archaeology 发音
英:[ˌɑːrkiˈɑːlədʒi] 美:[ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi]
英: 美:
archaeology 中文意思翻译
archaeology 网络释义
n. 考古学考古学的
archaeology 词性/词形变化,archaeology变形
异体字: archeology |形容词: archaeological |名词: archaeologist |
archaeology 短语词组
1、archeology archaeology right ─── 考古学 ─── 考古学权利
2、archaeology mysteries rs ─── 考古学之谜rs
3、long staple cotton archaeology ─── 长绒棉考古
4、marine archaeology ─── [网络] 海洋考古;海洋考古学
5、The Archaeology of Knowledge ─── 知识的考古学
6、archaeology runescape ─── 考古学runescape
7、industrial archaeology n. ─── 工业考古学
8、archaeology training rs ─── 考古培训rs
9、second world war archaeology ─── 二战考古学
10、underwater archaeology ─── [网络] 水下考古;水下考古活动;水下考古学
11、biblical archaeology review ─── 圣经考古学评论
12、archaeology rs3 ─── 考古学rs3
13、biblical archaeology ─── 圣经考古学
14、Istanbul Archaeology Museums ─── 伊斯坦布尔考古博物馆
15、archaeology guide rs ─── 考古指南rs
16、archaeology materials rs ─── 考古材料rs
17、Artifact (archaeology) ─── 神器(考古学)
18、archaeology guide rs3 ─── 考古指南rs3
19、archaeology today ─── 今天的考古学
archaeology 相似词语短语
1、bioarchaeology ─── 生物考古学
2、archaeol. ─── 考古。
3、archology ─── n.起源说
4、new archaeology ─── 新考古学
5、arcology ─── n.[建]生态建筑学
6、archaeologist ─── n.考古学家
7、archaezoology ─── n.考古动物学
8、archaeozoology ─── 考古学
9、archeology ─── n.考古学(等于archaeology)
archaeology 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He received his associates degree in applied science in the pipe trades and his bachelors degree in archaeology from Kennedy International University. ─── 他在肯尼迪国际大学获得了应用科学准学士学位和考古学的学士学位。
2、As archaeology of Foucault ' s thoughts, this article follows the track of Foucault ' s changeful topic, tricky thoughts. ─── 可以说,不了解福柯就无法深刻地把握当今后现代主义教育观的精神实质。
3、The scholars were learning rudiments of archaeology and were trying to decode the hieroglyphics . ─── 学者正在学习一些考古学的基本知识,尽力破解象形文字。
4、His photographs document our times and his search for them represents a kind of contemporary archaeology. ─── 他的摄影作品记录了我们这个时代,他的探索实际上是一种针对当代的考古学。
5、The wares exegetics is a new learning which bases on traditional exegetics and combines archaeology, history. ─── 器物训诂学是在传统训诂学的基础上,结合考古学、历史学知识,建立起来的一门新兴学科。
6、The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid, outside Cairo, on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology. ─── 9月17日,(美国)国家地理频道现场直播了位于开罗郊外的"大金字塔"内部的探秘过程。 这一举动引起了很多人对考古的兴趣。
7、The uninterrupted human occupation of the region has made it an interesting area for archaeology. ─── 人类在那个地区的常年定居使之成为一个有趣的考古之地。
8、The University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology. ─── 孟菲斯大学埃及艺术与考古系。
9、The moment he opens his mouth, Mazar knows what's coming. The tour guide is a former archaeology student of hers. ─── 年轻人甫一张嘴,玛扎尔就知道他想说什么——这位导游以前是玛扎尔手下一位学考古的学生。
10、The professor knows more archaeology than most people. ─── 在考古方面这位教授比大多数人知道得多。
11、Only the British Museum and the British School of Archaeology in Iraq have kept the flag flying. ─── 只有大英博物馆和伊拉克的英国考古学校践行了许诺。
12、If MBAs really are that bad, companies that h ire them will suffer, demand for business school graduates will fall and people will study archaeology instead. ─── 如果MBA真的那么差,雇佣他们的企业就会遭殃,对商学院毕业生的需求就会降低,人们就会转而研究考古学。
13、Foucault (1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK. ─── 福柯(1972),《知识考古学》,下文简称AK。
14、You must steel your self for an ordeal: aside from studying physical geography, economic geography and historical geography, you will have to study anthropology and archaeology, and enter even further into dialectology. ─── 你要下决心吃苦,除了自然地理、经济地理、历史地理,你还要学习人类学和考古学,你要把你学过的那些方言知识搞得更深入。
15、Lily: The British Museum specialises more in antiques and archaeology. ─── 大英博物馆更侧重于文物和考古。
16、He displayed interest in archaeology. ─── 他对考古学有兴趣。
17、Taylor draws on art, archaeology, and literature in weaving a vivid tale of the nation from prehistory to modern politics. ─── 书籍内容提要 : This broad social history addresses, with authority, the diversity of communities, upheaval and challenges of Indonesia.
18、distinction must be made between archaeology proper and science-based archaeology. ─── 必须对严格意义上的考古学和以科学为基础的考古学加以区分。
19、She teaches archaeology at the university. ─── 她在大学里教考古学。
20、This article introduces the design and implementation of Mapping Information System for Field Archaeology. ─── 介绍了田野考古制图信息系统的设计思路和实现过程。
21、It can be applied in many fileds, such as archaeology, paleontology, art restoration, and so on. ─── 它被应用到很多领域,如考古学、古生物学、文物复原等。
22、From the kind of archaeology, has not yet found precise and reliable for the summer and if the, Zebi some more primitive than Oracle. ─── 但是,一种新制度的建立,必然会遭到部分反对。夏启即位后,在钧台大宴各部落的首领,以期对他的地位予以确认。
23、From the perspective of art archaeology and iconology, the paper lists and classifies the Jiyue images from Chengdu and other areas. ─── 同时也借鉴了音乐考古学和音乐图像学的方法,对乐器的种类和乐舞的内容作了一些考证,最后结合文献记载综合分析图像的源流与传播状况。
24、He holds a B.A. degree in Archaeology and a Ph.D. in history from Jilin University. ─── 吉林大学考古学专业本科毕业,历史学博士。
25、The Tangshan Archaeological Team From Nanjing Municipal Museum and Archaeology Department of Peking University, gives the locality of the Nanjing Man Fossils (1993-1994). ─── 南京博物馆和北京大学考古系联合组成的汤山考古队确定汤山南京人化石地点(年代测定)。
26、Such technology could be useful for any study in which spatial relations are important, such as archaeology or industrial engineering, according to Esmen. ─── 伊斯曼认为,这类技术在任何需考虑时空关系的研究(例如考古学和工业工程学)都能派上用场。
27、The Archaeology of Memory is one of the late works that typifies the style of Qiu Zhijie, a world-renowned artist in conceptual images. ─── 《记忆考古》是国际著名的观念影像艺术家邱志杰较新的代表作之一。
28、The Office is headed by its Executive Secretary and comprises professional staff organized into four sections dealing with archaeology, historical buildings, and education and publicity, planning and management respectively. ─── 办事处由一名执行秘书掌管,处内的专业人员共分四组,分别负责考古、历史建筑和教育及宣传,以及策划及管理方面的工作。
29、Look again from archaeology, zhejiang river Mu crosses culture relics in disentombing, also have what use chrysalis silk secondhand is paradigmatic. ─── 再从考古来看,浙江河姆渡文化遗址的发掘中也有间接使用茧丝纤维的例证。丝绸也是中国古老文化的一种表征。
30、Never tell a person from the school he went to when even Harvard graduates of archaeology need to dig tombs on essential occasions. ─── 不要看你是哪个名校毕业的,清华毕业的考古系必要的时候还不是要去挖坟墓。
31、In the Huanghe River valley discovery famous archaeology culture, has the Yangshao culture and the Longshan culture. ─── 在黄 河流域发现的著名的考古学文化,有仰韶文化和龙山文 化。
32、Dept. Of Archaeology, College of History and Culture, Sichuan U. ─── 四川大学历史文化学院考古学系。
33、Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology. ─── 航空摄影已经给考古学研究带来了一场革命。
34、It is often considered a branch of biology and sociology, but also draws from ethology, anthropology, evolution, zoology, archaeology, population genetics and other disciplines. ─── 它通常被视为生物学和社会学的一个分支,但是它还从动物行为学、人类学、进化论、动物学、考古学、群体遗传学和其他学科中汲取了知识。
35、Such was the travelling exhibition "Agatha Christie and archaeology" that started from Germany, and I saw it at the British Museum. ─── 发起于德国的“阿加莎·克里斯蒂与考古学”就是这样的一个流动展,而本人在大英博物馆有幸一睹。
36、There may come a time when only specialists in art, history, or archaeology will be allowed near the treasures of the past. ─── 将来会有那么一天,只允许艺术家、历史学家和考古学家去接近那些过去遗留下来的宝藏。
37、But from antediluvian to Song Yuan previously the agricultural circumstance of this one area, no matter archaeology discovers or it is document account very few. ─── 但自上古至宋元以前这一地区的农业情况,无论考古发现或是文献记载都很少。
38、Upwards information came from life archaeology appraisal technology and the analysis of earth civilization recordation. ─── 以上根据生命全息考古鉴定技术及地球文明记载分析得出。
39、To the neolites time which the archaeology in called, appeared the agriculture, the woman has been engaged in the agriculture labor, the management assignment. ─── 到了考古学上所称 的新石器时代,出现了农业,妇女从事农业劳动,主持 分配。
40、He is an historian, but also takes an interest in archaeology. ─── 他专攻历史,旁及考古。
41、In October 2002, the Biblical Archaeology Society announced a discovery which could provide historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. ─── 2002年10月,圣经考古学会宣布一项发现,可能提供了耶稣确实存在人世的历史证据。
42、He is good at the archaeology. ─── 他精通于考古学。
43、The number of first year Med students is twice of the total of Archaeology Dept. ─── 医学专业的学生仅大一新生就是考古学的全系的两倍。
44、During and after the period there have appeared two trends in the studies, irrelevantly complicated and unconvincing proposals;too much emphasis on archaeology materials. ─── 在当时和其后的研究中,出现了使用材料杂芜、牵强附会和过分强调考古学资料的两种倾向。
45、For example, the facade facing the University Mall of the Centre for Chinese Art and Archaeology currently under construction will be a glass wall. ─── 中的中国考古文物及艺术中心,其位于林荫大道的一面墙将以玻璃建造,这是一个环保的设计,尽量。
46、German archaeologist and antiquary.Considered the father of archaeology,he was the first to study ancient art as history. ─── 一个考古学家,他是一个性情古怪、漂泊无定的人,每隔三四年左右就会来这里一次。
47、It is also a typical and rare case in the study of settlement archaeology in northwest regions of China. ─── 也是西北地区聚落考古研究一个难得的典型案例。
48、There may come a time when only specialists in art,history,or archaeology will be allowed near the treasures of the past. ─── 将来可能会有那么一天,只允许艺术家、历史学家和考古学家去接近那些过去遗留下来的宝藏。
49、Steven: Connie has been working on a story on employment agencies. She's still working on it. Jake has been working on an archaeology story. ─── 史蒂文:康妮一直在搞一个关于职业介绍所的新闻节目,她还在做这个。杰克正在做一个关于考古的新闻节目。
50、After that in the cultural relic archaeology, Anyang also many times excavates the chinaware and the kiln furniture. ─── 其后,在文物考古中,安阳还多次发掘出瓷器和窑具。
51、The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid,outside Cairo,on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology. ─── 9月17日,(美国)国家地理频道现场直播了位于开罗郊外的"大金字塔"内部的探秘过程。这一举动引起了很多人对考古的兴趣。
52、But it can be identified, the cave murals-year-history, archaeology, high research value. ─── 但有一点可以确定,洞窟壁画有近千年的历史,考古、研究价值极高。
53、Yin Da,whose life road and academic road are greatly influenced by Guo Moruo and Liang Siyong,makes a road from the study of archaeology to the study of historiography. ─── 尹达先生的人生道路和学术道路,深受郭沫若、梁思永二人的影响,走出一条"从考古到史学研究"之路。
54、In the first session, students will be introduced to the specific contributions that the approaches of anthropology/ archaeology, history, and materials science can make to the understanding of materials technologies and how they developed. ─── 在第一次课程中,将介绍人类学/古学,历史与材料科学的方法,针对了解材料科技及其如何发展所带来的具体贡献。
55、Get your financial house in order. Even if you major in archaeology or violin. ─── 学着理财,即使你学的是考古或小提琴。
56、The Biblical Archaeology Society announced a discovery which could provide historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. ─── 圣经考古学会宣布一项发现,可能提供了耶稣确实存在人世的历史证据。
57、Chloe did archaeology at university. ─── 克罗伊大学时学的是考古学。
58、Totem music and dance of Dongyi pepole(East barbarians ) originate from legendary Shaohao period (namely Dawenkou Cultural Stage in archaeology) in ancient times. ─── 上古东夷民族的图腾乐舞滥觞于传说的少昊时代(大致相当于考古学上的大汶口文化时期)。
59、Such rituals reflect social structure," said Clemente Marconi, a professor of Greek art and archaeology at New York University. ─── 像这样的一些习俗反映了当时的社会结构。”
60、As a scholar, Teng Gu had been devoted himself to the study of art history and art archaeology in his short life. ─── 学者滕固在其短暂的一生中致力于美术史研究与美术考古。
61、Although the discovery may not be as impressive as the terra-cotta figures of ancient China, it is just as important to the field of archaeology in Korea. ─── 尽管该项发掘不如中国古代的兵马俑那样引人注目,但其对韩国考古界的重要性并不亚于(兵马俑)。
62、The excavation of Yangshao culture and Zhoukoudian ape man relics laid a foundation to the Chinese archaeology. ─── 仰韶文化的发现及周口店猿人遗址的发掘 ,奠定了中国考古学发展的坚实基础。
63、The following report appeared in an archaeology journal. ─── 下述报告摘自某考古学学术杂志。
64、This paper presents a briefing of the PIXE analysis technology and its applications in study of atmospheric environment, biomedicine and archaeology. ─── 介绍了质子激发的特征X射线能谱分析(PIXE)技术及其在环境科学、生物医学和考古等领域的应用。
65、Now, the method of environmental archaeology research in China urgently needs to be improved. ─── 中国环境考古学研究现阶段最需要的是工作方式与研究方法的改进。
66、Even so, the overlap between archaeology and pharmacology is not, at first sight, obvious. ─── 即便如此,起初认为考古学与药学之间明显没有交叉点。
67、D.J.Wiseman, Illustrations from Biblical Archaeology (Tyndale Press, 1958), p. ─── 102,有一帧金属七嘴碟状灯的照片,但日期为主后第二世纪。
68、Her attempt at the archaeology of knowledge to retrieve the contemporary message of Confucian teaching lasted only a few months. ─── 她企图凿开知识的封土,找回儒家思想的原意。
69、His special interest was archaeology and art history. ─── 他对考古学和艺术史有特殊的兴趣。
70、Although its literature can be traced only to before 1000 BC, evidence of Hinduism's earlier antecedents is derived from archaeology, comparative philology, and comparative religion. ─── 尽管它的文献只可以追溯到公元前1000年,但印度人较早期祖先的活动依据是取自考古学、比较哲学和比较宗教学。
71、An Egyptian society of antiquities said it has received 71 pieces of ancient Egyptian antiquities from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (PMEA) in London Thursday. ─── 16日,埃及文物古迹协会从位于伦敦的皮特里埃及考古博物馆接收了71件古埃及文物。
72、Mike: He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology. We'll show it to him tomorrow. ─── 迈克:他不能看杰克的考古报道了。明天我们再给他看吧。
73、Egyptian archaeology is an important part of archaeology in the world. ─── 埃及考古学是世界考古学的重要组成部分。
74、Foucault, Michel, 1972, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Pantheon, NY. ─── 傅柯,米歇尔,1998,《知识考古学》,谢强,马月译,三联,北京。
75、Is it at all possible to find any clue of Diaochan's existence from archaeology? ─── 从考古方面来考察,到底能不能获得貂蝉是否在历史上存在过的痕迹呢?
76、Writing in Biblical Archaeology Review, Andre Lemaire, a pecialist in ancient inscriptions, says it is very probable the find is an authentic reference to Jesus of Nazareth. ─── 对此,古代墓志铭专家安德烈·勒迈里在《圣经考古学评论》期刊中写道,这些墓志铭极有可能成为拿撒勒人耶稣存在的可信证据。
77、ZHANG Yu-lan, ZIIANG Min-bin, HUA Di.Application of opal phytolith in archaeology and paleeenvironmental interpretation [J].ShanghaiGeology, 2002, 81 (1): 15-18. ─── [18]张玉兰,张敏斌,华棣.植硅石研究在考古及古环境解释中的应用[J].上海地质,2002,81(1):15-18.
78、Araujo was thrilled to win. "There is no Nobel Prize for archaeology, so an Ig Nobel is a good thing, " he said in ane-mail. ─── 赢得这个奖项阿罗约非常激动。他在一封电子邮件中写到:“诺贝尔奖里没有考古学这一项,所以能得一个另类诺贝尔奖也是件好事。”
79、In my four years at university I was enrolled continuously in lecture courses on archaeology. ─── 大学四年我一直选修历史系的考古讲座。
80、Why excavates K-V5's archaeology one not to die a violent death? ─── 为什么发掘K-V5的考古者们没有一个死于非命呢?
81、He won't be able to see Jake's story on archaeology. ─── 他不能看杰克的考古报道了。
82、"War machine" is no misnomer. A few more well-placed stones and these walls are archaeology. ─── “战争机器”没有使用不当。多几个放置妥当的石头,而且这些墙都是古迹。
83、KaraKorum ancient city"s ruins are the precious archaeology culture. ─── 哈剌和林古城遗址是珍贵的考古学文化遗存。
84、The Beijing University archaeology was Professor Wang Xun said that scooped up Lou the culture to illuminate two millennium deep sleep wilderness. ─── 北京大学考古系教授王迅说,挹娄文化照亮了二千年沉睡的荒原。
85、As a kind of digital archaeology, the Fraunhofer project will re-create a time that is still raw but already packed away from public view. ─── 佛朗霍夫计画就有如数位考古,将重建一段仍然新鲜、但已对大众封箱的一段历史。
86、It was referred to as another great discovery after Chinese archaeology of Yin dynasty in Henan in archaeology last century. ─── 考古界视为是继上世纪河南安阳殷墟后中国考古界的另一重大发现。
87、Four years ago, Waldo directed a pair of archaeology students to the site. ─── 四年前,瓦尔多引导了几个考古学的学生去那个地方。
88、He specializes in archaeology. ─── 他专修考古学。
89、The latest forensic science, cryptology, modern archaeology, and investigative chemistry are put to work in this search of the real man to whom modern man owes so much. ─── 为什么牛顿要从事骗人的炼金术,而这件事蒙蔽了人们达三百年之久?
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