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easter monday中文翻译,easter monday是什么意思,easter monday发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

easter monday中文翻译,easter monday是什么意思,easter monday发音、用法及例句

easter monday

easter monday发音

英:  美:

easter monday中文意思翻译



easter monday双语使用场景

1、Easter Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration of Spring.───星期一通常是民间祭春的日子.

2、Chelsea could win the title as early as Easter Monday at home to Everton.───切尔西有可能在复活节主场对埃弗顿的比赛后夺冠.

3、On Easter Monday, as we need no longer abstain from wine, we opened a new bottle.───复活节周一,我们不再需要戒酒了,于是就开了一瓶新酒。

4、But on easter monday Easter Monday, it belongs to the young.───但在周一的复活节时, 它属于孩子们.

5、We set off on Easter Monday.───我们在复活节后的星期一出发了。

6、Easter monday is a bank holiday.───复活节是银行停业日.

7、But on Easter Monday, it belongs to the young.───但是周一的复活节是属于孩子们的.

8、Easter Monday is generally regarded as an unofficial consecration of Spring.───复活节一般被认为是一种非官方的春节圣祭日。

easter monday相似词语短语

1、waste money───浪费钱财;浪费钱

2、Easter Bunny───(复活节人们用作礼物或装饰品的)复活节兔子;令人仰慕的人

3、Easter Mondays───复活节星期一

4、Cyber Monday───网络星期一(感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动)

5、Easter Sunday───复活节(等于EasterDay或Easter)

6、Easter Monday───复活节后的星期一

7、Easter Sundays───复活节星期日



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