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moonshine 发音

英:[ˈmuːnʃaɪn]  美:[ˈmuːnʃaɪn]

英:  美:

moonshine 中文意思翻译



moonshine 短语词组

1、sunshine moonshine ─── 阳光月光

2、pretty moonshine ─── 漂亮的私酒

3、diggers moonshine ─── 挖掘私酒

4、pale moonshine ─── 淡 ─── 淡的月光

5、moonshine and molly moonshine ─── 和molly

moonshine 词性/词形变化,moonshine变形

动词过去式: moonshined |动词现在分词: moonshining |名词: moonshiner |动词第三人称单数: moonshines |动词过去分词: moonshined |

moonshine 习惯用语

1、That's all moonshine. ─── 那完全是胡言乱语; 我压根儿就不相信。

2、moonshine in the water ─── 微不足道的东西

moonshine 相似词语短语

1、moonshiners ─── n.非法酿酒商;烈酒走私者;夜间非法买卖者

2、moonships ─── n.探月太空船

3、moonshiny ─── adj.月光照耀的;似月光的;空想的

4、moonshinier ─── 月光

5、moonshiniest ─── 私酒

6、moonshining ─── n.非法制造或走私蒸馏酒的行为

7、moonshiner ─── n.非法酿酒商;烈酒走私者;夜间非法买卖者

8、moonstone ─── n.[宝]月长石

9、moonship ─── n.探月太空船

moonshine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、moonshine n. ─── 月光,空想;

2、DEEP in the mountains of rural south-western Virginia, entrepreneurship has often come in the form of strong moonshine whiskey, produced in backwoods stills and sold in glass jars and plastic jugs. ─── 在弗吉尼亚州西南偏远的大山深处,人们通常通过生产走私的摩闪酒来创业。这些酒在偏远林区的蒸馏室里完成生产,用玻璃瓶和塑料壶包装贩卖。

3、Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills-Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal? ─── 要是你们决定按斯诺鲍的风车梦想跟从了他会怎样呢?斯诺鲍这家伙,就我们现在所知,不比一个坏蛋强多少。

4、In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine ─── 大多数情况下他的这类瞎想最终都是虚惊一场。

5、moonshine, more likely! ─── 路路通说,“嘿!

6、One is waiting, under city-lights in a city bathed by moonshine ─── 月光下的城城下的灯下的人在等

7、Exor - Moonshine (Megara vs. ─── 歌曲:Project Medusa vs.

8、or else one must come in with a bush of thorns and a lantern, and say he comes to disfigure or to present the person of Moonshine. ─── 否则就得叫一个人一手拿着柴枝,一手举起灯笼,登场说他是假扮或是代表着月亮。

9、bag of moonshine ─── 无稽之谈

10、On nights with moonshine or mild cloud cover, the telescope instead uses a pair of spectrographs to obtain spectra, and therefore redshifts, of 608 objects at a time. ─── 而在有月光或薄云的夜晚,望远镜则利用一对摄谱仪摄取光谱,可同时测定608个物体的红移。

11、Mar. 23. Warm. Moonshine and stars. In this familiar while strange city, Looking for a strange but familiar person helplessly. ─── 3月23日天气日渐温暖,晚上有月亮,也有星星。在这个熟悉又陌生的城市中,无助的寻找一个陌生又熟悉的身影。

12、I will only act Moonshine , and peep harmlessly into the bed where faith and beauty and innocence lie dreaming. ─── 我还是做月光吧,只不过在忠诚,美丽,纯洁(的爱米丽亚)睡着的时候,偷眼看看(她)罢了。

13、And her answer is very classical: "I should be in namely dull time, do such moonshine favour, and you look at these dull video, can feel so not dull slowly. ─── 而她的回答很经典:“我就是要在无聊的时间,做这样无聊的事情,而你们看着这些无聊的视频,慢慢地就会觉得不那么无聊了。”

14、Mar. 23. Warm. Moonshine and stars. ─── 3月23日天气日渐温暖,晚上有月亮,也有星星。

15、As it is tonight, basking in a misty moonshine all by myself, I feel I am a free man, free to think of anything, or of nothing. ─── 像今晚上,一个人在这苍茫的月下,什么都可以想,什么都可以不想,便觉是个自由的人。

16、Misty taste of moonshine, ─── 和朦胧的月光

17、The moonshine got through the window. ─── 月光透过窗户。

18、I will only act Moonshine , and peep harmless into the bed where faith and beauty and innocence lie dreaming. ─── 我还是做月光吧,月光是不害人的,只不过在忠诚,美丽,纯洁(的爱米丽亚)睡着的时候,偷眼看看(她)罢了。

19、It was a moonless night, but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

20、My absolute favorite place is the Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill. ─── 我最喜欢的地方是MoonshinePatioBar&Grill。

21、The moonshine of plenilune shined on the west loft while the wide geese flying back to home in line. ─── 雁字回时,月满西楼。

22、2. We sat quietly in the moonshine . ─── 我们在月光下静静地坐着。

23、From the poem, we could get that “wind、flower、snow、moonshine” are what makes up Dali. ─── 下关风上关花苍山雪洱海月构成了大理的"风花雪月"。

24、So, sob out!Dance in the moonshine!Listen respectfully to the longs and shorts full of feelings for years, in the deeply sleeping jungle. ─── 泣吧,诉吧,就在月光下起舞吧,独自聆听这诗样年华的情怀在沉睡森林。

25、Misty tastes the moonshine ─── 月色暗淡,

26、I need you to pick up a keg of Thunderbrew Lager from Grimbooze Thunderbrew in the Westfall hills, a cask of Merlot from Stormwind, a bottle of Moonshine from Darkshire and a skin of Sweet Rum from Goldshire. ─── 我希望你能从住在西部荒野的葛瑞姆·雷酒那里搞一桶雷霆啤酒,从暴风城搞一桶葡萄酒,从夜色镇搞一瓶月光酒,还有还有,再从闪金镇搞一袋蜂蜜酒来。

27、The story is pure moonshine. ─── 这个故事纯属瞎编。

28、Alan: Can you make money selling that moonshine? ─── 阿伦:你酿的酒可以卖钱吗?

29、He has a speech with moonshine. ─── 他发表了一通荒唐的空谈。

30、distill illegally; produce moonshine. ─── 非法蒸馏;私酿烈酒。

31、Since we share the same sight rather than sound, I'd chase the moonshine that flows upon you, As flying swans are but in moonlight foundAnd diving fish only leave ripples in view. ─── 此时相望不相闻,愿逐月华流照君。鸿雁长飞光不度,鱼龙潜跃水成文。

32、“A friend gave me a bottle of Moonshine. ─── “朋友给了我一瓶摩闪酒,打开来喝。

33、The lesson taught by the crash and the Great Depression was that the glorious dream of a self-regulating economy, free of government intervention and supervision, was moonshine. ─── 股市大崩溃与经济大萧条给予的教训是,免于政府干预与监督的自动调节经济的美好梦想是不切实际的空谈。

34、Paul: Those are used for moonshine. ─── 保罗:乡下人是出了名的痛恨官僚作风的人 Paul: Check out that kid wearing overalls playing the banjo.

35、At a nearby lakeside pub, moonshine is dispensed and a goat wanders nonchalantly among the drinkers. ─── 在附近的一家湖边酒馆,月光泄地,一只山羊在饮者中漠不关心地闲逛。

36、moonshine in the water ─── 微不足道的东西

37、Caption:: Sunlight shine on Earth by the reflection of Moon is not little, moonshine can bring brightness in the dark, in the photo, the cloud is illumined by the moon. ─── 月球所反射到地球上的太阳光绝对不能少看,月亮的光芒能为黑夜带来光明,照亮大地,图中是月夜下受月照下的云海。

38、It was a moonless night, but the brilliant stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 晚来无月,但繁星点点,皎洁明亮,足补月亮之缺而有余。

39、Anyone who expects a source of power in the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine. ─── 希望在原子的转化中获得能量的人都是胡说八道。

40、moonshine 2006-08-30 How many women should a man own in his life? ─── 30一个女人的一生应该有几个男人?

41、5.Much of the alcohol consumed in Sri Lanka is moonshine. ─── 斯里兰卡消费的酒类,大多属于私造的烈酒。

42、Jeth : How about this, I'll take you out snake hunting, then afterwards, we'll have some moonshine. ─── 杰斯:这样如何,我带你们去猎蛇,然后,我们就来喝私酿酒。

43、Its glory is all moonshine. ─── 它的辉煌全都是空谈。

44、At a nearby lakeside pub, moonshine is dispensed and a goat wanders nonchalantly among the drinkers. ─── 在附近的一家湖边酒馆,月光泄地,一只山羊在饮者中漠不关心地闲逛。

45、I didn't know that America has Baijiu, but the Moonshine tasted smoother. ─── 真没想到美国也有白酒,而且味道比中国的白酒绵软可口。

46、It was so busy under the sun.With the sun's lowing,it has fallen into deep silence.During the night,under the moonshine,I was recalling my happy memories. ─── 白天,这儿曾是多么热闹。太阳下山了,这儿静了下来。在这夜里,月光下,我拾起了今天快乐的回忆。

47、There would not be enough for a huge supply of moonshine that winter. He stopped and held his open hand beneath the mare's lips. ─── 这个冬日没有足够的月光,他停下,在母马的嘴唇下伸开手掌。

48、don't listen to him moonshine,that's not ture. ─── 别听他们胡说八道,根本就没那回事。

49、BOTTOM A calendar, a calendar! Look in the almanack; find out moonshine, find out moonshine. ─── 波顿:拿历本来,拿历本来!瞧历本上有没有月亮,有没有月亮。

50、Lithuanian border guards have unearthed a three-kilometre (2-mile) pipeline for smuggling in moonshine liquor from neighbouring Belarus. ─── 立陶宛边境护卫队日前在与白俄罗斯相邻的边境地区挖掘出了一条3公里长专门用来走私伏特加酒的地下管道。

51、I will only act Moonshine, and peep harmlessly into the bed where faith and beauty and innocence lie dreaming ─── 我还是做月光吧,只不过在忠诚,美丽,纯洁(的爱米丽亚)睡着的时候,偷眼看看(她)罢了。

52、Suppose you had decided to follow Snowball, with his moonshine of windmills-Snowball, who, as we now know, was no better than a criminal? ─── 要是你们决定按斯诺鲍的风车梦想跟从了他会怎样呢?斯诺鲍这家伙,就我们现在所知,不比一个坏蛋强多少。”

53、Some of the men would have a drink of homemade in the moonshine before striking up a tune on the fiddle. ─── 月光下,有的人还会来一杯自家酿的酒,然后便趁兴用小提琴拉上一曲。

54、Again under the sea of moonshine of this night ─── 今夜,再一次沐浴在月华的海洋中

55、Languid moonshine I bath my skin in thee ─── 月亮啊,将我的肌肤沐浴在你苍白无力的光辉中

56、Mist taste of moonshine ,tear dorp in my eye。 ─── 沐浴在艨珑的月光里,眼泪止不住掉下来。

57、Many mountaineers in the south still make moonshine . ─── 现在南方的许多山民仍在私酿威士忌。

58、After all, his grandfather ran moonshine on the back roads of Kentucky during Prohibition. ─── 毕竟,他的祖父在禁酒时期曾经在肯塔基州的小道上贩运私酒。

59、Dark and dusty, painted on the sky, misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye. ─── 要早知道一个团长的话,就顺便带点鱼串了......那天看见好吃的,眼儿热啊

60、In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine. ─── 大多数情况下他的这类瞎想最终都是虚惊一场。

61、Balderdash Memo about Moonshine of Silkroad ─── 丝路空谈之绝对梦呓录

62、All my memories, gather'round her Miner's lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine, tear drops in my eye ─── 我所有的记忆,都围绕她展开矿工家的女人,少见蔚蓝大海昏暗伴随尘灰,绘出天的色彩品味朦胧月色,不禁泪如雨来

63、That's all moonshine. ─── 我根本不相信

64、The room is painted white with moonshine ─── 月光使房间洁白如洗。

65、They danced hand in hand beside the calm lake in the clear moonshine. ─── 在皎洁的月光下,她们在平静的湖边手拉手跳舞。

66、Although it is difficult to find illegal moonshine in America, the legends of bootleggers and moonshiners are abundant in the American literatures. ─── 虽然在美国很难找到非法的摩闪酒,但美国文化中却有着丰富的摩闪传奇。

67、Jeth : Yeah, and that show was funny. Wasn't too accurate, except for the moonshine part. ─── 杰斯:对,那个节目很好笑。除了酿私酒那部分,其它都不太正确。

68、It is a moonless night, but the brilliancy of the stars more than made up for the want of moonshine. ─── 夜来无月,繁星点点,皎洁明亮,犹胜月光。*比较级/最高级干扰

69、moonshine crotch ─── 月光纹

70、Paul : You actually make moonshine? ─── 保罗:你们真的酿私酒?

71、I came stepping on moonshine ─── 我曾踏月而来

72、Accompanied by the breeze and moonshine ─── 有微风与月光伴随

73、His story is plain moonshine. ─── 他的故事是瞎编乱造的。

74、Moonshine On The West Tower ─── 月光小夜曲·月满西楼

75、The western end was already steeped in moonshine ; the rest, and the block-house itself, still lay in a black shadow, chequered with long, silvery streaks of light. ─── 寨子的西边已经沐浴在月光中,但它的其余部分,包括木屋,仍笼罩在黑影中,几道长长的银辉在上面画出了棋盘状的格子。

76、Once available on the market, Moonshine whiskey and its stories will strike Chinese dinner tables with a white lightening taste at the NASCAR speed. ─── 上市后美国白酒-摩闪威士吉及其传奇故事将以纳斯卡赛车的速度给中国的餐桌带来闪光的美国民间风味和文化。

77、The sky looks ever so deep when you lay down on your back in the moonshine; I never knowed it before. ─── 在月光下,躺着望天,才发现天这么幽深,这是我从前所不知道的。

78、Misty taste of moonshine teardrop in my eyes ─── 在那朦胧的月光下,泪水涌出我的眼睛

79、THESEUS Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead. ─── 忒修斯:他们的葬事要让月亮和狮子来料理了吧?

80、If I had words to make a day for you,I'd sing you the morning golden and new,I would last this day for all time,Give you a night deep in moonshine. ─── 华夏编辑们的态度确实很值得称赞,真希望我们的大多数科普期刊的业者们都能这样严谨负责,勇于承担,积极回应。

81、All my memories Gather round her Miners'Lady Stranger to blue water Dark and dusty Painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine Teardrop in my eye. ─── 我所有的记忆,全是关于她,矿工的太太,连海也没见过。又黑又多尘,似画在天上,似月有薄雾色。眼泪涌上我了眼窝。

82、The moonshine, stealing o'er the scene, Had blended with the lights of eve; And she was there, my hope, my joy, My own dear Genevieve! ─── 月光悄悄地照到了那里,同茫茫暮色融汇在一处;我希望和欢乐也在那里,我亲爱的热内薇芙!

83、In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine. ─── 大多数情况下他的这类瞎想最终都是虚惊一

84、To my amazement, there was a small piece of whiteness, shining softly like the mercury ,even without moonshine. ─── 我甚是奇怪,没有月光的小院里,却有一块小小的白色,水银般柔和地亮着。


a little potato的中文翻译  a little potato  一个小土豆  双语例句  

1  When I'm not doing that, I brew a little potato moonshine.  除此之外,我会用土豆酿造点私酒。  

2  Everyone can have his own dream, ever if he is just a little potato.  每个人都可以有梦,即使只是微不足道的小豆芽。  

3  I am just a little potato! I am just nobody!  自己真的只是只是一颗小土豆、一个小人物!

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