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Laplander 中文意思翻译



Laplander 相似词语短语

1、Laplander ─── n.拉普兰人

2、Laplanders ─── 拉普兰人

3、flatlander ─── 平地机

4、Calender ─── v.以砑光机砑光;n.砑光机;托钵游方僧

5、Marylander ─── n.(美国)马里兰州人

6、mainlander ─── n.大陆人;本土人

7、lowlander ─── n.低地的人;苏格兰低地的人

8、Englander ─── n.英国人;英格兰人

9、uplander ─── n.山地,高地(upland的变形)

Laplander 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In Swedish Lapland, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle lies the village of Jukkasjarvi on the River Torne. ─── 沿托尔纳河而建的尤卡斯亚尔比村位于瑞典拉普兰地区,北极圈以北200公里处。

2、Her longest service was 13 yrs as the Chief Medical Officer of North Finland, known as Lapland, an area of 100,000 square kilometers, above the artic circle. ─── 她在北芬兰作为首席医疗官的13年长期服务,使她闻名于拉普兰岛,一个100000平方公里的美丽地区。

3、Up in Lapland, Santa Claus is getting ready to leave, making his annual Christmas deliveries. ─── 在拉普兰,圣诞老人已经为他的一年一度的圣诞礼物派送作好了准备。

4、A member of a people of nomadic herding tradition inhabiting Lapland. ─── 拉普兰人居住在拉普兰的一大批具有游牧传统的人

5、North of Kemi, right on the Arctic Circle lies Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland. ─── 拉普兰省的省会罗凡尼米坐落在凯米市以北的北极圈上。

6、In other words, research that rests on the cognitive, Q-and-A level inhabits Lapland, while the sensory impressions that feed emotional responses are so numerous as to constitute China. ─── 换言之,研究,在于认知,调Q和A级栖息拉普兰,而感官展示饲料情绪反应是如此众多,构成中国。

7、And a verse of a Lapland song ─── 一首拉普兰民歌里的诗句

8、Book online the cheapest hotels in Lapland - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Lapland 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

9、Lapland Bunting ─── n. 铁爪鹀

10、The visitor can wander from Lapland in the north to Skane in the south.A stroll through the park also takes the visitor through five centuries of Swedish history. ─── 离开了旧城区之后,观光游船还会经过梅拉伦湖畔的市政府大楼,从大楼一角高起了大型的方形高台面向水畔,每年诺贝尔奖得主领奖时,瑞典的国王和皇后都在此观礼。

11、"Lapland knows no fixed boundaries; ─── 拉普兰没有固定的边界;

12、The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that includes the north part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. ─── 欧洲的最北端叫做拉普兰,它包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛的北部和俄罗斯的小部分。

13、Many a church member saw I, walking behind the music, that has danced in the same measure with me, when somebody was fiddler, and, it might be, an Indian powwow or a Lapland wizard changing hands with us! ─── 我看见这么多教堂里的人跟在乐队后面游行,他们都曾随着我踏着同样的舞步,由某个人物演奏着提琴,或许,还有一个印第安人的祭司或拉普兰人的法师同我们牵着手呢!

14、Professor John Moore is a climate change expert at the University of Lapland who has been studying ice - core samples taken from the Arctic sea. ─── 教授约翰摩尔是一个在拉普兰大学的气候变化专家,专门研究从北冰洋取样的冰核心。

15、Oh, there are so many!! Lapland, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Egypt.... ─── 啊太多了!拉普兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,冰岛,埃及。。。

16、Relatively few of some 32,000 Lapps who live scattered across the arctic fringes of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, the rugged area known as Lapland, have ever followed the lonely life of the reindeer nomad. ─── 相对而言,那些散居在挪威、瑞典、芬兰、俄罗斯等国北极圈以内那些气候恶劣地区拉普兰定居点的拉普兰人并不能算得上是真正遵循了他们祖先孤独的游牧民生活。

17、Lapland's winter lasts about six months, and from November to January, the sun does not rise above the horizon, giving the whole day the feel of dusk. ─── 拉普兰省的冬季约有六个月之久,从十一月至一月,太阳都不会升到地平线上,使得一整天都是薄暮黄昏的感觉,

18、Built in a small town in Lapland, it has been attracting lots of visitors, but soon the fun will be over. ─── 建于小城镇在拉普兰,已经吸引了大量游客,但很快的乐趣将超过。

19、Far away in the frozen lands beyond the northern forests the Lapps, a Mongolian people, had drifted westward as far as Lapland, but they played no part in the main current of history. ─── 在北部森林那边遥远的冻土上,拉普人(属于蒙古民族)一再向西迁移,最后到达拉普兰,不过他们对历史主流毫无影响.

20、North Lapland,where lived the most lonely and beautiful Snow Queen in the world, is covered by snow all the year round.The Queen did live in such a cold palace. ─── 拉普兰德,北边的最远处,住着位世上最美丽最孤单的雪之女王,那里一年四季都是白雪皑皑,美丽的雪女王就住在这个没有温度的宫殿里。

21、Rovaniemi is located in the Finnish Lapland, the home region of the Santa-Claus. ─── 罗凡尼米位于芬兰拉普兰,是圣诞老人的故乡。

22、Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic was established in August 1992 and received its permanent status in August 1997.The Polytechnic is situated in Finnish Lapland, near the Swedish border. ─── 位于芬兰拉普兰省靠近瑞典边境的凯米-托尔尼奥理工建于1992年,是由五个学院组成,所有的教学机构都位于两个邻近的城市-凯米和托尔尼奥。

23、This year Church idea is from Lapland of North Europ, with many enviromental thoughts, named North Church. ─── 今年的教堂参照北欧拉普兰地区的建筑风格建造而成,采用了大量生态环境的意向,名为“北方教堂”。

24、When you return to this mundane sphere from your visionary world, you would seem to leave a Neapolitan spring for a Lapland winter--to quit paradise for earth--heaven for hell! ─── 当你从虚幻的世界回到现实中来的时候,你就象是离开了那不勒斯的春天而来到了北极拉伯兰的冬天,就象离开乐园到了尘世,离开天堂到了地狱!

25、Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland ─── 拉普兰大学艺术与设计学院

26、University of Lapland ─── 拉普兰大学

27、She holds 3 specialities: public health, health administration, tropical medicine. She is also a retired president of the Nursing college of Lapland. ─── 她有3个学位:公共健康,健康管理,热带医学。她也是拉普兰岛看护学院的退休校长。

28、4.The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that includes the north part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. ─── 欧洲的最北端叫做拉普兰,它位于挪威北部边界,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛的北部和俄罗斯的一小部分。

29、A trip to Lapland truly allows you to experience a winter wonderland! ─── 拉普兰之旅真会让你置身冬日仙境!

30、Connections between climatic variables and the growth and needle dynamics of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) In Estonia and Lapland ─── 气候变化与在爱沙尼亚和拉普兰的苏格兰松树生长和针动力学之间的关系(曹学柱译)

31、a member of a people of nomadic herding tradition inhabiting Lapland ─── 居住在拉普兰的一大批具有游牧传统的人

32、In second place was a big family get-together, with a magical trip to Lapland coming third. ─── 排在第二位的是一个大家庭聚会,到神奇的拉普兰旅游第三。

33、Can't choose between the northern lights in Lapland, fairytale castles in Transylvania, picturesque beaches on the Mediterranean coast or the bright lights of Paris and London? ─── 无法选择介于北部的拉普兰,特兰西瓦尼亚的仙境城堡,地中海岸的风景如画的海滩,或是城市奢华的巴黎和伦敦之间的旅行?

34、An ecologist working at the University of Lapland says that some birds are breeding earlier since the winters are not so harsh. ─── 一位在拉普兰大学的生态家说,一些鸟提前繁殖,因为冬天不再那麽的寒冷。

35、Lapland is home to the Samis, a native people who were gradually driven northward by development in Scandinavia. ─── 拉普兰是撒密斯人的故乡,这些土著居民由于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的开发而被迫逐渐向北迁徙。

36、"About 20 kilometres from the Russian border, in the heart of lapland--in the middle of nowhere with pine trees all around laden with snow ─── “我在距俄罗斯边界约20公里处,在拉普兰地区的腹地,周围全是白雪覆盖的松树。

37、Over the hills, hear the call of the wild. You have yearning to go there, Lapland, madness. ─── 越过山岗,听见山野的呼唤。你狂热的想要去拉普兰。

38、From north to south, from Lapland to Oslo and Bergen, Norwegian people has convinced us, with time, that human beings, as the most advanced yet most vulnerable in the grand family of nature, can live in harmony with all its other members. ─── 从北到南,从拉普兰到奥斯陆和卑尔根,挪威人用时间向我们证明了:人类作为自然大家庭中最高级但也是最脆弱的一分子,能够与其他成员融洽地生活在一起。

39、From Lapland to the Azores, the single currency is a reality. ─── 从拉普兰到亚速而岛,统一的货币已经成为了现实。

40、Relatively few of some32,000 Lapps who live scattered across the arctic fringes of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, the rugged area known as Lapland, have ever followed the lonely life of the reindeer nomad. ─── 相对而言,那些散居在挪威、典、兰、罗斯等国北极圈以内那些气候恶劣地区拉普兰定居点的拉普兰人并不能算得上是真正遵循了他们祖先孤独的游牧民生活。

41、Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well. ─── 最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。

42、’ There is a Santa Claus village at the Arctic Circle Rovaniemi in Lapland in Finland. ─── 在芬兰极北的拉普兰的柔曼尼米极圈有个圣诞老人村。

43、9.Besides dropping in on Santa, visitors to Lapland can enjoy trekking and skiing in Lemmenjoki Park with its dreamlike arctic landscape, dense forests, and free wilderness huts that dot the area. ─── 除了顺道拜访圣诞老人,前往拉普兰的游客也可以在"拉门乔基公园"享受徒步旅行与滑雪之乐,并欣赏它如梦似幻的北极圈风光、蓊郁的森林和这片辽阔荒原上星罗棋布的小屋。

44、The Santa Claus beloved by children the world over is said to live in the Lapland region of northern Finland. ─── 全世界小孩都喜欢的耶诞老人,传说居住于芬兰北部的拉普兰。

45、It's D-Day in Lapland, and the first guests check into one of the most amazing hotels on the planet. It'll only be open for 3 months. Then, it will melt. ─── 今天是拉普兰的D日(诺曼底登陆日,在此指迎客日),而首批客人正式在这个星球上最令人惊讶的旅馆登记入住。它只开放3个月。然后,它将会融化。

46、The local people said,” Here is the place where the Father Christmas born.” In Lapland, there is a valley of the Father Christmas.Also, in this valley, there is a home of the Father Christmas. ─── 当地人说:这里是圣诞老人诞生的地方,那里还真有一个圣诞老人村,北极圈恰好穿过这个村庄,村庄里有一个圣诞老人之家。

47、Land Rover Laplander features a laser-guided present delivery system and 3D satellite navigation with chimney recognition software. ─── 陆虎设计的“极地先锋”,配备了激光线导引的礼物派送系统,以及3D卫星导航系统,其中装有烟囱辨识软件。

48、A little known fact is that Santa Claus does not live at the North Pole, but in the Lapland region of Finland. ─── 一个罕为人知的事实是圣诞老人并非住在北极,而是住在芬兰的拉普兰一带。

49、Affected breeds include the Swedish Lapland Dog, Brittany Spaniel, English Pointer, German Shepherd Dog, Rottweiler, and Cairn Terrier. ─── 见于瑞典拉普杭犬、不列塔尼猎犬、英国指示猎犬、德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬和凯恩梗。

50、But Finnish Lapland, traditional rival of Greenland for the title, was not represented at the congress. ─── 但是,长期与格陵兰岛争夺这一荣誉的芬兰拉普兰地区并没有派代表出席会议。

51、According to scientists based in Lapland, one of the animals most at risk because of global warming is the polar bear. ─── 根据拉普兰科学家的说法,因全球暖化而最有可能绝种的动物是北极熊。

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