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02-12 投稿




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1、As you know blogs are borderless media. Bloggers can write from any place in Iran and have an audience anywhere in the world.───你也知道,部落格是种没有疆界的媒体,部落客可以在伊朗的任何地方写作,而且拥有来自世界各个角落的读者。

2、Every Chinese Internet company seems to be building its own online conglomerate to offer online games, shopping, blogs and bulletin boards.───中国的每个网络公司似乎都在建立他们的在线混合聚集体,提供在线游戏、购物、博客和公告牌服务。

3、Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points.───因此,虽然博客空间继续扩大,但只有少数博客有可能脱颖而出成为焦点。

4、We've used them effectively to build our electronic systems, our blogs, and all of these companies that we're building.───我们会有效地使用它们,来建立一个电子系统、我们的博客、以及我们正在建立的所有的公司。

5、Actually, sending text messages and writing micro blogs allow us to exchange thoughts.───事实上,发短信和写微博可以让我们交流各自的想法。

6、I've come across a few blogs that had some amazing content, but it was set up in a way where I found it difficult to leave a comment.───我看过一些博客,他们的内容很不错,但是想要留评论却比较困难。

7、To start with you could pay thousands of people to write spam blog comments on high profile Wordpress blogs with your competitors name URL.───首先你可以花钱请几千人在高知名度的博客上发表垃圾评论并附上对手的URL。

8、Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word "jasmine" from China's micro blogs.───集会很少市民参加,但警察已成群结队出动,“茉莉花”这个词也在微博中被禁用。

9、If you read any personal development blogs (and I know you do or you wouldn't be here), then you know all about this one.───如果你看过我的自我提升的部落格(我知道你看过,否则不会出现在这),你就会知道这个。


1、bronco blogs───bronco博客

people with blogs?

"People with blogs" 这个短语的意思是 "拥有博客的人"。这里 "people" 是指一群人,"with blogs" 修饰这些人,表示他们拥有博客。博客(blog)是一种在互联网上发表和分享文字、图片、音频和视频内容的个人或团体网站。拥有博客的人通常是作者、摄影师、艺术家、评论家等,他们通过博客分享自己的观点、作品或生活经历。

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