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not for sale中文翻译,not for sale是什么意思,not for sale发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

not for sale中文翻译,not for sale是什么意思,not for sale发音、用法及例句

not for sale

not for sale发音

英:  美:

not for sale中文意思翻译



not for sale双语使用场景

1、This vase is not for sale at any price.───这个花瓶不管出多少钱都不卖.

2、Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.───纯酒精是不对大众销售的。

3、I'm sorry — this painting's not for sale.───很抱歉,这幅画是非卖品.

4、I'm sorry, it's not for sale.───抱歉,这个不卖。

5、No, they're not for sale ___ , only to attract customers.───不是的, 他们不是作为销售的, 仅仅是为了吸引顾客.

6、The shoes are not for sale.───这些鞋子是非卖品.

7、These items are just for show—they're not for sale.───这些物品仅供展览—不卖。

8、Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.───纯酒精不向大众出售。

9、How to buy a business that's not for sale.───如果人家并不想卖, 我 该如何买他们的生意?

10、They were definitely not for sale.───它们无疑不是用来卖的.

11、People with character, integrity and the right values are not for sale.───而有个独特个性, 正直品质以及正确价值观的人不会出售自己.

12、These items are not for sale to the general public.───这些商品不向公众出售.

13、The company is not for sale.───该公司不准备出售。

14、These paintings are only for display, not for sale.───这些画只供展览, 不供出售.

15、These articles are not for sale.───这些是非卖品.

16、The computer which I wanted to buy was not for sale.───我要买的那台计算机不予出售.

17、The Glazer family have insisted that Manchester United are not for sale.───格雷泽家族已经强调曼彻斯特联是非卖品.

18、Books on the exhibit racks are not for sale.───陈列架上的书不出售.

not for sale相似词语短语

1、not to say───即使不能说;虽不能说…;虽说不上

2、up for sale───供出售

3、point of sale───[贸易]销售点

4、not before time───不是在时间之前

5、for sale───出售;待售

6、boot sale───费旧杂物廉价拍卖

7、not your type───不是你喜欢的类型

not for sale是什么意思?

一、释义:not for resale 不允许转手。not for sale 非卖品,也叫工程机。


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