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10-01 投稿


monstrosities 发音

英:[mɒnsˈtrɒsɪtiz]  美:[mɑnˈstrɑsətiz]

英:  美:

monstrosities 中文意思翻译



monstrosities 词性/词形变化,monstrosities变形

名词复数: monstrosities |

monstrosities 相似词语短语

1、monstrosity ─── n.畸形;可怕的东西;残暴

2、porosities ─── 多孔性

3、tortuosities ─── n.曲折;弯曲度;迂回曲折

4、monstruosities ─── 畸形

5、monstruosity ─── 怪物

6、generosities ─── n.慷慨,大方;宽宏大量

7、animosities ─── n.憎恶,仇恨,敌意

8、atrocities ─── n.暴行(atrocity的复数);残忍

9、abstrusities ─── n.难解;深奥

monstrosities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Within it the celestials imprisoned hellish undead, demonic beasts, and fiendish monstrosities. ─── 在其中,天界居民囚禁地狱的不死生物,恶魔般的野兽,和凶残的怪物。

2、with many other monstrosities. ─── 和一些其他的怪兽被创造出来。

3、of the Robotech Expeditionary Force's tri-thrusters and Karbarran manufactured boilerlike monstrosities. ─── 还有太空堡垒远征军的三维推进器,以及卡巴拉人生产的锅炉状巨人。

4、Many proud Nelvaanian warriors had been reduced to bestial monstrosities, their flesh coupled with intrusive technological additions, like targeting arrays, controlling devices, and blaster weaponry. ─── 许许多多自豪的内尔万人战士被沦为丧失理智的怪物,他们的血肉与植入的瞄准光线、火控装置、爆能枪械等机械附件交织在一起。

5、It was those damnable bull-headed monstrosities that slew me many years ago. ─── 很久以前夺走我的性命的怪物就是他,我就是被他杀害的,至今那些傢伙却还存活著,真是气愤。

6、As the vrykul attackers fall before you one by one, you can't help but wonder what other monstrosities await you beyond the darkened walls of Utgarde Keep. ─── 当维京巨人们一个接一个地颓然仆倒在你脚下,你不禁想确知,到底在乌特加德要塞的黑暗壁垒之后,怎样的邪恶正在等待着将你吞噬。

7、Petersburg.Their memories of Moscow are of traffic jams, looming Soviet monstrosities and a city too large and daunting to try to discover. ─── 他们对于莫斯科的印象只是拥挤的交通、苏维埃式的高楼以及空大得令人望而却步的城市。

8、"In studying monstrosities", they wrote, "we seem to catch forbidden sight of the secret work-room of Nature, and drag out into the light the evidences of her clumsiness". ─── “在研究畸形的过程中,”他们写道,“我们仿佛看到大自然秘密工作室内禁止观看的景象,又让大自然丑陋的迹象重见光明。”

9、In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might. ─── 墨索里尼本人健康状况早已不佳,尽管政府发布了“领袖因公务繁重而劳累”的声明,但老百姓纷纷议论说墨索里尼大人恐怕是已经得了梅毒。

10、but monstrosities cannot be separated by any distinct line from slighter variations. ─── 但是畸形和比较微小的变异之间并不存在明显的界线。

11、In fact I was afraid of those jagged monstrosities all around and over our heads. ─── 事实上我害怕我们头顶四周那些锯齿状的巨兽。

12、With nationalization, the government can break up these financial monstrosities and sell them to private investors as smaller good banks. ─── 通过国家接管,政府可以把这些金融巨怪拆分成健康的小银行,卖给私人投资者。

13、The second option pollutes the simplicity of the QBE approach and leads to monstrosities like the one shown in Listing 9 ─── 第二种方法破坏了QBE方法的简单性,并且导致了如清单9所示的糟糕代码

14、When biologists studied freaks they found that the same type of monstrosities appeared in many species, and that their freakishness could even be categorized. ─── 生物学家们研究这些特异性状时发现,同种类型的畸形会在许多物种中出现,而且其特异特征还能加以分类。

15、The very mention of its name brings to mind images of undead monstrosities, demonic possession, monarchy driven to lunacy, and, of course, the greatest legend of all: the Lord of Terror unleashed. ─── 一提起他的名字,脑海里就会把它和妖魔鬼怪聚集的地方联系在一起,令人不寒而栗。当然,这些传说中最重要的是:恐惧之王的觉醒。

16、Hatred of bossy liberals who want to impose a National Health Service and other bureaucratic monstrosities. ─── 讨厌那些专横的自由主义者,因为他们妄图将国民医疗服务和其他官僚政治的畸形产物强加于民;

17、Everywhere you look, you can see glass and concrete monstrosities going up. ─── 无论你向何处看,你都会看到玻璃和混凝土制成的怪物不断增加。

18、Conan.Robert E.Howard.The ultimate barbarian hero kicks the crap out of a cornucopia of evil sorcerers,trashes a legion of demonic monstrosities,and rescues every beautiful princess on the planet. ─── 终极的野蛮英雄挫败了大量的邪恶法师,将大批恶毒的畸形怪物象垃圾一样清除,并且搭救了行星上每一位美丽的公主。

19、An apparently safe area can soon turn into a deathtrap as these monstrosities emerge and roll into the midst of their foes, giving them virtually no time to react. ─── 任何看上去很安全的地方都可能变成死亡陷阱:数十只长相怪异的毒蛉从地下钻出,滚进敌人的部队当中,几乎不给敌人反映的时间。

20、If cloning produces genetic monstrosities that render it impractical as another form of fertility enhancement, then it will not be necessary to ban it, because no one will use it. ─── 倘若复制会产生遗传缺陷,而无法成为另一种实用的生育方法,就无必要明令禁止,因为没有人会想采用这种方法。

21、The film is peopled with monstrosities. ─── 电影通篇都是骇人的鬼怪。

22、"' Impressions of external reality are joined seamlessly with monstrosities of an excessive fantasy as the boundaries between fiction and reality continuously melt away. ─── 客观真实的强烈印象,和连绵不断的白日梦幻连接在一起,使真实与虚拟之间的界限被不断地融化。

23、Everywhere you look,you can see glass and concrete monstrosities going up. ─── 到处你都能看到玻璃和混凝土的庞然大物拔地而起。

24、but monstrosities cannot be separated by any distinct line from slighter variations. ─── 但是畸形和比较微小的变异之间并不存在明显的界线。

25、Hatred of bossy liberals who want to impose a National Health Service and other bureaucratic monstrosities. ─── 讨厌那些专横的自由主义者,因为他们妄图将国民医疗服务和其他官僚政治的畸形产物强加于民;

26、The very rich spend extravagantly on homes, pouring millions into architectural monstrosities full of costly gewgaws.Then the less rich emulate them. ─── 富人花巨资买房子,装修房子,他们动辄花几百万打造粗俗不堪的巨型建筑物,其间充斥了昂贵的装饰品. 财力稍逊的,依样画葫芦.

27、Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities. ─── 绝大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是奇丑无比的现代建筑物。

28、Regex monstrosities that do everything in one pattern are difficult to maintain, and are prone to backtracking-related problems. ─── 在一个模板中完成所有工作的正则表达式怪兽很难维护,而且容易引起回溯相关的问题。

29、Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries. ─── 然而,那些几乎不可能比安乐死更好的医疗中的可怕事件,作为一种可怕的例行事物,毫无疑问,在美国、国以及其他许多国家继续存在。

30、The mind left to itself creates monstrosities, and not only in art galleries. ─── 只剩下了那个思维制造出了一个个怪物--而且不仅仅在艺术画廊中。

31、After completing many months of long, arduous study, I now present the information I have gleaned from my research into these unholy monstrosities. ─── 在经过好几个月漫长辛苦的研究后,现在我能够籍由我对这一邪恶怪物所作的研究而提供这一信息。

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