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09-18 投稿


impermanent 发音

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impermanent 中文意思翻译



impermanent 网络释义

adj. 暂时的;非永久的

impermanent 同义词

momentary | transient | ephemeral | passing |slippery | fleeting | evanescent | extemporaneous | temporary | transitory

impermanent 词性/词形变化,impermanent变形

名词: impermanence |

impermanent 反义词


impermanent 短语词组

1、impermanent loss calculator ─── 非永久损失计算器

2、impermanent loss ─── 非永久性损失

3、impermanent are all ─── 无常都是

impermanent 相似词语短语

1、imperilment ─── 威胁

2、nonpermanent ─── adj.不永恒的

3、permanent ─── adj.永久的,永恒的;不变的;n.烫发(等于permanentwave)

4、semipermanent ─── adj.非永久性的;暂时的

5、immanent ─── adj.内在的;固有的

6、impermanently ─── 无常地

7、impermanence ─── n.无常;暂时性

8、impermanency ─── n.非永久性

9、impertinent ─── adj.不恰当的;无礼的;粗鲁的;不相干的

impermanent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lakes have no longer depth but look like bright pennies on the earth's surface;forests become a thin impermanent film, a moss on the top of a wet stone, easily rubbed off. ─── 当我们沿它平直的河道而上,穿过中国海岸广阔而平坦的田地时,我感觉到长江正是那种令人感到它是地球上惟一真正永恒的统治者的河流。

2、Wisdom is mind that understand the truth, the truth is, life is impermanent. ─── 智慧,是了知真相的心,而真相就是,生命无常。

3、Something of a shaky or impermanent nature. ─── 一时兴起之物具有易动摇或暂时性的物品

4、Life is impermanent, wisdom is eternal; the love in our heartis boundless, andour spirit will always remain. ─── 生命无常,慧命永存;爱心无涯,精神常在。

5、impermanent migration ─── 非永久迁移

6、impermanent connection ─── 非永久连接

7、Don't take these experiences seriously because suffering and happiness just are impermanent, they go and come unexpectedly. ─── 不要把这些体验看得太认真,要知道苦与乐来来去去,变幻不定。

8、Politics is an impermanent factor of life- James Thurber. ─── 政治只是生命中短暂的一部分-詹姆士.瑟伯。

9、When you've contemplated things in this way you'll see anicca, impermanence, and dukkha, unsatisfactoriness. Why are things impermanent and unsatisfactory? It's because they're anatta, not-self. ─── 当你如此思惟,就会看见无常与苦。事物为何会无常与苦呢?因为它们都是无我的。

10、5 Atman is not the impermanent, the varying and the eventually would be scattered flsh body. ─── 所有无常,会变异,会丢掉的,都不是“我”。

11、Oral communication is fast-moving and impermanent. ─── 口头交流速度快但持续时间短。

12、Impermanent truly are compounded things, ─── 诸行确实无常

13、However, we should still keep our faith no matter how impermanent and how fickle our lives are. ─── 虽然有时候我们困惑于"我们是谁"和"我们想成为谁",我们仍应该乐观面对一切并且放手一试。

14、Let us take the simple statement, "This is a table." Here the word "this" refers to the concrete actuality, which is impermanent and may come and go. ─── 我们来看一句简单的话:“这是桌子”,其中的“这”指具体的实物,它是可变的,有生有灭的。

15、The mind,in fact,is as empty,as impermanent,and as transient as a dream. ─── 我们的心其实是空幻的、无常的,如梦般空虚短暂。

16、The highest wisdom is seeing that in reality, all phenomena are incomplete, impermanent and do no constitute a fixed entity. ─── 最高的智慧是看到万法无常无我的真相。

17、This kind of world is illusory and impermanent." ─── 这个世界是虚幻和短暂的。

18、politics is an impermanent factor of life- James Thurber; ─── 政治只是生命中短暂的一部分-詹姆士.瑟伯;

19、politics is an impermanent factor of life- James Thurber; impermanent palm cottages; a temperary arrangement; temporary housing. ─── 政治只是生命中短暂的一部分-詹姆士.瑟伯;用棕榈叶搭建的临时小屋;暂时的安排。

20、The mind, in fact, is as empty, as impermanent, and as transient as a dream. ─── 我们的心其实是空幻的、无常的,如梦般空虚短暂。

21、Noble son, 'cessation' is called the cessation of the defilements ( kleshas), and is both permanent and impermanent. ─── 尊贵的儿子,终止就是染污的终止(kleshas烦恼),而且两者都是永恒的和非永恒的。

22、Though most people know life is impermanent, it is still difficult when accidents strike. ─── 切菜手脚俐落,对当妈妈多年的宋光平来说,烧菜煮饭是她再熟悉不过的工作;

23、Impermanent view ─── 无常观

24、and bare attention is noticing things exactly as they are without distortion;and the way they are is Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta (impermanent, unsatisfactory, and self-less). ─── 纯然的注意就是没有扭曲的注意事物,那就是:无常,苦和无我。

25、And anyway you know nothing is permanent, everything is impermanent, that you know. ─── 总之,你们知道没有任何事是永恒的,每一件事物都是无常的。

26、transitory, temporary, impermanent, passing, intermediate ─── 短暂的。暂时的。一时的。

27、The religion learn top of parlance:"Origin empty, with everything living to put out to accompany for impermanent mirage.The benefactor take good care of, now farewell.Amitabha!" ─── 宗教学上的说法:"缘起性空,是以一切生灭俱为无常幻象。施主保重,就此告别。阿弥陀佛!"

28、The most important fact to understand about sankharas, as conditioned formations, is that they are all impermanent: "Impermanent, alas, are formations. ─── 以有为的造作来理解诸行,其中最重要的事实是,它们无一持久:所谓“诸行无常”。

29、Because all things are impermanent, such that if we are absolutely attached or glued to a person, place, or object, sooner or later when life parts us from that (and it always does! ─── 因为所有的事物都是无常的,以至于如果我们极端地执著或黏著人、地或物,迟早当生命让我们和那些分开时(它一定是那样的!

30、We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are. ─── 我们刚被提醒,我们多么渺小,我们的生命又是多么短暂。

31、Gudo smiled. 'Everything in this life is impermanent' he explained. ─── Gudo笑道:“世事无常,人生短暂。”

32、All things in the universe are the manifestations of the mind and therefore are illusory and impermanent, yet the individual ignorantly craves for and cleaves to them. ─── 宇宙的一切事物都是心的表现,所以是虚幻的,暂时的,可是无知的个人还是渴求它们,迷恋它们。

33、After 45 years of teaching the Dharma, the Buddha passed into Parinirvana.?In his last sermon, he encouraged his disciples to diligently seek the truth and not to hold on to that which is impermanent. ─── 经过45年的说法之后,佛陀进入涅磐状态。在他的最后布道中,他鼓励他的门徒去坚持不懈地寻找真理,不要坚持于暂时,非永久之事物。

34、3) Vipassana panna is knowing by Vipassana panna that there is only rupa and nama, and they are impermanent, suffering and without self. ─── 修慧(实相般若):是由实相般若而认知唯有色心二法,而且色心二法是无常、苦、无我的。

35、If recluses and brahmins formed out of impermanent, unpleasant, changing feelings should not reflect `I am superior, equal, or inferior,' it is knowing, things, as they really are. ─── 九输屡那!若诸沙门、婆罗门,以无常、苦、变易法之色,不观我是胜,不观我是等,不观我是劣者,如何得不见如实耶?


37、Although at work my life of its beginning seem to be so confusion because the children cry and scream, so impermanent rules it look for. ─── 虽然在工作之初我的生活因为孩子们的哭闹而显得那么混乱,那么的无常规之寻。

38、11 If you try to seek the thing of objective condition and expect to gain happiness, you will regret, because they are impermanent, varying, unreal and empty. ─── 以佛家的立场上看,如果你刻意去追求这些客观存在的东西,并且希望从中获得快乐,那你最终是会感觉悔恨不已的;

39、impermanent memory ─── 非永久性记忆, 短期记忆

40、Monks, so impermanent are determinations, so unstable are determinations, so discouraging are they. It is suitable that you should turn away from all determinations, fade and be released from them. ─── 七诸比丘!是诸行为无常。诸比丘!如是诸行是不定。诸比丘!如是诸行为不安。诸比丘!是以,于诸行足厌、足于厌离、足于解脱。

41、"You all know from your experience how impermanent the world is. ─── “你凭你的经验完全知道世界是多么短暂。

42、For example, all the compositional phenomena are impermanent, but you do not see them as impermanent, it is then difficult to meditate on impermanence to realize things as impermanent. ─── 举个例来说,所有的缘起现象都是无常的,然而你并不视它们为无常的,所以这就很难观修无常以体认事物是无常的。

43、You may say to yourself that they are impermanent, but you perceive them as permanent. ─── 你或许对自己说它们“无常”,但你以“常”认知它们。

44、Impermanent commission n. A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered. ─── 佣金:同意给予提供服务的销售代表或代理人的酬金或百分比。

45、“‘Therefore, my mind is permanent while those who undergo birth and death there are truly impermanent.’ ─── 则我心性名之为常。彼生灭者,真无常性。

46、Impermanent commission n. A fee or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for services rendered. ─── 佣金:同意给予提供服务的销售代表或代理人的酬金或百分比。

47、That truth is knowing that nama-rupa are impermanent, suffering, and not-self, that panna is called Vipassana panna, and can destroy kilesa. ─── 此真理即是认知身心是无常、苦、无我的真理,而照见身心三法印的智慧称为实相般若,实相般若可以断除烦恼。

48、Existing,persisting,or enduring for a limited time only;impermanent. ─── 暂时的只存在、坚持或忍受一段有限的时间;非永久性的

49、cable impermanent ─── 电缆浸渍剂

50、Thought itself is impermanent, is changing, so anything that it invents as permanent is, like itself, non-permanent. ─── 思想本身不是永恒的,是变化的,所以它发明出来的任何永恒的东西就像它自己一样,是不永恒的。

51、an impermanent arrangement ─── 一项临时安排

52、The History of MIT's Campus - a space built on landfill, floating and impermanent ─── 麻省理工学院校园历史-建筑在填埋场上的空间,不固定和暂时

53、In meditation we were learning to watch those impermanent sensations and let them pass.Not dwelling on them and making them worse. ─── 在冥想中我们在学习如何观察那些非永恒的感受并且让它们逐渐逝去,而不是沉浸在这种感受中以至于这种感觉更加糟糕。

54、Everything is impermanent. ─── 什么事都不是永久的。

55、Our lives are fragile and impermanent, and because death and its causes are uncertain, we may succumb at any moment. ─── 我们的生命既脆弱又无常,因为死亡和死亡之因难以预测,因此我们任何时刻都可能死亡。

56、of an impermanent nature. ─── 用于表示一种暂时的、不长久的特性。

57、The assistant artificial hip joint(AAHJ)is a new impermanent hip support implanted in the body. ─── 辅助人工髋关节是一种非永久性内置的髋关节支撑器,用于治疗早期股骨头缺血性坏死。

58、5.In his last sermon, he encouraged his disciples to diligently seek the truth and not to hold on to that which is impermanent. ─── 在他的最后布道中,他鼓励他的门徒去坚持不懈地寻找真理,不要坚持于暂时,非永久之事物。

59、Although such historical societies, by and large, have not survived, their history supports Martin Jacques's point that civilisations, including the present western model, are impermanent. ─── 尽管总的来说,这样的历史上的社会未能幸存,他们的历史支持了马丁雅克的观点,即包括现今西方模式在内的文明,都不是永久的。

60、8.an impermanent form of acquired immunity in which antibodies against a disease are acquired naturally (as through the placenta to an unborn child) or artificially (as by injection of antiserum). ─── 一种非永久性的后天免疫形式在此过程中病源抗体自然获得。

61、I think all events happening in this world are "illusory and impermanent". ─── 我认为发生在这个世上的所有事件都是“虚幻和无常的”。

62、Existing, persisting, or enduring for a limited time only; impermanent. ─── 暂时的只存在、坚持或忍受一段有限的时间;非永久性的

63、the sign of 3-marks should be closer to the true nature of phenomena: Impermanent - in a sense of decay, continuity broken into moment to moment. ─── 所有的事情全是心的造作(心意形成),因此常常“没事”变成“有事”,换句话说,我们“无事生非”。

64、Life is impermanent , wisdom iseternaland our spirit willalways remain. ─── 生命无常爱心无涯,灵魂常在。

65、Although at work my life of its beginning seem to be so confusion because the children cry and scream, so impermanent rules it look for. ─── 虽然在工作之初我的生活因为孩子们的哭闹而显得那么混乱,那么的无常规之寻。

66、Discrimination is the knowledge of what is real and what is unreal.It is the realization that God alone is the real and eternal Substance and that all else is unreal, transitory, impermanent. ─── 辩别就是认别真实与虚幻的知识,要认识到只有神是独一无二的真实和永恒的主旨,其余一切都是虚幻和短暂的。

67、3.Avidya is the condition of confusing the permanent, pure, blissful and the Self with that which is impermanent, impure, painful and the not-self. ─── 无明将暂时的、虚假的、痛苦的和不真实的“我”混同为永恒的、真一的、喜乐的和真实的本性。

68、Because the wisdom is that we know that our life is impermanent. ─── 这其中蕴涵的智慧是:我们了知我们的生命是无常的。

69、Instead, it liberates them from being dull and uninteresting;it opens for them another realm beyond those four walls;it offers them a sense of longevity in this impermanent world. ─── 相反地,教书能让老师从无趣乏味中解放出来,为他们打开了教室以外的广大天地,从而能让他们在有限的生命里感受永恒。

70、7 The above analyses reveal that what official rank involves is objective, impermanent and temporary. As Buddha said, these are sources which would bring suffering to us. ─── 从这些分析之中,我们发现到,功名所牵涉到的都是客观条件的应对,都是无常变异,不容易长期持有的东西。套句世尊的话,这些皆是能为我们带来痛苦的源头。

71、God is ashamed because he didn't tend to creat such kind of people who too arrogant about their impermanent achivements. ─── 当事业有成者自吹得到了上帝的特别恩宠时,上帝却感到羞耻。"

72、If the mind is liberated to nibbana by impermanent, it is called impermanent-nibbana. ─── 如果观无常而趣向涅槃解脱的,称无相解脱门。

73、be impermanent ─── 无住

74、21、The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent. ─── 世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。

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