assessment 发音
英:[ə'sesmənt] 美:[ə'sɛsmənt]
英: 美:
assessment 中文意思翻译
n.看法; 评估; 鉴定; 评定; 核定的付款额; 估价
assessment 短语词组
1、assessment of results ─── [法] 成果评定
2、assessment of property ─── [法] 征收财产税
3、assessment in time of planning ─── [经] 计划阶段的评价
4、assessment of offers and tenders ─── [经] 报价与投标的估定
5、assessment lien ─── [法] 征收留置权
6、assessment of loss ─── [经] 估损
7、assessment centre ─── 评定中心
8、assessment percentage ─── [经] 估税率
9、assessment fund ─── [经] 估定税捐基金
10、additional assessment ─── [经] 增加估定税捐, 增补税捐
11、assessment of tax ─── [法] 课税
12、area assessment ─── [法] 分区鉴定, 地区课税
13、assessment district ─── [法] 征税区
14、assessment insurance ─── [经] 估定保险费
15、assessment of performance ─── [经] 性能的估计, 业绩评定
16、assessment center ─── 评估中心
17、assessment rate of collateral ─── [经] 担保品估价率
18、assessment in time of design ─── [经] 设计期间的评价
19、assessment and decision of system ─── [经] 系统评价与决策
assessment 词性/词形变化,assessment变形
assessment 相似词语短语
1、assesses ─── vt.评定;估价;对…征税
2、assailment ─── n.攻击
3、amassment ─── n.积蓄;聚积
4、assessing ─── v.评价,评估(assess的ing形式)
5、assessed ─── v.对…进行评估(assess过去时形式)
6、assentient ─── adj.同意的;赞同的;n.同意者;赞同者
7、assessments ─── 评价
8、reassessment ─── n.重新评估;[经]重新估价;重新考虑
9、reassessments ─── n.重新评估;[经]重新估价;重新考虑
assessment 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Assess the casualty condition and fill in the template form. ─── 伤亡情况进行评估,并且填写在表格模版里。
2、The authorities couldn't even begin to assess the damage. ─── 当局简直无从估计其损失.
3、An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential. ─── 由具有独立见解的教育心理学家进行评估至关重要。
4、CMMI SCAMPI assessment methods applied. ─── CMMI适用SCAMPI评估方法。
5、Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment. ─── 等候进一步的评估再诊断.
6、It is pertinent to assess squad strength ahead of this game. ─── 一个中肯的建议:赛前加强阵容的力量强度。
7、There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment. ─── 几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。
9、They assess his house a 15 000 yuan. ─── 他们给他房子的估价为15 000 元。
10、Full and open assessment of results. ─── 全面开放的结果评估。
11、Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage. ─── 估量自己潜在的权力资源并善用之。
12、Assist to coordinate assessment for applicants. ─── 协助协调申请人条件评估.
13、In small towns, standard land price assessment is difficult low land use benefit and land market. ─── 如何利用临街样点地价推算区片平均地价及基准地价始终是城镇基准地价评估的一个难点.
14、Teachers are expected to assess at a very high level here. ─── 人们期望这里的老师具有非常高的水平。
15、Examination is by continuous assessment. ─── 成绩以持续评估为准.
16、Adds risk analysis to feasibility assessment. ─── 增加风险分析到可行性评估中。
17、How would you assess Jiang Qing? What score would you give her? ─── 对江青你觉得应该怎么评价,给她打多少分?
18、That is how I see it or assess it. ─── 大致如此[大小差不多](据我所看到或估计到的)。
19、The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation. ─── 兴高采烈的情绪不见了,取而代之的是对局面更为清醒的认识。
20、They should assess the performance of college graduates every two years. ─── 大学毕业生工作两年考核一次。
21、Work with HR manager to interview and assess the applicant. ─── 与人力资源经理共同面试、估应聘者。
22、It applies R6 method to assess pipeline with crack. ─── 应用新R6标准对含裂纹型缺陷的管道进行评估。
23、His assessment is substantially correct. ─── 他的评估大体上是正确的。
24、Do you have an action to address each negative or unknown on the Opportunities Assessment? ─── 在评估机会时你是否充分考虑了消极的或未知的因素?
25、A system will be set up to assess and appoint university faculty. ─── 大学教师职务评聘将制度化。
26、Develop your own assessment criteria! ─── 开发自己的评估标准!
27、Flood risk assessment is the first step in the flood risk management. ─── 洪灾风险评价是洪灾风险管理的首要步骤.
28、The rubric used to assess this document is detailed below. ─── 在下方列出这份文件的评估项目。
29、A tax or an assessment of one tenth. ─── 十分之一的税收或财产
30、Assessment of Cervical Myelopathy Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Prediction of Prognosis After Laminoplasty. ─── 采用经颅磁刺激评估脊髓型颈椎病椎板成形术及其预后.
31、What are the perspectives to assess your chances? ─── 准确并客观地评价商业机会?
32、He made a careful assessment of the situation. ─── 他对形势作了细致的评估。
33、Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care. ─── 医院要提供有效的卫生保健,需求评估是关键.
34、What is your assessment of the situation? ─── 你对时局的看法 如何 ?
35、I think it may take sometime before we can have an accurate assessment of the damage. ─── 我认为我们对损失作出准确的估算可能需要一段时间。
36、testing and assessment in education ─── 教育测试与评估
37、He wrote a very generous assessment of my work. ─── 他给我写的工作评价多有赞誉之词。
38、How do you assess the volume of work on the project ? ─── 你们是如何估测工程作业规模的呢?
39、Your assessment is substantially correct. ─── 你的估计基本正确。
40、How to assess your interests, values and skills through CPW? ─── - 如何评估及选择一个配合自己性格的工作?
41、How do you assess the legislative front? ─── 你如何评估立法方面?
42、To assess a property for the purpose of insurance. ─── 为保险对财产进行估价。
43、The comprehensive application of two methods can assess environ... ─── 两种方法结合起来应用,能全面地进行环境评价。
44、Heggie was remanded to a mental hospital for assessment by doctors. ─── 赫吉被押往一所精神病院接受医生检查。
45、A post-natal sonogram is suggested to assess the fetal kidneys. ─── 不知道为什么要建议生产后再检查胎儿的肾啊?
46、Their first meeting will be a fitness assessment. ─── 他们第一次见面就将进行健康评估的活动。
47、Your file is in queue for assessment. ─── 你的档案尚在等待审理。
48、He wrote a very generous assessment of my work. ─── 他给我写的工作评价多有赞誉之词。
49、But facts show that the assessment is accurate. ─── 实践证明,这个判断是准确的。
50、What's your assessment of her chances of winning? ─── 你估计她获胜的可能性有多大?
51、He's so lazy that it's difficult to assess his ability. ─── 他这么懒,真难以评估他的能力。。
52、Other authorities concurred with this assessment. ─── 其他权威人士同意这一看法。
53、How to Assess the Current World Scene? ─── 如何评估世界局势?
54、The insurance company needs to assess the risk. ─── 保险公司需要评估风险。
55、His assessment of the situation was spot-on. ─── 他对形势判断得很正确。
56、Question: How would you assess yourself? ─── 奥:你对自己怎么评价?
57、They assess his house at 15,000 yuan. ─── 他们给他房子的估价为15,000元。
58、The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests. ─── 这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。
59、It is difficult to assess the price of antique with great accuracy. ─── 古董的价格很难被精确的估计.
60、But Segal's assessment is still closer to the mark. ─── 但西格尔的评估仍然站得住脚。
61、The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment. ─── 期末考试渐渐被连续性评估所取代。
62、They sent a valuer to assess the value of the house. ─── 他们派了一位估价者去给房子估价。
63、BMI is a calculation used to assess weight in men or women. ─── BMI是计算用来评价男性或女性的体重水平的指数。
64、His assessment only serves to demonstrate the superficiality of the judgements we make when we first meet people. ─── 他的评价只能证明我们对人的第一印象是肤浅的。
65、The Assessment of Toddler Temperament Scale. ─── 幼儿气质量表的应用研究。
66、He can quickly assess a person's character. ─── 他能很快地评定出某人的品质。
67、This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation. ─── 这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价.
68、He tried to assess the veracity of the three legislators. ─── 他反复掂量着那三位议员所说的话是否可靠。
69、The foregoing is a general assessment of our Party. ─── 上面所讲的,是对我们党的一个总的估计。
70、Water resources assessment is the base of water resources reasonable utilization, protection and uniform management. ─── 水资源评价是水资源的合理开发利用 、 水资源保护和水资源统一管理的基础.
71、The college has a highly formalized system of assessment. ─── 这所学院有一套十分固定的评估体系。
72、The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far. ─── 国防部长对目前的战事给予了乐观的评价。
73、a detailed assessment of the risks involved ─── 对涉及风险的详细评估
74、Small town banks have to assess the relative riskiness of threir loans. ─── 小城市的银行必须预估他们贷款相当的冒险。
75、Assess the appearance by eyes. ─── 外观用眼睛观察评定。
76、We clashed on the question of regular assessment. ─── 他与我在定期考核问题上抵触。
78、In management, it's most difficult to assess an employee' efforts. ─── 在管理中,评价员工的工作是很难的。
79、Begin by auscultating the abdomen to assess the bowel sounds. ─── 从听诊腹部评估肠鸣音开始。
80、They assess his house at 15000 yuan. ─── 他们给他房子的估价为15000元。
81、They sent someone to assess the value of the house . ─── 他们派人去估算那座房子的价值。
82、The government is rejiggering some tax assessment methods. ─── 政府正在重新制定一些税收评估办法。
83、Q: What is your assessment of the season? ─── 你对这个赛季的看法如何?
84、On two-stage adaptive cluster sampling to assess pest density. ─── 应用二阶适应性整群抽样估计害虫密度。
85、His assessment of the situation was spot on. ─── 他对形势判断得很正确.
86、How to Assess the Fetus in Distress? ─── 如何评估胎儿宫内窘迫?
87、Continuous assessment is made of all students' work. ─── 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。
88、How thorough is the assessment? ─── 这个评估详细到什么程度?
89、Lloyd's of London has always been famous for its insurance-underwriting and assessment of risk. ─── 劳伊兹一向以海上保险和风险评估而著称。
90、To assess the enemy's military strength. ─── 在后方很难估计。
91、Team Assessment Survey. Module 3, pp. 35-37. ─── 团队评估调查,模组3,第35-37页。
92、What are separate taxation joint assessment? ─── 分开评税与合并评税有何分别?
93、Examine and assess factory production forecasts are a true reality. ─── 审查和评估工厂生产预估的真实性。
94、Measured in blood by laboratory to assess function of lier. ─── 在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。
95、What is the role of Net Assessment? ─── 基本评估办公室的任务是什么?
96、This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure. ─── 这是对失败原因毫不讲情面的分析评估。
97、How would you assess the way you played today? ─── 你如何评价今天的表现?
98、His assessment of the situation was spot on. ─── 他对形势的判断完全准确。
99、They say they can assess intelligence from these tests. ─── 他们声称通过这些测试能对智力进行评估。
100、The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the assessment of children. ─── 这些测试应该可以为评价儿童提供一个基础。
101、She look at the house and assess its market value. ─── 她看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。
102、How do you assess your students? ─── 你如何评估学生们?
103、You can present the application and then we assess it. ─── 你可以提出申请,我们在核实后确定。
105、The government is rejigging some tax assessment methods. ─── 政府正在调整一些税务评估方法。
106、They sent someone to assess the value of the factory. ─── 他们派人去评估那家工厂的价值。
107、How do you assess their performances of recent weeks? ─── 你对他们最近几周的表现有什么看法?
108、What is your assessment of the situation? ─── 你对时局的看法如何?
109、Are you hitting the mark in student assessment? ─── 在学生的评估中你达标了吗?
MPA是 “Macroprudential Assessment” 英文缩写,翻译过来就是“宏观审慎评估”。
mpa审核是宏观审慎,是中国人民银行管辖范围的宏观审慎,银监会管的是微观审慎,翻译过来好像也是MPA,“Microprudential Assessment”。
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