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10-01 投稿


middles 发音

英:[ˈmɪdlz]  美:[ˈmɪdəlz]

英:  美:

middles 中文意思翻译



middles 同义词

central |center | eye | meridian | midriff | medial | average | navel | interior | midst | medium | moderate | heart | halfway | internal | inside | median | depth | focus | in-between | mean | core | midway | mediate | midpoint | inner | centre | hub | intermediate | middling | midsection | nucleus | mid

middles 短语词组

1、the king of middles ─── 米德尔斯之王

middles 词性/词形变化,middles变形

动词过去分词: middled |动词现在分词: middling |动词过去式: middled |动词第三人称单数: middles |

middles 反义词

late | end | early |beginning

middles 相似词语短语

1、middies ─── n.(妇女或儿童穿的)水手领罩衫;水手衫;海军校生

2、middle ─── adj.中间的,中部的;中级的,中等的;n.中间,中央;腰部

3、meddles ─── v.干涉,管闲事,干预他人之事;瞎搞,乱弄

4、middled ─── 米德尔德

5、fiddles ─── n.小提琴;vi.瞎搞;拉小提琴;vt.虚度时光;拉小提琴

6、middlers ─── 中年级生

7、diddles ─── vt.骗取;欺骗;浪费;vi.快速摇动;闲混;瞎摆弄

8、kiddles ─── n.鱼簖(一种捕鱼工具);鱼梁;n.(Kiddle)人名;(英)基德尔

9、middler ─── 中年级生

middles 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Social class: Lower lowers, upper lowers, working class, middle class, upper middles, lower uppers, upper uppers. ─── 最底层阶级,底层阶级,工薪阶级,中产阶级,中上层阶级,上层阶级,最上层阶级。

2、Abstract: In the whole 20th century, the curriculum development of American senior middles have undergone the process from imbalanced development to the vitalization of bases. ─── 摘要:整个20世纪,美国高中课程发展大致经历了从“失衡发展”到“基础振兴”的轨迹。

3、All of these beginnings, middles, and endings are the result of our interpretation of the information available and how we choose to act on our interpretation. ─── 我们自己解读信息并按照自己的理解去交易,所以所有的开始点,中间点和结束点都是我们决定的。

4、This part theoretically analyzed and the factors that presented some helpful thoughts on the construction of courses to train the middles school teachers" multicultural music education consciousness. ─── 在具体研究的基础上,对中小学教师多元文化音乐教育培训课程的构建提供有益的思路。

5、It has also been duplicated, so there are actually two identical copies stuck together at their middles. ─── 它已经完成复制,所以实际上有相同的在中间粘住的两份。

6、just that the middles of fiction involve these processes of delay. ─── 不仅仅是小说的中间部分牵涉到这些耽误的过程。

7、If a male person and two ladies walk together,he ought to walk in both middles. ─── 如果一个男子和两个女士一起走,他应当走在两者当中。

8、All gambling games have specified beginnings, middles, and endings, based on a sequence of events that determine the outcome of the game. ─── 根据游戏的过程及结果,所有的赌博都有具体的开始点、中间点和结束点。

9、The investigation s from many countries and areas show that there exists a serious tiresome of learning both in primary schools and middles in every country. ─── 据许多国家和地区的研究结果显示,各国中小学都存在比较普遍的厌学现象。

10、In both English and Chinese, there are middles, which are different from sentences with either active voice or passive voice. ─── 摘要英、汉两种语言中都存在中动结构,一种既区别于主动句又不同于被动句的语言现象。

11、IKEA has two in China, in Shanghai, another on in Beijing, north three links middles of the mill 27, 300, 302, 387, 801.. ─── 宜家家居在中国有两家,一个在上海,另一个就在北京,北三环中路27号,300、302、387、801。。。。。。

12、2.Last week No. 14 Middles School held a sports meeting on the playground. ─── 第十四中学上周在操场上举行运动会。

13、"buylding" has very agile syntactic position.It can be located in the first、 middles last of one sentence, and it can even be used singly. ─── “不一定”的句法位置非常灵活,可以在句首,可以在句中,也可以在句末出现,甚至可以单用。

14、In a harmonious atmosphere between teachers and students on beauty the Chinese teaching in middles schools will step into a new stage. ─── 在师生和谐的审美关系中我们的中学语文教学将提升到一个新的境界。

15、Middles in English and Chinese, like many other phenomena in the two languages, possess their similarities and their differences. ─── 它们和其他语言现象一样存在着共性,也存在着一些差异。

16、We didn't have to have beginnings of sketches, or middles, or ends. ─── 我们可以没有短剧的开头,或者中间,甚至结尾。

17、Car commercials put their vehicles in the most improbable of places: sides of cliffs, tops of rock pillars, middles of deserts. ─── 汽车的广告老是把车子摆在不切实际的地方,例如悬崖边、岩柱顶端或是沙漠中央。

18、On Music Education and Character Education in Middles Schools in Western Rural Areas ─── 论音乐教育与西部农村中学素质教育

19、For example, can depression fatten the "middles" ofmiddle-aged people as well as of seniors? ─── 例如,抑郁症是否能使中年人群像年长者一样肥胖?

20、They all have large middles and small openings. ─── 都是肚子大、开口小。

21、Wake you up in the middles of the night ─── 将你从午夜时分唤醒

22、70. I graduated from middles school in 1988. ─── 我是1988年从中学毕业的.

23、Approach on Autumn Forestation Effect of Almond in Middl Hill of Minhe. ─── 民和浅山地区山杏秋季造林效果探讨。

24、Investigation and Analysis of the Situation of Junior Middles School Students'Extracurricular Athletics Activities of Nanchong City ─── 南充市初中学生课外体育活动现状调查及分析

25、middles in Chinese ─── 汉语中动结构

26、"My subject is the American Protestant small town middle class," Updike told an interviewer in 1966."I like middles.It is in middles that extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules. ─── 1966 年,厄普代克在一次访谈中说:“我笔下的人物是美国小镇的中产阶级新教徒,我喜欢中产阶级,正是在中产阶级身上,存在着内心的极端冲突,而含糊暧昧贯穿始终。”

27、4. Fill each cup with the cherry tomatoes, adding a layer of sun-dried tomatoes in the middles. ─── 将樱桃西红柿填入每只杯中,在中间加一层西红柿干.

28、The Connotation and Definition of P. E. Course Resources in Middles Schools ─── 中学体育课程资源概念的内涵与界定

29、To make lasting change happen, leaders need to "master the difficult middles" ─── 要取得持久的变革,领导者要“控制困难的中间过程”

30、There aren't even any beginnings, middles, or endings as there are in virtually every other activity we participate in. ─── 在我们参与的任何活动中都没有开始点,中间点或结束点。

31、To the 16th century middles, botanical garden art has also had the new change. ─── 到了16世纪中叶,园林艺术也发生了新的变化。

32、Have somersaulted many middles aching! ─── 空翻过多腰疼!

33、Beginnings and middles and ends are a very good way of trying to work it out in advance. ─── 但尽管如此,开端、发展和结尾的结构形式,对你高质量地讲出这个故事,仍是一条非常好的途径。

34、Conclusion: The content of total saponin in radix pltycodonis in Lushan of Zibo of Shandong is the highest, the middles section of radix platycodonis with two years' ages is the best. ─── 结论:山东淄博鲁山产桔梗的总皂苷含量最高,质量最佳;根中段是药材最理想的入药部位;两年生药材最适宜入药。

35、Skinny people with thick middles are particularly prone to developing Type II Diabetes, which helps explain why the disease is spreading in places where people are, on average, quite thin. ─── 肚子大的瘦子尤其容易患上二型糖尿病,这就有助于解释该疾病为什么会在平均起来很瘦的人群中传播。

36、6.The paper holds that middles in English and Chinese have some semantic properties in common, and the differences are shaped because of hypotaxis of English and parataxis of Chinese. ─── 英汉语中动结构所表述的基本语义特征是相同的,而它们的差异是由英汉语不同的语言属性决定的。

37、The Sosso-Bala accompanies epic poems of the African Middles Ages, and hymns celebrating the builders of the "Empire of Mali" of the Middle Ages. ─── 苏苏-巴拉多用来伴奏中世纪非洲史诗和马里王国建立者的赞歌。

38、Car commercials put their vehicles in the most improbable of places: sides of cliff, tops of rock pillars, middles of deserts. ─── 汽车的广告老是把车子摆在不切实际的地方,例如悬崖边、岩柱顶端或是沙漠中央。

39、education of primany school and middles school ─── 农村中小学远程教育工程

40、Adjunct Middles in Chinese and West-Germanic Languages ─── 汉语和西日耳曼语中的附加语中间结构

41、Students in senor middles schools are special not only for the characteristics of their physiological development, but also because of the ever-changing features in their psychological progress. ─── 高中生是一个特殊的群体,不仅因其生理发展特点,而且其心理发展也表现出日新月异的特点。

42、some children don't start until the Spring or Summer term, depending on birthdays);Middles (age 5-6) and Tops (age 6-7). ─── 所以在幼儿学校的班级叫做小班(年龄段:4-5岁,一些孩子直到春季学期或者夏季学期才开始,这都决定于他们的生日日期)中班(5-6岁)大班(6-7岁)。

43、middles school student ─── 中学生

44、Note: Teacher and staff , full-time teachers, substitutive and part-time teachers in general middles schools are total for junior and senior middle schools. ─── 注:初中教职工数、专任教师及代课兼任教师数为初中高中合计数。

45、middles school student; ─── 中学生;

46、middle child is influenced by many variables; however, middles are less likely to take initiative and more anxious and self-critical than others. ─── 中间的孩子受很多因素的影响:然而,中间的孩子不太可能主动,也比其他人更焦虑、更易自我批判。

47、Keywords Middles school students MMCPC Reliability Validity; ─── 关键词中学生;MMCPC;信度;效度;

48、Knowing about "difficult middles" can help you to persevere ─── 了解“困难的中间过程”有助于你坚持到底

49、They are again in simple curves, with the middles arched like arrows pointing upward. ─── 让眼睛的紧闭多停留一帧使闭眼动作带有粘滞感。

50、Psychological guidance in middles schools with the purpose to cultivate healthy mental quality is not only the important part of quality education but also the deep meaning of modern education. ─── 以培养学生良好心理品质、提高学生心理素质为目标的中学心理辅导不仅是素质教育的重要组成部分,更是现代教育应有的内涵之一。

51、The first one is a Middles east snacks, it is not dry , just like the Mini pizza. ─── 呵呵,这第一感受就是让人口干舌燥。图一就如中式月饼里面的酥皮月饼一样,吃了一口就会马上想着喝水。

52、in both english and chinese , there are middles , which are different from sentences with either active voice or passive voice. ─── 英、汉两种语言中都存在中动结构,一种既区别于主动句又不同于被动句的语言现象。

53、Nanchang middles schools ─── 南昌市中学

54、The talk command clears your screen and draws a dotted line across the middles. ─── talk命令会清屏,并在屏中间画一条点线。

55、senior middles school English teaching behaviour ─── 高中英语教学行为

56、Males tend to collect fat around their middles, which is much more dangerous than the pear-shaped pattern common among women. ─── 男性的脂肪通常集中于身体中部,这比女性那种梨型的身材更危险。

57、Middles take different forms among different languages, which influence translation to some extent. ─── 摘要中动结构有着跨语言的不同的表现形式,从而对翻译有一定的影响。

58、middles in English ─── 英语中动结构

59、Middles" often successfully marry other "middles", since both are strong on tact, not so strong on aggressiveness, and tend to crave affection. ─── 老二”通常会成功地与其他“老二”结婚,因为他们都很乖巧,不那么强势,并且渴望感情。

60、The patient has been in wheels of exchanging for , Corey has been leaving many old colleague also in this several middles of the year , has been coming to a lot of new colleague! ─── 病人在一轮轮的换着,科里也在这几年中离开了不少老同事,来了好多新同事!不过相处的岁月中,工作的协调与配合中依然那么依然有序。

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