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08-09 投稿


encumber 发音

英:[ɪnˈkʌmbər]  美:[ɪnˈkʌmbə(r)]

英:  美:

encumber 中文意思翻译



encumber 词性/词形变化,encumber变形


encumber 相似词语短语

1、scumber ─── 卑鄙

2、incumber ─── vt.阻碍;妨害

3、encumbers ─── vt.阻塞;妨害;拖累

4、renumber ─── vt.重编号(等于renumerate)

5、encumbered ─── adj.妨碍性的;v.阻碍;使承担义务;堵塞(encumber的过去分词)

6、incumbers ─── vt.阻碍;妨害

7、cucumber ─── n.黄瓜;胡瓜

8、cumber ─── vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦;n.拖累,累赘;妨害;n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

9、number ─── n.数;(杂志等的)期;号码;数字;算术;vi.计入;总数达到;vt.编号;计入;数…的数目;使为数有限

encumber 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the Code of or encumber period, the debtor fails to repay some debt Chengdianren or mortgagee on the property of legal powers enjoyed. ─── 另一方面,典当物的评估价值高,典当行收益也会相应提高。而他们考虑更多的是风险规避的问题。在房产评估上也会体现这一原则。

2、You shouldn’t let those heavy books encumber you. ─── 你不该让这些沉重的书阻碍你学习。

3、Will not, without the prior written consent of the Bank, charge or encumber any of the Securities or authorize anyone else to do so; ─── 将不会在未经本行事前书面同意,将证券抵押或在证券上设定产权负担或授权任何其他人士如此进行;

4、I do not then see why, without real necessity, I should encumber my life with a perpetual companion ─── 一位哲学家不是说过‘不要去寻求你不需要的东西’,而另一位哲人不是也说‘以你本身的一切为满足’吗?

5、Restrictions that encumber police work. ─── 妨害警察工作的限制

6、1.to encumber; to embroil; to be a burden on 2.an encumbrance ─── 拖累

7、Madam Mi said: "A Dou is safe now with you, General. I'd rather die than encumber you. " ─── 糜夫人说:“见到将军阿斗有救了,……我死而无恨!”

8、(c) redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense or otherwise transfer rights or the license information to the Software; ─── (三)重新分配,质押,出售,出租,租赁,分许可或转让的权利或许可的信息,软件;

9、You shouldn't let those heavy books encumber you. ─── 你不该让这些沉重的书阻碍你学习。

10、If we can not obtain the right to use state-owned land can not be made real evidence, can not engage in normal housing transfer, encumber, lease. ─── 如果不能取得国有土地使用权,就不能取得房产证,房屋就不能进行正常的转让、抵押、出租等。

11、Restrictions that encumber police work ─── 阻碍警察工作的种种限制

12、In the first place, to encumber the street; ─── 首先,为了阻塞道路;

13、The girl's long skirt encumber her while running. ─── 这女孩子的长裙在她跑的时候阻碍她的行动。

14、You shouldn’t let those heavy books encumber you. ─── 你不该让这些沉重的书 阻碍 你学习。

15、First of all, your life is not so sure as mine, I will encumber your life, if I don't leave. ─── 第一,你有自己不确定的人生,而我的人生已经确定,我跟你在一起只能拖累你的生活。

16、Pre-sale contracts for the processing of registration or encumber registered project, the logo in the transaction management process without changes. ─── 对已办理预售合同登记备案或抵押登记的项目,其标识在交易管理过程中不作更改。

17、They would interrupt and encumber me. ─── 他们会妨碍我,打搅我。

18、1 redistribute, encumber, sell rent, lease, sub-license, copy or use the Service or otherwise transfer rights to the use of the Service to any third party, whether in whole or in part; ─── 重新分配,阻碍,租卖,次极许可,复制或使用服务或以另外的方式转让权利给任何第三方使用服务,无论是全部还是部分;

19、The anti-fatigue effects of sea encumber polypeptide on mice was studied at different dose. ─── 摘要通过采用不同浓度的海参肽灌胃,研究海参肽对小鼠的抗疲劳作用。

20、But there are two words which usually encumber these classical arguments, and which we must immediately dispose of if we are to make any progress . ─── 但有两个术语通常妨碍这些经典论述,我们如果要取得任何进展,必须立刻对它们加以处理。

21、However, the illegibility of the core area"s meaning, the complex of marking it out and the incompletion of corresponding planning strategy encumber the development of core area. ─── 然而目前普遍存在着对核心景区概念的认识不清,加上核心景区范围界定的复杂性,核心景区相应的规划策略的不完善性等等,阻碍了核心景区的发展。

22、Neither Party may pledge, mortgage or otherwise encumber all or part of its Equity Interest without the prior written consent of the other Party. ─── 未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得质押、押其全部或部分股权或对其全部或部分股权另行设置权益负担。

23、But I know he would not encumber me. ─── 我很坚强,足够背负著他,

24、How unnecessary it has been for you to toil along on foot, and encumber yourself with this heavy load! ─── 你这是何苦,自己挺费劲地走着,还累累赘赘地带着这么重的东西!

25、blood flows, the grape-shot riddles the fronts of the houses, the balls kill people in their beds, corpses encumber the streets. ─── 血流遍地,房屋的门墙被机枪扫射得弹痕累累,睡在床上的人被流弹打死,尸体布满街心。

26、Wouldn’t you encumber your family if you stayed in the hospital? ─── 你住院了不拖累家里人吗?

27、They bring us joy and support, notwithstanding the tests that can encumber even the best of relationships. ─── 尽管存在考验即便是最密切的关系的挑战,但私人友情给我们带来欢乐和支持。

28、CONTRACTOR shall not mortgage, hypothecate, encumber or convey title to any of the equipment or materials in the performance of this CONTRACT. ─── 乙方不能抵押、担保、阻碍和转让履行合同的任何设备或材料的所有权。

29、How come they to encumber it with sciences which ought not to be comprehended in it, or after what manner do they mingle in it diverse questions? ─── 他们是如何用不能解释观想的科学阻碍了观想?或者他们是如何用不同的怀疑混合了观想?(译者注:这一段为现实的写照!)

30、The book is a concise treatment of this complex field and does not encumber the reader with a surfeit of potentially distracting institutional details. ─── 专业经济学家希望能够培养出更新其知识的题目也会发现很多与这本书的价值。

31、In the absence of doing so, however, we collectively encumber progress and create unsuccessful dreams. ─── 在没有这样做,但是,我们统称为妨碍进度并创建失败的梦。

32、To acquire title to or interest in the housing and a legal, regulations can encumber other real estate, including in the construction mortgage, purchased the tickets for commercial housing mortgages. ─── 依法取得所有权或期得权益的房屋及法律、法规规定的其他可以抵押的房地产,包括在建工程抵押、预购商品房贷款抵押等。

33、Objects, such as provisions or baggage, that impede or encumber ─── 包袱妨碍或拖累的物体,如装备或者行李

34、They would interrupt and encumber me. ─── 他们会妨碍我,打搅我。

35、They can't encumber us on the road. ─── 他们不会在路上拖累大家。

36、I don't want to encumber myself with unnecessary luggage. ─── 我不想使自己受不必要的行李拖累。

37、He never let a woman encumber him for any length of time. ─── 他从来不让一个女人妨碍他太久的时间。

38、In 1973, the first petroleum crisis, which drew people's attention to keep the balance between supplement-demanding and storage, seriously encumber the development of Human Society. ─── 1973年,第一次全球石油危机对人类社会发展的负面冲击,使人们开始警觉到能源储存量与供需方面的问题。

39、xii) We shall not pledge, charge or otherwise encumber the Goods for any purpose, nor allow any person (other than you) to acquire any security interest in them, ─── 本公司/本人不得为任何目的在货物上设立质押、担保或其他负担,亦不得允许任何人(贵行除外)在货物上取得任何担保利益,并且除了正常经营过程中的买方

40、15 encumber v. ─── 妨碍,阻碍;阻塞;

41、How unnecessary it has been for you to toil along on foot , and encumber yourself with this heavy load! ─── 你这是何苦,自己挺费劲地走着,还累累赘赘地带着这么重的东西!

42、This includes the right to sell or encumber any homestead that I now own or may own in the future. ─── 该情形还包括出售或使我目前或将来会拥有的宅地负债的权力。

43、2.One should not encumber oneself with hire purchase repayments at the beginning of a marriage. ─── 人不应该在婚姻的开始就被购买的租金拖累。

44、baffle, balk, check, encumber, foil, frustrate, hamper, hindrance, impede, inhibit, stem, stifle, stymie, thwart. ─── 表“ 阻碍、阻止、妨碍” 之意:

45、Some, like Lucan, make it heavy, and encumber it with a solemnity which it does not possess; ─── 像吕坎之辈,描绘人生严肃有馀;像贝特隆之辈,则轻挑有加。

46、He shall not encumber his brain with the coil of rhythm and number ─── 他绝不能使自己的脑子受累于纠缠不清的格律和韵律。

47、Environmental hormone disturb the mechanism of internal secretion, make it malajustment, encumber the procreation of organism or bring the malignancy. ─── 环境激素干扰内分泌代谢机制,造成内分泌失调,可能阻碍生物体生殖功能或引发恶性肿瘤;

48、1.To pledge, hypothecate, sell of assign and otherwise encumber items as described above. ─── 抵押、担保、出售或转让及上面所列之其他项目。



1. cumber是指负担、使困扰或阻碍,通常指某种行为或物品对某人或某事造成麻烦或负面影响。

例如,某物品在房间里占据了过多的空间,使房间变得拥挤,我们可以说它"cumber the room"。

2. encumber则更多指某物或某人被拖累或累赘,形容被某种负担所压抑或受限。





- "I have too much cumber in my life."(我生活中的负担太多了。)

- "Don't encumber yourself with unnecessary responsibilities."(不要被不必要的责任所限制。)

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