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08-09 投稿


ambuscade 发音

英:[ˌæmbəsˈkeɪd]  美:[ˌæmbəˈskeɪd]

英:  美:

ambuscade 中文意思翻译




ambuscade 词性/词形变化,ambuscade变形


ambuscade 短语词组

1、ambuscade ffxi ─── 伏击ffxi

2、ambuscade v1 ─── 伏击v1

3、ambuscade define ─── 伏击

4、ambuscade 5e ─── 伏击5e

5、ambuscade armor ─── 埋伏盔甲

6、ambuscade by William Faulkner ─── 伏击威廉·福克纳

7、ambuscade cape ─── 伏击角

8、ambuscade definition ─── 伏击定义

ambuscade 相似词语短语

1、ambuscades ─── n.埋伏;伏兵;vt.埋伏;伏击

2、ambuscado ─── 安布萨多

3、ambuscading ─── n.埋伏;伏兵;vt.埋伏;伏击

4、to ambuscade ─── 伏击

5、ambassage ─── 大使

6、ambuscader ─── n.埋伏;伏兵(ambuscade的变形)

7、ambuscaders ─── n.埋伏;伏兵(ambuscade的变形)

8、ambuscaded ─── n.埋伏;伏兵;vt.埋伏;伏击

9、ambuscados ─── 伏击

ambuscade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Modeling of Effectiveness Analysis of Air-to-sea Ambuscade Submarine Reconnaissance ─── 航空设伏搜潜效能建模研究

2、After coming off work, a few colleagues ambuscade in propose the spot, preparation is caught take wonderful moment. ─── 下班后,几名同事埋伏在求婚现场,预备抓拍出色瞬间。

3、and that finally, being drawn into ambuscade at Carthage, he was thrown into prison, and assassinated by a band of men disguised in masks ─── 后来又如何在迦太基受人陷害被关进监狱,最后来了一帮蒙面人就把史密斯杀害了。

4、On Modeling of Effectiveness Analysis of Air-to-sea Ambuscade Submarine Reconnaissance ─── 航空设伏搜潜效能建模研究

5、He got home pretty late that night, and when he climbed cautiously in at the window, he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt; ─── 那天晚上,他回到家时已经很迟了。当他小心翼翼地从窗户往里爬时,猛然间发现了有人埋伏,仔细一看,原来是他的波莉姨妈。

6、French army not needing the slightest effort can master the enemy's track, get behind of the enemy ambuscade. ─── 法国部队不费吹灰之力便能把握敌人的行踪,识破了敌人的埋伏。

7、I went so far with it in my imagination, that I employ'd my self several days to find out proper places to put my self in ambuscade, as I said, to watch for them; ─── 我对这个计划简直着了迷,竟费了好几天的工夫去寻找适当的埋伏地点。

8、40. he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt; ─── 猛然间发现了有人埋伏,仔细一看,原来是他的波莉姨妈。

9、Person's dead bodies that ambuscade us are entire secondhand along them to turn corpse powder to turn work to. ─── 伏击我们的人尸首都被他们用化尸粉化去了。

10、He felt that the police were there somewhere in ambuscade, waiting for the signal agreed upon and ready to stretch out their arm. ─── 他还觉得警察已埋伏在左近,等待着约好的信号,准备一齐动手。

11、, offerred rear area party clearly " ambuscade for a long time, saving force, in order to need an opportunity " the characteristic of the long-term secret that main task; ─── 抗战时期 ,陈云对大后方党组织建设做出了重要的理论贡献 :依据当时国情和对过去白区党的工作经验的总结 ,明确提出了大后方党的“长期埋伏 ,积蓄力量 ,以待时机”的基本任务 ;

12、He felt that the police were there somewhere in ambuscade,waiting for the signal agreed upon and ready to stretch out their arm. ─── 他还觉得警察已埋伏在左近,等待着约好的信号,准备一齐动手。

13、New Ambuscade from all Sides ─── 新编十面埋伏

14、They prepared an ambuscade for the Romans. ─── 他们在罗马人周围埋下伏兵。

15、Ambuscade To Annihilated The Enemy ─── 伏击歼敌

16、They prepared an ambuscade for the Romans. ─── 他们在罗马人周围埋下伏兵。

17、But when the occasion presented itself, there was suddenly seen to emerge from all this shadow, as from an ambuscade, a narrow and angular forehead, a baleful glance, a threatening chin, enormous hands, and a monstrous cudgel. ─── 但在时机到了的时候,他那筋骨暴露的扁额,阴气扑人的眼睛,骇人的下巴,粗大的手,怪模怪样的短棍,都突然从黑影里象伏兵那样全部出现了。

18、Sometimes Pierre remembered what he had been told of soldiers under fire in ambuscade when they have nothing to do, how they try hard to find occupation so as to bear their danger more easily. ─── 有时皮埃尔回忆起他所听到的故事,故事中谈到,士兵们作战时处于枪林弹雨之下,他们躲在掩蔽体内,这时无事可做,为了经受起危险造成的威胁,他们尽可能给自己找点事情做。

19、Characteristic: Chair of dress and make up also can be joined sundry the cavalcade that ambuscade. ─── 特点:梳妆椅也可以加入杂物埋伏的行列。

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