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don't have to(don t have to中文翻译,don t have to是什么意思,don t have to发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

don't have to(don t have to中文翻译,don t have to是什么意思,don t have to发音、用法及例句)

don t have to

don t have to发音

英:  美:

don t have to中文意思翻译



don t have to双语使用场景

1、You don "t have to worry about that."───你不必为此担心。

2、You don t have to hurry to walk the city s center in less than an hour.───你不需要在一小时内匆匆地将市中心走完。

3、You don't have to jump down my throat, I was just trying to be helpful.───你不必粗声大气地回答我,我只是想帮一下忙。

4、One of the biggest land mines to efficient time management is recognizing you don't have to agree to everything and with everyone.───高效时间管理的一个最大的方面是,意识到你不必同意所有的事情,答应所有的人。

5、Just a minute," he said to Mr. Carr. "You don 't have to get anybody else into this."───稍等一下,”他对卡尔先生说,“你没必要把别人扯进来。”

6、"You don't have to asked for anything Lisa, my house is your house, " said Rick smiling at her while she sat down in front of him.───“你不必这么拘束,丽莎,我家就是你家。”丽莎在他面前坐下时,瑞克微笑着说道。

7、God wants you to ask Him to provide those things so you don't have to worry about them.───神想要你来求他预备那些东西,你就不必担心了。

8、And some of these animals are probably inspiration for the things you saw in "Avatar, " but you don't have to travel to Pandora to see them.───一些动物可能会让你想起“阿凡达”的一些事物。但是你不必到潘多拉星球才能看到它们。

9、to have the same style of life, but I don't get up as early as you, at least I don't have to drive to work. . .───我们的生活方式看来一样,不过我起床没有那么早,至少我不用开车去上班……

don t have to相似词语短语

1、to take to───喜欢,亲近(人)

2、only have to───只需要

3、to heave to───举起

4、come home to───被完全领会;使…认识到

5、on the town───在城里寻欢作乐;过男盗女娼的生活;靠城镇救济金过活

6、to have on───穿上

7、to have in───加入

8、to have at───至少

9、to have up───拥有

need t和don t have to的区别?

needn't比较主观,是must的否定 don'thaveto比较客观,是haveto的否定 也就是说前者是自己对自己的,而后者是别人或物致使的

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