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so what是什么意思英语(so what中文翻译,so what是什么意思,so what发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

so what是什么意思英语(so what中文翻译,so what是什么意思,so what发音、用法及例句)

so what

so what发音

英:  美:

so what中文意思翻译




so what双语使用场景

1、"You take a chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK." — "So what?"───“如果到英国度假,天气好不好得要碰运气。”——“那又如何?”

2、"I skipped off school today," — "So what? What's so special about that?"───“我今天逃学了。”——“那又怎样?有什么特别的吗?”

3、'so what? " Tom said sullenly.───“ 那又怎么样 呢 ? ” 汤姆绷着脸说.

4、So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list.───那么什么可以造就成功的婚姻呢?忠诚是第一位的。

5、if there is no kerosene this winter?" said Al.—"So what?" she said. "We still have electricity."───今年冬天如果没有煤油可怎么办呢?”阿尔说。—“那又怎么样?”她说。“我们还有电呢。”

6、So what is really happening as the information bandwagon starts to roll?───当信息大潮滚滚而来的时候究竟发生了些什么呢?

7、I enjoy someone telling me I'm wonderful, but part of me thinks, "So what? You won't say that tomorrow."───我喜欢听人家夸我很棒,但我转而又会想,“那又怎么样?明天你就不会这么说了。”

8、So what can we conclude from this debate?───那么从这场辩论中我们能得出什么结论?

9、So what prompted him to enter the ministry?───那么,是什么促使他成为牧师的呢?

10、And so what will he say to those who have been baying for his blood?───那么,他又会对那些一直强烈要求制裁他的人说些什么呢?

11、So what can we conclude from this debate?───那么从这场辩论中我们能推断出什么呢?

12、"So what do you think will happen?" he asked eagerly.───“那么你觉得会发生什么?”他急切地问道。

13、So what if sometimes they stayed rather late, it doesn't mean anything.───因此,即便有时他们熬夜到很晚,那也说明不了什么。

14、"So what do you think?" she said in a hoarse whisper.───“那么你认为如何?”她声音嘶哑地悄声问道。

15、So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?───那么,女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?

16、"All right, I've been reading it. So what?" — "Curiosity killed the cat, that's what."───“好了好了,我是一直在读这个。那又怎么样?”——“不怎么样,只是好奇心,惹祸根。”

17、He replied with characteristic insouciance: "So what?"───他以一贯的漫不经心回答道:“那又怎样?”

18、So what if the colours clashed?───那么,要是色彩不搭怎么办?

so what相似词语短语

1、so what!───那又怎样

2、to hat───戴帽子


4、to whap───砰

5、so that───以便;所以

6、to wham───重击

7、you what───你什么

8、to chat───聊天;闲谈

9、or what───还是其他的什么

so what是什么意思啊^_^

so what 英[səʊ hwɔt] 美[soʊ hwɑt]

[词典] 那又怎么样!;

[例句]So what can we conclude from this debate?


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