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09-16 投稿



cribbed 发音

英:[krɪbd]  美:[krɪbd]

英:  美:

cribbed 中文意思翻译




cribbed 词性/词形变化,cribbed变形

动词过去式: cribbed |名词: cribber |动词现在分词: cribbing |动词过去分词: cribbed |动词第三人称单数: cribs |

cribbed 短语词组

1、cribbed meaning ─── 抄袭意义

2、cabined cribbed confined ─── 封闭式婴儿床

3、cribbed notes ─── 考试时夹带的纸条

4、cribbed bridge ─── 叠梁桥

5、cribbed defined ─── 婴儿床定义

6、cabined confine cribbed and bound ─── 封闭式婴儿床

7、cribbed def ─── 筛式除尘器

8、cribbed definition ─── 婴儿床定义

9、cribbed wood ─── 木垛

10、cribbed from ─── 从

cribbed 相似词语短语

1、dribbed ─── 滴水

2、cribbles ─── n.粗筛;粗粉

3、ribbed ─── adj.有棱纹的;有肋骨的;呈肋状的;v.装肋状物于;使起棱纹(rib的过去分词)

4、cribber ─── n.剽窃者;作弊者

5、cribbled ─── 垛

6、crabbed ─── adj.暴躁的;难懂的;晦涩的;潦草的;v.抱怨;侧航(crab的过去分词)

7、chibbed ─── 被责骂的

8、scribbled ─── v.乱画;潦草地书写;写作(非正式);粗疏(羊毛)(scribble的过去式和过去分词)

9、cribbers ─── n.剽窃者;作弊者

cribbed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application and Design of Expansion Walling Crib of Single Beam Road Railer ─── 单梁桥吊伸入式壁座的设计与应用

2、There have been complaints that its design was cribbed from a Japanese exhibit in Spain in 1992. ─── 有人指出中国馆的设计是抄袭日本在1992年的西班牙世博会上的展馆。

3、And it hung over Robbie's crib. ─── Robbie的小床也有过。

4、He didn't want anybody to crib the answers from him. ─── 他不希望任何人抄袭他的答案。

5、We can hang in my crib, I will show you my hood. ─── 可以在我家睡懒觉,可以介绍我的邻居给你。

6、His son, Jayden, was six-and-a-half months old when he suffocated in his crib. ─── 他半岁大的儿子Jayden两年前不慎在婴儿床中窒息而死。

7、Introduced the role of the rock crib dyke, concre... ─── 介绍了石笼堤坝的作用和具体的设计及施工方法。

8、Princess Marya was still standing at the crib, softly rocking the baby. ─── 他走到门边,想了想,朝儿童室瞥了一眼。

9、They were cribbed in a small room. ─── 他们被关在一个小屋里。

10、Consumer Safety Specification for Full-Size and Non-Full-Size Baby Crib Corner Post Extensions ─── 全尺寸和非全尺寸的婴儿床角柱延伸件的用户安全使用规范

11、At the instant that he went in, he saw that the nurse was hiding something from him with a scared face, and Princess Marya was no longer beside the crib. ─── 当他走进来的时候,他望见保姆带着惶恐的神态藏着什么不让他瞧见,公爵小姐玛丽亚已经不在小床旁边了。

12、It illustrated the fact that Chinese oboe works didn"t stick to one pattern in structure.Actually they learnt from but didn"t crib the criterion of western music style. ─── 如:把双簧管的音乐作品在曲式上进行分析找出不同与西方的作曲风格,说明它借鉴但不照搬西方音乐曲式规范,在作品的结构上,不拘一格的特点。

13、The girl admitted that she had cribbed the answer from a book. ─── 这个女孩承认她从一本书里抄袭了答案。

14、Document copy detection is such a behaviour which judge whether a document is cribbed from another or some other documents. ─── 文本复制检测是这样一种行为:它判断一个文档的内容是否抄袭、剽窃或者复制于另外一个或者多个文档。

15、At two months of age, Vicente was found cyanotic in his crib, having choked following a feeding. ─── 在他2个月大时,Vicente出现青紫,这是因为在喂奶后因胃反流使奶呛入气管而窒息。

16、Lots of large-scale events especially the crib live performances would be held in cathedral of many main town in Italy during this special time. ─── 作为意大利重要的传统节日之一,圣诞节期间,意大利许多城镇里的主教堂都会举办大型的仪式及模拟耶稣诞生场景的真人马厩表演。

17、“Life is a merely a sleepwalk from the crib towards the deathbed. ─── “生命不过是从一张床流浪到另外一张床。”

18、She might have passed me on to the poorhouse.She might have left me crying in a draughty crib. ─── 她可以把我放到救济院,她可以不理我是否在婴儿床上哭泣。

19、When they got back home , as soon as he lowered her into the crib , she began to shout and wave her arms . ─── 当他们回到家里,他刚把她放进小床里她就大声地喊,还挥动双臂。

20、Doctors do not really understand why, but there are some common factors associated with what is also called 'crib death. ─── 医生也不清楚这种病的病因,但它与另一种被称为婴儿猝死综合症的病有某些相同的病症。

21、Before you head out to get a fancy crib for your awaited tyke, lemme just brush you with some finer points in baby cots. ─── 在寻求你期待已久的婴儿床的款式之前,让我来帮你理一下些关于婴儿床的细节点。

22、It's not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib . ─── 一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,这是意想不到的。

23、She tuck the baby in his crib for a nap. ─── 她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿。

24、twin newborns snoozing side by side in a crib; ─── 双生儿在摇篮里依偎着打盹;

25、He paused by the nursery door, studying the shadowy shapes of the crib and the changing table, the stuffed animals arranged on shelves. ─── 他驻足在婴儿房门口,仔细端详朦胧中的婴儿床和可调桌。

26、She tuck the baby In his crib for a nap ─── 她把婴儿裹好放在童床里小睡一会儿

27、If d's ran up in my crib, you know who droppin dimes ─── 如果警察来查我房,你知道是谁出卖了我

28、You sent me this fabulous crib. ─── 你给我送来了这可爱的婴儿床。

29、Crib Protector 1 Set. Soft, safe. ─── 婴儿床护栏1套柔软、安全。

30、DO NOT place crib near window where cords from blinds or drapes may strangle a child. ─── 不要将婴儿床放置在靠近窗户的位置,窗帘绳可能勒住幼儿.

31、Respect due: Coming up in one of the toughest sections in Louisiana, without his mother around no less, Danny's father kept him off the streets by building a little hoop next to their crib. ─── 应有的尊重:来自圣路易斯安那州最贫穷的地区,自幼丧母,为了不让孩子在街头乱窜学坏,格兰杰的父亲在家里饲料槽的旁边为他做了一个小篮筐。

32、She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib. ─── 她疏忽了未注意到她的孩子已不在摇篮中。

33、The baby was sleeping quietly in his crib. ─── 婴儿在他的小床里静静地睡着。

34、He cribbed the plot of his narrative from another author. ─── 他从别的作者那里抄袭了他这段描述。

35、Lay a child in its crib. ─── 将孩子放入小童床

36、He cribbed the plot of his narrative from another author. ─── 他从别的作者那里抄袭了他这段描述。

37、a card game in which each player is dealt 6 cards and discards one or two to make up the crib. ─── 一种纸牌游戏,每个玩家有六张牌,可以抛出一到两张以弥补。

38、Many are cribbed and adapted. ─── 其中的不少是引用和改编过来的。

39、If the boy feels sleepy, first trades the diaper, then hugs him and gently pats his back. When he rests, must put him on the crib. ─── 如果男孩想睡,首先换尿布,然后抱起他并轻柔地拍他的背。当他睡著,必须放他在小儿床。

40、In the exam, the guy next to me cribbed my answers word for word. ─── 在考试时,坐在我隔壁的傢伙逐字抄袭我的答案。

41、Infants can suffocate in gaps between crib sides and a mattress that is too small. ─── 婴幼儿可能在床边与垫子之间的缝隙处窒息,因为那里太小了.

42、Ace balanced the beer on a corner where two rails of the crib met and looked under the chairs for the morning paper . ─── 埃斯将啤酒在小床的两根栏杆相交处放稳,在椅子底下找到了晨报。

43、She bent down to kiss the baby in the crib. ─── 她俯身亲亲睡在摇篮里的孩子。

44、Having said that, the games Sony showed off were largely cribbed from Wii's playlist: table tennis, bowling, golf, archery, etc. ─── 尽管如此,索尼展示的许多游戏都在很大程度上抄袭了Wii的游戏清单:乒乓球、保龄球、高尔夫球、射箭等等。

45、She laid her baby in the crib. ─── 她把婴儿放到小床。

46、As I was running toward his crib , I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. ─── 就在我跑向他的婴儿床时,我看到一根房梁就要倒下来,我扑到他的床上,想护住他。

47、The cellar was cribbed with wood to prevent the walls from collapsing. ─── 地下室沿墙装设了木板,以防墙壁倒塌。

48、He cribbed during the math test. ─── 他在数学考试时作弊。

49、Crib sheets, bottles, bibs and blankets all come in pink girly-girl versions and often feature words like "her highness" and images of royal beauties. ─── 婴儿床单、奶瓶、围嘴和毯子这些东西都呈现出粉红色的忸怩版本,或者表现为“她的高贵”这种具有鲜明特征性的话语,以及王室般美丽的形象。

50、Henry. Can I crib your homework? ─── 亨利,你的作业可以借我抄吗?

51、Paul tried to cheat on his test by sneaking in a crib card. ─── 保罗想在考试中夹带小抄作弊。

52、I put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, whose rays streaming through the narrow window near my crib. ─── 如果译成:“我借着光线打我小床旁边窄窄的窗户射进来的正在下沉的半个月亮的光穿上了衣服”意思不错,但读起来佶屈聱牙,就只能算个半成品。

53、Even Angry Birds, that mascot of all mobile gaming, is cribbed. ─── 就算是所有手机游戏的福星,《愤怒的小鸟》,也是剽窃之作。

54、Aren't these just ideas cribbed from abroad? ─── 这些创意难道都是从国外抄袭过来的吗?

55、a card game in which each player is dealt 6 cards and discards one or two to make up the crib ─── 一种纸牌游戏,每个玩家有六张牌,可以抛出一到两张以弥补

56、Two years ago, Jayden, age 6 1/2 months, died while sleeping in his crib and he continues to wrestle with that daily. ─── 两年前,他的儿子杰登,在他刚满6个半月的时候,睡在他的婴儿床安静地死去了,只留下喇嘛继续与生活作斗争。

57、A means shall be provided to keep instructions with the crib. ─── 一份指导书的资料应与婴儿床放在一起.

58、fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib. ─── 婴儿烦躁地在自己的小床里摇晃不已。

59、A baby crying in its crib doesn't want conversation or a gold ring. He wants to be held and patted. ─── 一个在育婴床里哭着的婴儿并不是想要交谈或要一枚金戒指,他想被人抱着或拍着。

60、freeze-dried allogeneic bone crib ─── 冷冻干燥异体骨槽

61、At Hannahs crib, jammin to music yo. text me. ─── Fo Sho(: 心情: text me. 3 小时前发布。

62、She looked in and saw that the grain crib was empty. ─── 她一看,发现谷仓已经空了。

63、It hung over Susan's crib. ─── susan的小床也曾有过。

64、Provide engineering assistance to the tool crib and tool room in the tooling/fixture manufacture. ─── 为模具/工装卡具的生产的工具箱和工具库提供工程帮助。

65、A baby crying in its crib doesn't want conversation or a gold ring. ─── 一 个 在 育 婴 床 里 哭 着 的 婴 儿 并 不 是 想 要 交 谈 或 要 一 枚 金 戒 指 。

66、Design and Application of MSE Retaining Wall and Crib wall ─── MSE挡土墙及垛式挡土墙的结构设计及应用

67、He stood in his crib and listened to his elder sister playing the piano.One day he sang a theme from a Bach fugue his sister was practising. ─── 他站在自己的婴儿床上听他姐姐弹琴,有一天他哼出了姐姐弹的巴赫赋格,那时他一岁。

68、1.to plagiarize; to lift; to purloin; to pirate; to crib 2.plagiarism; piracy ─── 剽窃

69、Yeah, it's about a three minute walk. Why not come to my crib for a cup of coffee! We've got a lot of catching-up to do. ─── 对啊,走路大概三分钟。干脆到我住的小窝喝杯咖啡吧!咱们得好好聊一聊近况。

70、A pastrycook brushes a Christmas crib entirely made of chocolate in a cake workshop in Naples, southern Italy on Friday. ─── 一名糕点师傅周五在意大利南部那不勒斯市一个制饼工场,刷扫一个完全用朱古力制成的耶稣诞生塑像。

71、Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox. ─── 家里无牛,槽头干净。土产加多,乃凭牛力。

72、Plus from the club to the crib it's like a mile away ─── 再说从俱乐部到寒舍得要一公里

73、In her crib , Bonnie whimpered at the sight of her mother being seized . ─── 在她的小床里,邦尼看见妈妈被抓住就呜呜地哭了。

74、When they got back home, as soon as he lowered her into the crib, she began to shout and wave her arms. ─── 当他们回到家里,他刚把她放进小床里她就大声地喊,还挥动双臂。

75、The baby has been returned to the crib and placed in a horizontal position. ─── 婴儿送回摇篮平卧。

76、LONDON: Women have always cribbed that men are incapable of doing more than one thing at once. ─── 伦敦:女性时常揶揄男性不能同时做多于一件事。

77、Up to her fourth birthday, the baby slept in a crib. ─── 四岁以前她一直睡的是婴儿床。

78、Accelerant Influence on Combustion Characteristics of Wood Crib Fire ─── 助燃剂对木垛火燃烧特性影响研究

79、She put the baby in the crib in the bedroom for one hour. ─── 她把婴儿放在卧室的婴儿床上放了一个小时。

80、She had never actually read the book, only the crib notes. ─── 她从没有真正读过这本书,只读了它的翻译本。

81、After dinner at my parents'house, Gary and I retired to my old bedroom. My mother tucked Timmy into a burrowed crib in a room down the hall. ─── 在我父母的房间里吃完晚饭后,加里和我回到我原来住过的房间。母亲将提米安放在大厅一间房间里一个有围栏的童床里。

82、Then, from the date of the kings of the first race, Paris, being too cribbed and confined in its island, and unable to return thither, crossed the water. ─── 后来,从第一代诸王统治时期起,由于河洲过于狭窄,再也没有回旋的余地,巴黎遂跨过了塞纳河。

83、Designed for audio-visual stimulation, it comes with a mobile upright and sturdy crib attachment clamp. ─── 专为视听刺激,它带有一个移动直立和坚固的婴儿床附件钳。

84、Plus she's making pay so she got a crib on Peace street right on 17th street ─── 加上她有钱,所以她的家在安静街的右边的17大道上

85、If Clinton has often cribbed from Perot's text about the deficit and other issues, Perot keeps raising the standard to demonstrate that Clinton is only a reformer manque. ─── 如果说克林顿常常窃取佩罗对于赤字等议题的说词,佩罗则是不断提高标准以显示克林顿是不够格的改革者。

86、The baby has been returned to the crib and placed in a horizontal position . ─── 固定在水平位置上用于体操训练的杠。

87、He cribbed the answers off his friend. ─── 他抄袭朋友的答案。

88、He has hurt his friends more than just cribbed the articles of others. ─── 他不只是抄了别人的文章;他伤害了他的朋友。

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