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is that中文翻译,is that是什么意思,is that发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

is that中文翻译,is that是什么意思,is that发音、用法及例句

is that

is that发音

英:  美:

is that中文意思翻译



is that双语使用场景

1、Archery has historically been used for hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity.───射箭历来被用于狩猎和作战,但在近代,其主要用途是作为休闲活动。

2、Is that your best suit?───那是你最漂亮的一套衣服吗?

3、What you're supposed to understand, however, is that the derivation I've just given is just a different way of arriving at the same result.───但是你要理解的是,我刚刚给出的推导过程只是得出同样结果的另一种方法而已。

4、Perhaps the only surprising feature is that it has taken so long to establish itself on the British side of the Atlantic.───唯一不同寻常之处是,它花了如此之久的时间方在大西洋英国这一边扎了根。

5、The net result of the long police investigation is that the identity of the killer is still a complete mystery.───警方经长时间调查,结果凶手的身分仍全然不知。

6、Yet the striking feature of the latest protest movement is that this time the rebellious forces are on the side of conservatism.───但是最近一次抗议运动的显著特征是把焦点集中到了保守派身上。

7、Is that your home address ?───这是你的住址吗?

8、The economic risk is that it is uncertain how much ECB bond-buying will achieve.───经济上的风险是,欧洲央行的国债购买行动会起到多大效果,仍是个未知数。

9、What is that infernal noise.───这可恶的噪音是什么。

is that相似词语短语

1、so that───以便;所以

2、and that───而且

3、with that───于是;然后就

4、in that───因为;由于;既然

5、all that───那么;到那种程度

6、like that───类似的,就像那样的

7、but that───要不是;若非

8、at that───而且

9、not that───并非;并不是说


1 是同一个意思

2 因为isthat和thatis都是用来引导一个问句或者陈述句的,表达的意思都是“那是什么”或“那就是......”

3 所以isthat和thatis可以互换使用,没有太大区别。

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