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tail off中文翻译,tail off是什么意思,tail off发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

tail off中文翻译,tail off是什么意思,tail off发音、用法及例句

1、tail off

tail off发音

英:  美:

tail off中文意思翻译



变得越来越少/小; 不了了之; 逐渐减少

tail off双语使用场景

1、South Africa's gold and mineral bonanza is beginning to tail off.───南非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭.

2、At some date in the 1990s British oil production will probably tail off.───到20世纪90年代的某个时候,英国石油产量可能会逐渐减少。

3、Everybody will work their tail off to do the job with flying colors.───每个人都会尽自己最大的努力去做好每一件事情.

4、the ability to recall the right word tended to tail off as the day ended.───一天快结束的时候,准确回忆单词的能力随之减弱。

5、The acceleration finally began to tail off.───加速度终于越来越小.

6、His words tail off, and he turns his head towards the lake as if in a final glance goodbye.───他不再说话,把头转向湖水,看了看湖面,像是做最后的告别。

7、Steve worked his tail off.───史蒂夫也是忙得不可开交.

8、Education is great, and you've worked your tail off to get that.───受教育很好, 但可以努力工作缩小差距.

9、The number of tourists starts to tail off in October.───游客在十月份开始逐渐减少.

10、But then it normally begins to tail off after six months or so.───但是一般在六个月左右开始下降。

11、If you find your work interesting, you can work your tail off.───如果你觉得工作有趣, 你是会拼命去干的.

12、The drug's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly.───反复使用本药,药效也不会减弱。

tail off相似词语短语

1、fail of───未能

2、boil off───汽化;煮掉

3、trail off───缩小;减弱

4、tails off───变少;缩小;吞吞吐吐;零散地落在后头

5、tailed off───变少;缩小;吞吞吐吐;零散地落在后头

6、trails off───缩小;减弱

7、call off───取消;依次叫名;叫走





1、如果仅指 “短短尾巴”,可以说 “a very short tail ” 或 “a bobtail”。果指 “长着短短尾巴的…” 则需要用 “with a very short tail ” 或 “a bobtailed …”。

2、(动物身体末端突出的部分) tail。be very cocky;尾巴翘上了天。

3、(尾部) tail-like part。the tail of a plane;飞机尾巴。

4、(尾随者) a person shadowing sb。throw off one's tail,甩掉尾巴。

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