kelp 发音
英:[kelp] 美:[kelp]
英: 美:
kelp 中文意思翻译
kelp 网络释义
n. [植] 巨藻,海藻;海草灰vi. 烧制海草灰n. (Kelp)人名;(罗)凯尔普
kelp 短语词组
1、kelp shake ─── 海带奶昔
2、kelp greenling ─── [网络] 老鼠斑
3、kelp supplement ─── 海藻补充剂
4、Kelp perch ─── 海带鲈鱼
5、kelp meal ─── 海带粉
6、kelp benefits ─── 海带的好处
7、bull kelp ─── 巨藻
8、kelp forest ─── 海草林
9、kelp ashes ─── [化] 海草灰
10、kelp bed ─── 海藻床
11、kelp bass ─── 云纹石斑鱼
12、kelp gull ─── 海带 ─── 海鸥
13、giant kelp ─── 巨藻
14、kelp research ─── 海带研究
15、kelp reproduction ─── 海带繁殖
16、kelp salt ─── [化] 海草灰盐
17、kelp minecraft ─── 海带采矿船
18、kelp fish adaptations ─── 海带鱼适应
19、kelp goose ─── 藻雁
kelp 词性/词形变化,kelp变形
kelp 相似词语短语
1、keep ─── vt.保持;经营;遵守;饲养;vi.保持;继续不断;n.保持;生计;生活费;n.(Keep)人名;(英)基普
2、welp ─── n.(Welp)人名;(德)韦尔普
3、kelep ─── n.肉食蚁
4、kelt ─── n.[人类]凯尔特人(等于celt)
5、skelp ─── v.打,掴;打耳光;n.制管钢板;掌嘴一下
6、kelpy ─── n.马形水鬼(等于kelpie)
7、kemp ─── n.粗毛;死毛(羊毛中的粗毛);n.(Kemp)(美、加、英)肯普(人名)
8、help ─── vt.帮助;促进;治疗;补救;n.帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西;vi.帮助;有用;招待;n.(Help)人名;(芬)海尔普
9、kep ─── v.(苏格兰,北英格兰)抓住,扣住;阻止
kelp 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、1, gram abluent, kelp cuts into shreds. ─── 1、将绿豆洗净、海带切丝。
2、Since 1927 kelp has been growing naturally around Dalian. ─── 从1927年起,海带就在大连一带自然生长。
3、We supply fishmeal, squid extract, shrimp meal, kelp powder,corn gluten meal; ─── 我司专门供应鱼粉、乌贼膏、虾壳粉海带粉,海藻粉,玉米粉;
4、His plan is to establish giant "forests" of kelp seaweed (a type of algae) at the surface of the ocean. ─── 他的计划是在海面上建立一种巨大的巨藻(一种海藻)“森林”。
5、Another way is to turn into a group of dry kelp on Long Ti li watertight dry steam for half an hour or so, and then soaked with water overnight. ─── 另一种方法是把成团的干海带打开放在笼屉里隔水干蒸半小时左右,然后用清水浸泡一夜。
6、Shredded kelp with soy sauce ─── 凉拌海带
7、"They are known to limit sea grass and kelp production and consequently the diversity and complexity in communities supported by these producers," Pearse said. ─── “我们知道,它们会限制海藻产量进而影响到由海藻支持的那些区域的差异性和复杂性。”
8、However, some local people who largely rely on aquiculture, worried that the plant might affect the sea area where they raise abalone and kelp. ─── 但是,岛上主要依赖于农业生产的居民担心引进该厂会影响到他们养殖鲍鱼和海藻的海面区域。
9、Other interesting additions include menhaden herring meal, flaxseed meal, yogurt, dried kelp, vegetables, and cranberries. ─── 其他添加物包括鲱鱼粉、亚麻粉、优酪乳、干海藻、蔬菜和酸果蔓的果实。
10、Microwave plasma torch atomic emission spectrometry(MPT-AES) was used to determine the content of calcium and zinc in kelp after being digested. ─── 分别使用常规消解方法与微波消解方法处理海带样品,采用微波等离子体炬原子发射光谱法(MPT-AES)测定海带中钙和锌的含量。
11、However, Medline says,"there are no reliable human studies"showing kelp is effective or safe for any of these purposes in people. ─── 不过,“网上医学资料库”认为,“目前并无可靠的人体实验研究”显示利用海藻可有效或安全无虞地改善以上诸多病症。
12、The asking paper results indicate 25.4% pregnant women often eat sea foods and 12.7% often eat kelp and laver. ─── 孕妇问卷调查表明 ,孕妇常吃海产品占 2 5 .4% ,常吃海带、紫菜占12 .7% ,体重增加 10 kg以上者占 46 .0%。
13、Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. ─── 强碱性食品:葡萄、茶叶、葡萄酒、海带芽、海带等。
14、The search for new fuels has led some researchers to algae.Algae is a name for thousands of different organisms.They include single-celled plants as well as kelp and other large plants. ─── 对燃料的研究引导一些科学家将注重力集中到了海藻 .海藻是数千种不同的有机体的名称,包括单细胞植物,海草和其他比较大的植物 .
15、His plan is to establish giant "forests" of kelp seaweed (a type of algae) at the surface of the ocean. ─── 他的计划是在海面上建立一种巨大的巨藻(一种海藻)“森林”。
16、The nutrients in and the beneficial effects of kelp are described in the paper.Kelp-fruit-juice drinks are developed with a view of giving a new source for the replenishment of iodine. ─── 介绍了海带的营养成分及功效,对海带果汁饮品进行了研制与开发,给人们提供了一种新的补碘碘源。
17、Based on analyzing the process of kelp, raw material treatmentthe proportion of ingredient and the adding of other seasoning, effects on the products qualities were also discussed were also discussed. ─── 并从原材料处理方法、原料配比、调味料配比等方面对成品品质的影响进行了研究。
18、Flavour kelp jam was studied in this thesis by taking kelp as main raw material and assisting with various sauce. ─── 摘要以海带为主要原料,辅以各种调味料,进行风味海带酱的研制。
19、An official says the Monterey Bay Aquarium was the first aquarium in the world to show a living kelp forest. ─── 一个官员说,蒙特里海湾水族馆是世界上第一座展示活的海藻森林的水族馆。
20、Photo Gallery: Kelp Gardens A bright red kelp crab nestles into kelp leaves near Bodega Bay, California. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。那明亮红色的海带螃蟹偎依到海带叶片靠近bodega湾,加利福尼亚州。
21、Sea urchins nestled in a Pacific kelp bed off California offer a sharp contrast in shapes between kelp tendrils and urchin spines. ─── 意译:海胆类:在自然界模式。海胆类嵌在一处太平洋海带床在加利福尼亚之外提供鲜明对比处于良好状态在海带卷须和海胆脊刺之间。
22、Trial Result of Kelp Fertilizer on Udo ─── 快大海藻肥在当归上喷施的效果
23、"The largest known kelp, Macrocystis, grows up to 215 ft (65 m) long." ─── 巨藻属是已知的最大褐藻,长65公尺。
24、Photo Gallery: Kelp Gardens Sunlight filters through a maze of giant kelp near Catalina Island in California. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。日光过滤器通过一个迷宫巨海带卡塔利娜岛附近岛屿在加利福尼亚州。
25、It also can be used for the drying of sea food perfume (kelp, laver, fish, and shrimp). ─── 也适用于对海产品香料(海带、紫菜、鱼、虾)的干燥。
26、Recommend: mushroom, rice noodle, winter melon, kelp, glutinous rice, fish bean curd and so on. ─── 推荐菜谱:金针菇/粉丝/腐竹/亲亲肠/鱼豆腐/冬瓜/生菜/海带/海带结/平菇/年糕/贡丸/香菇。
27、The other hand, we see article after article reports : "The difficult employment," or even "sea turtles (final) changed kelp (to be)." how to find suitable work so hard? ─── 另一方面我们看到连篇累牍的报道:“就业难”,甚至“海龟(归)变海带(待)”,找个适合的工作怎么这么难呢?
28、From Joker's laugh as he hides in a bed of kelp to the clang of fan blades as they're being clogged by rampant oil spills, everything has a cartoony ring to it and just seems right. ─── 当他们正被猖獗的漏油阻塞时,从滑稽角色的笑中他对风扇叶片的叮当声藏在一张海草的床里,一切对它有一枚cartoony戒指并且只好像正确。
29、After a little exploration through the thick growth of kelp and seagrass, he picks up a promising-looking rock. ─── 在厚厚的海藻和海草中摸索了一小会儿后,他拾起了一块看起来有潜质的石头。
30、It was used to determine I-in kelp, soybean and cydiodine tablets with satisfactory results. ─── 方法具有良好的选择性,用于海带、黄豆和含碘药片的测定结果令人满意。
31、Great whites rarely enter kelp forests, and fur seals seek them out as refuges from their arch nemeses. ─── 大白鲨很少进入巨藻丛,而海豹把海藻当作避难所来逃避大白鲨血盆大口。
32、I will roll up trouser legs, and then where to find kelp, I just bent down to sea water has skyrocketed, hitting my whole body is wet, and I simply do not pick up, and enjoy the splashing. ─── 我将裤腿卷上来,然后在哪里找海带,我刚弯下腰海水就冲上来了,打我全身都弄湿了,我干脆不捡了,尽情的玩水。
33、If still have concern, also can be in edible spinach while eat a few alkalescent food more, wait like kelp, vegetable, fruit, dissolve in order to make oxalic acid calcium eduction, prevent stone. ─── 如果还有担心,也可以在食用菠菜的同时多吃一些碱性食品,如海带、蔬菜、水果等,以促使草酸钙溶解排出,防止结石。
34、Thus the near extinction of sea otters in the northern Pacific led to a proliferation of sea urchins, which then laid waste an entire kelp forest that had hitherto sustained its own ecosystem. ─── 因此北太平洋海獭的近乎绝灭,导致了海胆的大量繁殖,海胆随后毁掉了迄今维持着自身生态系统的巨藻林。
35、Photo Gallery: Kelp Gardens Kelp rockfish navigate a towering kelp forest near California's Bodega Bay. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。海带岩鱼通过高耸的海带森林附近的加州的bodega湾。
36、Were so swollen thyroid is not fully restored, iodine-rich kelp so swollen thyroid better than the resumption of Prunella. ─── 均使肿大的甲状腺不完全恢复,富碘昆布使肿大甲状腺恢复好于夏枯草。
37、A rocket scientist invented Estee Lauder's La Mer, by fomenting mineral water and sea kelp. ─── 一位火箭专家发明的雅诗兰黛眼霜海洋拉娜是通过加热矿泉水和海藻提取的。
38、Alkali sex food : Bovine breast, tea, persimmon, cucumber, carrot, turnip, spinach, orange kind, grape, taro, kelp, fig, currant. ─── 强碱性食品:牛乳、茶、柿子、黄瓜、胡萝卜、萝卜、菠菜、柑橘类、葡萄、芋头、海带、无花果、葡萄干等。
39、The absorbing amount of nutriment and laminarin from kelp by eating directly by humankind is very little. ─── 人直接食用海带摄取的营养物质和海带多糖的量极少。
40、The results also showed that Chitosan had stable antibacterial action after being treated with heat and it could keep instant flavouring kelp fresh and antiseptic. ─── 实验结果也表明,经高温处理的水溶性壳聚糖的抗菌作用稳定,对即食调味海带具有保鲜防腐的效果。
41、The influence of alcoholic fermentation and acetic acid fermentation on the quality of health vinegar and drink,the de-odorizing method for kelp and some other questions are studied in the paper. ─── 介绍了酒精发酵与醋酸发酵对保健醋及饮料品质的影响,同时探讨了海带去腥方法,并对优势醋酸菌的种、亚种作了鉴定。
42、Kelp, seaweed, and rocks litter the beaches, and a few sparse trees dot the landscape away from the beach. ─── 各种巨藻、海藻和岩石堆满海滩,偶尔几棵树木点缀在远离海滩的陆地。
43、Kelp is rich in vitamins and trace elements. ─── 大型褐藻富含维他命和微量元素。
44、They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village. ─── 他们在他们村庄附近的海面上养殖海带。
45、Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) undulates in rhythm with fronds of kelp in the waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. ─── 意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。角海狗波动的节奏和海带的植物体在南非,干斯拜以外海域。
46、This method can be used for pretreatment of industrial kelp in the water more than fucose sulfate extraction of sugar. ─── 本实验方法可用于工业海带预处理水中岩藻多糖硫酸酯的提取。
47、The extracting method of fucoidin from kelp and influences of factors on its free radical scavenging activity were studied. ─── 以海带为原料研究岩藻多糖的提取工艺,并初步研究了一些因素对岩藻多糖的自由基清除能力的影响。
48、Calcium Alginate is a natural carbohydrate extracted from kelp. It is often used in healthy food industry as a Calcium additive. ─── 海藻酸钙CalciumAlginate海藻酸钙是从海带中提取的天然多糖碳水化合物,可作为钙质添加剂,用于保健食品业。
49、Cold Water Sea Kelp Extract. ─── 冷水海藻提取物。
50、Displays plunge the visitor headlong on a briny guided tour.From rocky shores and tide pools all the way to the giant kelp forests that fringe the coast. ─── 在这里, 你能体会到神奇的海洋之旅, 从岩石堆积的海岸和潮水澎湃的湾地, 到海岸线上繁茂的森林, 它们重现了许多自然景观。
51、A young Cape fur seal forages amid bull kelp near Gansbaai, South Africa. ─── 一只年轻的海豹在南非干斯拜附近的巨藻丛中觅食。
53、The effects of attachment and growth of kelp spores on the surface of various anionic, cationic and nonionic hydrogels were studied. ─── 摘要研究了海带饱子在阴离子、阳离子、非离子型凝胶表面的附着及生长情况。
54、Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures A Cape fur seal undulates in rhythm with fronds of kelp in the waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. ─── 意译:水下生物照片集。一个海角的皮毛海豹有节奏的游动在叶状体的海带海域距离Gansbaai ,南非。
55、Mango and Sea Kelp Hair Purifier ─── 去除积垢芒果海藻净发液
56、But if the quality can be guaranteed pollution-free, and seaweed, you do not bother, because the soaking time is too long, kelp nutrients will be dissolved in water. ─── 但如果是质量能够保证的无公害海带,就不必费心了,因为浸泡时间过长,海带中的营养物质也会溶解于水。
57、Conventional dose, 3 times the dose kelp suppression and destruction of most of the thyroid follicular epithelial cells, while a small number of follicular hyperplasia, Prunella minor injury. ─── 常规剂量、3倍剂量昆布抑制和破坏大部分甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞,同时使小部分滤泡增生,夏枯草损伤较轻微。
58、The spiny echinoderms, a potential peril to swimmers stepping on rocks, feast on kelp, which is dwindling along California's coastline. ─── 做为一种多刺的棘皮类动物,海胆对于那些把脚放在暗礁上的海滨游泳者构成了潜在的威胁,这种动物通常以大型海藻为食物,因此海藻在加州沿海地区正呈出日渐减少的趋势。
59、Shredded kelp with soy sauce Shredded chicken in soy sauce ─── 半口蘑蒸鸡拌海带丝
60、A gelatin-like substance obtained from kelp and used in impression material. ─── 一种从海藻中获得的类似凝胶的物质并且用于印模原料.
61、The our company mainly take the kelp as the rawmaterial, the production sea alginic acid sodium, product and so onidodine, mannitol, idodine annual output 10 tons, sea alginic acidsodium 1,000 tons. ─── 我公司主要以海带为原料,生产海藻酸钠、碘等产品,其中碘年产量10吨,海藻酸钠1000吨。
62、Result of fluorometric assay indicated thatCaM V35S and FCP promoter were more efficient in kelp than the other two promoters. ─── 实验结果表明,与CaMV35S和FCP融合的GUS基因在海带中表达效率较高。
63、With kelp and mushroom juices as the materials,a low-calorie health beverage featured by good taste and rich nutrients was made by the extraction and compounding technology. ─── 以巴楚蘑菇为原料,采用热水浸提法提取蘑菇多糖,并将粗多糖液配以复合果汁开发出色、香、味俱佳的复合保健饮料。
64、As a result, a number of middle-aged people should eat regular food seaweed such as kelp, Undaria Caideng. ─── 因此,中年人应经常食用一些海藻类食物,如海带、裙带菜等。
65、Giant kelp, one of the fastest growing plants in the world, uses flotation bulbs like these to grow toward the water's surface. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。巨型海带,增长最快的世界植物之一,使用飘浮鳞茎一样,这些增长向水的表面。
66、Multi-colored anemones, lavender bryozoans, and other organisms cover rocks in a kelp forest near Vancouver Island in western Canada. ─── 意译:海带森林海葵。复合彩色的海葵,淡紫色的苔藓虫,和其他生物体覆盖岩石在一个海带森林接近温哥华岛在加拿大西部。
67、A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine. Kelp is harvested all over the world and used in such things as foods, fertilizers, and soaps. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。缠结的海带森林弥漫着水柱沿海海面的缅因州。海带的收获遍布世界各地,并用于的东西如:作为食品,化肥和肥皂。
68、They range in size from the microscopic flagellate Micromonas to giant kelp that reach 200 ft (60 m) in length. ─── 大小不一,从显微镜下的单细胞鞭毛虫,到长达60公尺的大型褐藻。
69、Soak the kelp for a few minutes, rinse and dry it. ─── 将昆布浸泡数分钟,冲洗并沥乾。
70、The sequoia of the sea, a giant bladder kelp (Macrocystic pyrifera) floats with the current in Californias Monterey Bay. ─── 意译:海洋中的美洲杉,一个巨大的球胆海藻飘浮到加利福尼亚的蒙特里杰克海湾。
71、to supplement iodine by eating kelp ─── 吃海带以补碘
72、We are seeing a decline in major ecosystems like kelp forests, sea life communities, coral reefs and so on. ─── 我们正目睹像海藻丛林,海洋生物群落,珊瑚礁等主要生态系统的衰落。
73、Abstract : 10 algin degrading bacteria were isolated from natural decaying kelp of Weihai offshore. ─── 摘要:从威海近海天然腐烂的海带中分离得到10株褐藻胶降解菌。
74、Sunlight filters through a maze of giant kelp near Catalina Island in California. Kelp grows only on rocky seafloor and only as deep as the sun's rays penetrate. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。日光过滤器通过一个迷宫巨海带卡塔利娜岛附近岛屿在加利福尼亚州。海带的增长不仅要有对岩石的海底,只有深太阳的射线穿透。
75、Ferri rich food has the animal liver, the kelp, the lean meat and so on. ─── 含铁丰富的食物有动物肝、海带、瘦肉等。
76、In Alaska, sea otters maintain kelp forest ecosystems by keeping herbivores that eat kelp, such as sea urchins, in check. ─── 在阿拉斯加,有海獭才能维持海藻林生态系,因为牠们能控制以海藻为食之食草动物的族群数量,像是海胆。
77、The article studied the extracting method of fucoidin from kelp and influences of factors on its free radical scavenging activity. ─── 以海带为原料提取褐藻糖胶,并初步研究了一些因素对褐藻糖胶的自由基清除能力的影响。
78、Kelp fresh-wetted noodle through adding germanium is a kind of high nutrient green health new production.It has a lot of characteristics such as high alibility, good appearance and tasty flator. ─── 摘要海带富锗鲜湿面条是一种高营养的绿色保健新产品,该产品具有营养价值高、外观形态好、适口性强等特点。
79、Shang Keqing of tipple kelp gram heats up sore of lung of alexipharmic, cool serum, cure to divide blain. ─── 常喝海带绿豆汤可清热解毒、凉血清肺、疗疮除痘。
80、A triton mage from the Forest of Amber Kelp has arrived with his menagerie. He was attacked by sea trolls and he is now seeking refuge in your lands. ─── 一个来自琥珀藻森林的特里同法师和他的家族来到了你这里。他被海巨魔攻击而来你的土地寻求避难。
81、Bull kelp clings to the coastline of New Zealand's The Snares islands, hiding sea lions that prey on Snares crested penguins. ─── 巨藻紧贴着新西兰斯奈尔斯群岛的海岸线,为捕食斯奈尔斯冠企鹅的海狮提供了藏身之所。
82、One of its relatives forms the kelp forests that thrive off the California coast. ─── 它的亲戚中有一种在加州海岸形成了海藻森林。
83、Whether they're swimming through bubble rings or balancing pieces of kelp on their tails, young dolphins increase the complexity of their play behaviour most of all when they're in the company of their peers. ─── 无论是从气泡圈子中游过去还是用尾巴把物体托到水面上,当和自己的同龄伙伴在一起时,小海豚的玩法的花样增加得最快。
84、A tiny section of Macrocystis pyrifera (kelp) exemplifies the extraordinary features of this sea plant. ─── 巨藻的微小部分显示出这种海洋植物非同寻常的特征。
85、Up to kelp iodine, iodide can promote the inflammatory exudate absorption, a certain degree of inhibition of cancer. ─── 海带含碘最多,碘化物能促进炎症渗出物的吸收,对癌症有一定的抑制作用。
86、Aquaculture sites will be developed to culture fish, abalone, oysters, and kelp. ─── 发展水产基地养殖鱼类、鲍鱼、牡蛎和海藻。
87、Kelp in green foodsupplements speeds the passage of food through the intestines, helpingto eliminate cancer-causing toxins. ─── "而许多绿色食品/补充剂所含的巨藻(海带)通过促进肠道活动,帮助排除那些致癌毒素。
88、Still, he prepared with the chocolate pie and kelp soup, ss appearance said nothing, but in the mind but very touched. ─── 还,他悉心预备的巧克力派和海带汤,三顺外表没说什么,然则心里却无比打动。
89、However, Medline says,"there are no reliable human studies"showing kelp is or safe for any of these purposes in people. ─── 不过,"网上医学资料库"认为,"目前并无可靠的人体实验研究"显示利用海藻可有效或安全无虞地改善以上诸多病症。
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