aviation 发音
英:[eɪvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[,evɪ'eʃən]
英: 美:
aviation 中文意思翻译
aviation 短语词组
1、aviation blending fuel ─── [化] 掺混航空燃料
2、aviation liability insurance ─── [经] 航空责任保险
3、aviation grease ─── [机] 航空润滑脂
4、aviation gasoline ─── [化] 航空汽油
5、aviation kerosine ─── [化] 航空煤油
6、aviation engine oil ─── [化] 航空润滑油
7、aviation law ─── [法] 航空法
8、aviation insurace ─── [法] 航空保险
9、aviation channel ─── [电] 航空波道
10、aviation gas ─── [化] 航空汽油
11、aviation medicine n. ─── 航空医学
12、aviation mix ─── [机] 航空用乙基液
13、aviation (engine) lubricant ─── [化] 航空润滑油
14、average aviation gasolines ─── [机] 平均航空汽油
15、aviation alkylate ─── [化] 航空烃化汽油(航空汽油中的烃化汽油组分)
16、aviation octane method ─── [化] 航空辛烷值测定法; 航空汽油辛烷值测定法
17、aviation insurance ─── [经] 航空运输险, 空运保险单
18、aviation kerosene ─── [化] 航空煤油; 喷气机用煤油 ─── [经] 航空煤油
19、aviation fuel ─── [机] 航空燃料
aviation 词性/词形变化,aviation变形
动词过去式: aviated |动词过去分词: aviated |动词第三人称单数: aviates |动词现在分词: aviating |
aviation 相似词语短语
1、cavitation ─── n.[流]气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴
2、avigation ─── n.航空;[航]空中领航
3、basiation ─── 基线
4、deviation ─── n.偏差;误差;背离
5、satiation ─── n.饱满;饱食;满足;厌腻
6、navigation ─── n.航行;航海
7、obviation ─── n.消除;回避;避免
8、raciation ─── n.人种变异
9、radiation ─── n.辐射;放射物
aviation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、China's civil aviation and space industries began international cooperation in the mid-1970s. ─── 中国民用航天的国际合作始于70年代中期。
2、The Gossamer Conder, a human-powered airplane, flew into aviation history on Aug. 23,1977. ─── 1977年8月23日,“飘忽秃鹰”式人力飞机载入了航空史册。
3、China Aviation Optical-Electronical Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 中航光电科技股份有限公司。
4、France was to turn her back on shipboard aviation for another ten years. ─── 在法国,舰上飞行整整被推迟了十年。
5、The altitude determination of spacecraft has always been a hot problem in spaceflight and aero aviation. ─── 飞行器姿态一直是航天航空领域研究一大热点和难点问题。
6、The end of the War inevitably put the brakes on many promising developments in naval aviation. ─── 大战结束了,这就不可避免地中断了海军航空兵已经取得的一些很有发展前途的进展。
8、Administration of Civil Aviation d. ─── 地方民航局
9、Finally, effectiveness of this method was validated by an application example in an aviation manufacturing corporation. ─── 最后,通过某航空制造企业的应用实践,说明了所提方法的有效性。
10、Any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed. ─── 不得无故绕行或迟延。
11、Today we tell about other members of the Aviation Hall of Fame in Dayton, Ohio who are not as famous. ─── 今天我们将为大家介绍航空纪念馆里的不是那么有名的成员。
12、Shanghai Foreign Aviation Service Corp. ─── 上海外航服务公司总公司。
13、In 1927, aviation hero Charles Lindbergh was honored with a ticker-tape parade in New York City. ─── 1927年,美国飞行家查尔斯林白赢得荣耀,在纽约城举行抛投彩带以表示热烈欢迎的*。
14、Amelia Erhardt made her mark on aviation history by being the first woman to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 作为第一个直接飞越大西洋的妇女,阿米莉亚.埃哈特在航空史上曾名噪一时。
15、The compass invented by China is still guiding the modern aviation and navigation activities. ─── 中国发明的指南针依然指引着现代的航天和航海活动
16、Guangdong Foshan on the resumption of civil aviation airport news media found. ─── 关于广东佛山机场恢复民航飞行的消息见诸众多媒体。
17、Did you hear about the aviation accident? ─── 你听到关于飞机失事的消息了吗?
18、Terrain Warning Offered For General Aviation Aircraft. ─── 供通用航空飞机用近地报警系统。
19、The Observatory operates the Airport Meteorological Office (AMO) at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation. ─── 天文台于香港国际机场设立的机场气象所,负责民用航空方面的气象服务。
20、Using IT to Gain Competitiveness: Informatization in Hongdu Aviation Industry Group ltd. ─── 以信息技术提升企业竞争力--洪都航空工业集团公司企业信息化应用综述
21、Last year sales quantities in China aviation market. ─── 上一年度该类产品在中国航空市场的销售台数。
22、They were very impressed by the achievements of the Observatory in the provision of aviation weather service. ─── 他们对天文台的航空气象工作,十分赞扬。
23、The specific method of control shall be formulated by the competent civil aviation authorities under the State Council. ─── 具体管理办法由国务院民用航空主管部门制定。
24、The above schedule is subject to final approval of local aviation authorities. ─── 以上最终航线以各地空管部门批復為準。
25、UAVs are not the only area of U. S. military aviation where spending is expected to decrease over the next decade. ─── UAV不是未来十年美国军事航空支出下降的唯一领域。
26、They pioneered in early aviation . ─── 他们曾作为早期航空的先驱。
27、Last year sales quantities in aviation market excluding China. ─── 上一年度该类产品在除中国以外的航空市场销售台数。
28、The man had genius and had made his mark in the aviation world. ─── 那位男士拥有天赋,而且在航空界已经成名。
29、Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Civil Aviation International Relations Dept. ─── 埃及民航部国际关系司。
30、Time and time again in the history of aviation, "the impossible" has been done. ─── 在航空史上,这样“不可能”的事一再发生。
31、To organize the training of aviation security for the company. ─── 参与组织公司航空安全保卫教育工作。
32、He is skilled in the art of aviation. ─── 他的飞机驾驶技术非常娴熟。
33、Adventure Aviation's "Gravity Grabber" aerobatic biplane trip sounded just the ticket. ─── “飞行历险”的“引力攫取者”双翼机空中特技旅行听起来就是我实现梦想的人场券。
34、We have a perfect record in aviation: we never left one up there yet! ─── 在航空领域我们有完美的纪录:我们会顾及每一个。
35、Fossett focused on sailing and aviation. ─── 佛施特的兴趣焦点放在航海。
36、The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded. ─── 该民航部长命令所有飞机不得起飞。
37、Ten years ago, they began to develop the aviation (industry). ─── 十年前, 他们开始发展航空工业。
38、The school received a file from the Ministry of space and aviation. ─── 学校收到航天航空部的文件
39、Pilots of large aircraft are masters of aviation. ─── 大型飞行器的驾驶员是航空学方面的专家。
40、Professor Fergusson plans to make aviation history by making his way across Africa by balloon. ─── 弗格森教授计划通过乘坐气球穿越非洲使其成为航空史上的里程碑。
41、Would you intend to subscribe to membership for watching aviation movies online? ─── 你打算申请会员以利于在线观看航空短片吗?
42、In the view of the Game Theory, the counterwork of aviation and submarine is a two-person zero-sum game. ─── 从对策论的角度看,航空兵与潜艇的对抗实质是一种二人有限零和对弃。
43、Oriental Sky Aviation Service Co., Ltd. ─── 东方中天航空服务有限公司。
45、Lans Stout is an aviation photographer based in Florida. ─── 兰斯·斯托特是佛罗里达州的一名航空摄影记者。
46、Family Name - Mason Aviation safety improves when we share our cultural experience. ─── 在我们分享彼此文化经验的同时,航空安全也将得到进一步地改善。
47、Satellite communication is an important means for transmitting weather data in the aviation community. ─── 在航空界中,卫星通讯是传送天气资料的重要途径。
48、Meeting Held in Beijing to Discuss Establishment of China Business Aviation Asso. ─── 中国公务航空协会筹备讨论会在京召开。
49、The Gossamer Conder, a human-powered airplane, flew into aviation history on Aug. 23, 1977. ─── 1977年8月23日,“飘忽秃鹰”式人力飞机载入了航空史册。
50、The State meteorological organ shall provide necessary meteorological data to civil aviation meteorological organ. ─── 国家气象机构应当对民用航空气象机构提供必要的气象资料。
51、They took the lead in the development of naval aviation. ─── 他们在海军航空学的发展中起了带头作用。
52、He devoted all his life to China's aviation. ─── 他的一生都奉献给了中国的航空事业。
53、Test of Semiactive Landing Gear Control For a General Aviation Aircraft. ─── 一种通用航空飞机半主动起落架控制的试验。
54、Promote and Administer General Aviation Development by Improving and Implementing Regulation and Law. ─── 完善法规依法行政促进通用航空发展。
55、The potential of combined GPS/GLONASS in the availability, accuracy and integrity of civil aviation is analysed. ─── 分析了组合GPS和GLONASS所具备的可用性、精确性和完整性潜力。
56、It is organized chiefly in fighting aviation arm, bomber aviation arm, airborne troops and airfields. ─── 主要由歼击航空兵、炸航空兵、降兵和机场组成。
57、Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages. ─── 这是另外一些与航空有关网页的有效链接。
58、What about the reconnaissance aviation? ─── 侦察航空兵呢?
59、General Manager of China National Aviation Technology Import and Export Corp. ─── 中国航空技术进出口总公司总经理。
60、Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation. ─── 几何学在航空和航海中有其实用性
61、Jets are a new development in aviation. ─── 喷气式飞机是航空事业上的一个新成就。
62、The chief difficulty to be overcome in aviation is that of renewing supplies of petrol while in the air. ─── 克服的主要难题是空中加油的问题。
63、The aviation adventurer broke records for circling a globe alone in a balloon. ─── 他曾打破独自乘坐热气球环游地球的记录。
64、This paper gives a presentation on civil aviation core-network and DWDM theory. ─── 介绍了民航信息核心网络的概况以及DWDM技术原理、应用情况。
65、It is widely used in aviation radar and ground radar. ─── 主要用于机载雷达和地面雷达。
66、In old China,there was hardly any machine-building industry,to say nothing of automobile and aviation industries. ─── 在旧中国,根本没有什么机器制造工业,更不用说汽车和航空工业了。
67、A school that cultivates aviation or navigation talent. ─── 他从小的梦想就是进飞行学校,当飞行员。
68、XING GUO AVIATION SERVICE CO., LTD. ─── 兴国航空服务有限公司。
69、Satellite images provide valuable information supplement to the aviation meteorologist. ─── 卫星图像给航空气象学家提供有价值的信息补充。
70、Pilots in the early days of aviation flew by the seat of their pants. ─── 在人类从事航空的初期, 飞行员全凭直觉飞行。
71、Air China Aviation Service Corp. ─── 国航航空服务有限公司。
72、SIRS Navigation Ltd. Bob Eady UK Manufacturers of Magnetic Compasses for Aviation, Marine and Land markets. ─── 为航空、海运和陆地市场生产磁性罗盘。
73、How much do you considered yourself as aviation fans? ─── 作为航空迷的程度有多深?
74、Moffett led from the front, earning his place in history as the first naval aviation observer. ─── 莫菲特率先垂范了这个规定,成为了海军航空兵历史上的第一名海军航空观察员。
75、The closure of Croydon airport rang down the curtain on a historic phase in British civil aviation. ─── 克罗伊登机场的关闭,是英国民航史上的一个历史阶段的结束。
76、Miss Siam the Spirit of Aviation, a classical shooting game, based on a true story. ─── 一款以真实故事为原型的飞行射击游戏,场景十分火爆,这是体验版。
77、Police divers were carrying out a search of the river as an investigation was launched by the Federal Aviation Administration. ─── 联邦航空管理局(FederalAviationAdministration)已展开了调查,并派出警察潜水员对水下进行搜索。
78、The operation of general aviation for commercial purposes is limited to corporate enterprises. ─── 从事经营性通用航空,限于企业法人。
79、Siegfried Ruff was Director of the Department of Aviation Medicine. ─── SiegfriedRuff是航空医学部主任。
80、Time and time again in the history of aviation,"the impossible" has been done. ─── 在航空史上,这样“不可能”的事一再发生。
81、In this introductory article, illusions and perceptual misjudgments in various aviation contexts are described. ─── 以目视飞行而言,在许多情境里,视觉容易受刺激脉络的影响而产生错觉,导致飞行员做出错误的判断。
82、A mixture of xylene isomers used as a solvent in making lacquers and rubber cement and as an aviation fuel. ─── 二甲苯混合物一种用作溶剂的含有二甲苯的混合物,用来制作漆和橡胶黏合剂,以及航空燃料
83、China Anhui jianghuai Aviation Oxygen Supply and Refrigeration Equipment Company.LTD. ─── 安徽江淮航空供氧制冷设备有限公司。
84、Which LGF provided the sealants and adhesives are widely used in automobile, hollow glass and the aviation industry. ─── 乐杰福所提供的密封胶和黏合剂广泛的应用在汽车,中空玻璃和航空工业。
85、China National Guizhou Aviation Industry(Group)Co., Ltd. ─── 中国贵州航空工业(集团)有限责任公司。
86、Manufacturer and sales of Silicone Valve Cover Gaskets for the aviation, automotive and motorcycle community. ─── 为航空、汽车与摩托车行业制造与销售硅树脂阀套垫圈。
87、Associate degree or above, major in Aviation or Equivalent preferred. ─── 大专或以上学歷,航空相关专业毕业。
88、Baoding Xiangyang Aviation Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. ─── 保定向阳航空精密机械有限公司。
89、Test Method for Electrical Conductivity of Aviation and Distillate Fuels Containing a Static Dissipator Additive (05. ─── 含静态耗散器添加剂的航空馏出油的电导率的试验方法(05。
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