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10-01 投稿


lyrical 发音

英:[ˈlɪrɪkl]  美:[ˈlɪrɪkl]

英:  美:

lyrical 中文意思翻译



lyrical 网络释义

adj. 抒情诗调的;感情丰富的;充满愉悦的

lyrical 反义词

dramatic | epic

lyrical 同义词

lyric poem | romantic | emotional | inspired | light | elegiac |melodic | pure | rhapsodic | sentimental | clear | lyrical | poetic | lilting | sweet | harmonious | poetry | passionate | mellifluent | melodious | mellifluous | songlike | dulcet | warm | ardent | impassioned | musical | tuneful | silvery | expressive | words | fervid | language

lyrical 短语词组

1、lyrical partners ─── 抒情合作伙伴

2、lyrical songs ─── 抒情歌曲

3、lyrical huang ─── 抒情的黄

4、you are magical lyrical ─── 你是神奇的抒情诗人

5、lyrical lemonade ─── 抒情柠檬水

6、lyrical drama ─── 抒情剧

7、lyrical videos ─── 抒情视频

8、lyrical miracle ─── 抒情奇迹

9、lyrical rap ─── 抒情说唱

10、lyrical rapper ─── 抒情说唱歌手

11、lyrical hip hop ─── 抒情嘻哈

12、lyrical genius ─── 抒情天才

13、Lyrical Ballads ─── 抒情诗集(书名)

14、lyrical video maker ─── 抒情视频制作者

15、lyrical dance ─── 抒情舞蹈

16、lyrical dramas ─── 抒情剧

17、lyrical video song ─── 抒情视频歌曲

18、lyrical poems ─── 抒情诗

19、lyrical poet ─── 抒情诗人

lyrical 词性/词形变化,lyrical变形

副词: lyrically |名词: lyricalness |

lyrical 相似词语短语

1、Cynical ─── adj.愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的

2、lyrically ─── adv.抒情地;诗意地;狂热地

3、clerical ─── adj.书记的;牧师的;办事员的;n.牧师

4、laical ─── adj.凡人的;n.外行人;凡人

5、lexical ─── adj.词汇的;[语]词典的;词典编纂的

6、logical ─── adj.合逻辑的,合理的;逻辑学的

7、lyric ─── adj.(诗歌)抒情的;(诗人)写抒情诗的;(歌声)柔美的;吟唱的;n.抒情诗;抒情诗体;歌词;n.(Lyric)(美)利里克(人名)

8、lyricon ─── 七里香酮

9、unlyrical ─── 非文字的

lyrical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A CUP OF COFFEE Lyric by G.Capaldo, Music by V. ─── 一杯咖啡曲

2、Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions. ─── 卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。

3、Annie: How lyrical it is ] That must~ be the verses from the "Eulo-gy on Sports". ─── 安妮: 真抒情啊!一定是《体育颂》中的诗句。

4、Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion. ─── Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情的德国作家,带着同样的凄凉欲从湮没中打捞出生活和文化。

5、For all the uproar over "Breaking News," I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of lyrical target. ─── 对于《爆炸新闻》引起的所有轩然大波,我认为,就抒情目标而言,这是一个相当大胆的声明。

6、Basia's lyrical prose and sharp eye for detail create an unforgettable account of her family over three generations. ─── 作者优美的语言和犀利的笔触营造出让我们难以忘怀的一家三代的境况。

7、She also sings very well--a clear lyric soprano. ─── 她歌儿也唱得很美--清脆的抒情女高音。

8、There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony. ─── 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

9、Despite waxing lyrical about Gerrard, McAteer believes Liverpool's current run of 13 goals in three games is a real team effort. ─── 尽管杰拉德现在状态正佳,但麦卡蒂尔相信利物浦最近3场比赛进球13个是整个团队共同努力的结果。

10、He wrote a lyric poem. ─── 他写了一首抒情诗。

11、American writer. Best known for his lyrical and typographically eccentric poetry,he also wrote The Enormous Room(1922),an account of his imprisonment in France during World War I. ─── 卡明斯,爱德华·埃斯特林1894-1962美国作家。以其抒情的而又印刷怪异的诗歌著称,他还写了巨大的房间(1922年),这是关于他在第一次世界大战期间被囚禁在法国的记述。

12、A short lyrical composition especially for the piano. ─── 即兴曲一则短的抒情曲子,特别是钢琴曲

13、Your charming and beautiful as love lyric poem; Your pristine, pure love seems crystal stone. ─── 你的娇美,美如爱抒情诗;你的清纯,纯似爱的水晶石。

14、O lyric love, half angel and half bird And all a wonder and a wild desire. ─── 哦,奔放的爱,半是天使半是飞鸟,合起来便是奇迹和狂野的欲望。

15、Earlier this season Wenger waxed lyrical about Martins in the Arsenal match-day programme when United were in North London in November. ─── 在这个赛季的早些时候,准确说是11月份的时候,温格曾经对马丁斯很感兴趣。

16、She invites me to her lyric drama today. What can I do, as you know I am so busy. ─── 今天她邀请我参加她的歌剧,不过我很忙,我该怎么做呢?

17、A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five,seven,and five syllables,traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. ─── 俳句一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光。

18、Mozart could afford a more unaltered repetition of his themes because his themes tended to be full-blown lyrical melodies. ─── 莫扎特能够不断重复他的主题是因为它们充满了抒情的旋律。

19、COME BACK TO SORRENTO Lyric by G. De Curtis, Music by E. ─── 回到索伦多曲

20、US poet famous for his lyrical poems on country life in New England (1874-1963). ─── 写新英格兰乡村抒情诗的美国著名诗人。

21、Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar. ─── 古希腊抒情诗人中,萨福和品达至今仍被人们广泛赞赏。

22、Hoped you understood any words from this lyric song meaning is. ─── 希望您?解什麽这首歌曲意味是。

23、He writes good short lyric poems. ─── 他的小令写得很出色。

24、And I said to myself, "I've got to play that power, that love affair, make those old ways come out of my horn." There was somethin' so damn lyrical about it. ─── 于是我对自己说:“我一定要把那力量,那段爱情演奏出来,让那”老方式”从我的号里吹出来,这里头有一种他妈的特别抒情的东西。”

25、Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece. ─── 奥维德和贺雷西要同希腊最好的挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。

26、Whitman) run in the United States one of the three major lyric poet immortalized. ─── 她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。

27、Hers is a large voice, projected with ease and assurance, and shaded to lie between lyric and dramatic qualities. ─── 她嗓音宏亮,发声自如而有把握,表现手法既抒情而又富于戏剧性。

28、He was considered cocky, predicting the round in which his opponents would fall and waxing lyrical about his abilities in the ring. ─── 人们认为他狂妄自大,因为他预测对手会在哪一回合倒下,并在场上夸耀自己的能力。

29、Perhaps the lyric come after the melody, so owen (the lyricist) has some constraint. ─── 但是有些部分下到我啦!哈哈!我是新来的,不会怎样把我唱的歌放下去。

30、Their influence is felt in all the cities of the country, and the short lyrical and narrative songs of some ethnic minorities have their origin in the xiaodiao. ─── 其流传足迹遍布城镇。同时,一些少数民族的短篇抒情小曲、叙事歌曲,也应归属此类。

31、juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories. ─── 残酷的现实和抒情诗般的美并存贯穿于帕克的故事之中。

32、Just a moment, I quietly to enjoy, this one for blowing and the graceful dance, melodious lyrical and soft, can reach the heart. ─── 短短的瞬间,我在静静地欣赏着,这一款因飘零而起的曼舞,抒情而悠扬,可以柔和地抵达内心的。

33、German romantic poet known for his lyrical ballads and plays, including Ludwig the Bavarian(1819). ─── 乌兰备,约翰 路德维希1787-1862德国浪漫主义诗人,以其抒情民歌和戏剧闻名,包括巴伐利亚路德维希(1819年)

34、His Nobel Prize nomination ran "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past. ─── 对他的诺贝尔文学奖提名是这样写的,“他的作品有一种抒情美和伦理深度,歌颂了常生活中的奇迹和鲜活的往事。”

35、Wailing songs in wedding were once the popular lyric folk songs of Tujia people and the bride's right of utterance. ─── 哭嫁歌曾是土家族地区风行的抒情性仪式歌谣,是新娘在哭嫁仪式中拥有的话语权。

36、For all the uproar over "Breaking News, " I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of its lyrical target. ─── (就所有《爆炸新闻》所引发的喧嚣,我想这是一个相当大胆的开幕声明,考虑到它的歌词所针对的对象)。

37、Mostly it post the whole characterful of bashan folk song from the kind of lyric,spcial language,sort of descant. ─── 主要从歌词的种类、语言特点及风格,曲调的类别和特征上揭示巴山民歌的整体风格特征,表现它的独特性和艺术性。

38、But neither advertising brochures nor lyric poetry can ever be reduced to the kind of logic required of computer programs. ─── 但是无论广告小册子还是抒情诗都绝不可能归结为计算机所要求的那种逻辑。

39、'MOUN EL-SHINNAWY, 80, was the master of the modern Arabic lyrical poetry who also wrote the words to more than 1,000 popular Egyptian songs. ─── 的马穆恩·埃尔-希纳维是现代阿拉伯抒情诗歌的大师,他还为1000多首埃及流行歌曲写过歌词。

40、A medieval Italian or Proven?l lyric of varying stanzaic form,usually with a concluding envoy. ─── 坎佐尼中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗

41、One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century. ─── 吟游诗人风行于12世纪至14世纪的继承游吟诗人传统的德国抒情诗人和歌手

42、British poet and anthologist known for his Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language(1861). ─── 帕尔格雷夫,弗朗西斯·特纳1824-1897英国诗人和人类学家,以他的在英语语言中最好的歌曲和抒情诗篇的宝库(1861年)而闻名

43、Oscar Niemeyer Museum.A strange, beautiful, powerful, lyrical composition. ─── 备注:这是一座奇怪的,漂亮的,充满力量感的,诗情画意的作品。

44、Canadian singer-songwriter Nathan Bishop performs both folk and rock instrumentation and leans on both the lyrical and narrative traditions in his songs. ─── 加拿大歌手兼作曲家敦主教同时履行民谣和摇滚仪表和leans既抒情叙事传统在他的歌。

45、There's a wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony. ─── 在交响乐中间有一段美妙的抒情长笛独奏。

46、He began to wax lyrical(= talk enthusiastically)about his new car. ─── 他开始兴高采烈地谈论他的新车。

47、Greek lyric poet (518-438 BC). ─── 希腊抒情诗人(公元前518年-公元前438年)。

48、In structure and method of artistic presentation, xiaodiao used a variety of musical forms, blending the lyrical with the narrative, and recitation and singing. ─── 在结构体式和艺术手段方面,小调体裁多数采用多段体分节歌的陈述方式,并将抒情性与叙事性融为一体,

49、In lyrical and romantic repertory, Gigli was regarded as the legitimate heir of Caruso (Martinelli excelled in the more dramatic and heroic parts). ─── 在抒情与浪漫的保留曲目方面,吉利被认为是顶极男高音歌唱家卡鲁索的世袭继承人。(马蒂尼利在更多表现戏剧性与英雄气概方面是更胜一筹的。)

50、It sounds more a lyric than a song. ─── 它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。

51、But director Anthony Minghella was sure that Michael Ondaatje's lyrical book The English Patient would make an excellent film. ─── 但导演安东尼·明格拉却坚信能将迈克尔·翁达杰的抒情小说《英国病人》改编成一部优秀影片。

52、Lyrical, slow music, the same as if sequential device, so that relaxation down our nerves and lead us into the land of sleep. ─── 听柔和的音乐。抒情而缓慢的音乐,就好像按序器一样,使我们的神经松驰下来,带领我们进入睡乡。

53、Commentaries on Lyrical Work, Wang Guowei, Wen Guo Bookshop, Tainan, 1986. ─── 人間詞話,王國維,文國書局,台南,1986

54、She was lyrical over her new coat. ─── 她对她的新外套赞赏不已。

55、German romantic poet known for his lyrical ballads and plays,including Ludwig the Bavarian(1819. ─── 乌兰备,约翰·路德维希1787-1862德国浪漫主义诗人,以其抒情民歌和戏剧闻名,包括巴伐利亚路德维希(1819年)

56、Her lyrical forays into Fantasy should not be missed by lovers of the genre. ─── 她的如诗般的风格不应被任何一个奇幻爱好者所错过。

57、German romantic poet known for his lyrical ballads and plays,including Ludwig the Bavarian(1819). ─── 乌兰备,约翰·路德维希1787-1862德国浪漫主义诗人,以其抒情民歌和戏剧闻名,包括巴伐利亚路德维希(1819年)。

58、Irritates, song without proper lyric can still get praises from teacher. ─── 叔叔到现在都不明白为什么那时多了那么多人去他的婚礼。

59、Why should there be this uncomfortable moment on a seemingly positive lyric? ─── 为什么这种令人不安的时刻会和看似正面的歌词同时出现?

60、Shosha, which was set in Warsaw on the eve of its annihilation in WW II, is a hauntingly lyrical love story between the hero Aaron and the heroine Shosha. ─── 《肖莎》(亦译《童爱》)叙述的是发生在二战中犹太人的华沙被歼灭前夕的一个难以忘怀的爱情故事:男主人公亚伦和女主人公肖莎。

61、Work surviving from that period includes prose sagas, historical and legal material, commentaries on biblical texts and lyrical and devotional poetry. ─── 从那个时期流传下来的作品包括散文萨迦,历史与法律资料,圣经文本评注,和抒情诗与祷告诗。

62、He waxed lyrical on the food at the new restaurant. ─── 他对这家新餐馆的菜肴越说越来劲。

63、His richly coloured lyrical paintings depict objects and people in unusual juxtapositions , often floating in space. ─── 他的色彩斑斓的抒情油画将人物和事物不同寻常地加以并置,并经常漂浮在空中。

64、A lyrical male voice,obviously Southern,said,"Hi,I'm Dan,and I'm calling from Texas. ─── 一个男子充满感情的声音,显然是南方口音,说道:"你好,我是丹,是从得克萨斯给你打电话。

65、The eclipse on August 16 will light your house of solitude and reflection and be a lyrical time to work on creative projects. ─── 16日的月食会让你感受孤独和沉思,也是个诗意的时间让你发挥创意。

66、But she emphasizes that, for her, repentance was no mere lyrical exercise. ─── 但是她强调她的道歉只会展现在歌词里面而已。

67、Wax lyrical to your new colleague about how much more comfortable the new one is. ─── 向你的新同事吹嘘新椅子是如何如何地更让人舒适。

68、She started to become/wax lyrical about health food. ─── 她对保健食品极为讲究了。

69、The chapter on lyrical art mainly analyses lyrical tone of pathos and sentimentality and lyrical modes of gentleness and soulfulness. ─── 在抒情艺术这一章里,主要分析了韦应物哀婉伤感的抒情基调和平淡中见深意的诗情。

70、Growled seawater of a day restored calm right now, a spiccato lyric, tender Hai Zhiyun. ─── 咆哮了一天的海水此时恢复了平静,弹奏着一曲抒情、温柔的海之韵。

71、British poet and anthologist known for his Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language(1861. ─── 帕尔格雷夫,弗朗西斯·特纳1824-1897英国诗人和人类学家,以他的在英语语言中最好的歌曲和抒情诗篇的宝库(1861年)而闻名

72、His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. ─── 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。

73、In the past the sprightly rhythm and style, lyrical about Zhang Dan / Zhang Hao of the more expressive. ─── 与以往的明快节奏风格不同,抒情对于张丹/张昊的表现力有更高的要求。

74、Burke sometimes shows an overheated, lyrical bent, and the extremes of Hurricane Katrina make it especially pronounced. ─── 伯克有时显示过热,一味抒情,而极端卡特里娜使其尤为突出。

75、She reminds us of those lyrical tree nymphs in Greek mythology. ─── 她使我们想起了希腊神话中如抒情诗般的树之仙女。

76、That's just amazing!! I like the rhythm, I like the lyric, and I like the way you sing it even more!!! ─── 可以说你不止唱得好,也很会演吗:)现在就开始期待你的下一个作品了!!!

77、JUST SAY I LOVE HER Lyric by E.Fusco, Music by R. ─── 就说我爱你曲

78、If Wong Kar-Wai is the lyrical bard of 90s Hong Kong cinema, then Fruit Chan Gor is that same period's master of realism. ─── 如果说王家卫是上世纪90年代香港写意电影的代表人物,那么,陈果就是香港这一时期写实电影的执旗人。

79、Gave a lyrical description of her experiences in the South Seas. ─── 对她在南太平洋的经历作了热情的描述

80、Unlike modern lyric poetry, it friendly affirms the same folk love as the traditional narrative poetry. ─── 它不似现代抒情诗一刀挥断与传统诗歌的脐带,而是以较为亲和的姿态,表现出与传统叙事诗同源的民间情结。

81、A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. ─── 俳句一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光

82、Greek lyric poet remembered especially for his Odes. ─── 品达希腊田园诗诗人,尤以其颂歌集而著称

83、Out of the urban system, encircling the cities, sending labor forces. A Song without lyric. ─── 世俗操作系统外,包围城市,远输劳工,为之馈送。

84、From Aristotle to modern times, Genre is basically limited in the category which includes Lyric poetry, Narrative poetry and Drama. ─── 从亚里士多德开始到当代,文类大都被界定在由史诗类、抒情诗歌类、戏剧类构成的诗的的艺术的范畴之内,而摈弃了实用性、无韵的散文。

85、In lyrical aspect, this series of works became the nostalgia of freaks to Arbus. ─── 在抒情方面,这一系列作品成为阿勃丝对于畸形人摄影的乡愁。

86、I have no idea that I can't download lyric today, maybe its server is upgrading. ─── 不知道为什么今天没法下载歌词,也许在升级服务器吧。

87、Happiness is a lyrical poem, full of enthusiasm and romance. ─── 幸福是一首抒情诗,洋溢无穷无尽的热情与浪漫。

88、Breezing through the clientele spinning yarns that were so lyrical. ─── 妳飘然走过客人,编着太浪漫的故事。

89、Subject repeating technique is an important creative feature of Grieg s Lyric Piano Opusculum. ─── 主题重复手法是格里格钢琴抒情小品的一个重要创作特点。



And so I face the final curtain.

My friend, I'll say it clear,

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full.

I've traveled each and every highway;








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