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drive off中文翻译,drive off是什么意思,drive off发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

drive off中文翻译,drive off是什么意思,drive off发音、用法及例句

1、drive off

drive off发音

英:  美:

drive off中文意思翻译


驾车离去; 驶去; 赶走; 击退


drive off双语使用场景

1、The ore was heated in the kilns to drive off water and carbonic acid gas.───矿石被放入窑里加热,蒸发掉水和碳酸气.

2、Be sure to blow up the tyres before you drive off.───开车之前,一定要把轮胎打足气.

3、Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness.───唱首歌,驱散那些悲伤之情.

4、How do I know you won't just drive off with the cello?───我怎么知道你会不会劫了我的大提琴开走 呢 ?

5、Then they drive off and eat in their cars or wherever they like.───然后他们将车开走,想在哪几吃,就在哪儿吃.

6、As they drive off, the police arrive.───随着他们驾车离开,警察也赶到了。

7、The user simply gets in and can drive off straight away.───用户只需获得和可以驱动马上关闭.

8、He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.───他正打算驾车离开,这时秘书跑了出来。

9、They drive off and they talk to her, asking her about her past.───他们击退,他们谈论她, 问她关于她的过去.

10、Single - deckers 60 feet driveand drive - off railroad wagon will carry buses, trailers, and small trucks as well as cars.───60英尺长的 单层 铁路运载车皮,除运载小汽车外,也可运载公共汽车 、 拖车和小卡车.

11、I watched him drive off.───我看见他开车走了.

12、And you started to drive off, and I just got afraid I'd never seeyou again.───你准备离开了, 我害怕再也看不到你了.

13、How can I drive off the feelings of sadness?───我如何才能消除悲伤?

14、I saw the lady get on the bus and drive off.───我看到那位女士上了车开走了.

15、Why did he drive off without getting paid?───他怎么没收钱就开车跑了?

16、He was just about to drive off when the secretary came running out.───他正要开车离去,这时秘书跑了出来。

17、a policeman leaps aboard, we drive off and leave.───一位警察上了车后,巴士开动并离开了现场。

drive off相似词语短语

1、drove off───驱散;击退;驾车离去

2、drift off───渐渐离去;漫无目的地移动;迷迷糊糊地睡去


4、dries off───烘干,弄干

5、driven off───赶走,击退

6、die off───相继死去,逐个死亡

7、dried off───烘干,弄干


9、drives off───赶走,击退

2、drive away与drive off区别?

"Drive away" 和 "drive off" 都是英语中的短语,但它们在使用和含义上略有不同:

1. **Drive Away:**

- **含义:** "Drive away" 意味着驾驶车辆离开某个地点,通常指的是离开你目前所在的地方。

- **例句:** After finishing the meeting, he drove away in his car.(结束会议后,他驾车离开了。)

2. **Drive Off:**

- **含义:** "Drive off" 意味着驾驶车辆离开某个地点,但通常含有更强烈的意味,可能指的是迅速或紧急地离开,或者是用力地开车离开。

- **例句:** The police arrived, and the thieves quickly drove off in their getaway car.(警察赶到,小偷们迅速驾车逃离。)

总的来说,"drive away" 和 "drive off" 都可以表示驾车离开,但"drive off" 带有一种更迅速、紧急或用力离开的意味。选择使用哪个短语通常取决于具体的语境和所要表达的程度。

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