledge of different fields were inter-connecting to but not isolating from each other. ─── 不同的会理方式,合而成为清代儒学思想中的会通思想。

3、The process of isolating high grade wheat germ oil from wheat germ is important to exploit wheat germ. ─── 从小麦胚提取品位高的小麦胚油是深度开发小麦胚资源的关键。

4、The isolating and purifying conditions of soybean isoflavone from soybean powder were studied by contrast examination. ─── 大豆异黄酮是近年来被广泛关注的保健产品,具有多种生物活性。

5、The North's moves to resume activity at its main nuclear reactor could end up isolating and impoverishing the country even further. ─── 北韩恢复其主要核反应堆的核活动只能导致北韩进一步孤立和贫困。

6、As a anticorrosive driving isolating liquid for apparatus &Instruments. ─── 1仪器仪表的抗腐蚀隔离,传动液。

7、To research the industrial methods of isolating icariin from methanol extract of Herba Epimedii, four separation methods were designed and tested. ─── 以淫羊藿甲醇粗提物为原料,以研究规模化分离提纯淫羊藿苷的方法为目的,研究了4种分离方法的分离效果和可行性。

8、Use two freedom vibration theory,base on impact has instant motion characteristic,use puncher example,study the isolating vibration design of impact base. ─── 应用两自由度振动理论,根据冲击具有瞬态运动的特点,以冲床为例,研究冲击基础的隔振设计。

9、Rather than isolating a specific joint as in most weight lifting, stability exercises focus on working the deep muscles of the entire torso at once. ─── 与像很多举/推重物的练习时,只是特定关节进行运动进而发展相关肌肉力量不同的是,稳定性练习主要发展整体躯干深层肌肉的力量。

10、After isolating the problem, you should have a good idea of whether it is due to a failed Workplace Services Express component, or the failed integration with an external product. ─── 在隔离问题之后,应该已经明确地知道问题是由于失效的Workplace Services Express组件造成的,还是因为与外部产品的集成失败了。

11、The chemical work aimed at isolating radium in the state of the pure salt, and at characterizing it as a new element. ─── 将镭从纯盐状态分离出来,将其定为一种新元素的化学工作主要是由我完成的,但它与我们共同的工作密切相关。

12、Research has shown that isolating ourselves from others might result in depression. ─── 研究表明,与他人隔离,自我孤立可能会导致抑郁症。

13、It is mainly used for sock sole autislip spot mould and for various glove isolating heat ,insulation and prevention spot moulds or coatings. ─── 主要用于各种布料服装印花袜底防滑点塑及各种手套隔热、绝缘及防护的点塑或涂层。

14、A new process for isolating leucine and cystine successively from human hair acid-hydrolysate was proposed. ─── 介绍了一种从人发中连续提取亮氨酸和胱氨酸的新工艺。

15、Future work should include: 1) isolating a large number of cervine microsatellite loci, 2) constructing genetic and physical maps of microsatellite loci. ─── 将来要在以下方面开展工作:1)分离更多的鹿类特异的微卫星位点,2)构建微卫星位点的遗传和物理图谱。

16、and a sealing element and an isolating layer of the piston are directly injected into a whole with a piston steel tyre. ─── 它的密封件与隔离层是直接与活塞钢胎注射为一体。

17、CONTAGIOUS diseases are usually dealt with by isolating the patient, lest he infect anyone else, and then by trying to treat the illness. ─── 一般来讲,得了传染病的病人会被隔离,以免他将病菌传染给他人,然后再想办法对其治疗。

18、But to have my own “built-in happiness” is a challenge. Have you found any good ways to keep yourself emotionally self-sufficient, without isolating yourself? ─── 但是,要拥有我的“内置快乐”是一个挑战。你有没有发现好的方法来保持自己情绪自给自足而又不孤立自己呢?

19、It is a joint venture that producing various voltage class fuse,arrestors,isolating switch and vacuum circui-tbreakers etc. ─── 二十年来,伏尔特人致力“科技为领先,技术为龙头,市场为导向”的经营理念;弘扬“博采众长,精益求精,以人为本”的团队精神;

20、Taiwanese are absolutely against Beijing browbeating,humiliating and isolating the island. They feel Taiwan deserves greater international space and visibility. ─── 人民于北京对台北的恶意打压、羞辱、孤立更是绝对的不以为然,咸认台湾应有更大的国际活动空间与能见度。

21、Its base is founded with a solid stamper with vibration- resisting and isolating robber.So it can stabilize the microphone and reduce vibration noises. ─── 其底座坚硬压模铸造及底部的减震绝缘橡胶,稳定话筒减少震动 噪声。

22、Even with Spitzer's highly sensitive spectrometer, isolating the light coming from a dim planet orbiting in the immediate vicinity of a bright star is a daunting challenge. ─── 即便有“斯必择”高度灵敏的光谱仪,要分离出一个十分靠近明亮恒星的行星暗淡的光也是令人畏惧的挑战。

23、Man's only duty was to be true to himself; and all his introspection, far from isolating him, would bring him out into the great arena of a common truth. ─── 人类唯一的责任是对自己真实,自省非但不会使他孤立,反而会把他带进普遍真理的伟大领域。

24、Makeup series: lipstick, lipgloss, lip moisturing series,eyeshadow,blusher,powder plate,dry&wet powder,liquid fondation,isolating cream, flaw-covering foam ect. ─── 彩妆类:唇膏、唇彩、润唇类、眼影、腮红、粉饼、干湿两用粉、粉底液、隔离霜、遮瑕膏等等。

25、The isolating conditions of the CPP were: pH value of hydrolysate 6.5 and precipitation time 2-4 hours. ─── CPP的沉淀分离条件为:沉淀pH为6.5,沉淀时间2-4小时。

26、His teammates, coach, and teachers at school try their best to get him to reconsider but he is headstrong in isolating himself. ─── 可以说,这是我迄今为止看到的韩国青春片中最深入我心,引发我同感和痛感的一部敏感脆弱的电影。

27、The business layer is only accessible via the business layer interface, isolating the presentation layer from changes in the business layer. ─── 只有经过业务接口,将表现层同业务层的变化隔离出来,业务层才是可访问的。

28、This study investigated methods of isolating, culturing, differentiation and identification of EPCs from rat bone marrow. ─── 实验拟探讨大鼠骨髓来源内皮祖细胞体外培养、诱导扩增和生物学特性鉴定方法。

29、Isolating targeted tumor cells from tumor tissues can increase the efficacy of research targets. ─── 从肿瘤组织中分离目的肿瘤细胞,可提高研究对象的有效性。

30、Relationship means comunicat with other peaple in different level . Nothing could alive in isolation. Attempt of isolating youselft cause youself's throwback and anoyance. ─── 关系意味著与他人在不同层次上的交流,没有什麽可以在隔绝中存活,自我隔绝的尝试导致了其自身的挫折和苦脑。

31、For Iran's men of principle it may be that antagonising the world and isolating Iran are very much part of the point. ─── 对伊朗原则性强的人来讲,他们也许很大程度地希望伊朗去对抗整个世界并让自己孤立无援。

32、They were easier for isolating with 0 4 g/L CMA in warm seasons. ─── 在温暖季节时 ,采用 0 .4 g/ L玉米粉琼脂培养基 (CMA)易于对其进行分离培养

33、Before scientists developed methods to reprogram cells isolating stem cells from people required harvesting them from human embryos an ethically controversial procedure. ─── 在科学家研发出细胞重新编程这一方法之前,干细胞必须从人的胚胎中提取。这种方法引发了有关生物伦理的激烈争论。

34、Supporting by the embedded Linux system,a practical isolating system is implemented,which complies the SCSI interface standard,employs the private secure communicating protocols. ─── 在嵌入式LINUX系统的支持下,遵循SCSI接口标准,设计专有的安全通信协议,实现可实用化的隔离系统。

35、But many scientists are working to circumvent the costly and time-consuming steps of isolating cells from patients and manipulating them in the laboratory for reinjection. ─── 从病患身上分离出细胞,经处理后再注射回病患体内,可是昂贵而冗长的步骤。不过许多科学家正试图克服这些难题。

36、It was the idea of isolating the tactile component of sculpture, and then putting it into a communication system. ─── 为的分离出模型的触感组分,然后将其运用到通信系统中。

37、For enumerating,isolating and cultivating moulds and yeasts of pharmaceuticals and biological products. ─── 供药品和生物制品中霉菌和酵母菌的计数、分离和培养用。

38、Two Polish divisions were pushed back along the western bank of the River Vistula, further isolating the Polish capital. ─── 两个波兰师沿着维斯瓦河的西岸开始撤退,使得波兰首都更加孤立无援。

39、Historically, the role of external pressure tends to be paramount in isolating the dictators and causing divisions within their regimes. ─── 从历史上来看,外部压力在孤立独裁者,导致其政权分裂的方面所起的作用极为重要。

40、Introduction of the Product: The “Sunbonnet” Car Sunbonnet is an advanced UV-proof, isolating and protection upgrading item for car use after the car sun block. ─── 太阳帽牌汽车太阳帽是继汽车太阳挡之后的高级汽车防晒、隔热、防护升级产品。

41、An effective method of isolating and culturing human hepatic stellate cells ZHANG Wen-wei, XU Lie-ming. ─── 分离和提纯;细胞培养,方法;人肝星状细胞

42、The turnaround on isolating Syria is one thing. ─── 孤立叙利亚就是极好的例子。

43、HZ-818 wass selected as the adsorbent for isolating lovastatin from the filtered fermentation broth. ─── 国产HZ-818作为分离纯化洛伐他汀的吸附剂;

44、Workers wear the isolating clothes in the workshop of a electronic product factory in Shanwei of Guangdong, China. ─── 工人们穿着隔离服,漫步在光线诡异的车间。

45、Theoretical analysis and testing research on the characteristics of elasticity and damp of air springs for isolating vibration is described in this paper. ─── 对隔振用空气弹簧弹性特性及阻尼特性进行了理论上的分析和试验研究,并对一些影响空气弹簧特性的因素做了分析。

46、Separation can be achieved in a facility, building, or plant by effectively isolating and sealing off from one another these two types of operations. ─── 可以在某一设施,建筑或工厂,通过有效地分离和加封其它两中类型操作实现分离。

47、In order to avoid being eroded by measured mediums or being affected by denseness and crystal, additional isolating device should be installed. ─── 为了保证仪表不受被测介质侵蚀或粘度太大、结晶的影响,应加装隔离装置;

48、In trying to isolate us, they only succeeded in isolating themselves. ─── 他们想孤立我们,即只孤立了他们自己。

49、Isolating an urban area requires employing joint forces in a manner that isolates or cuts off an enemy force inside an urban area from other enemy forces or allies. ─── 包围一个城市地区要求人员部署中确保了包围或切断了城市中敌人与其盟友或其他敌人的联系。

50、Enclosing the line is an isolating or restricted access barrier system (RABS) that was also customized to a certain degree. ─── 内附线是一个孤立或限制进入屏障系统( rabs ) ,这也是自订到一定程度。

51、The main steps included are :struggle presenting, symptom comforting, deconstruction, obsession isolating, obsession deflating, which separate “ego” and the “obsessions”. ─── 主要步骤包含挣扎呈现、表层舒缓、解构成网、网我分离、缩网为包,将“问题”与“我”的分离;

52、We must put a stop to the wrong preaching and the brainwashing that goes on isolating Muslim women from the rest of the world. ─── 我们必须制止那些继续将穆斯林妇女与周围世界孤立起来的错误说教和洗脑。

53、Krishnamurti: But don't you also see something quite factual and true, that this isolating process of thought with its self-centred activity is a form of suicide? ─── 克:但是你还看到了吗,某些彻底的事实和真相,伴随着自我中心运作的思想的孤立过程即是一种自杀的形式。

54、Vibration isolating theory is adopted as a measure of reducing diesel engine's noise radiation. ─── 介绍了隔振作为柴油机降噪方法的基本原理,描述了该方法实施的基本步骤。

55、For safety reasons, it is highly recommended that the EUT be powered via an isolating transformer. ─── 出于安全原因,强烈推荐通过一个隔离变压器向被试设备供电。

56、To alleviate this, bridging was created to communicate at the data link layer while isolating the physical layer. ─── 为了减轻这个问题,桥接方法被采用,在工工作在物理层的中继器之基础上,桥接工作在数据链路层。

57、Isolating the active monomes from ASLA, identifing their purities,and analyed their structure by NMR and MS. ─── 对所得到的单体化合物进行NMR及MS等结构测定;

58、And far from isolating Britain diplomatically, the vision is shared by another big EU player and aspiring leader of any core: France. ─── 不仅仅只在外交上孤立英国,前景由另一个重要的欧盟玩家,任何集团里的有抱负的领导人决定:法国。

59、Application domains provide a method of isolating your code for purposes of security and performance. ─── 出于安全和性能目的,应用程序域提供了隔离代码的方法。

60、Does supplier have an energy isolation procedure for isolating energy when personnel service or perform maintenance on machines or Equipment? ─── 供应商员工在提供工程服务或维护机器、设备时,是否使用能量隔离程序(挂牌/上锁)?

61、Viewing the subject from this angle, it can be said that the task of isolating radium is the corner-stone of the edifice of the science of radioactivity. ─── 从这一角度来看这个问题,可以说分离镭的工作是放射性学科这一大厦的基石。

62、Within hours rivers began to overflow, flooding entire communities and acres of crops and isolating remote communities, especially indigenous villages. ─── 仅仅数小时的时间,河水便开始泛滥,淹没了社区与农田,造成许多偏远的地区与外界隔绝,原住民社区尤其严重。

63、Avoid large circular "relaxed" motions of the whole arm on each note too; they will have the effect of isolating, not connecting, notes. ─── 也要避免整个手臂在每一个音符上作大的园形"放松"动作;这样弹奏只得使音孤立而不是相互相联。

64、Instead of isolating our Party and other democratic forces, they have isolated the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek ruling clique itself. ─── 它们没有使我党和其他民主势力陷于孤立,反而使蒋介石反动统治集团自己孤立起来。

65、Choice of materials for physically isolating individual trees or groups of trees may be less critical than in the case of flowers. ─── 对单株木和群集木物理隔离材料的选择,也许没对花朵的那么讲究。

66、Milo watched Doris sit down in front of the keyboard. Inside of a minute she began isolating data, separating the wheat from the chaff. ─── 米洛看着多丽丝坐在键盘前,不到一分钟她已经开始剥离数据,试图从中找出有价值的部分。

67、Built-in isolating explosion button and ammeter. ─── 内装隔爆型按钮和增安型电流表。

68、"If you're dealing with these anxieties all on your own it can be very isolating, and can and anxiety. ─── “如果你独自面对这些问题,你会觉得非常孤立无援,会导致抑郁和焦虑情绪。

69、Programmable isolating amplifier for the galvanic isolation, ampli. ─── 可编程隔离放大器。

70、Rubber is found to be a good isolating material. ─── 人们发现橡胶是一种很好的绝缘材料。

71、He introduced the practice of isolating single cells. ─── 他引进了单细胞分离技术。

72、Taiwanese are absolutely against Beijing browbeating, humiliating and isolating the island. They feel Taiwan deserves greater international space and visibility. ─── 人民对於北京对台北的恶意打压、羞辱、孤立更是绝对的不以为然,咸认台湾应有更大的国际活动空间与能见度。

73、The open source Apache Derby database is ideal for completely automating and isolating unit tests, because it offers fast, in-process performance and zero administration. ─── 开放源码的Apache Derby数据库是进行完整的自动和隔离单元测试的理想工具,原因是它提供快速的性能和零维护。

74、By isolating organisms completely from external periodic cues, biologists learned that organisms have internal clocks. ─── 通过将生物体与外部的周期信号完全隔离,生物学家了解到生物体有内部的生物钟。

75、In postzygotic isolating mechanisms mating occur, but the resulting hybrid organism is inviable or sterile. ─── 在合子后隔离机制中,匹配可以进行,但或不产生杂种或杂种不育。

76、High mass resolution spectrometer for isotope seperator on line(ISOL) in(Beijing) radioactive ion-beam facilities(BRIF) project requires mass resolving power of(20 000). ─── 13串列加速器升级工程中的在线同位素分离器(ISOL)高质量分辨谱仪要求20000的质量分辨率。

77、Thedry quick isolating valve can bring about quick j oint and cut off of the valve body withno leakage of liquid. ─── 干式快速切断阀能够实现阀体的快速对接和断开,不存在流体泄漏的现象。

78、The Party will never tolerate such people at the risk of isolating itself from the masses. ─── 党决不能姑息这样的人,而脱离广大的群众。

79、The act of isolating. ─── 分隔分隔的行为

80、Lord of the Flies, the Coral Island, and Robinson Crusoe come from different times, but each of the authors employs the same technique: isolating the hero(es) on an island. ─── 《蝇王》、《珊瑚岛》和《鲁滨孙飘流记》这三部小说出自不同的时代,但作者都将主人公置于孤岛上。

81、It is the trend to realize OCS isolating switches' centralized interlocking monitoring with the development of electrified railway. ─── 实现接触网隔离开关的集中联锁监控是铁路电气化发展趋势。

82、Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts, feelings and memories. ─── 我们的焦虑也可以通过对思想、感情和记忆分别进行考虑来加以控制。

83、Colour filters are not very effective in isolating narrow spectral bands. ─── 一些滤色片不能很有效地分离狭窄的光谱带。

84、In order to look for new antidiabetic compounds, we have improved the method of isolating mangiferin and studied on structure modification of mangiferin. ─── 为了寻找新的抗糖尿病化合物,我们改进了知母中芒果苷的提取分离工艺,并对芒果苷进行了结构修饰研究。

85、China has tried to push Taiwan into diplomatic isol a tion and threatened to attack if the wealthy island declared independence. ─── 如果台湾宣布独立,中国政府必然令台湾陷入孤立状态,并且对台湾发动军事攻击。

86、The isolating procedure and the properties of carrot starch by comparing with the one of commercial cassava starch were studied. ─── 尝试从秘鲁胡萝卜中提取淀粉,并将其理化性质与木薯淀粉进行了比较。

87、Until then, the debris functions as a tourniquet, effectively isolating the pinned body part (the legs more than half the time) from the circulation. ─── 之前,压在被困者身上的重物充当了“止血器”的作用,把受压部位和身体其他部位隔绝(多数情况是腿),阻止血液向全身流通。

88、Officials hae established similar procedures at all of the locations in which they beliee outbreaks hae occurred: isolating the patients and asking infected staff to stay home. ─── 在所有确认感染已经爆发的区域,政府官员已经制定了类似的程序:隔离病人并要求被感染的职员待在家中。

89、Sitting in a cubicle is stupefying and isolating, only intensifying a social need. ─── 在工位上坐着令人麻木、与世隔绝,只会让人更加渴望社交。


isolate英汉翻译vt. 使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘 n. [生物] 隔离种群 vi. 隔离;孤立 adj. 隔离的;孤立的 过去式isolated 过去分词isolated 现在分词isolating 英英释义isolatev.

1. place or set apart \"They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates\" 同义词: insulate

2. obtain in pure form \"The chemist managed to isolate the compound\"

3. set apart from others 同义词: sequester | sequestrate | keep apart | set apart

4. separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them

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