inherently 发音
英:[ɪnˈherəntli] 美:[ɪnˈherəntli]
英: 美:
inherently 中文意思翻译
inherently 反义词
inherently 同义词
spontaneous | abiding | innate | characteristic | implanted | subjective | internal | organic | component | constitutional | built-in | instinctive | in-built | inbuilt | underlying | inborn | original | fundamental | integral | essential | intrinsic |natural | existing
inherently 词性/词形变化,inherently变形
副词: inherently |
inherently 短语词组
1、so games are inherently good ─── 所以游戏本质上是好的
2、inherently-ambiguous ─── [计] 固有二义的, 固有歧义的, 固有多义的, 先天歧义的
3、inherently flawed ─── 固有缺陷
4、inherently ambiguity ─── 固有多义性
inherently 相似词语短语
1、coherently ─── adv.连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地
2、incoherently ─── adv.无条理地
3、inherency ─── n.固有;内在性
4、indecently ─── adv.猥亵地;下流地;不堪入目地
5、differently ─── adv.不同地;差异;各种
6、insurgently ─── adv.汹涌地;造反地
7、inclemently ─── 险恶地
8、adherently ─── 附着地;粘连地
9、inherent ─── adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的
inherently 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Image processing algorithms are inherently sub-word parallel(SWP),whose granularity is between data-level parallelism(DLP) and instruction-level parallelism(ILP). ─── 图像处理算法的特点决定其是内在可并行的,这种并行粒度介于数据并行(DLP)和指令级并行(ILP)之间,称之为子字并行。
2、Justice, was inherently good and the only evil that could befall man was the evil he brought upon him self by disordering his own soul. ─── 正义。正义,是内在的善,能够发生在人身上的唯一恶是他自己失序的灵魂带给他的。
3、It is inherently unfair that we should be able to choose the genetics of our offspring. ─── 我们竟能够给我们的后代选定遗传性,这一点从本质上来说是不公正的。
4、"These trees as a result tend to be hardier species, inherently disease resistant. ─── 历尽岁月风雨后,这些树的耐寒能力和自身抗病能力都会增强。
5、She was negligent inher work. ─── 她对工作粗心大意。
6、They say that portraying introduced species as inherently bad is an unscientific approach. ─── 他们说,把引进的物种描绘成天生的坏物种是一种不科学的做法。
7、Retrofitting generating facilities for CCS is inherently more expensive than deploying CCS in new plants. ─── 为了CCS而翻新发电设备,绝对比建造新厂时就采用CCS要昂贵。
8、The system itself is inherently safe, because the converter cannot produce sufficient pressure to overpressure the main fractionator. ─── 因为转炉不能产生足够的使主交流热换器过压的压力,所以说,系统本身是固有地安全的。
9、The works are, as a consequence, inherently ambivalent, settling for a tentative balance between various distortions of perception. ─── 其结果是这些作品充满了两极化,并停留在多种扭曲知觉之间暂时的平衡中。
10、Ramified by the passage of sufficient time, any decision, indeed any action, will have large but inherently unpredictable consequences. ─── 任何判决随着时间的流逝而有所分歧,事实上,任何行为都有极大的但是固有的不可预知的结果。
11、While the Internet is inherently insecure, businesses still need to preserve the privacy of data as it travels over the network. ─── 因特网不安全是固有的,而工商界仍需要数据在因特网上传输时保留其隐私性。
12、Every line inher face is the line of least resistance. ─── 她脸上的每一根线条,都是阻小最小的线条。
13、Yet the concept that light is somehow inherently oscillatory has persisted throughout this transition period. ─── 但是光本来是某种振动这一概念在过渡时期里始终保持着。
14、They can only be in one state and so are always consistent, they are inherently thread-safe, and they can be shared freely. ─── 它们只能处于一种状态,所以始终是一致的,它们本来就是线程安全的,可以被自由地共享。
15、Guanxi is uniquely and inherently Chinese concept, incomparable with the way Western people interact. ─── 关系是中国独特且固有的概念,不能与西方人之间的互动交流方式相提并论。
16、Trade is inherently evil but is justified by the good of the public. ─── 商业本来是一件坏事,但因为对公众是好事而得到肯定。
17、People seem to think there is something inherently noble and virtuous in the desire to go for a walk. ─── 人们好像认为散步本身就是一件荣誉高尚的事。
18、Buildings or books should show us people as they are which means inherently flawed. ─── 建筑物和书本应该将人物连同其自身固有的缺点如实地展示给我们。
19、Brand advertising is inherently about leaving an impression on a consumer,and thus about some sort of exposure. ─── 品牌广告从根本来说是给消费者留下一个印象,因此多少有些暴光的味道。
20、The Orthodox Church is the main factor of Russian religious culture, Russian literature being naturally and inherently associated with religion. ─── 东正教是俄罗斯宗教文化的主导因素,俄罗斯文学和宗教具有天然的、内在的联系。
21、Three-phase motors inherently produce a rotating magnetic field. ─── 三相电机会自动产生旋转的磁场。
22、Video over IP is inherently unreliable and something as simple as channel surfing can become a problem on an IP network. ─── VIDEO over IP固有的不稳定性和有时就像是频道切换这样简单的情况都会对IP网络造成问题。
23、Both series portray magic as inherently neutral and show that people make the choice of how magic will be used. ─── 两者都将魔法描绘为本来的中立性,并且表现出是人们的选择来决定魔法的用途。
24、Inherently flame resistant fibers may be developed and converted into cloth. ─── 开发自身具有阻燃性的纤维,然后制成织物。
25、If I engage in an activity that is inherently risky, then I must be a risk-taker. ─── 如果我参与的活动天生就有风险,那么我一定是敢于一个接受风险的人。
26、Rich's systems inherently said, 'You got to stay in the game all the time as you never know when trends are going to hit. ─── 理查德的系统在说‘你必须一直持有仓位,因为你不知道何时趋势会开始。’
27、Teak was used because of its inherently hardy properties and its resistance to moisture and decay. ─── 劳斯莱斯开发了特殊的木工工艺,可以使木料保持未经处理的自然外观,从而使柚木装饰尽可能保持木材原有特色。
28、He was not a man who inherently was troubled with conscientious scruples. ─── 他天生就不是一个顾忌良心责备的人。
29、He wanted assurance that he had transcended what was inherently ambiguous. ─── 他要证明,他已经超越了本来就是混淆不清的事情。
30、The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected inher soul. ─── 女人的美丽不在于外表,真正的美丽折射于一个女人的灵魂深处,在于亲切的给与,和热情.
31、In its most general sense, prescriptivism is the view that one variety of language has an inherently higher value than others, and that this ought to be imposed on the whole of the speech community. ─── 从最普遍的意义上说,规定主义指一种语言比其他语言具有更高的内在价值,而这种价值应该强加于整个语言群体。
32、Fractal and wavelet process inherently multiple-scale property and scale invariant that can be competent for roughness features in textural representation of texture image. ─── 分形和小波具有内在的多尺度属性和尺度不变性,它们能够胜任对纹理图像中粗糙度特征的描述。
33、Job enrichment Changing a task to make it inherently more rewarding, motivating, and satisfying. ─── 工作丰富化:改变工作本身,使得对员工来说,工作本身具有更大的奖励、激励和满足。
34、More sinisterly, the happiness view of the world has tendencies that are inherently anti-democratic. ─── 从更阴暗的角度看,世界的幸福观具有内在的反民主倾向。
35、Reversing this accumulation may thus be valuable, but has proven challenging, doubtless because substances resistant to cellular catabolism are inherently hard to degrade. ─── 因此,逆转这种积累可能是有价值的,但要逆转它被证明是挑战性的,无疑地是因为对细胞降解作用有抗性的这些物质本性就是难以降解的。
36、It is often used as a file system navigator, and is a highly effective way to present inherently hierarchical information. ─── 它也常作为文件导航系统使用,并且在表示继承关系的层次信息时效果非常好。
37、She always keeps a powder compact inher bag,. ─── 她的手提包里总是放着粉盒。
38、German and Japanese cars were inherently better than anything Detroit was turning out. ─── 德国和日本制造的汽车一定比底特律制造出来的汽车优异。
39、Trusted LDAP binding is inherently a static binding, but DHCP-supplied LDAP is a dynamic binding. ─── 可信任的LDAP捆绑本质上是静态的捆绑,但由DHCP提供的LDAP则是动态的捆绑。
40、Occasionally on white paper draw some like, or small or large, is inherently record in time. ─── 偶尔会在白纸上画些喜欢的东西,或小或大,总归是在记录时光。
41、The prolongation of life and the search for perfect health (beauty, youth, happiness) are inherently self-defeating. ─── 去延长寿命和追求理想化的健康(如:美丽,年轻,快乐)本身是对身体是有害的。
42、TDMA-based MAC protocol is inherently collision free but it has poor scalability. ─── 基于TDMA的MAC协议具有固有的节能特性,但是其可扩展性较差.
43、Where signs are not inherently capable of distinguishing the relevant goods or services,Members may make registrability depend on distinctiveness acquired through use. ─── 即使有的标记本来不能区分有关商品或服务,成员亦可依据其经过使用而获得的识别性,确认其可否注册。
44、This is inherently the most risky in circumstances where the lead bank or manager bank underwrites a substantial portion of the loan. ─── 如果牵头银行或管理银行承销了很大比例的贷款,这就意味着最大的内在风险。
45、The idea of making an ActiveX control behave as an ActiveX document container is therefore inherently problematic, and somewhat difficult. ─── 因此想法是使ActiveX控件作为ActiveX文档容器行为是本身问题,和些困难。
46、We also believe that products manufactured in compliance with the underlying principles outlined in the 1988 document are still inherently safe. ─── 我们也相信,在符合1988年文件中的重要原则条件下生产出的产品,仍然保持着其内在的安全性。
47、The immediate response to this could be that there are some jobs, which are inherently boring, routine and uninspiring. ─── 对此做出立即回应的是那些本来是无聊的、例行的、平凡的工作。
48、People inherently fear evil.However. Occasionally, a person may become seduced by the evil. ─── 出于本能,人类都会惧怕恶魔。不过。有时也会有人主动地,堕向魔道。
49、She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him inher bosom. ─── 后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃 鸟 ,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。
50、Just like the broom-stick, an Inverted Pendulum is an inherently unstable system. ─── 就好象扫帚柄,一个倒立摆是一个天生的不稳定系统。
51、Project director Zhang Zuoyi explains that HTR-10’s carefully designed geometry, low fuel density and small size make it inherently safe. ─── 工程主持人张作义解释,精心设计的几何形状、低燃料密度及小体积,使 HTR-10 高温反应堆本质上很安全。
52、Sports physician Dr Peter Larkins said yoga was not inherently dangerous but the injury rate showed many participants were not doing it correctly. ─── 体育专科医生彼得·拉金斯说瑜珈本身并不危险,受伤比例说明很多参与者没有进行正确的练习。
53、Man is not inherently violent. ─── 人类并非生来就暴力。
54、Which character the audience decides to believe depends on whether it views Caliban as inherently brutish, or as made brutish by oppression. ─── 听众决定相信哪一个性仰赖无论它看丑陋如固有畜生般或依照藉着压抑制造畜生般。
55、Self-organized criticality has been used as a justification for the claim that earthquakes are inherently unpredictable22. ─── ‘自组成危险状态’被用来作为地震是固有无法预测的主要理由2。
56、They are inherently jealous and suspicious. ─── 他们与生俱来的善妒和疑神疑鬼。
57、The truth of the matter is that the Web is no more inherently dangerous than anything else in the world. ─── 其实,万维网并不比世界上其它任何事物更为天然地有害。
58、Tracked vehicles, by design, are inherently more compact than wheeled vehicles. ─── 从设计上来看履带车辆比轮式车辆要更紧凑。
59、This might make me the bad guy, but I don't believe that passion inherently begets money. ─── 回答这个问题也许让我看上去是一个“坏蛋”。我不认为激情固有地会带来金钱。
60、Only the violation of these rights transforms an inherently harmless movement into the iniquitous act of stealing. ─── 但是正因为对于这些权利的侵犯,才使得一个一直以来无害的行为转变成盗窃这么一个非正义的行为。
61、In fact, galaxies consist mostly of dark matter, an as yet unidentified type of material that is inherently invisible. ─── 事实上,星系主要由暗物质构成,那是一种未经确认且不可见的物质型态。
62、Under no illusions about her mother and younger sisters, Elizabeth begins to see Darcy's inherently honest character. ─── 伊丽莎白对母亲和妹妹们不抱任何幻想,她开始看清达西固有的诚实品性。
63、They are inherently jealous and suspicious, often paranoid about relationship, and will go to great lengths to avoid commitment. ─── 他们与生俱来的善妒和疑神疑鬼,对待两性关系总像个偏执狂,想尽一切办法逃避义务。
64、While there is no way to prove that facial thermograms are unique, it is possible to show they contain inherently more variations than fingerprints. ─── 尽管没有方法来证明人的面部温谱图是唯一的,但可以说明面部温谱图较指纹包含的变量要多。
65、A lot of it depends on human behavior, which is inherently unpredictable. ─── 很多事依赖于变幻莫测的人的行为。
66、May be a small bluestone is inherently stable inactive, and it has been unable to achieve this aspiration can not go into the sea. ─── 可小青石天生就是稳定不动的,它一直都无法实现这个愿望,无法到大海里去。
67、The rational part of our mind seems to be inherently mistrustful of information received from a source that it doesn't understand. ─── 对于不了解的信息,理性部分会犯错。
68、ADSL is designed to take advantage of the fact that video-on-demand, telecommuting, and Internet access traffic are inherently asymmetrical. ─── ADSL被设计成利用这样一个事实:视频节目点播、在家工作和internet访问信息流等应用本来就是不对称的。
69、The truth of the matter is that the Web is no more inherently dangerous than anything else in the world. ─── 其实,万维网并不比世界上其它任何事物更为天然地有害。
70、People inherently possess immeasurable power. ─── 人本身具有无尽的力量。
71、Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good. ─── 卢梭的哲学认为人是天性善良的。
72、Many medical modalities, such as CT, PET, SPECT, MRI and ultrasound are inherently digital. ─── 很多医学治疗设备,象CT、PET、SPECT、MRI和超声波是固有的数字化。
73、Sorting is inherently time consuming compared to many typical operations. ─── 与许多典型的操作相比,排序本身就很耗时。
74、Have a poliomyelitis inherently but can the family of domestic poverty get national deliverance? ? ? ─── 天生有小儿麻痹症但家庭贫困的家庭可以得到国家的救助吗???
75、This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."--Western Union internal memo, 1876. ─── '电话'这东西严格说有太多的缺点,根本不能作为通讯的工具。对我们毫无用处可言。”--西部联合通讯公司内部备忘录,1876。
76、A few lines for imports and bindings is not much to do, but letting Python just inherently run much faster would be even more seamless. ─── 添加几行导入和绑定代码不需要做很多工作,但却可以轻易地让Python比以前运行得快得多。
77、The assignment of letter grades (A,B,C,D,F) is an inherently subjective process. ─── 字母评分(A,B,C,D,F)的任务是一个主观的过程。
78、Redemptive work of the Holy Spirit is inherently eschatological. ─── 圣灵的救赎工作,本质上是末世性的。
79、Most people don't like change, so roll-outs are inherently a tricky business. ─── 很多人并不喜欢改变,因此,改版必定是件冒点风险的事情。
80、OER are inherently digital materials, thus an ICT infrastructure of networked computing devices and software is a prerequisite to adoption. ─── OER本来是数码资料,于是,联网的计算设备和软件构成的ICT基础设施就是采用的前提。
81、Centuries ago, gold coi were used as money because gold is inherently valuable. ─── 几个世纪以前,由于金币本身具有价值而作为货币使用。
82、Inherently magical, they are articularly gifted ot only with the ability to cast magic ell ut are also formidable archers. ─── 天生的魔力,他们天生的独特不仅仅在于施展魔法咒语,他们也是非常令人敬畏并且强大的射手。
83、Conventional copper-based equipment conducts electricity but inherently has energy losses associated with (joule) heating. ─── 传统使用以铜为材料的设备进行供电,但必然存在着能量损耗与(焦耳)热。
84、The VDT method, due to its inherently lower water/cement ratio typically yields higher compressive strengths than low-slump concrete. ─── 干料振动夯实法由于其水灰比很低,所以其抗压强度比低塌落度混凝土更高。
85、It is one of the most important articulations of rights to which human beings are inherently entitled. ─── 它是表达人类固有权利的最重要文件之一。
86、Flamingos(火烈鸟) flock and caribou herd.Earth is populated by inherently social beings. ─── 地球上居住着社会性生物,这是自然天成的。
87、It is often used as a file system navigator, and is a highly effective way to present inherently hierarchical information. ─── 它也常作为文件导航系统使用,并且在表示继承关系的层次信息时效果非常好。
88、The fact that you have a cleaning mop atop your cranium?While odd,I do not find the situation inherently humorous. ─── 你在头盖骨上顶着的那个拖把布的事实?除了这一点,我没有发现任何幽默的情形。
89、Flat belts inherently serve in dual drives, provided an adequate wrap around each pulley. ─── 平带内在担任双驱动器,提供了充分的总结每个滑轮。
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