vaporous 发音
英:['veɪpərəs] 美:['vepərəs]
英: 美:
vaporous 中文意思翻译
vaporous 词性/词形变化,vaporous变形
名词: vaporosity |副词: vaporously |
vaporous 短语词组
1、vaporous fuel ─── 蒸汽燃料
2、vaporous pen ─── 蒸汽笔
3、vaporous technologies torrance ─── 蒸汽技术托伦斯
4、vaporous technologies ─── 蒸汽技术
vaporous 相似词语短语
1、-sporous ─── 孢子的
2、savorous ─── 美味的
3、imporous ─── adj.无孔隙的
4、saporous ─── 聪明的
5、vaporously ─── 冒烟地
6、amorous ─── adj.多情的;恋爱的;热情的;色情的
7、porous ─── adj.多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的
8、canorous ─── adj.音乐般的;音调优美的
9、valorous ─── adj.勇敢的;勇武的
vaporous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Heat is supplied to the boiler, where liquid is converted to vapor. ─── 向锅炉中输入热量,锅炉中的液体就变成蒸汽.
2、GFA glass flake may be added to increase film build and lower moisture vapor permeability. ─── 可添加GFA玻璃鳞片以提高成膜性及降低水气的通透性。
3、Produce a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion. ─── 制造为了减轻鼻子充血的供吸入的化学水蒸气。
4、Under certain conditions, water becomes ice or vapor. ─── 在一定的条件下,水变成冰或变成蒸气。
5、Chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed. ─── 化学物质混合后会放出有毒气体
6、From the field six smears of vapor lanced forward to the factory. ─── 六个虚幻的影迹从这片区域向前切入工厂。
7、Ice, liquid water and water vapor may be referred to as the same substance. ─── 冰,液态水和水蒸汽可以看成是同一物质。
8、The enclosed space contains air, water vapor, and sufficient excess water so that the vapor is saturated. ─── 封闭容器的空间内储有空气、水蒸汽和足够的使水蒸汽饱和的水。
9、Vapor, gas, or smoke, especially if irritating, harmful, or strong. ─── 尤指有害、浓烈或难闻的气、汽或烟
10、Vapor jetted from the brood hose as from a little steam engine. ─── 大鼻子里象小小的蒸气机似的冒出热气。
11、Most of atmosphere's water vapor comes from evaporation of sea water. ─── 大气中的水汽大部分来自海水蒸发。
12、They know that most of his hope-mongering is vaporous. ─── 他们知道,他所宣称的希望大都是镜中花水中月。
13、An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor . ─── 一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的白线。
14、It is not flanked by moons that might shepherd it and carve it out or infuse it with vapor. ─── 它并没有位于可能引导它和雕刻它或者给其输入水蒸气的月亮的周围。
15、A device, such as a respirator or an inhaler, by which a gas, vapor, or air is drawn in. ─── 吸入器用来吸入气体,蒸汽或空气的仪器,如呼吸器或吸气器
16、Water vapor accounts for about 4% by volume in moist are notas. ─── 在气候潮湿地区,水汽按体积占(空气体积)4%左右。
17、The "supersaturation ratio" is the ratio of the excess vapor density to the saturation value. ─── “过饱和比”是超过饱和值的蒸汽密度与饱和值的比。
18、Once the cold water enters the flack, the vapor pressure falls quickly. ─── 一旦冷水进入长颈瓶,水气压就迅速下降。
19、But the Notion Ink site has few details and the whole project has a slightly vaporous feel at the moment. ─── 但Notion Ink网站给出的细节很少,目前整个计划给人的感觉有些云里雾里。
20、To draw off in the form of vapor. ─── 使挥发以蒸汽的形式排出
21、For a happening was in essence unrepeatable;it came about in ways no one could predict, taking form from vaporous imaginings or sudden impulse. ─── “即兴剧”里表演的事儿根本就不会再重复,事先谁也不知要演什么,全凭想象或心血来潮。
22、A chemical vapor deposition process that takes place at moderate temperatures. ─── 一种化学汽相淀积过程,发生在适度的温度下。
23、By whom are vapor locks calibrated? ─── 如果是,带封闭作用的测量管由谁校准?
24、And what vaporous birds do you hunt in the sky? ─── 在天空中你猎得到那些空幻之鸟?
25、Clouds are formations of condensed water vapor. ─── 云是水汽凝聚而成。
26、It is the pressure necessary to condense a vapor at the critical point. ─── 它是使一种蒸气在临界点进行冷凝所需的压力。
27、At first it went up slowly in a cloud of orange exhaust and white vapor. ─── 它首先在橙黄的排气云和白色的雾气中缓缓上升。
28、The system not onlyimproves the vaporous quality,but also is more suitable to combustible and explosive materi-als. ─── 不仅使汽化品质有所提高,而且对易燃、易爆物料更为适宜。
29、The bonding strength of vapor deposited hard films are measured by this meth... ─── 但人们在膜基结合的测试技术上仍有困难。
30、Life is like a vapor which appears only momentarily. ─── 人生就如烟雾般只有昙花一现.
31、An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor. ─── 一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的白线。
32、I coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk. ─── 它劝诱我走向雾霭和幽暗。
33、One that condenses, especially an apparatus used to condense vapor. ─── 冷凝器冷凝器具,尤指用于冷却气体的设备
34、The wearresistance of TA1 was improved by chemical vapor deposition(CVD) to enhance the TA1 properties. ─── 为提高TA1表面的耐磨性能,在TA1表面采用化学气相沉积(CVD)表面处理。
35、Supersaturation of Water Vapor in Clouds. ─── 云中水汽的过报和。
36、vaporous clouds of mist, smoke, steam. ─── 雾、烟、蒸汽的弥漫。
37、Water vapor in the rising warm air condenses to liquid water. ─── 上升的暖空气中的水蒸气冷凝成液体的水。
38、The water vapor content in COIL was measured by absorption spectroscopy. ─── 分析了利用吸收光谱法测量氧碘化学激光器的水汽含量的原理,在氯气流量为0.1mol/s的N2-COIL上进行了测试实验。
39、her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime, and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes. ─── 双手积满了一层层厚重的污垢,衣服上散发的一阵阵强烈的汗酸臭味扑鼻而来。
40、The light beam passes through the container holding the vapor. ─── 光束通过盛蒸汽的容器。
41、The lance has a hood that directs both a flow of liquid cryogen and a flow of vaporous gas toward the metal surface. ─── 所述喷管具有朝金属表面引导液体制冷剂流和蒸气流的罩盖。
42、The astronomers forever comment on and observe them.They are not exhalations like our daily colloquies and vaporous breath. ─── 它们可不像我们的日常谈吐和嘘气如云的呼吸。
43、If fitted, does vapor line return manifold in compliance with OCIMF Guidelines? ─── 如装有,回毒管是否依据OCIMF指南要求回到管汇?
44、Heavy Carbon Doping of GaAs by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李宝霞,汪韬,李晓婷,赛小锋,高鸿楷.
45、Another type of vapor separator is mounted on top of the tank. ─── 另一种类型的蒸气分离器安装在燃油箱的顶部。
46、Do not inhale the vapor during reflow. ─── 不要吸入回流焊时喷出的蒸气。
47、Using in without dusts, causticity gas, flammability gas, oil fog, vapor. ─── 1.使用在无尘埃、腐蚀性气体、可燃性气体、油雾、水蒸气的环境中。
48、Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat. ─── 呼出的空气如通过水气、味道或热气显示出来的
49、When nitric acid is poured on copper,a brown vapor gives off. ─── 将硝酸倒在铜上,会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。
50、But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine. ─── 但是让你沉迷于这种“气体鸡尾酒”的是尼古丁。
51、Give off,send forth,or discharge,as of light,heat,or radiation,vapor,etc.. ─── 发散发射,用于灯光热射线蒸汽等等。
52、the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary. ─── 刚毅勇猛但有时暴跳如雷的老勇士同鼓舞人心但有时夸夸其谈的青年预言家形成鲜明的对比。
53、Unfortunately, water vapor was not detected in either exoplanet. ─── 但不幸的是并没有在两颗行星上发现水蒸气。
54、Polycrystalline diamond coatings for tools are laid down using chemical vapor deposition. ─── 工具用的复晶钻石涂层,则是使用化学气相沉积法制造的。
55、Then, the remote sensing data of EOS-MODIS are used to revert the total water vapor content. ─── 同时选取EOS-MODIS遥感资料近红外波段,反演整层大气水汽含量。
56、She becomes a vapor, but she is still able to hug, speak and think. ─── 她变成蒸气,但她依然能够拥抱,说话和思维方式。
57、But the thing that gets you hooked on the whole vaporous cocktail is nicotine. ─── 但是让你沉迷于这种“气体鸡尾酒”的是尼古丁。
58、The cold wind condenses vapor into rain. ─── 冷风使水蒸汽凝结成雨。
59、When nitric acid is poured on copper, a brown vapor gives off. ─── 将硝酸倒在铜上, 会散发出一种棕色的蒸气。
60、The process by which a gas or vapor changes to a liquid. ─── 冷凝将气体或蒸汽转化成液体的过程
61、The temperature at which the water vapor in a given sample of air becomes saturated is called the dew point. ─── 使一已知空气样品中的水蒸汽达到饱和时的温度称为露点。
62、Moisture migration in unsaturated soil is normally presented in two ways:liquid water transfer and vaporous water transfer. ─── 取黄土和砂土土样,对等温条件下非饱和土气态水迁移规律及气态水迁移与液态水迁移关系问题进行试验研究。
63、Their sweet bouquet disappears, like the vapor in the desert. ─── 它芳香的花束凋零了,犹如水气消失沙漠中。
64、To convert or change into a vapor. ─── 使蒸发使变为气体
65、Both candidates have their flaws and their admirable points; the doughty but sometimes cranky old warrior makes a fine contrast with the inspirational but sometimes vaporous young visionary. ─── 这两位候选人都有缺陷,也有令人钦佩之处。刚毅勇猛但有时暴跳如雷的老勇士同鼓舞人心但有时夸夸其谈的青年预言家形成鲜明的对比。
66、Does two have the Nanjing railroad occupation Tec end to there be no vapor Xiu? ─── 南京铁道职业技术学院专二有无汽修?
67、InGaN Films Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition[J]. ─── 引用该论文 江风益,李述体,王立,彭学新,熊传兵.
68、To convert or be converted into vapor. ─── 使蒸发,使汽化转化或被转化为蒸汽的
69、Water in a vaporous form diffused in the atmosphere but below boiling temperature. ─── 在沸点以下弥散在空气中的蒸汽状态的水。
70、A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. ─── 云是天空中的水汽团。
71、When (*), water can change into vapor. ─── 加热时,水能变成水蒸气。
72、WANG Tie-hang,ZHAO Shu-de.Equation for vaporous waterous transfer in unsaturated soil[J].China Journal of Highway and Transport,2003,16 (2):18-21. ─── [6]王铁行,赵树德.非饱和土气态水迁移引起的含水量变化方程[J].中国公路学报,2003,16(2):18-21.
73、Suitable for mercury vapor lamp, metal halide lamp. ─── 可配装汞灯、金卤灯。
74、The personification of the primordial vapor that is the source of all life. ─── 原始蒸汽的化身就是所有生命的源头。
75、Suitable ofr incandesent lamp,mercury vapor laamp. ─── 可配装白炽灯、汞灯。
76、Inbreathing may result from the outflow of liquid or vapor from a tank. ─── 吸入可能原因是液体或气体从储罐内流出。
77、Conclusion: Vaporous atomization has a great antiinflammatory and antiblastic effect. ─── 结论:利咽雾化液具有较好的抗炎、抑菌作用。
78、Self-contained breathing apparatus in high vapor concentration. ─── 呼吸防护:在高浓度中使用氧气面罩。
79、A brief, sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke. ─── 一阵烟空气、蒸汽或烟雾短促而突然的散发
80、Suggestive of or resembling vapor. ─── 似蒸气的,蒸气状的让人联想到蒸汽的或与蒸汽相像的
81、They know that he knows it’s vaporous. ─── 他们也知道,他自己也明白事实确实如此。
82、In the infrared, the absorption is due mainly to water vapor. ─── 在红外线区,吸收主要是因为水气的缘故。
83、The chill and the vapor taken together told a poor tale of the island. ─── 寒冷和水气加在一块,说明这个岛屿不适于居
84、At point e, the substance is wholly in the vapor phase. ─── 到e点时,物质全部变为气相。
85、An apparatus that generates vapor or gas. ─── 产生蒸气或气体的机器
86、Never use it at a location where inflammable or explosive gases or Vapor exist. ─── 为防火、防爆、控制器损坏,禁止在易燃、易爆气体、排放蒸汽的场所使用。
87、The vapor pressure of a fluid at the critical temperature. ─── 一种流体在临界温度下的蒸气压。
88、Thus water vapor could be much less likely to turn to rain without the dust particles. ─── 因此,假如没有灰尘的微粒,水蒸气就不大可能形成雨。
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