contrition 发音
英: 美:
contrition 中文意思翻译
contrition 短语词组
1、contrition to ─── 忏悔
2、contrition act ─── 悔罪
3、contrition defined ─── 忏悔定义
4、contrition crossword ─── 忏悔字谜
5、contrition define ─── 忏悔定义
6、contrition definition bible ─── 忏悔定义圣经
7、contrition rate ─── 悔罪率
8、contrition is ─── 悔恨是
9、contrition definition ─── 悔罪定义
contrition 词性/词形变化,contrition变形
副词: contritely |名词: contriteness |
contrition 相似词语短语
1、contribution ─── n.贡献;捐献;投稿
2、contributions ─── n.贡献;出资
3、condition ─── n.条件;情况;环境;身份;vt.决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件
4、contraption ─── n.奇妙的装置;精巧的设计
5、contortion ─── n.(脸部或躯体)扭弯,扭歪;扭曲的动作(或姿势);困难,周折
6、contraction ─── n.收缩,紧缩;缩写式;害病
7、contristation ─── 控制
8、contention ─── n.争论,争辩;争夺;论点
9、contradiction ─── n.矛盾;否认;反驳
contrition 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: Credit giver; Contentment; Common sense; Cooperator; Communicator; Contrition: ─── 其他特质:可信赖;喜乐满足;平易近人;善于与人合作沟通;悔改的心
2、Yet Chevron shows no sign of contrition. ─── 然而,雪佛龙公司没有任何忏悔之意。
3、As we think of God we remember the inconceivable distance that separates Him in His holiness from sinful men, and we bow in deep contrition and holy fear. ─── 我们说到神,我们就想到有一个不能想像的距离,这距离将圣洁的神和罪人分开,使我们只能俯伏在极其懊悔和畏惧之中。
4、Far from showing any hint of contrition, it insisted that an apology should come from the South for halting tourist visits to Mount Kumgang. ─── 北方不但没有一丁点的“悔罪”表现,还坚持说应该道歉的是南方,因为他们暂时禁止了韩国游客去金刚山驴游。
5、For a leader to express contrition , there needs to be a good, strong reason. ─── 对于一个领导人来说,如果他要表达忏悔,需要有一个非常充分,非常适当的理由。
6、Not a look, not a thought of contrition, escapes His notice. ─── 各人眼神所表露和内心所蕴藏的痛悔,都不能逃过他的注意。
7、The two young men, glossy hair crew cut, scrubbed clean-cut faces composed into humble contrition, bowed their heads in submission ─── 那两个青年,剃着光光的小平头,刮得干干净净的脸上露出一副愿意悔改的表情,低着头,表示服罪。
8、Japan's relations with its Asian neighbors have often been poor because of Tokyo's lack of contrition for its aggression and harsh colonial rule in the first half of the 20th century. ─── 20世纪上半叶,由于日本政府对其过去的侵略行为和残酷的殖民统治毫无悔意,所以日本与亚洲邻国的关系一直很差。
9、If the object is sentimentally irreplaceable, then you might instantly kneel down in suppliance and bow your head in contrition. ─── 倘若碰碎的是对方感情上没法替代的物品,那你可能得马上屈膝跪下请求对方原谅,并低下头表示懊悔之心。
10、Delayed answers often set the heart searching itself, and so lead to contrition and spiritual reformation: deadly blows are thus struck at our corruption, and the chambers of imagery are cleansed. ─── 因此,向我们的败坏作致命的打击,反而会使我们的内心深处得到洁净。
11、Luoxia Hong recorded the twenty-four solar terms in his calendar for the first time, which made a foundation of festival and became a creative contrition to later generations. ─── 落下闳第一次将24节气纳入历法,此一作法,奠定了春节的基础,同时也是遗惠千秋万代的创举。
12、How can we know whether our contrition is true or false? ─── 问:痛悔有真的,有假的,怎么分得出来?
13、Still, to be able to die with no special contrition, not having been slaughtered, or enslaved. ─── 不过,能够死没有特别忏悔,没有被宰杀,或奴役。
14、Do not turn the gospel of God's saving love in Christ for all into the false teaching of universalism, which asserts that God will save everyone apart from contrition and faith in Jesus. ─── (普救论认为神会救赎任何一个不认罪悔改、不相信耶稣的人。)
15、In former times canonical penalties were imposed, not after, but before absolution, as tests of true contrition. ─── 在以往,教义上的惩罪是被加上去的,并不是在赦罪之后而是在赦罪之前,以为真正悔改的试验。
16、After all, how effective is an act of contrition -- whether proffered over the Web or otherwise -- that comes many, many years late? ─── 毕竟,无论是通过网络或是其他途径,迟来很多很多年的忏悔行为有什么用?
17、Article 2 They shall obey the supervision, accept education, take part in labor, cry peccavi and contrition. ─── 第一条拥护宪法,遵守法律法规规章和监规纪律。
18、All this would also be made that much easier were bank chiefs to show genuine contrition. ─── 如果这些银行高管们真心悔过的话,所有这一切还可以容易些。
19、If we have imperfect contrition, we can get forgiveness of our sins through the sacraments of Baptism or of Penance. ─── 答:下等痛悔使人因领洗、修和圣事,也能得赦罪的恩典。
20、a look of contrition ─── 追悔莫及的神色
21、The CEOs have Driven to Washington in their hybrid cars, bringing with them a message of urgency and mixed with contrition. ─── 几位CEO驾着他们的混合驱动汽车来到华盛顿,从他们的坐骑上就可以看出他们此时的心情:焦急而又追悔不已。
22、His press conference on Wednesday was full of conciliation that bordered on contrition. ─── 周三(译注:11月8日)的记者会充满近似悔悟的妥协。
23、Sorrow connotes sadness caused by misfortune, affliction, or loss; it can also imply contrition ─── Sorrow的含义是由不幸、苦难或失落而造成的悲伤;也暗示悔恨
24、” If contrition is sincere, I let him go. ─── 如其忏悔是真诚的,我就让他走。
25、But another everyday observation is that powerful people who have been caught out often show little sign of contrition. ─── 还有一种司空见惯的现象,即有权人物犯规被逮之后鲜有忏悔之意。
26、the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving). ─── 与神沟通的行为(尤其是请愿或者崇拜悔悟感恩)。
27、She forgave him because his contrition was real. ─── 她原谅了他是由于他的懊悔是真心的。
28、Understanding what apologies can and cannot do will help you avoid both foolhardy stonewalling and unnecessary contrition. ─── 留学解答资讯网:For a leader, a public apology is always a high-risk move.
29、But Mr Blair evinced no real contrition. ─── 但是,布莱尔没有真正忏悔。
30、I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it. ─── 我觉得悔罪比光认识悔罪的定义更重要。
31、How can we excite ourselves to true contrition? ─── 问:怎麽能发真心痛悔?
32、What is the effect of perfect contrition? ─── 问:上等的痛悔发了什麽效验?
33、And at last we adjudge them according to their contrition in the reviewing period. ─── 本文共分为四部分,其中第二部分和第三部分是本文的重点。
34、In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden. ─── 在后悔中,她反复谈论着花园的美丽。
35、the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving) ─── 与神沟通的行为(尤其是请愿或者崇拜悔悟感恩)
36、3. Moderate Antinomianism = the law is necessary to lead people to contrition, but it is not necessary to guide Christians in sanctified living. ─── 温和反律法主义=律法在教人认罪悔改层面上是必要的,但在使基督徒过圣洁生活的层面上是不必要的。
37、Toure's contrition did not, though, extend to accepting any punishment. ─── "图雷昨天对自己的行为道歉。”
38、But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become a ware of the complexities of saying sorry. ─── 但是,即使孩子们看到了真诚悔过的案例,他们仍然需要帮助来理解道歉的复杂性。
39、At this mention of a deal worth hundreds of millions of pounds, Mr Murdoch's mood of contrition seemed to fade a bit. ─── 当提及这项价值上亿的交易时,默多克的悔恨情绪似乎又减弱了一些。
40、“Blankfein was clearly trying to placate the locals and show some kind of contrition. ─── “布兰克费恩显然在尽力抚慰德国人,并表现出一定的悔悟。
41、What is the effect of imperfect contrition? ─── 问:下等痛悔有什麽效验?
42、They had asked for contrition, and had surrendered for it to be given them at any cost, and He sent them sorrow; ─── 他们求一个痛悔的心,愿意出任何代价去得到它,主就给他们悲哀;
43、Improving ties apparently dissuaded Beijing from making a major occasion of the anniversary, and from remonstrating publicly with Japan for alleged lack of contrition. ─── 很显然,中日关系的改善使北京无法轰轰烈烈的举行大屠杀纪念活动,也无法公然谴责日本没有按声明所言进行忏悔。
44、APOSTASY:FAITH::A)benediction piety B)recantation heresy C)ordination doubt D)judgement pardon E)contrition penant 2. ─── 不好意思现在放在一起答案是BDADEEA 1。
45、How many pilots wounded in the flight-deck accident in "Act of Contrition"? ─── "悔恨行为"一集中,多少飞行员在飞行甲板事故中受伤?
46、The two young men, glossy hair crew cut, scrubbed clean-cut faces composed into humble contrition, bowed their heads in submission. ─── 这两个年轻人,光亮的平头,洗过、轮廓分明、显得卑微痛悔的脸,低着头表示认罪。
47、5. Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel, not the law, to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living. ─── 反律法主义的重大错误在于极力强调神以福音(非律法)促成罪人的悔改、指导基督徒的生活。
48、For a leader to express contrition, there needs to be a good, strong reason. ─── 对于一个领导人来说,如果他要表达忏悔,需要有一个非常充分,非常适当的理由.
49、Toad, who was on the sofa by this time, with his legs up, rolled over on his face, shaken by sobs of contrition. ─── 蟾蜍正翘腿倚在沙发上,听到这话,侧身掩面,全身抖动,痛悔地抽泣起来。
50、What is imperfect contrition? ─── 问:什麽是下等痛悔?
51、Imperfect contrition is the sorrow which we have for our sins because we fear that God will punish us in Hell or shut us out from Heaven, or because our sins are hideous in God's sight. ─── 答:我恼恨我的罪,是因为怕天主罚我下地狱,不许我升天堂;或是因为我的罪在天主台前,实属丑陋不堪,皆是下等的痛悔。
52、What is perfect contrition? ─── 问:什么是上等痛悔?
53、Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession? ─── 问:为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了麽?
54、Zhong has since apologized, but the public are not convinced by his contrition. ─── 钟继祥称此事属实,但已经道歉,不过公众认为他并没有诚意。
55、Goldman is the first to acknowledge that bonuses might be a powerful show of contrition this year, but if its history of leadership is any indication, it won't be the last. ─── 虽然高盛是首家承认今年的奖金可能大幅缩水的华尔街大公司,但如果它真是行业领袖的话,它将不会是最后一家出现这种情况的公司。
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