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olive branch中文翻译,olive branch是什么意思,olive branch发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

olive branch中文翻译,olive branch是什么意思,olive branch发音、用法及例句

1、olive branch

olive branch发音

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olive branch中文意思翻译



olive branch双语使用场景

1、Therefore, the dove and olive branch are both emblem of peace.───以后白鸽和橄榄枝就成了和平的象征.

2、The crafty enemy was ready to launch a new attack while holding out the olive branch.───狡猾的敌人一边伸出橄榄枝,表示愿意讲和,一边准备发动新的进攻.

3、The big question now is whether China will respond with its own olive branch.───目前最大的变数,在于中央是否会同样伸出友好的橄榄枝.

4、Medal in 1996 Olympic Games are back and an olive branch logo.───奖牌背面是1996年奥运会标识和橄榄枝.

5、I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun.───我带着橄榄枝和自由战士的枪来到这里,请不要让做榄枝从我手中滑落.

6、The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace.───鸽子和橄榄枝成为和平的象征.

7、It is a blue flag with a map and an olive branch.───蓝旗上有地图与橄榄枝.橄榄枝象征着和平.

8、This is an excellent time for offering the olive branch to enemies and competitors too.───这是一个极好的时间提供了橄榄枝,敌人和竞争对手太多.

9、I choose never cease hold the olive branch to war's state.───我选择永不停息地把橄榄枝衔到战争的国度.

10、Under the perch is an olive branch.───栖木下面是橄榄枝.

11、Israel an olive branch to Syria in a bid to end an escalating war of words.───以色列向叙利亚抛出了橄榄枝,试图结束双方的口水战.

12、The olive branch is the symbol of peace.───橄榄枝是和平的象征.

13、Jill was the first to hold out the olive branch after our argument.───我们俩争吵后,吉尔首先作出和解的表示.

14、Athens chose olive branch as symbolization of peace and friendship in the first modern Olympic Games.───雅典选择了橄榄枝,作为象征和平与友谊在第一届现代奥林匹克运动会.

15、The olive branch is an emblem of peace.───橄榄枝象征和平.

16、Even after ten years of war, neither side was willing to hold out the olive branch.───甚至打了10年仗之后, 双方仍无求和之意.

17、Athens chose olive branch as a symbol of peace and friendship in the first modern Games.───雅典在第一届现代奥运会选择橄榄树枝作为和平和友谊的象征.

18、Management is holding out an olive branch to the strikers.───资方向罢工者伸出了橄榄枝。

19、They were not prepared to hold out the olive branch to their enemies.───他们不准备向敌人伸出橄榄枝.

20、Clarke also offered an olive branch to critics in his party.───克拉克还向党内的批评人士伸出了橄榄枝。

olive branch相似词语短语

1、olive drabber───橄榄树

2、olive drabs───n.草绿色

3、olive branches───橄榄枝(象征和平);谈和的建议;小孩

4、olive brown───橄榄褐色;黄褐色

5、an olive branch───橄榄枝



8、olive drab───n.草绿色

9、olive browns───橄榄褐色;黄褐色


曾经有人差点从险峻的山路上掉下来(背景是几个人登山)Someone was as close as to falling off the mountain

曾经有人迷失了方向差点丢了姓名Someone lost his way to such an extent that he would have lost his life

曾经有人受野兽袭击受了重伤 Someone got attacked by the beast and got seriously wounded

但是他们没有放弃,而是怀着勇气和希望朝着目的地一步一步地往前走and yet they didn't give up. Instead,they moved forward ,one step after another, filled with hope and courage.

最后,胜利女神把橄榄枝投向了他们And at last the Goddess of victory threw the olive branch to them.

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