appropriative 发音
英:[əˈproʊprɪˌeɪtɪv] 美:[əˈprəʊpriˌeɪtɪv]
英: 美:
appropriative 中文意思翻译
appropriative 词性/词形变化,appropriative变形
动词过去式: appropriated |动词现在分词: appropriating |名词: appropriateness |动词第三人称单数: appropriates |形容词: appropriative |动词过去分词: appropriated |副词: appropriately |
appropriative 短语词组
1、appropriative water right ─── 适当的水权利
2、appropriative rights system ─── 专有权制度
3、appropriative right ─── 认购股票权
4、appropriative rapture ─── 占有欲
appropriative 反义词
unfit |inappropriate | unsuitable
appropriative 同义词
arrogate | allot | conformable | right | applicable | becoming | conquer | capture | distribute | apportion | allocate | adapted | pirate | expedient | set aside | advisable | seize | good | qualified | usurp | apt | worthy | likely | take | reserve |suitable | desired | commensurate | impute | misappropriate | assign | allowable | divide | apposite | earmark | acceptable | take over | fitting | share | correct | fit | adopt | relative | budget | assume | agreeable | proper | allow
appropriative 相似词语短语
1、appropriately ─── adv.适当地;合适地;相称地
2、approbative ─── adj.赞同的;称赞的;有利的
3、appropriations ─── n.[财政]拨款;挪用(appropriation复数)
4、appropriated ─── v.挪用;拨款;把…据为己有;顺手牵羊(appropriate的过去式)
5、appropriating ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)
6、appreciative ─── adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的
7、appropriate ─── adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的;vt.占用,拨出(专款等)
8、appropriable ─── adj.可供专用的
9、appropriation ─── n.拨款;挪用
appropriative 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、appropriative water right ─── 专利水权
2、When doing the work that contacts high temperature object, should wear glove and wear appropriative to defend coverall. ─── 做接触高温物体的工作时,应戴手套和穿专用的防护工作服。
3、appropriative driller ─── 专用钻床
4、Therefore, it can help develop one's writing thinking, make writing language vivid and appropriative, and improve students writing skills. ─── 所以,它有助于写作思维的拓展;有助于写作语言的生动得体;有助于学生写作技能的提高。
5、This system is according to B/S model,and extensive adopted the ActiveX,DHTML with the appropriative data service technique. ─── 文中的系统基于 B/ S模式 ,且广泛采用了 Active X、DHTML和专用数据服务技术。
6、The core of the design is composed by microcontroller and appropriative USB interface chip and the data store of FIFO is implemented by PDIUSBD12. ─── 本设计选用单片机加专用USB接口芯片的方案,采用PDIUSBD12专用通信模块实现FIFO数据缓存。
7、Riparian landowners in all states (including those with appropriative water laws)generally have rights to use their adjoining surface waters for such nonconsumptive uses as fishing and recreation. ─── 所有州的拥有河岸土地的人(包括那些享有合理性权利的人),都有在不不损耗地表水的前提下使用水资源的权利,如钓鱼.消遣.娱乐。
8、If besmirch still is in, can use besmirch of eject of agent of appropriative carpet sparge, let it become farinaceous, can suck besmirch according to common aspiration next. ─── 假如污渍仍在,可用专用的地毯喷雾剂喷射污渍,让它变成粉状,然后可按照普通吸尘将污渍吸去。
9、Wu Sangui surrenders Qing Jun, introduce Qing Jun, suppress a peasant uprise army, appropriative pioneer, kill Ming Guiwang, qing Dynasty seals him to be be setting king, defend Yunnan. ─── 吴三桂投降清军,并引进清军,镇压农民起义军,充当先锋,杀死明桂王,清封他为平西王,守云南。
10、appropriative fixture jig ─── 专用夹具
11、appropriative machine tool ─── 专用机床
12、Against these issues, this thesis designs a kind of integrated appropriative signal processing chip. ─── 本论文针对上述问题,设计了一种集成化的专用信号处理芯片。
13、Abstract: It is reported, bosomy group is in short for Shaanxi Province to consider to develop lubricant of appropriative of machinery of a kind of turbine jointly with company of an United States. ─── 正文: 据晓,陕鼓企业正在与一家老美企业一同探讨开拓一类透平机器专用的润泽油。
14、This text considers,the course of learning and creating knowledge is the course of appropriative investment of manpower capital actually. ─── 本文认为,知识的学习和创造的过程实际上也是人力资本的专用性投资的过程。
15、2, to a few very small degum issues, can buy agent of bind of one canister appropriative, carefully daub is in degum ground place, reoccupy soft cloth will redundant sizy wipe up can. ─── 2、对于一些很小的脱胶问题,可以买一罐专用的黏合剂,小心地涂抹在脱胶地地方,再用软布将多余地胶水擦干净即可。
16、is in China already strange thing, it already from hand-hold portable telephone of big appropriative a few years ago, make the communication tool of ordinary common people. ─── 国内厂商:粉墨登场手机,在中国已不是什么新鲜东西,它早已从几年前大款专用的大哥大,成为普通百姓的通讯工具。
17、Dazzle rich post had turned a kind of network into the phenomenon, become certain person to attract eyeball appropriative network subject matter. ─── 炫富帖已经变成了一种网络现象,成为某些人为了吸引眼球而专用的网络题材。
18、appropriative asset ─── 专用性资产
19、This paper deals with one design of micro robot soccer control system based on appropriative chip. ─── 文章介绍了一种基于专用运动控制芯片的微型足球机器人的小车子系统。
20、This paper does some researches and analyses on services marketing strategies, and the object is appropriative PRN device of the bank. ─── 本文以银行前台专用打印设备为对象进行服务营销研究。
21、Rustic construction, build country so that live at the farmer aptly namely, make countryside appropriative in Chinese modernization stabilize the force with development. ─── 乡村建设,就是将乡村建设得适宜于农民居住,让乡村在中国现代化建设中充当稳定与发展的力量。
22、Liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier is a sort of appropriative ship built for the transportation of LNG. ─── 液化天然气(LNG)船是为运输LNG而设计建造的专用船舶。
23、It introduces the functions of appropriative data files manager and calculated results manager. ─── 介绍了专用的数据文件管理器和计算结果管理器的功能和作用。
24、Appropriative reserve can be goodly ascertained based on each project according to the national actual circumstance. ─── 根据国家的实际情况可分别采用不同的储备方案予以模拟。
25、Nevertheless, when appropriative dimension authority represents person part, phonic collect assist the copyright overhead expenses that is as high as 50% in collection however. ─── 不过,在充当维权代表人角色的时候,音集协却在收取高达50%的版权管理费用。
26、5.Why have the courts ruled that saving water through implementation of a conser-vation plan may not result in a recoverable appropriative right? ─── 5为什么法庭判决通过实施节约计划并不能获得环境的占有权?
27、This equipment uses 80C31 singlechip to measuring and displaying the input frequency. The appropriative CMOS chip LM331 transforms frequency into voltage. ─── 本设计用80C31单片机系统测量并显示输入频率,可预制量程,利用专用芯片LM331进行F/V变换,输出电压用ICL7135实时显示。
28、Can use dye of art appropriative acrylic acid to make adornment of a ground and a shutter that have chromatic picture meticulously. ─── 可以用美术专用的丙烯酸颜料精心制作一个地面装饰品和一个有彩色画面的百叶窗。
29、In order to study the characteristic of this system amply and exactly, the writer designed experiment device and appropriative computer testing system. ─── 为进一步详细而准确地研究系统的特性,笔者设计了实验装置和专用微机测试系统。
30、Taking appropriative train test line of Guangzhou metro line 2 as an example, this paper introduces the equipment, function and characters of signal system and service conditions of interfaces. ─── 摘要以广州地铁2号线的专用试车线为例,分析其信号系统的设备概况、功能及特点,介绍各接口的使用情况。
31、The design of Q-factor on-line detection based on DSP in an appropriative fibre industrial network ─── 光纤专用网中基于DSP的Q值在线检测模块的设计
32、Frequency conversion timing dynamo and appropriative power supply ─── 变频调速电机及配套电源
33、Do not cross the elapse as time, his position changed frontier way gradually, and since " of shock worker of way of appropriative " frontier, he just begins to become famous truly. ─── 不过随着时 间的推移,他的位置渐渐换到了边路,而自从充当"边路突击手"以后,他才开始真正成名。
34、So called " join us " hope the netizen receives email namely short perhaps information, contribution, enter relevant activity appropriative perhaps volunteer. ─── 所谓的“加入我们”就是希望网民接收电子邮件或者短信息、捐款、参加相关活动或者充当志愿者。
35、On Appropriative Dictionary and Explanations of Words in Ancient Books ─── 专书词典与训诂
36、State agencies can establish an appropriative right for water that never is used in the traditional sense of being removed from the stream channel. ─── 对于不是按照传统观念从河道移用的水可以建立占用权。
37、Will traditional mouse is put " shoe " in, control traditional mouse with appropriative device, come true to control Zun Jian with calcaneal thereby, tiptoe controls right key. ─── 将传统的鼠标放入“鞋”中,用专用的装置控制传统的鼠标,从而实现以脚跟控制左键,脚尖控制右键。
38、Then it goes deep into the strategies and situation analysis of the appropriative PRN device of the bank, including the meaning of services and how to develop a new services marketing strategy. ─── 最后引入服务利润链,希望通过实施服务营销战略,最终达到顾客满意和公司盈利的双赢局面。
39、The part is appropriative independence and completely different substance, won't share memory to have communication. ─── 角色充当着独立且完全不同的实体,不会共享内存来进行通信。
40、The tester for simulating artificial joints is an appropriative pedestal equipment which involves mechanism,electricity and hydraulic. ─── 多功能人工关节模拟试验机是一台集机、电、液技术于一体的专用台架试验设备。
41、So, it is necessary for us to design a kind of Instant Message software to be appropriative for school. ─── 所以我们有必要设计一款适合于学校的即时通平台。
42、9 see joke: 1, ugly wife general won't with " hue " accost man, or of appropriative participate " a third party " , then ugly wife the Lv that the husband can avoid wife happening extramarital love. ─── 9看笑话: 1、丑妻一般不会以“色相”勾引男人,或充当插足的“第三者”,于是丑妻的丈夫可免妻子发生婚外恋之虑。
43、For the absence of appropriative medicament and technique in the market, the harm of weed becomes prosperous. ─── 由于市场上没有成熟的专用药剂及配套使用技术,造成杂草危害严重,甚至草荒。
44、The CGI programs response to the client request, and invoked by the web server Boa which is appropriative for the embedded OS. ─── CGI程序实现对远程客户端的响应,通过嵌入式系统中专用的服务器Boa来调用。
45、Because oneself natural resources is limited,economy of appropriative our country grows the medium and small businesses of fresh troops, competition ability is weaker, gain competitive advantage hard. ─── 充当我国经济发展生力军的中小企业由于自身资源有限,竞争力较弱,难以获得竞争优势。
46、Shake handshandle of Ou Biao of appropriative of the door inside Bo Luoni not only can change at will, your inside door hour holds new face; ─── 博洛尼内门专用的欧标拉手不但可以随意更换,令内门时刻保持新鲜面孔;
47、In this paper, the category, function, structure and characteristics of the equipment appropriative for civil explosive materials are outlined. ─── 本文概述了民爆器材专用设备的类型、作用以及结构、性能方面的特点。
48、Although Dong Hang also is one of victims of this natural and man-made disaster, but also want policymaker of appropriative crisis incident and the part of the person that solve at the same time. ─── 东航尽管也是这场天灾人祸的受害者之一,但同时也要充当危机事件决策者和解决者的角色。
49、Possess current estrangement, cushion exceed dynamical function and appropriative electric power measure. ─── 具有电流隔幅,缓启动功能及专用的电力调整器。
50、At last, the article puts forward a new research direction of powder-made craft about the appropriative powder of laser processing. ─── 并提出了激光加工专用末制粉工艺的一个新的研究方向。
51、According to saying, course crosses 13 lines is to pass through exclusively house of assembly room of Shanghai world rich is world rich again circuitry of traffic of meeting appropriative orbit. ─── 据称,轨交13号线是唯一穿越上海世博会场馆又为世博会专用的轨道交通线路。
52、The Design and the Application of the Appropriative Clamps for Soldering an Aggregation of Stainless-Steel Sticks ─── 棒集合焊接专用夹具设计与应用
53、The clients of YiLi in China include CIMC SINGAMAS HYUNDAI DFIC and Maersk. Further more YiLi corner fittings are appointed to be the appropriative fittings for reefer containers by CIMC. ─── 亿利公司海内客户包括有:中集集团、太平集团、现代集团、中海东方国际、马士基。其中,中集集团指定亿利箱角为冷藏集装箱专用构件。
54、Road Test of 10W/40 SJ Citroen Appropriative Oil ─── 10W/40 SJ神龙专用油行车试验研究
55、Is it proper for appropriative users to take all of a stream's available water for human consumption and degrade or destroy the natural ecosystem? ─── 将一条河的所有可用水都用于人类的消费,退化或破坏生态系统,占用者的这种做法合理吗?
56、Maintain hair cleanness so, besmear protect hair things with appropriative, strengthen nutrition absorb, conduce to reduce blame nature to drop hair. ─── 所以保持头发清洁,并涂用专用的护发用品、加强营养的摄取,都有助于减少非自然掉发。
57、3, hair product is protected after catching hair hind to want daub appropriative to catch, like after catching, wash hair shampoo and protect hair vegetable, make a hair structural bate, stable. ─── 3、染发后要涂抹专用的染后护发产品,如染后洗发香波和护发素,使头发结构软化、稳定。
58、Equipped with appropriative oxygen decompression device can be connected with any larger oxygen cylinder in the ambulance. ─── 配备了专用的氧气减压装置,可以与救护车内任意大氧气瓶连接使用;
59、Research on several key techniques in the structure design of appropriative drill press ─── 专用钻床结构设计中的若干关键技术研究
60、What the digital record pattern of digital camera brings is convenient editor function makes us OK oneself are appropriative director, cameraman. ─── 数码摄像机的数字记录方式带来的便捷编辑性能让我们都可以自己充当导演、摄像师。
61、Wu Yue special attention is additional vitamin, no matter be,still be in the home on table of appropriative of play staff Wu Yue, can see various fruits. ─── 吴越非常注重补充维生素,无论是家里还是在剧组吴越专用的桌子上,都能看到各种各样的水果。
62、Do not squash with the hand after 6 occurrence acne, affect in case, and should use appropriative to recuperate a product to undertake maintaining. ─── 6出现粉刺后切勿用手挤压,以防感染,而应使用专用的调理产品进行保养。
63、the theoretic analysis of the vibrating drilling theory, cutting tool characteristics as well as chip break characteristic is processed, key problems in appropriative cutting tools are discussed; ─── 对振动切削的原理、刀具特点及断屑特性进行了系统的理论分析。
64、Application of AC Frequency Conversion Timing in the Appropriative Equipment ─── 交流变频调速在专用设备中的应用
65、appropriative for ─── 充作
66、Spemet is pleased to fabricate your appropriative anode baskets based on your requirements and operation terms to create the best plating quality and highest efficiency. ─── 依据客户的要求和操作条件,大盈乐意为你设计制作专属阳极篮,达到最好的电镀品质与效率。
67、It introduces three modes to construct steel residence that are reasonable design and construction,appropriative and universal system,which can be researched and consulted by engineers. ─── 提出建造钢结构住宅可采用的3种模式,合理化设计建造、专用体系和通用体系,可供工程技术设计人员研究和参考。
69、The invention discloses the method of improving the content of the salicin in the plant and the appropriative carrier. ─── 本发明公开了一种提高植物中水杨酸含量的方法及其专用载体。
70、appropriative system ─── 专用体系
71、At appropri kte places, he kintrodu Nude cesthe criticisms Lady of the creationists and provides answers. ─── 作者在合适的地方引入了对创世纪论者的批评并提供了后者的回答。
72、It is the most well-advised that sofa matchs a footrest, when lying fallow, can be in footrest overlay antependium, appropriative tea table; ─── 沙发配个脚凳是最明智的,休闲时可以在脚凳上垫个桌布,充当茶几;
73、The shower facility that has special design is contained sit chair and armrest, also bathroom appropriative sits stool is used for the family. ─── 有专门设计的淋浴设备带有坐椅及扶手,也有浴室专用的坐凳供家庭使用。
74、Charcoal of disappear smelly appropriative can be put inside boots, very effective to moisture absorption deodorization! ─── 可以在靴子内放上消臭专用的木炭,对于吸湿除臭非常有效!
75、Further more, YiLi corner fittings are appointed to be the appropriative fittings for reefer containers by CIMC. ─── 其中,中集集团指定亿利箱角为冷藏集装箱专用构件。
76、1 Shrink put / scroll - shrink put and the face plate before scroll appropriative controls a function. ─── 1 缩放/卷动-缩放和卷动专用的前面板节制性能。
77、Survey on Educational Outlay, Teachers'Salary and Appropriative Classroom Construction in Primary and Middle Schools ─── 关于中小学教育经费、教师工资及专用教室建设状况的调查
78、4.Possess current estrangement,cushion exceed dynamical function and appropriative electric power measure. ─── 具有电流隔幅,缓启动功能及专用的电力调整器。
79、appropriative reserve ─── 专项储备
80、When using, want to often use children appropriative dishcloth to brush. ─── 使用时要经常用儿童专用的抹布擦。
81、Discussion on Basic Conditions of Manufacturing Appropriative Flour ─── 专用小麦粉生产的基本条件
82、4.What is the difference between riparian and appropriative water rights?Under what conditions are each of these most suited? ─── 4岸边所有权和水占有权的区别,它们各自适合与什么情况?
83、Get off at the moon gate to a monastery, you can see have a highway with small asphalt, this is the road that the appropriative half park form appreciates a month. ─── 在月亮山门口下车,您可以看到有一条柏油小公路,这是专用的半园形赏月路。
85、For them clean of installation appropriative sanitation is provided, increased safe index not only, still conduce to education child's good wholesome convention and independent consciousness. ─── 假如家中有老人,甚至可以只在淋浴空间采用地砖,其他地方使用地板或地垫。
86、Keywords Civil explosive materials;Appropriative equipment;Mobil magazine;Movable terminal;Transport monitoring; ─── 民爆器材;专用设备;移动库房;移动终端;运输监控;
87、Besides,through the usage of appropriative transducer , it has exerted the remarkable highly effective energy saving effects than others. ─── 另外通过专用变频器的使用,比其他的变频器发挥了卓越的高效节能效果。
88、Donate the appropriative Shawayi piano bench and cover. ─── 赠送专用琴凳、琴罩。
89、Some websites ask star to do sth for sb appropriative model, people is dressing up the clothes that oneself pick to like in the process of star. ─── 有的网站请明星代劳充当模特,人们在打扮明星的过程中挑选自己喜欢的衣服。
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