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08-09 投稿


planetary 发音

英:[ˈplænəteri]  美:[ˈplænətri]

英:  美:

planetary 中文意思翻译



planetary 常用词组

planetary gear ─── 行星齿轮

planetary gear transmission ─── 行星齿轮传动

planetary transmission ─── 行星齿轮变速箱

planetary 词性/词形变化,planetary变形

名词复数: planetariums |

planetary 短语词组

1、planetary gear transmission ─── [化] 行星齿轮传动

2、planetary reducer ─── [化] 行星减速齿轮

3、planetary pinion ─── [机] 行星小齿轮

4、planetary house ─── [网络] 行星房子

5、planetary science ─── [天] 行星科学

6、planetary compulsory mixer ─── [化] 行星式搅拌器

7、Kepler's law of planetary motion ─── [网络] 开普勒行星运动定律

8、planetary wheel ─── [化] 行星齿轮

9、planetary mill ─── 行星式磨机, ─── 行星式轧机

10、planetary nebula ─── 行星状星云

11、planetary motion ─── [机] 行星运动

12、planetary impact ─── 行星撞击

13、planetary wind ─── 行星风

14、Palimpsest (planetary astronomy) Palimpsest( ─── 行星天文学)

15、planetary ecology ─── 行星生态学

16、Planetary core ─── 行星核心

17、planetary gear ─── [化] 行星齿轮

18、Planetary Nebula M2 9 ─── 行星星云M29

19、planetary transmission ─── [化] 行星齿轮变速箱

planetary 相似词语短语

1、planetaria ─── 天象仪

2、monetary ─── adj.货币的;财政的

3、placentary ─── 胎座的

4、plantar ─── adj.[解剖]跖的;[解剖]脚底的

5、planimetry ─── n.平面几何;测面法

6、planetaries ─── adj.行星的

7、lactary ─── adj.奶似的;奶的;n.牛奶房

8、planometry ─── n.平面规;测平器(planometer的变形)

9、planetarium ─── n.天文馆;行星仪

planetary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BRUCE BALICK and ADAM FRANK have published dozen of papers, both observational and theoretical, on planetary nebulae and their precursor stars. ─── 巴立克与佛朗克发表过数十篇与行星状星云和其恒星相关的观测及理论论文。

2、The Builder focuses on building a planetary empire. ─── 建造者集中于建立一个星球帝国。

3、The Origin of Stationary Planetary Waves in the Upper Mesosphere. ─── 中间层上层静止行星波的起源。

4、New discoveries about Uranus excited planetary astronomers in 1977. ─── 一九七七年对天王星的几项新发现振奋了行星天文学家。

5、Only planetary scale transients come into this category. ─── 只有行星尺度的瞬时波属于这一类。

6、Several widely concerned topics on planetary astronomy resulted from the analyzation are briefly introduced. ─── 对这些论文具体内容的分析可以给出当前行星天文学领域的若干热点问题。

7、Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home, the Earth. ─── 在浩瀚和永恒之间迷失的是我们渺小的行星家园,地球。

8、Like its brighter namesake M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M76 is recognized as a planetary nebula - a gaseous shroud cast off by a dying sunlike star. ─── 与较亮的具有同名"哑铃星云"的M27一样,M76也被认为是一个行星状星云-它是一颗类似太阳一样的恒星死亡时释放出的气壳。

9、They work alone or in groups. They can work on one individual at a time or for with the planetary grid. ─── 他们单独工作或成组工作。在某个时刻他们能影响一个人或者有益于地球网格。

10、The sun zaps its planetary neighbours with the “solar wind”, a stream of highly energetic charged particles. ─── 太阳不停的以"太阳风",这是一个高能带电粒子流,攻击与其相邻的行星。

11、He most certainly deserves credit as a pioneer, with Le Verrier, of applying perturbation theory to planetary motion. ─── 他与勒威耶都是应用微扰理论解决行星运动问题的开拓者,毫无疑问。

12、RUGGEDNESS. Dual planetary wheel drives. ─── 强度:双行星齿轮驱动。

13、The results of reliability and optimal design on a planetary are obtained, and they are better than those obtained by conventionality optimization. ─── 并对一行星减速器进行了可靠性优化设计,取得了比常规优化设计更好的结果。

14、Within our own galaxy there are probably tens of thousands of planetary systems. ─── 在我们所在的银河系中,很可能存在数以万计的行星系。

15、The celestial smiley face is the result of a planetary conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, and the moon, shown here over Manila in the Philippines. ─── 天际笑脸是由于行星金星,木星,和月亮之间相互结合的结果,上面显示的是在菲律宾马尼拉。

16、The figure shown the planetary system of Fomalhaut as illustrated by space artist. ─── 图中是画家笔下北落师门的行星系统。

17、Many planetary and astrophysical bodies such as the Earth and Jupiter have intrinsic magnetic fields. ─── 地球自转与磁场是影响全球环境两个重要的天文地球物理量。

18、Most planetary orbits are not circles but ellipses. ─── 大多数行星的运转轨道是椭圆形而非圆形。

19、A tremendous accomplishment would be if the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth and he exploded it with his mind. ─── 巨大成就是指他发现的星体正坠向地球,而他用意念爆破掉它。

20、Let's not forget that eclipses in planetary motions had important symbolic meanings. ─── 我们不要忘记,在行星运动中,日食有重要的象征意义。

21、Astronomers Tuesday announced the discovery of another planet orbiting a distant star, making it the most crowded planetary system outside our own. ─── 天文学家星期二宣布发现了一组行星绕着一颗恒星,这是离我们太阳系最近的行星系统。

22、The dominant theory of planetary formation argues that each system started out as a cloud of debris orbiting a star. ─── 主流行星形成理论认为,每个天体系统都是从环绕恒星轨道运行的碎片星云开始。

23、The seven planetary angels are depicted within the enamel, with the reverse side inscribed with their respective names, planets and days. ─── 圆环的表面上刻上七天使的符号,而背后则刻上他们的名字和代表的日子和行星。

24、At the heart of BMW′s Active Steering system is the planetary gear set incorporated into the steering column. ─── bmw主动转向系统的核心是内置在方向盘传动轴上的一个行星装置。

25、Very accurate predictions of planetary orbits require corrections to the central-field approximation. ─── 想要非常准确地预言行星的轨道,就需要对中心场近似进行修正。

26、Use the softening and soothing effect of the current planetary alignment to lull you and your partner into a deeper sense of security. ─── 用现在的行星带来的温柔和平和的力量把你和另一半带入一种更深层次的安全之中吧。

27、Astronomers and star gazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for the rare astronomical phenomenon known as "Planetary Conjunction". ─── 全世界的天文学家和观测者都在时刻关注着这种罕见的,被成为“行星合”的天文现象。

28、Glowing in vibrant colors, planetary nebulae, such as this one, represent the death rattles of dying stars. ─── 在跳跃的颜色中烁烁发光的行星状星云(就像上面这颗)向人们描绘出垂死恒星的最后色彩。

29、LF200 consists of a 3-shaft helical gear set and a lockable planetary differential gear. its output shaft and input shaft swivel in the same direction. ─── LF200型分动器由三轴式斜齿轮组和带有可锁式轴间行星式差速器组成,其输出轴和输入轴旋向相同。

30、Very accurate predictious of planetary orbits require corrections to the central-field approximation. ─── 想要非常准确地预言行星的轨道,就需要对中心场近似进行修正。

31、Add a global perspective and you up the scale to cover the entire planetary network of human activity. ─── 增加一点全球观念你就能跃上一个台阶,用人类活动的网络去覆盖整个地球。

32、During the early stages of planetary evolution they served to sweep the solar system. ─── 在行星演化的早期,他们用来清扫太阳系。

33、Humans likewise are not to direct time but to syncopate to time as it is pulsed upon a solar or planetary basis. ─── 人类同样地将不再引导时间,而只是切分到时间之中,因为它基于太阳系或行星而脉动。

34、Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism. ─── 应用此方法,可定性地绘制出行星齿轮传动机构速度分析图谱。

35、In boundary layer dynamics,the eddy diffusivity is a important parameter for the wind structure in the planetary boundary layer. ─── 在边界层动力学中 ,涡动粘性系数是影响边界层风场结构的一个重要参数。

36、Inquires into the EHL calculation for involutes planetary gear drive with small tooth number difference and its relative formulas are derived. ─── 从受力分析、承载能力、平衡减振、传动效率和系列设计等方面,对少齿差环板式减速器的研究现状进行了评述。

37、The SSAS will meet on Sept 18-19 in at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) in Houston near NASA's Johnson Space Center. (See the ARES website). ─── SSAS将在9月18-19日于休斯敦的月球与行星学会(LPI)集会。离NASA的约翰逊航天中心不远。

38、JAN KLEYNA, DAVID JEWITT and SCOTT S.SHEPPARD are the world's most prolific discoverers of planetary moons. ─── 克莱纳、杰维特与谢柏德是世上发现过最多颗行星卫星的学者。

39、The simian he was chasing seems to have arrived long before, and is revered there as a planetary forefather. ─── 他追逐的那只人猿似乎已久居该处,摇身一变,竟成了星球的开朝元老。

40、Thus are the sleeping survivors of a planetary age repersonalized in the dispensational roll calls. ─── 因而是一个行星时代睡着的幸存者重新人格化在分配调用运行。

41、If one-third of the stars are single stars with planets, then planetary systems are born, on the average, every three years. ─── 如果这些恒星中有三分之一是拥有行星的单星,那么平均每三年就会诞生一个行星系。

42、It is only a slight exaggeration to say that mankind constitutes even now a planetary community of production and consumption. ─── 只要稍微夸张一点,不妨说:人类甚至在目前就已经组成了一个生产和消费的行星公社。

43、From within the heart, true and clear guidance will flow that is magnetic and attuned to the needs of your planetary ascension. ─── 发自内心的,真实的和清晰的引导会流出,它是磁性的并使你的行星提升的需要谐调一致。

44、Many objections can be raised to this picture of planetary nebula formation. ─── 形成行星状星云的这一图象可能会引起许多异议。

45、What we are trying to do is trace the entire history of planetary formation from a gaseous disc, into a debris disc, into a planetary disc. ─── 我们正试图追踪行星从气态盘到尘埃盘到行星盘而形成的整个历史。

46、According to NASA, "Hubbles keen eye disclosed that planetary nebulas are like snowflakes: no two are like. ─── 哈勃望远镜告诉人们,行星状星云就像雪花一样,没有任何两个是一样的。

47、Karbarra had a thick planetary ring, and the Invid below might think that was the cause of the commo breakdown. ─── 围绕着卡巴拉的尘环很厚,下面的因维人或许以为是这个原因才通讯中断的。

48、As Scrin the getting to tier 4, make available the all powerful Mothership and the Planetary Assault Carrier. ─── 对于Scrin,4级科技使您可以使用最强大得母舰和星际攻击战舰。

49、Once the stunning events promised by next week's extraordinary planetary activity take place, you'll be glad you did. ─── 一旦下周由非凡之星象预示的神奇事件发生,你将为你所做的事情感到由衷滴高兴。

50、In the complex interplay of solar and planetary gravity, asteroids and comets are routinely pulled into short-lived orbits around the giant planets. ─── 在太阳与行星重力如此复杂的交互作用下,小行星和彗星通常会被拉往巨行星的短周期轨道上。

51、Well, compared with the planetary population, in historical context, it's not that anomalous. ─── 如果跟现在地球上的人口相比较,这还算正常的。

52、In the Ptolemaic system of planetary motion the earth is fixed as the center of the universe with the sun and moon and planets revolving around it. ─── 在托勒密的行星运动体系里,地球是固定的,是宇宙的中心,太阳、月亮和其他行星都绕着地球转。

53、Operating life time: when the planetary gearhead under the rated loading, the accumulating working time of the top input turning speed. ─── 工作寿命:指减速机在额定负载下,额定输入转速时地累计工作时间。

54、They have a torque converter and planetary gear sets which are controlled by Brakes and clutches to provide two or three forward gear ratios. ─── 变速器有液力变矩器以及由制动器和离合器控制的行星齿轮组,行星齿轮组可以提供二或三个向前的传动比。

55、He formulated the theory of planetary movement. ─── 他系统阐述了行星运动理论。

56、Brahe:Danish astronomer whose accurate astronomical observations formed the basis for Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion. ─── 布雷赫:丹麦天文学家,其精确观测构成了关于天体运动的约翰尼斯·克普勒定律的基

57、QGIS and other simpler data viewers lend themselves to exploring various data formats and the world of data sets covering this planetary system. ─── QGIS和其他较为简单的数据查看器用于探测各种数据格式和覆盖此行星系统的所有数据集。

58、The next day, Venus—planetary ruler of Libra—turns retrograde. ─── 第二天,天秤座的行星统治者金星开始逆行了。

59、Asteroids are leftover scraps of planetary material. ─── 小行星是行星物质的残余废坯。

60、A.Lerman and A.Shatkay,Earth and Planetary Science letters,1968, 5:63. ─── 张彭熹等,柴达木盆地盐湖,北京:科学出版社,1987

61、Finding planets orbiting Barnards Star would increase our confidence that planetary systems are common. ─── 对环绕巴纳德里旋转的行星的发现将会增强我们认为行星系是普遍存在的信念。

62、When the output torque transcends the data 2 time,the planetary gearhead will out of work. ─── 当输出扭矩超过两倍该值时,减速机故障。

63、The Series 800 utilizes a highly effective planetary gearing system and a handwheel manual override to produce maximum torques in a compact package. ─── 800系列电动执行机构采用高效的行星齿轮传动系统和手轮手动过载装置来产生最大的扭矩,结构紧凑。

64、Kepler's Laws of planetary motion. ─── 开普勒行星定律。

65、STELLAR and planetary nurseries are private places. ─── 恒星和行星产生的诞生地是很隐秘的位置。

66、Planetary nebulae were named, or rather misnamed, two centuries ago by English astronomer William Herschel. ─── 两个世纪前,英国天文学家赫雪尔(WilliamHerschel)将此类云气命名(更恰当地说,应是误判)为行星状星云。

67、Steve received this certificate after sending his name to the Planetary Society. ─── 史蒂夫获得此证书后,向他的名字给行星协会。

68、It will evolve into a cosmic butterfly - a spectacular planetary nebula in the starry sky. ─── 不过,太阳的死亡绝不平淡,它会化为星空蝴蝶成为夜空中灿烂的行星状星云。

69、These rhythms take place within the external rhythms of day and night, seasons, years and planetary influences. ─── 当然这些是和日月交替,季节变化,以及年度变化,还有星系的影响是分不开的。

70、Still, planetary scientists puzzle over how a world that was so arid in general could have been so watery at certain places and times. ─── 尽管如此,对于为何一个这麽乾燥的行星,会在某些地点、某段时间充满著水,行星科学家感到迷惑不已。

71、VOICE: Were there any planetary conjunctions during those years? ─── 在那些年里有没有发生行星的结合呢?

72、When the device detects acceleration, it sends a signal to a small electric servomotor that rotates a sleeve on the axle to shift the planetary gears. ─── 当仪器侦测到轮子加速,就会将讯号传送到一个小型的电子伺服马达,马达会带动轮轴上的套筒,然后变换行星齿轮的位置。

73、Pictured above is an artistic conception of how the BLG-109 planetary system might look. ─── 上面的图片是艺术家的概念画,展示了BLG-109行星系统可能的模样。

74、Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too. ─── 现在PlanetarySupreme(地球)在她的漫长训练中也必须成为某种程度上的伟大信使。

75、That the sun and not the earth the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages. ─── 太阳系的中心是太阳而不是地球这一事实被中世纪的教会认为是异端邪说。

76、Fortunately, the scientists also have other means of observation.NASA to be called a "planetary search," (TPF) plan is one of them. ─── 事实上,科学家认为,一个地外文明曾经造访、并且现在还在地球附近监视人类的说法是不可信的。

77、Like its better-known namesake M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M76 is recognized as a planetary nebula - a gaseous shroud cast off by a dying sunlike star. ─── 就像更为著名的哑铃星云M27一样,M76被认为是一个行星状星云-其气体外壳由一颗类似太阳一样濒临死亡的恒星吹出。

78、Gear reduction system may consider to be pinion transmition in stead of planetary system to saving spacing . ─── 为节省空间起见,降齿系统可以考虑采用小齿传动,而不用星系系统。

79、As they move into their near-star orbits, hot Jupiters could be playing violent games of planetary billiards that produce Earthlike planets, he says. ─── 在它们靠近恒星时,它们可能会发生可怕的碰撞并产生类似地球的行星.

80、According to its theoretical model of the true geocentric longitude, the astronomical meaning of planetary theory in ancient China is revealed. ─── 又利用行星之地心真黄经的理论模型,探讨了中国古代行星算法模型的天文意义。

81、In some ways, planetary scientists know more about Mars than they do about the moon. ─── 从某些方面而言,行星科学家对火星的了解比月球还多。

82、In particular,the wavenumber 2 pattern of planetary waves contributes dominantly to the variability of the Siberian high and the Aleutian low. ─── 其中低层中高纬地区纬向波数2的扰动对西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压的变化起了最主要的作用。

83、Mankind faces “a planetary emergency”, he said; “a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the Earth. ─── 他说人类正面临“星球危机”,“一个威胁着人类文明延续和地球可居住性的紧要关头”。

84、We call for setting up the planetary ethics, promote to build up the world harmonious society and multi-culture. ─── 我们倡导全球伦理,促进世界和谐发展,建设多元文化。

85、Glowing like a multi-faceted jewel, the planetary nebula IC 418 lies about 2,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Lepus. ─── 像一颗精心雕琢的宝石,行星状星云IC 418坐落在距地球2,000光年的天兔座内。

86、"The third atmosphere finishes where the planetary attraction of the other worlds commences. ─── 开始受到其它世界嘅行星吸引嗰阵,第三种氛围就结束.

87、One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the sixth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is the largest planetary satellite. ─── 卡利斯托卫星木星最亮的四颗卫星之一,是距木星第六远的卫星。最初为伽利略所发现,它是最大的行星卫星

88、This type of combination of protons and neutrons with planetary electrons is found to be existing in all substances. ─── 人们发现,质子、中子与绕一定轨道旋转的电子所构成的这种组合存在于所有物质之中。

89、The vibration performance of cycloid ball planetary reducer was analyzed. ─── 分析摆线钢球行星传动减速器的振动特性。


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