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shoot the breeze中文翻译,shoot the breeze是什么意思,shoot the breeze发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

shoot the breeze中文翻译,shoot the breeze是什么意思,shoot the breeze发音、用法及例句

1、shoot the breeze

shoot the breeze发音

英:  美:

shoot the breeze中文意思翻译


闲聊, 说大话


shoot the breeze双语使用场景

1、There is no profit in it, no deep purpose, but we" shoot the breeze "anyway, just for fun."───这里并不涉及利益,也没有什么深层目的,但我们就是要闲聊,不管怎样,就为了快乐。

2、They chew the fat , shoot the breeze and swap anecdotes about random subjects : work, family, news, weather, hobbies, etc.───人们就工作 、 家庭 、 新闻 、 天气 、 爱好等聊聊天, 侃侃 大山, 交换一些奇闻轶事.

3、We like to shoot the breeze during the break.───我们喜欢在休息时闲聊.

4、The auditors used to come in and do nothing but shoot the breeze for forty minutes.───查帐队员一来,往往啥事也不干,先吹上四十分钟的牛.

5、It's nice shoot the breeze with an old friend.───跟老朋友聊天是很美好的事.

6、I just stayed the dorm to around and shoot the breeze with a couple of friends.───一般来说,星期五晚上我总是去看**的.可是,昨晚上雨下得好大呀,所以我就呆在宿舍里和两个朋友一起聊天.

shoot the breeze相似词语短语

1、bat the breeze───说大话;吹牛;闲谈

2、shoot the works───孤注一掷;不遗余力

3、shoot the sun───测量太阳高度

4、shoot the bull───v.吹牛;闲谈,瞎扯

5、shoots the chutes───射出斜槽

6、shoot the messenger───开枪打信使

7、shoot the chutes───射出斜槽


1. Windy can be used as an adjective to describe weather, meaning that there is a lot of wind present. For example, "It is very windy outside today."

2. It can also be used to describe a place or location that is often windy. For example, "The coastal city is always windy."

3. "Windy" can also be used metaphorically to describe a person's behavior or character. For example, "She is a bit windy, always changing her mind."

4. "Windy" can be used in idiomatic phrases such as "a wind in one's sails," which means to have encouragement or support. For example, "The positive feedback gave her a wind in her sails to pursue her goals."

5. Another idiomatic expression using "windy" is "to shoot the breeze," which means to engage in casual or idle conversation. For example, "We sat on the porch and shot the breeze for hours."

6. In British slang, "a wind-up" is a phrase used to describe a joke or a prank. For example, "Don't take him seriously, he's just having a wind-up."

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