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in the fields中文翻译,in the fields是什么意思,in the fields发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

in the fields中文翻译,in the fields是什么意思,in the fields发音、用法及例句

1、in the fields

in the fields发音

英:  美:

in the fields中文意思翻译



in the fields双语使用场景

1、They are burning off the stubble in the fields.───他们正在烧掉地里的残茬.

2、Working in the fields is something completely new for him.───对他来说,干农活是一件陌生的事情.

3、We laboured all day in the fields.───我们在田地里辛勤劳动了一整天。

4、Jobless and penniless , he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.───他既无工作又无钱,只好在野外露宿数月.

5、The stubble was burning in the fields.───地里的麦茬正在燃烧。

6、Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture.───绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。

7、Lambs frisked in the fields.───羊羔在田野里活蹦乱跳。

8、As long as he was physically able, he went to work in the fields.───只要身体能行, 他就下地干活.

9、They do manual labor in the fields all the year round.───他们一年到头干农活.

10、The lambs were capering in the fields.───羊羔在地里欢快地跳跃.

11、The lambs were skipping about in the fields.───小羊在田里跳跃.

12、People were working in the fields.───人们在田间劳动。

13、The rain came on again while we were working in the fields.───我们在田里耕作的时候,又下起雨来了.

14、burning in the fields.───田地里燃烧着。

15、The soil moisture in the fields was evaporated.───田里的水分散失了.

16、At dawn they started off to work in the fields.───天一亮他们就下地干活去了.

17、The paths crisscrossed in the fields.───阡陌纵横.

in the fields相似词语短语

1、ice fields───n.[水文][海洋]冰原(漂浮于海面上且直径大于8公里的平板形冰)

2、in the end───终于,最后

3、in the flesh───本人;亲自;以肉体形式

4、in the clouds───心不在焉;在云层中

5、in the field───在实地;在作战;参加比赛

6、in the mill───在制造中;在准备中

7、in the cold───被忽视,被冷落

8、in the cards───adj.似乎会发生的

9、in the wild───在野外,野生的;在自然环境下

2、on the lake和in the lake区别?

in the lake和on the lake的区别:in the lake表示在湖里,即在内部,用于游泳,潜水等等;on the lake是在湖面上,表示在表层,用于泛舟,垂钓等等。


1、in the village:在村里

in the street:在街上

in the fields:在田里

in the woods:在树林里

in the wall:在墙里面,例如在墙上打个钉


on the table:在桌上

on the lake:在湖面,上

on the wall:在墙上,例如在墙的平面,


We swim in the river. 我们在河里游泳。

We have a house on the river.我们有座房子在河面上。

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