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09-18 投稿


jobbed 发音

英:[dʒɒbd]  美:[dʒɑbd]

英:  美:

jobbed 中文意思翻译






jobbed 词性/词形变化,jobbed变形

动词过去分词: jobbed |动词现在分词: jobbing |动词第三人称单数: jobs |动词过去式: jobbed |

jobbed 相似词语短语

1、dobbed ─── vt.向…捐钱;将责任强加给(dob的变形)

2、jibbed ─── n.船首三角帆;(起重机的)悬臂;v.踌躇不前,停止不动;不愿做,不愿接受;转帆

3、jabbed ─── v.(用……)戳,刺,捅;(拳击时用拳)猛击;猛推,猛按;n.戳,刺,捅;(尤指用拳)猛击;(英,非正式)皮下注射(尤指接种疫苗),预防针;刺痛的感觉(或感情);批评,攻击

4、gobbed ─── n.凝块;水兵;vi.吐唾沫;n.(Gob)人名;(法)戈布

5、hobbed ─── v.滚铣(hob的过去式和过去分词)

6、-jobbed ─── n.工作;职业;vt.承包;代客买卖;vi.做零工;n.(Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布

7、cobbed ─── 鹅卵石

8、fobbed ─── n.表袋;短表链及其饰物

9、bobbed ─── adj.短发的;剪短的;成束的;v.剪短(bob的过去分词);急拉

jobbed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have made a good job of the printing. ─── 他们干印刷工作很出色。

2、His knowledge is adequate to do this job well. ─── 他的知识足可胜任这项工作。

3、He has lost his job, poor devil! ─── 他失业了,可怜的人!

4、On the job work clothes and gloves are provided. ─── 在上班时,还发给工作服和手套。

5、Pour it on, boys, and we'll soon have the job done. ─── 加油干啊,哥们,我们就快要于完了。

6、If there is an election to be jobbed, it is S . Behrman who manipulates it. ─── 如果要在一次选举里做手脚, 就由斯·贝尔曼来牵线.

7、My job doesn't include making coffee for the boss! ─── 为老板煮咖啡不是我份内的事!

8、He is hound out of his job by jealous rival. ─── 他受到忌妒他的竞争者的算计而被迫离职。

9、He jobbed a great deal of the work to smaller firms. ─── 他把大批工作分包给较小的公司.

10、Beginners will feel it difficult to do this job. ─── 初学者做这件事会感到困难。

11、He does the odd job for me from time to time. ─── 他偶尔来为我做些零碎的工作。

12、As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks. ─── 作为一名学生,我在假期打工.

13、Don't run away with the idea that this job is going to be easy. ─── 别以为这工作是轻而易举的。

14、He is woefully inadequate for the job. ─── 他完全不适合那工作。

15、Get this job do by five o'clock will be a cinch. ─── 5点之前做完这项工作是轻而易举的事。

16、Do you get any job satisfaction? ─── 你能从工作中得到乐趣吗?

17、In1929 he took a job as a seaman. ─── 1929年他当了海员。

18、He fall foul of his boss and lose his job. ─── 他冒犯了老板,丢了工作。

19、He's got off to a flying start in his new job. ─── 他兴致勃勃地开始他的新工作。

20、Do not think about that job, mary have it sew up. ─── 不要想那份工作,玛莉一定会得到那份工作的。

21、His years of study were useful in his job. ─── 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。

22、He's just the person we need for the job. ─── 他正是我们需要的做那种工作的人。

23、He rejected their offer of a job. ─── 他拒绝了他们给他的工作。

24、He couldn't hold down a job after his breakdown. ─── 他病倒以後,工作也就保不住了。

25、Now he applied himself to the job in earnest. ─── 他现在认真地致力于这项工作了。

26、Carl is cheesed off with his job. ─── 卡尔被工作弄得打不起精神来。

27、He is in a very remunerative job. ─── 他有个报酬高的工作。

28、He's dead set on getting a new job. ─── 他打定主意要找个新工作。

29、He is content to stay in his present job. ─── 他对现在的工作心满意足。

30、Hal does a good job at everything he sets his hand to. ─── 哈尔无论稿什么工作都干得很出色。

31、He's really going places in his new job. ─── 他在新的工作岗位上真是越干越好。

32、The committee jobbed him when he sought a second term in office. ─── 当他想继续连任时委员会开除了他.

33、He's lied his way into a really plum job. ─── 他靠撒谎骗得一份好工作。

34、Is it a part- tine job you are after? ─── 你要找的是不是非全日性的工作?

35、The office is working on all cylinders to get the job finished. ─── 办公室人员正在竭尽全力争取把这工作干完。

36、He threw away the chance of a good job. ─── 他错过了得到一份好工作的机会。

37、The cheats jobbed him out of his property. ─── 骗子们骗了他的财产.

38、He is looking for job in the hotel industry. ─── 他正试着在饭店找份工作。

39、I always know I'd get the job, somehow. ─── 也不知为什么,我总觉得能得到那份工作。

40、Strictly speaking, he's not qualified for the job. ─── 严格说来,他没有资格做这份工作。

41、His job as a diplomat was a blind for his spying. ─── 他担任外交官的职务是为了给他的间谍身分打掩护。

42、He has decided to chuck his old job in. ─── 他已经决定不干这份工作了。

43、His parents have given him up as a bad job. ─── 他父母对他已不抱希望了。

44、There is only one man qualified for the job. ─── 仅有一个人能胜任这个工作。

45、He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. ─── 他不同意小余[她]担任这项工作。

46、He's already get a job at new star company. ─── 他已在新星公司找到了一份工作。

47、He proved to be unequal to the job. ─── 他不能胜任那个工作。

48、He got a part-time job as a gardener. ─── 他找到个兼职工作,当花匠。

49、He is just fit for a job as scavenger. ─── 他正好当个清道夫之职。

50、He gets paid peanuts for doing that job. ─── 他那份工作报酬甚微。

51、He impedes me to do the job well. ─── 他妨碍我把工作做好。

52、The company offered the job to someone else. ─── 公司把这工作给别人了。

53、You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! ─── 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!

54、Only two of them are told off to do the job. ─── 只派了他们中的两位去做那件工作。

55、He left his job largely because he was homesick. ─── 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。

56、To do this job, you must have a degree in English. ─── 从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。

57、In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. ─── 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。

58、Job creation has become an imperative for the government. ─── 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。

59、He has let himself go a bit since he lost his job. ─── 他自从失业以来变得有点邋遢了。

60、He gathered up his strength for the hard job. ─── 他振作精神去承担这项艰难的工作。

61、He's not qualified for this job. ─── 他不能胜任这项工作。

62、He can't bring himself to do this dirty job. ─── 他实在不愿意做这件卑鄙的事。

63、What do you think of his new job? ─── 你对他的新工作看法如何?

64、He jobbed out the contract to a number of small outfits. ─── 他把承包工程分包给许多小单位.

65、You must go to work or, else you'll lose your job. ─── 你得去上班了,要不然就要失去这份工作了。

66、He jobbed his son into the position. ─── 他用舞弊手段为儿子谋得这个职位.

67、He seems to have given up the ghost on this job. ─── 他似乎已经放弃了这项工作。

68、Everything was to be fine and dandy once Peter started his new job. ─── 一旦彼得有了新工作,一切都会好的。

69、Is he going to chuck up his job? ─── 他是不是要辞职不干了?

70、He is unable to do such a difficult job now. ─── 他现在还不能做这样困难的工作。

71、He finished the job at the expenses of his health. ─── 他以牺牲健康完成了这项工作。

72、He'll be able to put his experience to good use in the new job. ─── 他能在新的工作中把他的经验派上用场了。

73、His attitude to his job is rather casual. ─── 他的工作态度不太认真。

74、There is a specific tool for each job. ─── 各工种配备特定的工具。

75、I had a long chat with her (about her job). ─── (关於她的工作)我和她聊了很久。

76、He foresaw that the job would take a long time. ─── 他预见到做这件工作需要很长时间。

77、Do you have a job where I can sit down? ─── 你能给我找一个坐着的工作吗?

78、Good job they have get a replacement for him. ─── 他们把他替换下来真不错。

79、But I'm not qualified to take on the job. ─── 但我没有条件担任这项工作。

80、He did not to be tied to a steady job. ─── 他不愿死守着一件乏味的工作。

81、The job does not require any formal training. ─── 做这种工作不需要任何正规训练。

82、He filed for a civil service job. ─── 他申请公务员的工作。

83、Are you going to put in for that job? ─── 你打算申请那份工作吗?

84、He was given a job commensurate with his abilities. ─── 他得到一份与他能力相称的工作。

85、You need the patience of a saint for this job. ─── 做这种工作,你得有圣人般的好耐性。

86、I jobbed over the summer to make a few extra dollars. ─── 我暑期做零工,赚取一些额外美元。

87、He is better suited to a job with older pupils. ─── 他较适合教小学高年级学生。

88、He knew enough mathematics to muddle through in his job. ─── 他懂得一些数学,工作上大体可以对付过去。

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