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09-20 投稿


lucent 发音

英:['luːs(ə)nt]  美:['lʊsnt]

英:  美:

lucent 中文意思翻译



lucent 网络释义

adj. 透明的,光亮的;美国朗讯科技公司(原AT&T实验室)

lucent 短语词组

1、alcatel-lucent ─── 阿尔卡特-朗讯

lucent 词性/词形变化,lucent变形

名词: lucency |副词: lucently |

lucent 相似词语短语

1、lucence ─── 朗讯

2、luculent ─── adj.透明的;光亮的;容易了解的

3、relucent ─── adj.明亮的;光辉的

4、Recent ─── adj.最近的;近代的

5、ascent ─── n.上升;上坡路;登高

6、lucency ─── n.透明;光亮

7、lucerne ─── n.苜蓿,紫花苜蓿(同alfalfa)

8、accent ─── n.口音;重音;强调;特点;重音符号;vt.强调;重读;带…口音讲话

9、lucently ─── 幸运地

lucent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the abdomen in transverse view demonstrates multiple small lucent lesions representing abscesses from septicemia. The spleen is absent. ─── MRI(磁共振成像)扫描腹部横断面显示的多发性小透亮区为脓毒症病人发生的小脓肿。

2、But Lucent has not been able to pull that off. ─── 但是朗讯并没有能够实现自己的目标。

3、Like the lucent china in the womb, ─── 像子宫里的透明瓷器

4、a house aglow with lights;glowing embers;lambent tongues of flame;the lucent moon;a sky luminous with stars. ─── 灯火明亮的房子;发红的灰烬;火焰闪烁的火舌;明亮的月亮;星光灿烂的天空。

5、Lucent Technology is providing the advanced IMS solutions to the service providers.One feature that Lucent provides is the TrFO/RTO. ─── 朗讯科技公司正在为运营商提供先进的IMS解决方案,TrFO/RTO技术就是其中的一个亮点。

6、Optical Fibre Technology and Optical Networking Products Developed by Lucent Technologies ─── 朗讯科技的光纤技术与光联网产品

7、Lucent Directs Next Generation Optical Transmission Network ─── 朗讯科技开创下一代光传输网络新方向

8、Alcatel, Ericsson, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Caterpillar, Schneider, Fluor, ABB, Lucent, Siemens, Cummins, Carrefour, World Bank, IKEA, Schlumberger, Bosch and many more... ─── 他们是:阿尔卡特、爱立信、福特、宝马、大众汽车,卡特比勒、施耐德、福陆工程、ABB、朗讯、西门子、康明斯、家乐福、世界银行、宜家、斯伦贝谢、博士等。

9、The moon's lucent rays silvered the river. ─── 明亮的月光使河面泛起银色。

10、Level 3 - The moon's magic is summoned, casting 10(12) Lucent Beams around Luna. No unit may be hit more than 4(5) times by this Eclipse. ─── 三级-以月亮之名,召唤10(12)道月光,随机选择周围的目标造成伤害。任何单一目标不会受到多于4(5)道月光的打击。

11、Examples: Sony, Intel, Lucent, every pharmaceutical development com pany. ─── 例:索尼、英特尔、朗讯、每一个药品研发公司。

12、a house aglow with lights; glowing embers; lambent tongues of flame; the lucent moon; a sky luminous with stars. ─── 灯火明亮的房子;发红的灰烬;火焰闪烁的火舌;明亮的月亮;星光灿烂的天空。

13、White Lucent Brightening refining softener ─── 亮透白健肤水

14、How to Strengthen International Juridical Cooperation in Investigating and Disposing Transnational Commercial Bribery from Lucent and Diagnostic Products Corporation Cases ─── 从朗讯、德普案看如何加强查处跨国商业贿赂的国际司法合作

15、Issuing a racing bike to worry so thick and the South Pacific Tourism conditions were as many large enterprises (such as Lucent, Citigroup, etc.), low profits fell 10 cut expenses. ─── 开出送跑车和南太平洋旅游这么忧厚的条件,都是因为许多大企业(例如朗讯、花旗集团等)获利跌到10年低点而削减开支。

16、The company has struggled ever since it was formed by the merger of France's Alcatel and Lucent Technologies of the U. S. five years ago. ─── 自从法国的阿尔卡特和美国的朗讯科技(LucentTechnologies)在五年前合并以来,阿尔卡特-朗讯就一直在苦苦挣扎。

17、Another thing Lucent talked about on Tuesday was an increased exposure to bad debt, the result of lending to its own customers. ─── 朗讯星期二还谈到,由于它向其客户提供贷款,导致坏帐越积越多。

18、Lucent BSR Leads Network Structure Flat ─── 朗讯BSR引领网络架构扁平化

19、But Lucent's technology problem is not only a matter of being too slow to bring the fruits of Bell Labs to market. ─── 但是朗讯在技术方面问题还不仅仅是在把贝尔实验室的科研成果投放到市场上方面过于迟缓。

20、Quick Judging and Handling of Fault for Lucent SDH Equipment ─── 朗讯SDH设备光路故障的快速判断与处理

21、Prior to joining HP, Fiorina spent nearly 20 years at AT&T and Lucent Technologies. ─── 在加入惠普之前,菲奥莉娜在AT&T和朗讯科技任职二十多年。

22、Lucent Technologies Exhibits Total Telecom Service Solutions ─── 朗讯科技全面展示电信服务解决方案

23、Park will appear Lucent Hill, Coca Cola Lake, Lord tower, and a number of enterprises to name landscape. ─── 公园中将出现朗讯山、可口可乐湖、大雄塔等一批以企业名称命名的景观。

24、Paris stock market, the law - the U.S. telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel - Lucent (ALU) shares gained 0.1%. ─── 巴黎股市方面,法-美电信设备制造商阿尔卡特-朗讯(ALU)的股票微涨0.1%。

25、Region Number; a number that is derived from the local point code and used to denote Lucent and non-Lucent offices. ─── 注册码;从本地点编码获取的一个号码,并用于指示 Lucent 和非 Lucent 局。

26、This cleaner is especially good for resolving asphalat and removing it from car surface.It makes the car lucent like a new one.It does not work on rubber surface. ─── 性能与用途 :本品对柏油具有特效的清洁作用,可迅速溶解,除去残留在汽车漆面的柏油污渍,使漆面重新呈现光泽,亮丽如新。

27、Calls to the moon's magic, summoning a concentrated burst of Lucent Beams to damage targets around Luna. ─── 一级-以月亮之名,召唤4(5)道月光,随机选择周围的目标造成伤害。

28、Now the company mainly does the metal surface treatment for the products of Motorola, Lucent, Simons, Philips, and all the products accords with the International Environment-friendly Certificates. ─── 公司现在主要为摩托罗拉、朗讯、西门子、飞利浦等产品做金属表面处理,产品都符合国际绿色环保认证。

29、SOCC is the leading company in Chinese Optic field, has the JV with Lucent, Alcatel, now is developing a new JV for the Optical Components, eager to find intelligent candidate to join the company. ─── SOCC(上海光通信公司)是中国光通信领域的一家主要公司,与朗讯,阿尔卡特等都有合资企业,现在正筹备一光器件的合资企业,热切欢迎各类人才加入。

30、Lucent Shanghai ─── 上海朗讯

31、Region Number = a number that is derived from the local point code and used to denote Lucent and non-Lucent offices. ─── Region Number = 从本地点编码获取的一个号码,并用于指示 Lucent 和非 Lucent 局。

32、Lucent is also working on utterance-verification technology,which gives the user more freedom in speaking and leads to higher accuracy. ─── 朗讯公司也在研究发音验证技术,该技术给用户更大的说话自由度,并带来更高的精度。

33、France's Alcatel and America's Lucent merged in 2006. ─── 法国阿尔卡特和美国朗讯也早在2006年合并。

34、This is news for networking companies like Cisco, Lucent and Nortel, which are already heavily invested in the VoIP market. ─── (而因为有些场面镜头可能不适应某些读者,所以本文对所选择的电影不做详细的介绍评论。

35、White Lucent Brightening moisturizer gel ─── 亮透白保湿凝胶

36、With its unique shell structure and the artificial lake that surrounds it, the theater looks like a lucent peddle on the water. ─── 独特的壳状设计和围绕着的人造湖,剧院就像一个躺在水面上的,发光的鹅卵石.

37、Start by looking at it from the perspective of Lucent Corporation and other major enterprises that use S internally. ─── 我们首先从LucentCorporation和其他内部使用S的主要企业的角度来看。

38、Rapidly growing over the past three years, Mobicom has made strategic partnerships with Lucent Technologies, Texas Instruments in USA, Optimay, and Condat in Germany. ─── 公司产品主要面向中国大陆、香港和台湾地区、东南亚和美国市场。

39、China is often, but not always, the answer to Lucent's manufacturing needs. ─── 中国是经常但不是总是需要透光制造品。

40、Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women. ─── 施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。

41、Dennis Ritchie is currently the head of Lucent Technology's System Software Research Department, while Ken Thompson has retired from both Bell Labs and the hacker spotlight. ─── Dennis Ritchie是现在那头光亮的技术系统软件研究部门,而肯恩汤普生有从铃中心和那都退休砍劈聚光灯。对名望的要求

42、This paper outlets the applications and futures of the prepaid system, then gives an introduction of the Lucent VAA (Value Added Application) platform. ─── 文章首先阐述了预付费系统的应用和发展动向以及朗讯的增值业务平台。

43、Lucent declined to make Mr. McGinn available for comment. ─── 先生出面对此发表意见。

44、Quazi N. Ahmed,Vrbsky S V.Maintaining Security and Timeliness in Rea l-Time Database Systems .Lucent Technologies 2139 Highway 35 Holmdel,NJ 07733. ─── 牟亚莉,曾浩.多级安全实时数据库系统安全性与实时性需求的冲突分析[J].海军工程大学学报.2004.(9):65-67.

45、On February 7th, Alcatel-Lucent unveiled technology that reduces the size of a wireless base station from a filing cabinet to that of a Rubik's cube. ─── 阿尔卡特朗讯公司于2月7日公布了一项新技术,该技术能够将无线基站的体积从一个文件柜缩小至魔方一般。

46、Private communication Gadi Lenz,Lucent Technologies,Bell Labs[N].Murray Hill,USA. ─── 林永昌,卢维强.光学薄膜原理[M].北京:国防工业出版社,1990.

47、Sadly, old gadgetry, knick-knacks and mementos bearing the name American Bell, Inc. have no marketable value as antiques or examples of American folk art.See also Lucent Technologies. ─── 可惜的是,刻有美国贝尔公司名称的旧的小配件、小摆设和纪念品作为古董货美国民间艺术的样品并没有什么市场价值。

48、“Lucent China” shall mean Lucent Technologies (China) Co., Ltd. ─── 朗讯中国是指朗讯科技(中国)有限公司。

49、Lucent Technologies ─── 朗讯科技(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地美国, 主要经营网络设备)

50、Looking from this angle that, unites peaceful D2S, Dell's straight line order pattern and Lucent's DAMA all belongs to one kind of attempt which the technology economic type transforms . ─── 从这个角度看,联泰的D2S,戴尔的直线订购模式和朗讯的DAMA都属于技术经济模式变革的一种尝试。

51、Revenue Recovery Solution System of Lucent Technology ─── 朗讯专业服务业务收入保障服务

52、electron lucent ─── 电子透明, 低电子密度

53、"In 1996 AT&T divided its operations into three separate companies: AT&T Corp., Lucent Technologies Inc. (composed of the former operations of Western Electric and Bell Laboratories), and the NCR Corp." ─── 1996年再度自行分为三家独立公司:美国电话电报公司、朗讯科技公司(由以前的西方电气公司和贝尔实验室组成)和国民收款机公司(NCR corp)。

54、This channel is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent. ─── 该频道由阿尔卡特朗讯赞助。

55、Lucent's Inferno is an entire system, designed for embedded systems. ─── 朗讯公司的inferno是为嵌入式系统设计的完整系统。

56、That warm, white, lucent, million-pleasured breast, - ─── 以及那胸脯:玉洁、温暖、透明、储有万千乐趣;

57、Lucent Technologies Inc ─── 朗讯科技公司

58、Lucent Technologies unveiled its Inferno technology in 1997, IBM has an endeavor called T Spaces, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a technology called Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM). ─── 朗讯公司在1997年发布了它的inferno技术。IBM也有一个叫T Spaces的研究项目,而(美国)橡树岭国家实验室的技术称作并行虚拟机(PVM)。

59、Implementation procedures are described in Lucent Practice 401-601-026. ─── 在 Lucent 实践 401-601-026 中对该实施过程进行了描述。

60、Major overseas telecom manufacturers such as Alcatel, Lucent Technologies, Ericsson, Seimens are all active in the Egyption telecom equipment market, providing assistance for the country to extend its telecom infrastructure. ─── 国外各大电信设备制造商如阿尔卡特、朗讯科技、爱立信、西门子等活跃在埃及的电信设备市场,协助埃及扩展其电信基础设施。

61、the lucent moon; ─── 明亮的月亮;

62、Lucent reported the potential violations to the US Department of Justice and the US Securities and Exchange Commission and is co-operating with those agencies. ─── 朗讯中国机构负责人表示其对这份提交给这个政府的报告并不知情,其亚太区机构拒绝评论。

63、deep high moisture factor, the full complement of skin moisture and water-oil balance, with After the skin moisture is not tight, glory lucent. ─── 深层高保湿因子,能全面补充肌肤水份并维持水油平衡,用后肌肤滋润不紧绷,光彩透亮。

64、Lucent Company carefully analyzed the telecom market . ─── 朗讯公司仔细地分析了 电信市场

65、It was on Sept. 30, 1996 that Lucent Technologies left the nest and began its new life as a maker of communications equipment independent from its parent, AT&T. ─── 朗讯技术公司1996年9月30日从其母公司AT&T中独立出来,离开它的暖巢,成为一家通信设备制造商,从此开始了新的历程。

66、Along these lines, Lucent also has developed a prototype voice-activated World Wide Web browser. ─── 沿这种思路,Lucent(朗迅)公司也开发了语音激励的万维网浏览器原型。

67、While Lucent is very strong in North America, Alcatel is strong in other regions, including Europe and Asia. ─── 朗讯在北美有强大优势,而阿尔卡特在其它地区,包括欧洲和亚洲,具有优势。

68、Lucent even makes about 5 percent of its products in the few internal high-cost plants it still owns in North Carolina, Ohio and Massachusetts. ─── 在北卡罗莱纳,俄亥俄和马萨诸塞同样用有的透光体,透光源于约5%的具有核心高价值的植物产品。

69、Bonesteel of Florida State University, along with colleagues there and at Lucent Technologies's Bell Laboratories. ─── Bonesteel)与同校的同仁,以及在朗讯科技贝尔实验室的合作者开始设法寻找从事特定计算的绞辫。

70、a house aglow with lights; glowing embers; lambent tongues of flame; the lucent moon; a sky luminous with stars ─── 灯火明亮的房子;发红的灰烬;火焰闪烁的火舌;明亮的月亮;星光灿烂的天空

71、Most available WLAN cards are either based on the Intersil Prism chipset or the Lucent Hermes chipset. ─── 大多数可用的WLAN卡是基于Intersil Prism或Lucent Hermes芯片组的。

72、In January, when she was summoned back from Kodak to lead Lucent, the company she'd helped launch, the markets greeted the end of the firm's yearlong CEO search with a slap. ─── 一月份她被朗迅科技从柯达召回来重新领导朗迅,那个曾经在她的带领下走向辉煌的公司. 整个市场都为她的到来从而结束公司长达一年的CEO寻找而欢呼.

73、We have run test systems in Finland with Lucent, Nortel, Ericsson, and Huawei. ─── 我们在芬兰与朗讯、北电、爱立信和华为分别开了实验局。

74、Intelligent Optical Full-service MAN Platform from Lucent Technologies ─── 朗讯科技智能光城域全业务平台

75、Did you hear about Lucent going bankrupt? ─── 你听说郎讯公司破产的消息了吗?

76、With its unique shell structure and the artificial lake that surrounds it, the theater looks like a lucent peddle on the water. ─── 独特的壳状设计和围绕着的人造湖,剧院就像一个躺在水面上的,发光的鹅卵石。

77、At night, the windows appear opaque from the outside, while during the day, the strong outside light floods into the space, making the windows appear completely lucent and open to the seascape. ─── 到了晚上,窗户出现不透明从外部,而在白天,强劲的外部光洪水进入空间,使窗户似乎完全朗讯和开放的海洋。

78、Guo Xin Lucent Technologies Network Technologies CO. ─── 国信朗讯科技网。

79、The Scheme of LUCENT Private Video Communication Network ─── 朗讯科技专用视频网络方案的实现

80、White Lucent Concentrated brightening serum ─── 亮透白精华素

81、Lucent is also working on utterance-verification technology, which "gives the user more freedom in speaking and leads to higher accuracy". ─── lucent公司也在研究发音验证技术,该技术给用户更大的说话自由度,并带来更高的精度。

82、lcatel, Ericsson, Ford, BMW, Volkswagen, Caterpillar, Schneider, Fluor, ABB, Lucent, Siemens, Cummins, Carrefour, World Bank, IKEA, Schlumberger, Bosch and many more... ─── 们是:阿尔卡特、爱立信、福特、宝马、大众汽车,卡特比勒、施耐德、福陆工程、ABB、朗讯、西门子、康明斯、家乐福、世界银行、宜家、斯伦贝谢、博士等。

83、Lucent IMS Next Generation Convergence Solution ─── 朗讯IMS下一代融合解决方案

84、"Buy low, sell high" sounds good, but traders and investors seem to have been more comfortable buying Lucent above 70 than below 7. ─── “低买高卖”听起来不错,但是交易者和投资者看起来更喜欢在70买朗讯,而不是在7之下。

85、But Lucent's technology problem is not only a matter of In the case of optical networking, the company also made a bet that has yet to pay off. ─── 但是朗讯在技术方面问题还不仅仅是在把贝尔实验室的科研成果投放到市场上方面过于迟缓。在光网络上面,该公司所作出的赌注的后果一时半会也不会消除。

86、Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations ─── Lucent Technologies公司简介

87、Lucent Technologies Inc. ─── 朗讯技术公司

88、and Huawei [HWT. UL] said they had not heard of any bid for Alcatel-Lucent. ─── 中兴和华为[HWT.UL]的发言人表示,未听说有关收购阿尔卡特-朗讯的任何消息。

89、When China Unicom first started to build its CDMA network in 2001, 80% of the domestic CDMA market was occupied by foreign equipment manufacturers such as Lucent, Motorola and Ericsson. ─── 在2001年中国联通正式建设CDMA网络初期,国外设备制造商朗讯、摩托罗拉、爱立信等曾占据了国内CDMA市场80%的份额。




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