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take one's order(take one s order中文翻译,take one s order是什么意思,take one s order发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

take one's order(take one s order中文翻译,take one s order是什么意思,take one s order发音、用法及例句)

take one s order

take one s order发音

英:  美:

take one s order中文意思翻译



take one s order双语使用场景

1、Those who enter the field enterprises, in order to take root in one place, we must implement the country's brand strategy.───那些谁进入外地企业,以扎根在一个地方,我们必须执行该国的品牌战略。

2、Hold back Get on well with sb. Take one's order Send off Be fed up In advance Tell apart───区别,辨别制止,隐瞒,退缩与某人相处很好接受某人的命令寄出,派遣,给……送行吃得过饱,极厌倦预先,提前

3、artist who goes beyond the norm in order to take the tradition of brush painting in a new direction may not digress from the path of one's objective.───为了将水墨画传统进行创新而打破常规的艺术家,不可背离初始的目标。

4、Yet, if one cannot even keep one's personal affairs in order, what energy could one have to take care of public affairs?───但是如果连私事都无法掌控得好,又哪有余力去顾及公事?

take one s order相似词语短语

1、take one's hour───花一个小时

2、take on board───采纳;同意;纳入考虑范围;带某人上船

3、take a shower───洗淋浴

4、take one's leave───告辞,告别

5、take one's time───从容不迫;不著急

6、take in stride───淡然处之

7、take a powder───暂停交易

8、take one's ease───休息;安心

9、take holy orders───接受神圣的命令



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