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runny nose中文翻译,runny nose是什么意思,runny nose发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

runny nose中文翻译,runny nose是什么意思,runny nose发音、用法及例句

1、runny nose

runny nose发音

英:  美:

runny nose中文意思翻译


n.流鼻水; 流鼻涕

runny nose双语使用场景

1、It usually starts with a sore throat, sneezing and a runny nose.───最开始的症状一般是喉咙痛, 打喷嚏流鼻涕.

2、She coughed, sneezed, and got a runny nose and watery eyes.───她咳嗽, 打喷嚏, 流鼻涕,流眼泪.

3、He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat.───他流鼻水, 打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑.

4、I have a runny nose, am sneezing and also have scratchy throat.───我流鼻水, 打喷嚏并且喉咙沙哑.

5、She has a runny nose.───她一直流鼻涕.

6、He a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat.───他流鼻水, 打喷嚏和喉咙低哑.

7、I have a runny nose . My nose keeps running.───我一直流鼻涕.

8、Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.───感染性支气管炎起病时,一般具有普通感冒症状:出现流鼻涕、喉痛、疲乏和寒战。

9、The symptoms of a cold are sneezing and a runny nose.───感冒的症状是打喷嚏和流鼻水.

10、Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache, and a cough.───症状是流泪、流鼻涕、头疼和咳嗽。

11、Otherwise, vomiting twice, mild cough with runny nose were noted.───此外, 有呕吐两次, 轻微咳嗽及流鼻水.

12、One of the toddlers was bawling, and the other had a runny nose.───一个刚学会走路的孩子在放声大哭,另一个则流着鼻涕。

13、Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.───症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。

14、My symptoms include , a fever, a cough and a runny nose.───发烧 、 咳嗽还有流鼻涕.

15、You've got a runny nose!───你流鼻涕了!

16、A common cold is characterized by sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose.───(一般感冒的症状是打喷嚏 、 咳嗽和流鼻水. )

17、Maybe. And I have a cough and a runny nose.───也许吧. 并且我咳嗽,流鼻涕.

18、I have a runny nose.───我流鼻涕.

runny nose相似词语短语

1、funny money───假钞;膨胀的通货

2、brown nose───马屁精

3、funny bones───肘的尺骨端;幽默感

4、bull nose───牛鼻刀尖;牛鼻板;船首导缆孔;慢性鼻炎

5、bunny hop───超级跳;兔子跳

6、bunny slope───n.初学者滑雪道

7、funny bone───肘的尺骨端;幽默感

8、bunny hops───超级跳;兔子跳

9、funny noise───奇怪的噪音


1、鼻屎:Booger,Pick one's nose 就是抠鼻子、挖鼻孔的意思。

例句:There's a huge booger hanging out of your nose! 有一个大鼻屎挂在你鼻子外面!

2、眼屎:Sleep/ eye discharge,“眼屎”这个词在英文当中其实没有一个固定的专有名称,sleep除了睡觉之外也有“眼屎”的意思,eye discharge就是指眼角的分泌物。

例句:You have some sleep at the corner of your left eye.你的左眼角有一些眼屎。


例句:Earwax is a protective material that contains bacteria-fighting elements. 耳垢是一种还有抗菌成分的保护性物质。




1、鼻涕:Snot,Blow one's nose 就是擤鼻涕、擦鼻涕的意思。

例句:She wiped his snot onto his sleeve.她用袖子把鼻涕给擦了。

Runny nose 如果鼻涕一直留个不停的话,可以说:I've got a runny nose.

2、大便:Shit/poo,Poo 是用在小孩身上的。动物的粪便用poop, 比如dog poop, cat poop。 而医生说粪便会用stool。

take a dump:去大便,这句短语只对比较亲近的人才说。 go to the washroom:我去洗手间,是非常委婉的说出要上厕所。

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