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10-01 投稿


mesmerizing 发音

英:[ˈmezməraɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈmezməraɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

mesmerizing 中文意思翻译





mesmerizing 词性/词形变化,mesmerizing变形

动词第三人称单数: mesmerizes |动词过去式: mesmerized |动词过去分词: mesmerized |名词: mesmeriza-tion |动词现在分词: mesmerizing |

mesmerizing 相似词语短语

1、geometrizing ─── vt.研究几何学;用几何图形表示;依据几何学原理而作

2、etherizing ─── vt.化成为醚;以醚麻醉;化为醚

3、emperizing ─── 回火

4、dimerizing ─── vt.使二聚;使成为二聚物;vi.二聚;成为二聚物

5、memorizing ─── n.记忆,熟记;v.记忆,熟记;纪念(memorize的现在分词)

6、mesmerising ─── v.使入迷,迷住;对……施以催眠术(mesmerise的现在分词)

7、mercerizing ─── n.丝光;丝光加工;丝光化;v.作丝光处理(mercerize的ing形式)

8、cosmetizing ─── 共同化

9、epimerizing ─── 差向异构化

mesmerizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stylistically, I find mesmerizing the cascade of shoes, reminiscent in its shaping of waterfalls or other icons of traditional Chinese wall-hangings. ─── 对我而言,她以鞋子等物件 作瀑布状的位置关系处理,与中国传统挂轴画的形式相得益彰。

2、Based on James Fenimore Cooper's literary genius, The Last of the Mohicans transports the viewer back to a time of America's youth in a brilliant, mesmerizing fashion. ─── 根据詹姆斯。库柏的同名小说改编,把观众带回了美国的年轻时代。

3、It is thus that a spectacle of mesmerizing lights is born to dazzle astonished eyes below. ─── 由此,一场迷人的光线奇观诞生了,令地面上惊愕的人们眼花缭乱。

4、For half a million years, water and wind have sculpted fantastic rock art in southwestern South Dakota, mesmerizing visitors to Badlands National Park. ─── 国家公园图片画廊。因为50万年,水和风力有雕塑神奇岩石艺术在南达科他州的西南部,迷惑旅客荒地国家公园。

5、a difficult first chapter, and a mesmerizing one." ─── 第一章是令人难过的一章,也是令人痴迷的一章。

6、Graceful shapes, like large confetti, drifted down, mesmerizing in their dance to the ground. ─── 优美的叶子像大片的五彩纸屑在空中飞舞,着迷地跳着它们行将落地的舞蹈。

7、read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice;she had a warm mesmeric charm;the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing;a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome. ─── 用一种迷人的声音念着睡觉时的故事;她有一种温暖迷人的魅力;全然是因为他的到场而有的迷人力量;对古代罗马生活的迷人描述。

8、some very curious Memoirs about Mesmer and his tub, in ten manuscript volumes, ─── 留下的遗产只是十册红羊皮封面的金边精装手稿,

9、During Primary 2008, Barack Obama delivered a mesmerizing speech to the nation on the issue of race in America. ─── 在2008年初选过程中,巴拉克奥巴马对全国发表了关于美国种族问题的一场听起来很诱人的演说。

10、the local male vote was "mesmerizing. ─── 被当地的男士公认为“令人着迷”。

11、Her performance was mesmerizing. ─── 她的表演让人入迷。

12、For, director Yu Zhong has captured the mesmerizing beauty of Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve, in his lenses, minutes before tragedy struck the region in the form of earthquake. ─── 由于导演俞钟已经拍摄了卧龙大熊猫自然保护区的动人景色,在他的镜头中,唯一保留着卧龙自然保护区在地震前的原生态景色。

13、Software Description: About Hypno Fish, Feel the tension melt away as you watch these mesmerizing fish. ─── 感觉到紧张吗,放松自己看看这些对鱼施催眠术。

14、While you may not have heard of her before, she has a small but fierce following based on her mesmerizing performances and interesting roles. ─── 以前你可能没听说过她,但她凭着魅力四射的演出和吸引人的角色,拥有了一群人数不多但狂热的拥护者。

15、The spectral aura of these projects will be mesmerizing for those who only know the work through badly reproduced architectural drawings or faded black-and-white photographs. ─── 谱情调,这些项目将迷人对于那些只知道工作,通过恶劣转载建筑图纸或褪色的黑白照片。

16、Franz (Friedrich) Anton Mesmer (1734~1815) ─── 梅斯默,F.(F.)A.(1734-1815)

17、It is apparently very mesmerizing. ─── 显然,它是如此地迷人。

18、Desperately, K tn tried looking at s Dating omething other than the green mesmerizing eyes. ─── / 强烈地,肯恩除了施催眠术眼睛 的绿色之外尝试看某事。

19、Mesmer Rune of Major Domination Magic ─── 中级支配魔法幻术师符文

20、A subway rat who is led by the mesmerizing ballet of a discarded food wrapper, into a adventure of love and loss on a dark Manhattan night. ─── 小老鼠追著起士条误闯实验室,历经爱与失去的旅程。栩栩如生的线条和动态,呈现出动物独特而微妙的情感。

21、This fact was even more sinking into me year after year of mesmerizing the time spent in Yao Hua and the learning process implemented by the teachers then. ─── 年复一年,每当忆及在耀华度过的时光,以及在老师们的指导下进行的学习生活,我就更加坚信这个事实。

22、Be versatile with your appearance, assume a mesmerizing new look anytime you feel like it. ─── 多才多艺是与您的外貌,承担起新的期待着迷随时随地你觉得喜欢它。

23、Because the man who was the first in the West to practice this, his name was Mesmer. ─── 因为第一个在西方实践这门学问的人叫梅思梅。

24、We all know that the Army can march, the Navy can walk in a group and the Air Force can mill around looking good. But those Chinese, its almost mesmerizing. ─── 我们都知道陆军能行军,海军可以成群走,而空军能看上去还不错的一起兜兜圈子。但是这些中国人,简直让人入迷。

25、4.A subway rat who is led by the mesmerizing ballet of a discarded food wrapper, into a adventure of love and loss on a dark Manhattan night. ─── 小老鼠追著起士条误闯实验室,历经爱与失去的旅程。栩栩如生的线条和动态,呈现出动物独特而微妙的情感。收藏指正

26、the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing; ─── 全然是因为他的到场而有的迷人力量;

27、While most sea life has evolved over time, this mesmerizing squid, with its glow-in-the-dark eyes, has not. ─── 正当大部分海洋生命已经随着时间进化了,这个有着在黑暗中滚动的眼睛的让人入迷的乌贼,没有进化。

28、Listening to the modern Britpop group Elbow is like watching raindrops slide down windows during summer rain showers;mesmerizing, somber, gloomy but relaxing. ─── 聆听“肘”乐队演绎的现代英伦摇滚音乐,就仿佛在夏日倾盆大雨中静观雨点沿窗户滑落,那份忧郁让人沉迷,却又酣畅淋漓。

29、Mesmer Rune of Major Inspiration Magic ─── 中级灵感魔法幻术师符文

30、Its power is undeniable; its beauty mesmerizing; its lure biblical; its meaning unknowable. ─── 它的力量不容置疑;它的美丽如此迷人;它的诱惑如此神圣;它的意义无从知晓。

31、But Hillman's mesmerizing prose loses its impact when he launches a sneering attack on Christianity (and the U.S., where "we are all Christians") for being a warrior religion. ─── 由于作者以详尽可靠的数据和事实为依据,进行深入浅出的理论分析和研究,并很早预告了美国将发生金融危机和经济衰退,简明易懂,令人信服。

32、A top name in American cars, this prestigious convertible has a low, streamlined seductive silhouette that integrates luxury with power. Mesmerizing in chili red. ─── 一名高级的名字在美国车,这可兑换声望低,精简诱人的人影,集成豪华权力。着迷的红辣椒。

33、The choice is yours: Warrior, Ranger, Monk, Elementalist, Mesmer, or Necromancer. ─── 您的选择有:战士、射手、僧侣、元素使、催眠师和死灵法师。

34、e.g She is mesmerizing in that dress! ─── 她穿那件洋装看起来真令人着迷。

35、Mesmerizing and exuberant entertainment, the film pops with a contemporary, chart-topping soundtrack that makes Moulin Rouge an experience you won't forget! ─── 幕后投资者公爵阻挠他们相恋,并以金钱和权势威逼莎婷出卖肉体。

36、Mesmer Rune of Major Illusion Magic ─── 中级幻术魔法幻术师符文

37、Mesmer Rune of Minor Domination Magic ─── 初级支配魔法幻术师符文

38、Ms.Souza's songs are like nothing I've heard before - mesmerizing - haunting - intense. ─── 女士苏扎的歌曲就像是没有听说前-令人着迷-困扰-激烈。

39、What is it about water-particularly vast, endless quantities of it that is so hypnotizing?Absolutely mesmerizing. ─── 作者可能意识到她鲜少出外了解这世界,或更精准地说,大自然。

40、Watching them widdle away under the swaying palm trees on the beautiful white-sand beaches of Negril was mesmerizing. ─── 看他们在摇摆的棕榈树下伐木,在美丽的尼哥瑞尔白色沙滩催眠。

41、The rest of the film is a mesmerizing tale of how Daniel builds up his oil empire, tediously, methodically, relentlessly. ─── 说到底,我的根本疑问其实在于,在广告日益无所不在的今天,广告的效力还能有多少?

42、Rhythmic gymnastics is certainly mesmerizing, but Cirque de Soleil mixed with a touch of the Bolshoi doesn't deserve a spot at the Games. ─── 艺术体操观赏性强,但是马戏表演混合着芭蕾动作并不值得在奥运会里占得一席之地。

43、Days there is still gray dawn, how this side is pink, like a shy little girl those ruddy cheeks, I see mesmerizing. ─── 天那边还是鱼肚白,怎么这边却是粉红的,如同一位害羞的小姑娘那微红的脸颊,我看得如痴如醉。

44、Mesmer Rune of Minor Illusion Magic ─── 初级幻术魔法幻术师符文

45、The folks over at Caparo are well known for their totally impractical but still mesmerizing F1-car-for-the-road, the T1 supercar. ─── 以上的人在卡帕罗是众所周知的完全不切实际的,但仍然令人着迷的F1车换路线,的T1超级跑车。

46、read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice; she had a warm mesmeric charm; the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing; a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome. ─── 用一种迷人的声音念着睡觉时的故事;她有一种温暖迷人的魅力;全然是因为他的到场而有的迷人力量;对古代罗马生活的迷人描述。

47、Franz Anton Mesmer, an 18th-century Swiss physician, developed a theory that the human nervous system was magnetized, just like the Earth. ─── 18世纪的瑞士医师法兰兹安东麦斯默提出一项理论,认为人体神经系统与地球一样,是有磁性的。

48、For some of us, the self's natural doubts are given in mesmerizing amplification by way of critics' negative assessments of our writing(Joyce Carol Oates) ─── 对我们中的有些人来说,自我意识的天生疑问已通过评论家们对我们作品的否定评价而在令人迷惑的引申中显露出来(乔伊丝 卡罗尔 奥茨)

49、Slip into this luminous oriental fragrance that instantly captivates with Passion Flower, Vanilla and Vetiver notes.Let it empower you to be your most mesmerizing self. ─── 融入这款闪亮的东方香水,立刻为西番莲,香草和香根草的香气着迷并让它使你为自己着迷。

50、While my kids had fun checking out all the rides, I had fun capturing the mesmerizing lights and movements in photos. ─── 当我的孩子在快乐地通过所有的乘骑时,我也在享受捕获令人着迷的景象而高兴的心情。

51、For the first hour or so the mood is contemplative: The characters fascinate us, and the special effects are mesmerizing. ─── 为一小时左右,整个气氛是思惟:人物着迷的,而特技是迷人。

52、Even if you have no one to love, you will give out very appealing, alluring vibes, perhaps even without realizing how mesmerizing you will be. ─── 即使如果你没有中意的对象,你会散发出非常动人、迷人的电波,可能甚至都不用了解你有多迷人。

53、In this DVD I will teach you how to set an exotic mood inyour home, enjoy a mystical bath, apply mesmerizing make up, create a dazzling costume and perform a sensual dance routine! ─── 在这个DVD我会教你如何建立一个充满异国情调的情绪在你家,享受一个神秘的浴缸,催眠的化妆,创造一个令人眩目的服装和执行一个感官的舞蹈!

54、Some people have asked me why the right music, mesmerizing, and I said, her from my heart out and eventually will return to my heart. ─── 有人曾问我为何对音乐如痴如醉,我说,她从我的心里流出,最终还将回归到我的心里。

55、His third run was mesmerizing to watch, having the elegance of a ballroom quickstep, each precise movement flowing into the next. ─── 他做第三次圈速时似乎对计时器施了催眠术,有着像跳快步舞一样的高雅,每一个精准的动作都带向下一步。

56、The blade is random pattern damascus and I have to say that Steve managed to "randomly" produce quite a mesmerizing effect. ─── 刀刃是大马士革的,但我认为史堤夫设法“随意的”的制造了一种眩目的催眠效果。

57、Watching a well-trained cheerleading squad _(8)_ is quite mesmerizing . ─── 观赏一场训练有素的啦啦队表演相当引人入胜。

58、Their beauty is so mesmerizing that you can watch themfor hours on end and they are so powerful that they can totally change your mood. ─── 他们的美丽这样在对那施催眠术你连续地数小时能够看他们,以至他们完全地能够放松你的情绪。

59、The blade is random pattern damascus and I have to say that Steve managed to "randomly" produce quite a mesmerizing effect. ─── 刀刃是大马士革的,但我认为史堤夫设法“随意的”的制造了一种眩目的催眠效果。

60、He’s mesmerizing in every scene. ─── 他一直处于催眠状态。

61、"For some of us, the self's natural doubts are given in mesmerizing amplification by way of critics' negative assessments of our writing" (Joyce Carol Oates) ─── “对我们中的有些人来说,自我意识的天生疑问已通过评论家们对我们作品的否定评价而在令人迷惑的引申中显露出来”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨)

62、Mesmer Rune of Minor Inspiration Magic ─── 初级灵感魔法幻术师符文

63、Even inept films sometimes carry with them a certain mesmerizing authority. ─── 即便是一些荒谬的电影作品有时也不乏迷人之处。

64、Through the mesmerizing gleam of the images, Yao weaves together historic events and personal fables;though the amorous affair continues in the dream-like world, he can linger no more. ─── 展现在眼前目眩神迷的金光闪闪中,姚瑞中让历史的宏大叙事与个人的私密传记神交于瑞气千条内,透过才子佳人的风流韵事,成就了如梦似幻的花花世界,只恨今世不能缠绵。

65、It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes, and its bright red tongue hung out, twitching. ─── 它正在用它的巨大的、恐怖的眼睛凶猛地环望四周,鲜红的信子一吞一吐。

66、Let the little cares in life fade away in this mesmerizing Match 3 wonderland. ─── 在这款迷人的3个消除游戏中,摆脱无聊的生活。

67、our quest for addictive, mesmerizing, puzzle matching fun will take you on a journey from Ancient Egypt, across the Red Sea, through the burning desert sands to Mount Sinai. ─── 你的追求上瘾,吸引人,困惑匹配乐趣会带你一程,从古代埃及,跨越红海,通过燃烧沙漠向西奈山。

68、From high northern latitudes these mesmerizing northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are becoming a more familiar sight. ─── 从北部高纬度地区看到的这些迷人的北方的光,也被称为北极光,正慢慢变成更加熟悉的景象。

69、Four mesmerizing novellas, including the ones that inspired the movies The Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, and Stand by Me. ─── 在"书籍信息"下方,有一个"改进书籍资料"链接标签。您可以使用这个表格将正确的信息告诉我们。

70、After mesmerizing the crowd with Jai Mei Bian, Hua Tian Chor, Xin Chung De Re Yue and Jai Na Yau Yuan De Di Fang, Wang ended his show with the track Loong De Chuan Ren (Dragon's Descendant). ─── 在梅边,花田错,心中的日月,在那遥远的地方这些歌曲后,力宏以一曲龙的传人结束了表演。

71、Your Monk/ Mesmer can subvert enemies' Energy and use it to defend and heal allies. ─── 僧侣/眠师可以汲取敌人的能量并利用来保护和治疗盟友。

72、Watching bison up close is mesmerizing, like watching a grass fire about to leap out of control. ─── 观看野牛令人着迷,就像观看一场即将失控的草原大火。

73、The military precision of 2,008 drummers moving in perfect synchronicity, pounding out the sound of a billion hearts beating, was both mesmerizing and slightly creepy. ─── 担任2008个鼓手的军队士兵用整齐一致的鼓声震撼了十亿人的心脏,既像对人施了催眠术,还会感觉皮肤起了轻微鸡皮疙瘩。

74、Und jetzt die 5000, Monsieur Mesmer. ─── 5000元,麦斯墨先生,现在。

75、It's amazing how they can be heavy and still retain the mesmerizing quality of their music. ─── 女女视觉系,特别喜欢最后一首,唯美、苍凉、诡异、悲怨的钢琴曲。整张专辑音乐整体,让你挺了欲罢不能

76、The mesmerizing and orgasmic goals of the Swan of Utrecht. The greatest of all! ─── 乌得勒支天鹅在绿荫场上翩翩起舞,他的进球令人如醉如痴,兴奋不已。最伟大的进球!最伟大的前锋!

77、I think you must be mesmerizing me, Charles. ─── 查尔斯,我想你一定在对我施催眠术啦。

78、Relax in the water!What Kaitlin Sandeno does beneath the surface of the water is mesmerizing, and the thing that strikes me most is her tremendous FEEL for the water, and how relaxed her hands are. ─── 自由泳划手时,手部对水的形状有些人认为要五指完全结结实实完全并拢绷直,其实没必要,要做到尽量放松,只要对水面积为最大就好!

79、Batwing-sleeved blouses, leggings (see photo) and colorful skirts came into the public's view mesmerizing onlookers. ─── 蝙蝠衫、健美裤(见图)、色彩鲜艳的裙子等形形色色的服饰逐渐进入人们的视野并成为所向披靡的时尚。

80、A sizeable corten steel shade structure facing the water mirror and the mesmerizing view of the mountains beyond provides shelter and comfort to up to 350 people during lunch hours of hot summer days. ─── 炎热的夏天中午,这里可容纳350人共进午餐。面临水池的大耐候钢螺丝遮荫架和远处迷人的山峦风光,会让你倍感舒适和清凉。

81、I once worked for a foreign novel, "Summer down the net" mesmerizing, close to the point of sleepless nights. ─── 我曾经为外国小说《夏落的网》如痴如醉,接近废寝忘食的地步。

82、Bring the science museum to your desk top with this USB Plasma Ball, plug it in, touch the surface stand amazed as the mesmerizing green plasma flows to your fingertips! ─── 有了USB等离子球,你等于将一座科学博物馆带到桌面。将他插入并触摸球面,你会惊奇看到催眠似的绿色等离子光线随着指尖流转。

83、Once I reached the unprecedented level reading, mesmerizing in their homework when they are in the Look at this book it makes me restless. ─── 一次,我看书达到了空前绝后的程度,如痴如醉,在写作业的时候都在看那本书它使我魂不守舍。

84、We decided to give the Mesmer Signet of Illusions, which will make the next spell you cast use your Illusion attribute instead of its normal attribute. ─── 注:以上中文技能名称都是小弟看了英文随便写的。据美服官网,明天和后天还有两集,介绍新技能。十分吸引呢!看完我更爱圣言,圣/战好像比战/圣更有看头呢!

85、The mesmerizing body movements and the elaborate costume and makeup of the ATS belly dance leaves viewers spellbound. ─── 美式部落风肚皮舞蹈的化妆、细致的表演服饰以及令人著迷的肢体动作,常常让观赏者著迷。

86、Their Progenitor was Galatea, the woman created by Pygmalion, and their Bestowment is Mesmerizing Appearance. ─── 其先祖即为葛拉蒂,由皮格马利翁所创造的美女。它们的赠礼是绝美外表。

87、Hubble Space Telescope observations of these objects are some of the most mesmerizing space images ever obtained. ─── 哈伯太空望远镜观测到的这些天体,往往是最扣人心弦的太空影像。

88、A gust of wind blowing, flowers nodding again and again, it seems that wearing a crystal Huaqun, dancing in the water stone, it is relaxed and happy, mesmerizing. ─── 一阵风吹过,小花连连点头,似乎穿着水晶花裙,在水石上翩翩起舞,令人心旷神怡,如痴如醉。

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