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08-09 投稿


assimilative 发音

英:[əˈsɪməˌleɪtɪv]  美:[əˈsɪmɪlətɪv]

英:  美:

assimilative 中文意思翻译



assimilative 词性/词形变化,assimilative变形

异体字: assimilatory |

assimilative 短语词组

1、assimilative phase ─── 同化阶段,营养阶段

2、assimilative induction ─── 同性诱导

3、assimilative lamella ─── 同化片层

4、assimilative learning ─── 同化学习

5、assimilative root ─── 光合根

6、assimilative illusion ─── 同化错觉

7、assimilative power ─── 同化的力量

8、assimilative capacity ─── 同化能力

9、surface-assimilative ─── [网络] 表面同化

10、assimilative tissue ─── 同化组织

11、assimilative effect ─── 同化效应

12、assimilative motivation ─── 同化动机

assimilative 相似词语短语

1、assimilatively ─── 同化物

2、assimilating ─── adj.同化的(assimilate的ing形式)

3、dissimilative ─── adj.异化的;相异的

4、assimilate ─── vt.吸收;使同化;把…比作;使相似;vi.吸收;同化

5、dissimulative ─── 掩饰的

6、assimilation ─── n.同化;吸收;[生化]同化作用

7、assimilations ─── n.同化;吸收;[生化]同化作用

8、disassimilative ─── 异化

9、similative ─── 相似的

assimilative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Assimilative capacity of the ocean ─── 海洋的"同化能力"

2、assimilative visual illusion ─── 同化性错视

3、Keywords Assimilative capacity of the atmospheric environment;box model;Chengdu plain;urban agglomeration;urban spatial development; ─── 大气环境容量;箱式模型;成都平原;城市群;空间发展;

4、allowable assimilative ability for pollution ─── 纳污能力

5、Some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation's assimilative power. ─── 有些美国人担心住在美国的移民还会在某种程度上抵制同化。

6、one dimensional model was utilized in this research to calculate the water assimilative capacity for basin management. ─── 本次研究中运用了一维模型计算了流域管理的环境容量。

7、an assimilative pattern; an assimilative process. ─── 同化模式;同化过程。

8、The higher gain yield and higher assimilative matter use efficiency of L is the main factor in variety subrogation. ─── 在干旱胁迫条件下较高的籽粒产量,根系效率以及水分利用效率成为品种L在西北地区完成品种替代的主要因素。

9、On the Ethnic Community in the Nanzhao-Dali Period and the Assimilative Bai Culture ─── 南诏大理时期的民族共同体与兼收并蓄的白族文化

10、We now know that Earth's natural assimilative capacity is being overwhelmed by the poisonous waste we generate. ─── 可我们现在却发现地球的自然吸收能力正不断受到我们制造出的有毒废品的破坏。

11、Assimilative capacity of the atmospheric environment ─── 大气环境容量

12、Some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power. ─── 请问划线部分在句子中的语法成分。是不是做宾从的状语?

13、assimilative learning ─── 同化学习

14、Farther, the data analysis also shows that in arid period, the concentration of BOD is growing worse.The BOD assimilative capacity of a river is confronted by decreasing. ─── 此外,藉由预设情境资料分析河川水质变化之结果,显示河川枯水期水质要像之生化需氧量BOD浓度恶化,而河川可承载BOD污染的涵容能力呈现出弱化趋势。

15、The Pragmatical Characteristics and Assimilative Manifestation of the Adjective of ABB ─── ABB式形容词的语用特征及类化表现

16、Offenses with this characteristic usually will be encountered as assimilative crimes. ─── 带有此特征的犯罪行为通常将视为同等犯罪。

17、Merge of companies may take the forms of assimilative merge and newly established merge. ─── 公司合并可以采取吸收合并和新设合并两种形式。

18、Water quality model is often used in developing pollution control plan and estimating the assimilative capacity. ─── 摘要:水质模式常被应用于分析涵容能力与水质管理计画,QUAL2E模式为最常被采用之水质模式。

19、most of callow stirpes are developed into assimilative branches . there is a thick layer of palisade tissue under the epidermis. ─── 幼茎多发育为同化枝,表皮下有一层较厚的栅栏组织。

20、Keywords Yellow River;pollution control;sustainable basin management;water assimilative capacity; ─── 黄河;污染控制;一体化流域管理;环境容量;

21、Merge of companies may take the forms of assimilative merge and newly established merge. ─── 公司合并可以采取吸收合并和新设合并两种形式。

22、assimilative phase ─── 同化阶段营养阶段

23、assimilative colouration ─── 保护色,拟色

24、Assimilative processes are phonological changes due to physiological mechanisms. ─── 同化过程是由于生理机制而发生地语音变化。

25、assimilative material ─── 同化教材

26、The Theory of Assimilative and Vertical isomerism Board ─── 大中桥梁荷载横向分布比拟正交异性板法

27、assimilative capacicy ─── 同化能力

28、hydrocarbon assimilative microorganism ─── 同化烃微生物

29、Methods Fungi were identified with fungi assimilative experiment coded identify plate TH - 15. ─── 方法用酵母样真菌同化试验编码鉴定板TH-15进行编码鉴定。

30、Keywords Clothing originality association of thought assimilative composing; ─── 服装创意;联想;同构;

31、Remobilization of assimilative matter ─── 同化物运转

32、Keywords Water assimilative capacity Tidal river River water quality model Dynamic state; ─── 水环境容量;潮汐;河流环境;河流水质模式;动态;计算方法;

33、Only in recent years has it become apparent that sustaining and assimilative capacity of the biosphere, through tremendous, is not, after all, infinite. ─── 只有在近年来尽管非常大的生物圈保持与同化的能力是不够的才变得明显。

34、As a result of mankind's development, the number of burdens on the environment has already exceeded the environment's assimilative capacity. ─── 摘要由于人类过度的开发,致使地球环境日益恶化,因此地球环境问题成为国际间重视的课题。

35、The assimilative force of the American public school is eloquent testimony to the efficacy of the common and balanced appeal. ─── 美国公立学校的同化力量,是对共同和平衡的要求的功效的有说服力的证据。

36、assimilative illusion ─── 同化错觉

37、Assimilative merge refers to a company accepting other companies remains to exist while the accepted companies will be dismissed. ─── 吸收合并,是指公司接纳其他公司加入本公司,接纳方继续存在,加入方解散。

38、assimilative root ─── 光合根

39、The establishment of the opinion of allowable assimilative ability for pollution of water bodies and quantity control of pollution discharge will provide objectively,the scien... ─── 水域纳污能力及限制排污总量意见的制定将为水资源保护提供客观、科学的数据,是水资源保护量化指标的具体体现。

40、assimilative effect ─── 同化效应

41、Yield constitute and effective distribution of assimilative products of American ginseng ─── 西洋参产量构成与同化产物的有效分配

42、assimilative induction ─── 同性诱导同化诱导

43、Alas, why does my mind, even in its best days, never possess but a particle of the assimilative powers of the body? ─── 啊,为什么,即使在最好的时候,我的精神也从未拥有哪怕一星半点肉体的这种能力?

44、assimilative pigment ─── 同化色素

45、Article 15 The merge of companies takes the form of assimilative merge,the date of establishment of the accepting company shall be the date of establishment of the merged company; ─── 第四条 本规定所称分立,是指一个公司依照公司法有关规定,通过公司最高权力机构决议分成两个以上的公司。

46、Assimilative merge refers to a company accepting other companies remains to exist while the accepted companies will be dismissed. ─── 吸收合并,是指公司接纳其他公司加入本公司,接纳方继续存在,加入方解散。

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