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制造噪音的英文(making noise中文翻译,making noise是什么意思,making noise发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

制造噪音的英文(making noise中文翻译,making noise是什么意思,making noise发音、用法及例句)

making noise

making noise发音

英:  美:

making noise中文意思翻译



making noise双语使用场景

1、It is the artist from world making noise the thing which the casting comes out with in his own soul tribulation.───它是艺术家从世界的喧嚣和他自身灵魂的磨难中铸造出来的东西。

2、He doesn't love Tibet. Only the Chinese Government and people love and care about Tibet. He's just a loser making noise here. Pathetic.───他才不爱西藏。只有中国政府和中国人民才热爱关心西藏。他只是个落败乱吠的狗而已。真可怜。

3、She's such an old crab, always scolding us for making noise, chewing gum, not doing our homework.───她真是只老螃蟹,老是斥责我们有噪音、嚼口香糖、不做家庭作业。

4、Ideally the robot would either stop moving, stop making noise, or try to do something soothing," Feil-Seifer says.───理想情况是,机器人要么能止步不再产生噪音,要么尝试做些安慰性质的事情,”费尔-塞费尔说道。

5、Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expression and by making noise.───儿童能说或者理解一种语言之前,他们通过面部表达和一些声音交流。

6、"Hacking used to be about making noise. Now it's about staying silent, " says Greg Day of McAfee, a vendor of IT security products.───IT安全产品厂家McAfee的GregDay说道:“黑客攻击行为过去关注于闹腾一番,然而现在却偏于保持沉默。”

7、My tummy is making noise, so I must be hungry.───我的肚子在叫了,我一定是饿了。

8、He had always been making noise when drinking tea. He had being making noise for the past twenty years.───当他喝茶的时候他总是会发出声音的,这样的声音已经持续了二十年了。

9、Long before children are able to understand or speak a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noise.───在儿童能够表达和理解一种语言之前,他们是通过面部表情和声音来进行沟通的。

making noise相似词语短语

1、making of───了解;用…制造

2、make a noise───吵闹,喧哗;成为众人谈论或注意的对象

3、baking dish───烤盆;烤碟

4、making for───导致;有助于;走向

5、hissing noise───嘶嘶声

6、make noises───制造噪音;用言语作出表示

7、big noise───有影响的人,名人;耸人听闻的声明

什么情况下用make noise和make noises一般情况下用哪一个表示人发出噪音?

人发出噪音:是一种行动,一般用make noise他在广场制造噪音:he makes noise on playgroundmake noise,表示行为,一个行动make noises,表示事件,是个已定性,完成的的动作他在制造噪音making noise制造的噪音has made much noises

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