partaken 发音
英:[pɑːˈteɪkən] 美:[pɑːrˈteɪkən]
英: 美:
partaken 中文意思翻译
partaken 短语词组
1、partaken of ─── 吃光;带有;参加
partaken 常用词组
partake in ─── 参加;分享
partake of ─── 吃光;带有;参加
partaken 词性/词形变化,partaken变形
名词: partaker |动词现在分词: partaking |动词第三人称单数: patakes |动词过去分词: partaken |动词过去式: partook |
partaken 相似词语短语
1、-taken ─── v.拿,带(take的过去分词)
2、partaking ─── vi.吃,喝;分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享
3、partakes ─── vi.吃,喝;分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享
4、partake ─── vi.吃,喝;分享;参与;分担;带有某种性质;vt.分担;分享
5、partan ─── n.(苏格兰)黄道蟹
6、party men ─── 政党党员
7、overtaken ─── v.超过,赶上;(数量或重要性方面)超过;(尤指厄运)突然降临在……上;(使)突然受不了(overtake的过去分词)
8、caretaken ─── v.看管,照管
9、partaker ─── n.参与者;分担者;关系者
partaken 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、This experience shall surmount all that you have so far partaken of. ─── 这次经历会超越你们至今为止所经历的一切。
2、Therefore in the interconnection,no harm can come to one's physical self,as earth has never partaken in harmfulness as a consensus. ─── 因此在相互联接中,没有什么会伤害到肉体自我,因为地球作为一个一致实相绝不会参与伤害。
3、partaken of ─── v. 共享(同吃, 参与)
4、You choose to saturate your hunger with inferior food, when you could have partaken of a scrumptious gourmet meal. ─── 张恩雄牧师说道那个饥渴的的确确存在而我们不论如何会想尽办法试图满足它。
5、She has already partaken of the pervading spirit of neglect which encompassed her. ─── 她已经沾染上了包围着她的那种到处蔓延的懒散精神。
6、King Pasenadi of Kosala having partaken his food and breathing heavily, approached the Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side. ─── 二时,拘萨罗之波斯匿王食后,就大息而诣世尊[处]。诣已,礼敬世尊,坐于其傍。
7、Power Shared and Benefit Partaken as Tow Basic Premises for Building a Harmonious Society ─── 权力共享与利益分享:和谐社会的两个前提
8、It is indeed beautiful and a fardeparture from previous works '?ye' has partaken in. ─── (如果摇动着头,曳步而动也算是跳舞的话)。
9、partaken in ─── v. 参与(参加, 分享)
10、Partaken competitive aim ─── 可共享性竞争目标
11、After having partaken of a hearty meal, one does not feel much desire to pray. ─── 当人享用了一餐丰盛的饮食之后,他就不大愿意祷告了。
12、This can be compared to the anagamin, who, having partaken of the food, abides there. ─── 这可以比喻为阿那含果,他,已经分享了食品,留在那里。
13、She spoke uncomplainingly of the arduous duties of which she had partaken. ─── 她毫无怨言地讲述了她所分担的艰巨任务。
14、When I have partaken of beans and of bacon i whistle a merry old song of the trail ─── 晚餐已煮熟土豆烧牛肉快乐口哨声牧人的歌喉
15、3.Who forbid marriage and command abstaining from foods, which God has created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who believe and have full knowledge of the truth. ─── 3他们禁止嫁娶,禁戒食物,就是神所造,给那些信的人,并认识真理的人,感谢着享受的。
16、A joy shared by nobody is not a true joy, while a pain partaken by nobody is the most dreadful pain. ─── 一个无人分享的快乐决非真正的快乐,而一个无人分担的痛苦则是最可怕的痛苦。
17、Be thou of them that have partaken of its treasures. ─── 让你自己成为这些宝藏的分享者之一吧。
18、Partaken two parts of GEP have same computational ability, and the GEP is realized through exchanging message. ─── 逐步交换协议的两个参与主体具有相同的计算能力,通过消息交换实现这类协议。
19、Having partaken of the provision, he went forward on his way for forty days to Horeb, where he took residence in a cave. ─── 他吃完所提供的食物以后,就继续往前走。走了四十天,走到了何烈山。他在那里的一个山洞中住了下来。
20、A seed-cake and a bottle of wine were produced in the drawing-room, as on the solemn occasions of the visits of parents, and these refreshments being partaken of, Miss Sedley was at liberty to depart. ─── 那天像家长来校的时候一般隆重,特地在客厅里摆了一个香草子蛋糕和一瓶酒。大家吃过点心,赛特笠小姐便准备动身。
21、Then, I will read the words in silence after I have partaken of my midday meal. ─── 午饭之后,再次默读;
22、1 Tim. 4:3 Who forbid marriage and command abstaining from foods, which God has created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who believe and have full knowledge of the truth. ─── 提前四3他们禁止嫁娶,禁戒食物,就是神所造,给那些信的人,并认识真理的人,感谢著享受的。
23、They stopped under a clump of bananas, the fruit of which, as healthy as bread and as succulent as cream, was amply partaken of and appreciated ─── 他们在一丛香蕉树荫下小憩片刻香蕉。跟面包一样对人有好处,旅客们非常欣赏,他们还说香蕉跟奶酪一样有营养呢。
24、She spoke uncomplainingly of the arduous duties of which she had partaken. ─── 她毫无怨言地讲述了她所分担的艰巨任务。
25、After having partaken of a hearty meal, one does not feel much desire to pray. ─── 当一个人享用了一餐丰盛的饮食之后,他就不大愿意祷告了
26、In 2006, 50 percent of respondents claimed to have partaken in a workplace relationship during their career. ─── 在2006年,50%的受访者宣称曾在职业生涯期间发展过职场恋情。
27、All trainings are intended to existing personnel's; the training cost is sponsored by company or partaken by company and individual. ─── 本公司的培训为在职员工的培训,培训经费由公司资助或个人分担。
28、I will read the words in silence after I have partaken of my midday meal. ─── 我有时间吃的时候,就吃一顿丰盛的午餐。
29、If Jones had feloniously administered arsenic to his wife, it seemed clear that it could not have been done in any of the things eaten at supper, as all three persons had partaken of the meal. ─── 如果琼斯惨忍的毒死了他的妻子,当三个共同享用晚餐时,那些食物看起来似乎没有任何的问题。
30、Therefore in the interconnection, no harm can come to one's physical self, as earth has never partaken in harmfulness as a consensus. ─── 因此在相互联接中,没有什么会伤害到肉体自我,因为地球作为一个一致实相绝不会参与伤害。
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