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08-09 投稿


enunciate 发音

英:[ɪ'nʌnsɪeɪt]  美:[ɪ'nʌnsɪet]

英:  美:

enunciate 中文意思翻译



enunciate 网络释义

vt. 发音;阐明;宣布vi. 阐明;清晰地发音

enunciate 短语词组

1、enunciate defined ─── 阐明定义

2、enunciate it ─── 把它说清楚

3、enunciate syn ─── 发音

4、enunciate define ─── 阐明定义

5、enunciate noun ─── 发音名词

6、enunciate ubc ─── 阐明ubc

7、enunciate api ─── 阐明api

enunciate 词性/词形变化,enunciate变形

动词第三人称单数: enunciates |动词过去分词: enunciated |名词: enunciation |副词: enunciatively |动词现在分词: enunciating |动词过去式: enunciated |形容词: enunciable |

enunciate 相似词语短语

1、enunciated ─── v.(清晰地)发音;阐明;宣布(enunciate的过去式和过去分词)

2、enunciative ─── adj.表明的;宣告的;发音清晰的

3、enunciates ─── vt.发音;阐明;宣布;vi.阐明;清晰地发音

4、renunciates ─── n.托钵婆罗门僧人(同sannyasi)

5、denunciated ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

6、denunciate ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

7、denunciates ─── vt.谴责;公开指责;公然抨击(等于denounce)

8、renunciate ─── n.托钵婆罗门僧人(同sannyasi)

9、annunciate ─── vt.告示;通告

enunciate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Judge Blount ably seconded him, and Martin, whose ears had pricked at the first mention of the philosopher's name, listened to the judge enunciate a grave and complacent diatribe against Spencer. ─── 布朗特法官给了他强有力的支持。

2、You’ll learn a great deal about how to enunciate words to get your points across and influence others. ─── 我规律的做这件事,这使我能对自己的事业建立一个积极全面的记录。

3、enunciate v. ─── 清晰发音;

4、This forces you to enunciate. ─── 这将强制你发音清晰。

5、To pronounce clearly; enunciate. ─── 清晰地发音;念字

6、5.Actors learn how to enunciate clearly in the theatrical college. ─── 演员在戏剧学院学习怎样清晰地发音。

7、He is always willing to enunciate his opinions on the subject of politics. ─── 他总是愿意对政治问题发表意见。

8、We also had to create an articulating tongue that allowed him to enunciate his words . ─── 我们还必须创造一个阐明舌头,让他阐述他的话。

9、The present work enunciate the phenophase and plant organ development of Hedyotis diffusa Willd. at Nanjing region. These results can give a reference for the plant growing practice. ─── 本项研究观测了白花蛇舌草在南京地区的物候期和各器官的生长发育规律等,可为进一步野生变家种提供参考。英文翻译,英语:

10、enunciate one's words clearly ─── 咬字清楚

11、enunciate clearly ─── 吐字清楚

12、From four aspects of breath, resonance, enunciate, sings, separately elaborated singing method of "ErRenTai"The fourth chapter: expatiate the spread and inherit of Baotou "ErRenTai". ─── 从气息、共鸣、吐字三个方面,分别阐述二人台的歌唱技能。第四章:包头二人台的传播与传承。

13、This forces you to enunciate. ─── 这就强迫你去发音清晰。

14、Enunciate your consonants. ─── 辅音字母发音要清晰。

15、On the base of this work , I enunciate the character、goals and theories of modern Chinese language teaching.I give a few examples to account for my point. ─── 在此基础上阐述了现代语文教育的性质、目的和现代语文教育理念,并附了案例。

16、Enunciate: to state or set forth precisely or systematically ─── 阐述:准确或系统地陈述或表达

17、3.An actor must learn to enunciate clearly. ─── 演员必须学会清晰地发音。

18、To pronounce distinctly and carefully;enunciate. ─── 发音清晰清晰地和仔细地发音;发音

19、What if the system is busy using TTS to enunciate a long set of sentences and an urgent system sound file is popped into the queue? ─── 如果系统正在使用TTS阅读一个很长的句子,这时队列中插入了一个紧急的系统声音文件怎么办?

20、enunciate these sounds ─── 清晰地发这些音

21、To enunciate with clarity and precision ─── 清晰明确地发音

22、In some provinces it is barely intelligible even when the speaker is trying to enunciate really meticulously. ─── 教会的同工们若能把普通话讲好,对服事会有很大的帮助。

23、And when you enunciate, you spit! ─── 当你对白清晰有力的时候,你就会喷口水!

24、9.He is always willing to enunciate his opinions on the subject of politics. ─── 他总是愿意对政治问题发表意见.

25、Quick fix: Raise your voice, enunciate, and stop doubting yourself. ─── 补救办法:提高音量、清晰表达、别再怀疑自己。

26、To the left, an Irish girl is turning the cup edge I, peacefully, enunciate: Love Is between the sky and you. ─── 左边,爱尔兰的女子转动杯沿我平静的发音:爱情。在你和天空之间。

27、Come close, speak slowly, and enunciate clearly. ─── 走近点,说和气些,讲清楚些。

28、to enunciate a theory ─── 阐明一种理论

29、Fowles has masterly manipulated the metafictional techniques to enunciate the motif of the novel-freedom. ─── 福尔斯巧妙地运用元小说的技巧体现了小说的主题-自由。

30、To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate. ─── 发音清晰清晰地和仔细地发音;发音

31、To the left , an Irish girl is turning the cup edge I, peacefully , enunciate : Love Is between the sky and you . ─── 左边,爱尔兰的女子转动杯沿我平静的发音:爱情。在你和天空之间。

32、Speak slowly and enunciate clearly. ─── 说话缓慢,阐述清楚。

33、An actor has to enunciate clearly. ─── 演员必须发音吐词清楚。

34、12.Copyright law should enunciate clear limitations on liability of third parties in circumstances where compliance cannot practically or reasonably be enforced. ─── 12. 著作权法应确切地阐明,在著作权法不可能实际或合理地实施的情况中,第三方应负的责任的限定。

35、Finally, make it a point to enunciate clearly. ─── 最后一点,语言表达必须清晰。

36、Enunciate a doctrine. ─── 阐述一个信条

37、We enunciate two educational commandments, "Do not teach too many subjects, and again, " What you teach, teach thoroughly. ─── 我们要阐明两条教育戒律:“不可教太多学科”和“教学要深入”。

38、Richard: That's what real actors do! Annunciation is the mark of a good actor! And when you enunciate, you spit! ─── 真正的演员就是这样的!好演员的一个重要标志就是对白!当你对白清晰有力的时候,你就会喷口水!

39、Always enunciate vowels fully when speaking or practicing English so that a extraordinary temperament will be cultivated. ─── 平时说英语、练英语的时候一定要元音特别饱满!这样可以训练自己的非凡气质。

40、It could fully displays the function of human voice by helping the singers widen register, standardize the section of the sound range, and enunciate the words clearly to make the voice penetrating and more impressive. ─── 摘要混声唱法能够充分展现人体声音机能,使歌唱者扩大音域,统一音区,吐字清楚,使声音具有穿透力,更富表现力。

41、enunciate views ─── 发表见解

42、The authors enunciate the reproduction rhythm based on the regularities of the circular movement and analyze the feature of the movement.It is believed that the reproduction regularities and the s... ─── 阐述了建立在圆运动规律基础上的月经周期与生殖节律,对其运动的形式特点进行了分析,认为掌握月经周期生殖规律,可以更好地运用调周法,解决女性生殖障碍,探寻优生优育之所在。

43、He doesn't enunciate clearly. ─── 他口齿不清。

44、Results enunciate that the best time is 150 min, the best amount is 6g/L Under the normal temperature. ─── 结果表明:在常温下的最佳吸附时间为150min,最佳投放量为6g/L。

45、to enunciate one's intentions ─── 宣布自己的打算(或意图)

46、"I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to enunciate without contorting my face, " he said. ─── 他说:“我刻苦练习,站在镜子前面,努力在发音时不把脸扭歪。”

47、enunciate clearly. ─── 发音清晰。

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