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make up for(makes up for中文翻译,makes up for是什么意思,makes up for发音、用法及例句)

02-12 投稿

make up for(makes up for中文翻译,makes up for是什么意思,makes up for发音、用法及例句)

makes up for

makes up for发音

英:  美:

makes up for中文意思翻译



makes up for双语使用场景

1、Its appearance makes up for the shortage of traditional charging methods in terms of their adaptability, security and self-charging.───它的出现弥补了传统的传导充电方法在适应性、安全性与自主充电方面的不足。

2、And last but not least, it makes up for the long, obliterating neglect in his own land of one of history's greatest scientific visionaries.───最后,同时也是重要的一点,这项举动对于历史上最伟大的科学前瞻者之一,在其祖国所受到的长期忽视,有所弥补。

3、Thought ~ makes up for a missed lesson ten days, we said the speech has surpasses 80?───想想~补课得十天,我们说的话有超过八十句么?

4、Spectacular scenery makes up for the discomfort.───壮观的景色总是来之不易。

5、There is not much to be seen in a little town, but what you hear makes up for it.───小镇里值得观赏的景观不多,但你的所闻弥补了这个不足。

6、He may not be very tall Messi, but he makes up for that in speed and agility, which allow him to evade the tackles of his opponents.───梅西身高不高,但他的速度和灵活性使他能巧妙地化解对手的拦截和防守,这弥补了其身高的不足。

7、Caroline doesn't have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.───卡罗琳没有音乐天赋,但她通过努力学习弥补了这一缺陷。

8、Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.───她的热情弥补了她经验的不足。

9、And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city.───在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。

makes up for相似词语短语

1、makes travel───使旅行

2、makes perfect───印正反面

3、makes mistakes───犯错,出错

4、makes up over───弥补

5、makes for───导致;有助于;走向

6、up for───打算…;打算;在选举中被提名;在法庭受审;被关押

7、makes for his feet───适合他的脚


9、pask makes───狗屎制造




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