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lucid dreams中文翻译,lucid dreams是什么意思,lucid dreams发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

lucid dreams中文翻译,lucid dreams是什么意思,lucid dreams发音、用法及例句

lucid dreams

lucid dreams发音

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lucid dreams中文意思翻译



lucid dreams双语使用场景

1、In fact there is some evidence that in lucid dreams, at least, the perception of time in similar to that when the dreamer is awake.───实际上,至少在清醒梦中研究者们已经发现了一些证据,当做梦者处于意识清醒状态时,对时间的认知的确会发生类似的变化。

2、She had previously focused on studying lucid dreams, in which people have awareness of being in a dream.───她之前已经在清醒的梦方面有集中研究,在清醒的梦里,人们能认识得到他们在梦里。

3、Such experiences ex-somatic, which the dreamer feels to be out of his physical body, are called lucid dreams.───这种经验超脱于肉体,做梦者感觉到自己在脱离他的身体,这被称为清醒梦。

4、They reported higher alertness and energy, more vivid dreams and more lucid dreams, and of course lots of extra free time.───他们感觉更活跃,精力更充沛,他们的梦更加生动和鲜明,更不要说获得了许多空闲时间。

5、It's safe to say that lucid dreams are unlike anything else you've ever experienced.───可以肯定地说,清醒梦会给你带来全新的体验。

6、Immersing yourself into the world of lucid dreams will make your probability of dreaming much, much higher.───沉浸于清醒梦境的世界中将会使你飞得更高。

7、Personal potential, loyalty, the family, trusting your instincts, developing clairvoyance, lucid dreams.───个人的潜在可能性,忠诚,家庭,相信你的直觉,发展洞察力,清晰的理想。

8、It took me almost a year to be able to stay calm enough to get my lucid dreams to last more than a minute.───我花了快一年的时间来让自己保持足够冷静以保证我的清醒梦能持续一分钟以上。

lucid dreams相似词语短语

1、lucky breaks───摔出好运气(**名)

2、fluid dram───液量打兰;液打兰

3、lucid dreamer───清醒的梦想家

4、fluid drams───液量打兰;液打兰

5、lucid dreamers───清醒的梦想家

6、fluid drachms───流体德拉克马

7、glacier creams───冰激凌

8、vivid dream───逼真的梦

9、lucid dream───n.清醒梦;清明梦;清晰梦境


是Juice  WRLD 唱的

《Lucid Dreams》是Juice WRLD演唱的歌曲,由Nick Mira、Dominic Miller等作词、作曲,收录于专辑《Goodbye & Good Riddance》中。

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