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02-12 投稿




英:  美:





1、But like his friend Henry James, he was a man of the rarest temper, who loved his country in his fashion.───可是他,一如他的好友亨利·詹姆斯,脾气非常特别,只按照自己的方式爱他的国家。

2、Wealthy people would compete, spending enormous amounts of money to buy the rarest flowers for their gardens.───有钱人会相互竞争,花大量的钱为他们的花园买最稀有的花。

3、Much of it was left, and what was left was of the finest and rarest quality.───大部分还留着,而留着的正是无限美好而珍贵的部分。

4、As he shows us one of his rarest scrolls during filming, he tells us about the way China is awakening to the outside world.───在拍摄过程中,他告诉我们中国在世界的舞台上,正在慢慢醒来。

5、You could turn up a something special, like the elusive Bigfoot Ant, North America's rarest ant species.───你有可能会遇到一些比较特别的种类,比如极难捉到的大脚蚁,它可是北美最为罕见的蚂蚁品种。

6、The rarest of the rare are these shots: a mother, in her den, cradling her newborn panda baby.───最罕见的是这些镜头:一位母亲,在自己的窝里,抱着她刚出生的熊猫宝宝。

7、At theirKnoxville nonprofit, Conservation Fisheries, Inc. (CFI), Shute andRakes are trying to keep some of the rarest species alive.───以设于诺克斯维尔的非营利机构保护渔业公司(CFI)为渠道,舒特和拉格斯正试图让一些稀有物种的存活下来。

8、One of the rarest species is the purple swamphen, the symbol of their Natural Park that cannot be found in any other part of the country.───紫水鸡是其中一种稀有的品种,它们是自然公园的标示,在葡萄牙的其他地方是看不到的。

9、Dating from as far back as the 12th century, they are claimed to be the rarest historic buildings in western Europe.───它们的历史可以追溯到12世纪,可以认为是西欧最稀有的历史建筑。


1、contrarieties definition───矛盾定义

2、shackle terraria───钩环地形

3、soreness underarm───腋下酸痛

4、coastline library───海岸线图书馆

5、aglow the rare occasions───为罕见的场合发红

6、certiorari writ───调取令

7、librarian villager───图书管理员村民

8、new library───新建图书馆

9、diana ferrari───戴安娜法拉利

10、contrarian outlook login───反向展望登录

I love a happy ending, for they are so rare是什么意思


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