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I am rich中文翻译,I am rich是什么意思,I am rich发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

I am rich中文翻译,I am rich是什么意思,I am rich发音、用法及例句

I am rich

I am rich发音

英:  美:

I am rich中文意思翻译



I am rich双语使用场景

1、The only reason I agreed to write in this things is because when I am rich and famous than answer people's stupid questions all day long.───唯一能让我写这个的理由就是,当我有钱了出名了,我会有去做些比整天去回答别人的蠢问题,更好的事。

2、He thinks I am rich with the day's profit.───他以为我富足地携带着一天的利润。

3、Reportedly, eight customers paid $999. 99 for I Am Rich, before Apple decided to withdraw it from the store.───据说,8名顾客总共花了999.99美元购买了IAmRich,直到苹果决定把它从网上商店里撤下来。

4、I am rich enough, forsooth, to distribute his authority on this occasion .───我很有钱,这件事情大可不必去占掉他那部门里的一部分预算经费。

5、Though I am not rich financially, I am rich in term of friendship, I have more than 30 friends, and I am happy with them everyday.───虽然在金钱上我很贫穷,但是在友情上我却很富有,我有超过30个以上的朋友。所以每天和他们在一起我感到很快乐。

6、Sir, I am in urgent need of your help. Although I am rich, but everyone told me ? Life is full of like a cheat one another of the fighting.───先生,我急需您的帮助。虽然我很富有,但人人都对我横眉冷对。生活真像一场充满尔虞我诈的厮杀。

7、Then there was an app called I Am Rich designed by satirical German developer Armin Heinrich.───接着出现了一个叫做I Am Rich的app,它是由一个具有讽刺精神的德国人海恩里希(Amin Heinrich)开发的。

8、A good jewelry with funny model, wow it means I am rich and fun too.───一个好的珠宝和有趣的模型,哇那意味着我富裕,有趣。

9、For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable , poor, blind, and naked.───你说:我是富足,已经发了财,一样都不缺;却不知道你是那困苦、可怜、贫穷、瞎眼、赤身的。

I am rich相似词语短语

1、pilau rice───皮劳饭

2、the rich───n.富人

3、dirty rice───美国杂烩拌饭;鸡杂饭

4、pilau rices───配方的支柱

5、glam rock───迷惑摇滚(装扮重于音乐的摇滚乐风格)

6、Ding an sich───自在之物



9、beam rider───[航][军]波束制导导弹

i am rich梗怎么接?

i am rich梗无法接受。




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