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credit limits中文翻译,credit limits是什么意思,credit limits发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

credit limits中文翻译,credit limits是什么意思,credit limits发音、用法及例句

credit limits

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credit limits中文意思翻译



credit limits双语使用场景

1、Credit limits for commercial banks will also be removed to channel more lending to priority projects and rural development, it said.───声明称,对商业银行的信贷规模限制也被取消,以便为重点工程建设以及农村发展提供更多资金。

2、Beware eof outrageous credit limits, which may lead to uncontrollable spending.───小心信用额度别订得太高,这可能会导致花费无度。

3、Credit limits are proving hard to enforce and are being further undermined by inflows of hot money from abroad.───限制信贷难以实施,并且海外流入的热钱会进一步瓦解这种努力。

4、As Banks grow tighter with their dollars in a period of uncertainty, families are running up against credit limits, forcing many to live within their incomes.───由于银行开始不确定的一段时期对他们的美元紧缩,很多家庭开始达到信贷限额,迫使许多家庭只能依靠收入来过活。

5、Be aware of our registered credit limits which may leave to us an uncontrollable spending.───请注意我们的信用额度,否则会让我们处于难以控制的花费。

6、His fictitious portfolio did not just comprise over-the-counter transactions with big Banks, where agreed credit limits meant he could avoid margin calls.───他虚构的组合不止包括与大银行的场外交易——认可的信用额度从而使他能够避免追加保证金的通知。

7、Still others have had their credit limits reduced as a result of the financial crisis.───还有些人由于金融危机而使得其信贷额度减少。

8、Check credit background of customers and propose credit limits to control the payment risk.───控制、规避销售过程中的财务风险。

9、report for in house credit control each day for credit limits and follow-up of charge back arrangements.───作为店内信用控制,每天检查“信用检查或最高信用额度”报告,以确定信用限度和后续的收款安排。

credit limits相似词语短语

1、credit line───信用额度;新闻的出处以及来源

2、credit risks───信用风险

3、credit memos───贷项通知单;付款

4、credit crisis───信用危机

5、credit sides───[金融]贷方;贷方栏

6、credit limit───[金融]信贷限额

7、credit lines───信用额度;新闻的出处以及来源


待开放额度(Limits for Issuing Letter of Credit),是指银行为帮助进口商融通资金而对一些资信较好、有一定清偿能力的进口商,根据其提供的质押品和担保情况,核定的一个相应的待开放额度。


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