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pelagic 发音

英:[pɪ'lædʒɪk]  美:[pə'lædʒɪk]

英:  美:

pelagic 中文意思翻译



pelagic 短语词组

1、pelagic zone ─── 浮游带,远洋带

2、pelagic fishing ─── 远洋渔业[捕鱼]

3、pelagic division ─── 海洋部分

4、pelagic fauna ─── 中上层动物

5、pelagic facies ─── 远洋相, ─── 远海相

6、pelagic larva ─── [医]海面幼虫

7、pelagic deposit ─── [经] 深海沉积

8、pelagic bird ─── [网络] 坎贝尔岛是远洋鸟类

9、pelagic organism ─── 浮游生物

10、pelagic clay ─── 远海粘土

11、Pelagic pipefish ─── 远洋管鱼

12、pelagic period ─── 浮游期

13、pelagic region ─── 中上层区域

14、pelagic sediment ─── 远洋沉积

15、pelagic phase ─── 浮性生活期

16、Pelagic Sea Snake ─── [医]大洋海蛇

17、bentho-pelagic ─── 大洋底栖性

18、pelagic fish ─── 远洋鱼

19、Pelagic Gecko ─── 中上层壁虎

pelagic 相似词语短语

1、pelmatic ─── 海相的

2、pelagian ─── adj.远洋的;n.远洋动物

3、Pelasgic ─── 佩拉斯基的

4、pelitic ─── adj.泥质的

5、pelage ─── n.毛皮;毛发

6、pelagial ─── 远洋的

7、pelages ─── n.毛皮;毛发

8、Belgic ─── adj.比利时的;比利时人的;贝尔格族的

9、ellagic ─── adj.鞣花酸的;n.鞣花酸

pelagic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、teleplanic Used for pelagic larvae that have a protracted planktonic existence, and therefore a capacity for wide dispersal. ─── 大洋性形容具有宽广散布能力的浮游性仔鱼。

2、Effect of Microorganism on Circulation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus and Evolvement of Pelagic Micro-alga Population in the ponds on Saline-alkaline Land in the West Part of China ─── 微生物对西部盐碱地池塘氮、磷循环和浮游微藻种群演变的影响

3、large active pelagic percoid fish. ─── 大型活跃的浮游鲈形鱼。

4、In this paper,author points out that the importance and the reason of developing our own pelagic trawler by analyzing the situation of fishing of our country. ─── 从当前渔船业的现状出发,定性定量地分析了我国应建造大型远洋拖网渔船的原因与意义。

5、sneaking Surreptitious pelagic spawning between a subordinate male and female within the territory of a dominant male. ─── 卑鄙的生殖行为在优势雄鱼的领土里,一种次级雄鱼与雌鱼之间偷偷地进行浮游性产卵。

6、The income thereof shall be derived from the business operations of pelagic fishery. ─── 必须是从事远洋捕捞业务取得的所得。

7、Spatiotemporal variations of pelagic fishery resources in East China Sea ─── 东海区中上层鱼类资源的时空分异

8、1.A pelagic, or open-ocean, octopus gives off a neon glow in Hawaii. Most species of octopus have no internal skeleton, unlike other cephalopods. ─── 夏威夷一只远洋章鱼发出氖辉光。与其他头足类动物不同,大部分章鱼物种的体内都没有骨骼。

9、This is less than the total biological production in the main water column, or pelagic zone. ─── 它比主水体或远洋区的生物总产量要少一些。

10、Preliminary research on stock of pelagic sharks in the Atlantic Ocean ─── 大西洋中上层鲨鱼资源状况的初步探讨

11、deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific;valued for food. ─── 北大西洋和北太平洋远洋深水中熏黑色刺状鳍鱼;珍贵食品。

12、Chub mackerel ( Scomber Japonicus) is one of the important pelagic fishery resources in the China's coastal waters. ─── 日本鲐是我国近海重要的中上层鱼类资源之一。

13、Used to be the auction market of Anping pelagic port and in 2002 , the City Government started to re-build it into a touristic fish market . ─── 原为安平的远洋渔港拍卖渔场,于2002年开始规划改建为观光鱼市。

14、large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters. ─── 大型远洋金枪鱼,是罐装金枪鱼的主要原料;体重达93磅并有长长的胸鳍;产于世界各地的热带和温带水域。

15、marine pelagic fishes ─── n. 远洋鱼类

16、Most species of pelagic shark take many years to mature and have relatively few young when they do reproduce. ─── 大多数深海鲨鱼物种需要许多年才能进入成熟期,而且就算它们繁殖,产下的幼鲨也相对较少。

17、Investigation on Pelagic Isopoda and Cumacea in the East China Sea ─── 东海浮游等足类和涟虫类的调查

18、any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced; worldwide but rare ─── 与旗鱼属相象的几种大型健壮的远洋鱼,但第一背鳍大部分退化;遍布但稀有

19、Expert Consultation on Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing ─── 大型中上层流网捕鱼专家协商会议

20、Pelagic sea snake ─── 大洋海蛇

21、Despite this solution, the volume of accumulated oceanic pelagic carbonate is staggering because of the size of the oceans ─── 尽管有这种溶解作用,但由于海洋的巨大体积,深海碳酸盐的堆积量仍然是令人惊愕的。

22、Used to be the auction market of Anping pelagic port and in 2002, the City Government started to re-build it into a touristic fish market. ─── 原为安平的远洋渔港拍卖渔场,于2002年开始规划改建为观光鱼市。

23、pelagic driftnets ─── 中上层流网

24、ca. 150-200 pelagic + 4 days seawatching from Ma Gang Sept 2008). ─── 2008年九月在马岗四天的观察大约有150至200只,很远.

25、He fed Golden fishes and look down to the end of water, following closely pelagic Golden fishes with his eyes and finding its places. ─── 他养金鱼,每 天俯视水底,双眼紧跟着遨游的金鱼,寻踪觅影。

26、spawning ascent Spawning behavior of pelagic spawners in which the individuals rise off the bottom and into the water column before releasing gametes. ─── 产卵上升浮游性产卵者的产卵行为,个体在释放配子之前会从底部上升而进入水团之内。

27、sneaking Surreptitious pelagic spawning between a subordinate male and female within the territory of a dominant male. ─── 卑鄙的生殖行为在优势雄鱼的领土里,一种次级雄鱼与雌鱼之间偷偷地进行浮游性产卵。

28、pelagic ocean community ─── 大洋群落

29、The kittiwakes return from their pelagic winter wanderings. ─── 三趾鸥从冬季远洋漫游中归来了。

30、among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters. ─── 大型的多骨鱼;远洋鱼,椭圆体形,背鳍和尾鳍高,尾鳍退化为似舵的突出物;遍布世界各地的温暖水域。

31、Independent data including pelagic tidal constants from bottom gauges, and radar altimeter and crossover measurements were used. ─── 初步分析表明,浅海区域的海平面高度的误差仍然相当显著。

32、1.large pelagic tuna the source of most canned tuna; reaches 93 pounds and has long pectoral fins; found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters. ─── 大型远洋金枪鱼,是罐装金枪鱼的主要原料;体重达93磅并有长长的胸鳍;产于世界各地的热带和温带水域。收藏指正

33、large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal fin. ─── 大型远洋食用鱼,有细长的上颌和帆状的长背鳍。

34、Investigation of AIDS knowledge about KABP among Chinese pelagic crews ─── 中国远洋船员关于艾滋病KABP调查

35、Keywords Permian in Guangxi;pelagic chert sequence;Guadalupian Lopingian;boundary;conodont;radiolarian;Rare Earth Element(REE);pre-Lopingian;crisis of endemic benthos and pelagic faunas; ─── 广西二叠纪;深海硅质岩系;瓜德鲁普统;乐平统;界线;牙形石;放射虫;稀土元素;前乐平统海洋生物灾变事件;

36、As the only route that links Yangshan Port to other places, 32.5-kilometer-long Donghai Bridge is China's first pelagic cross-sea bridge, which its function is expectable. ─── 东海大桥作为洋山深水港唯一的陆路集疏运通道、全长约32.5公里的东海大桥、也是中国第一座外海跨海大桥应时而生,它带来的作用令人期待。

37、pelagic traw ─── 上层拖网, 浮拖网

38、deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific; valued for food. ─── 北大西洋和北太平洋远洋深水中熏黑色刺状鳍鱼;珍贵食品。

39、Fujian Pelagic Fishery Group Company ─── 和福建渔业集团

40、slender cosmopolitan,pelagic shark;blue body shades to white belly;dangerous esp. during maritime disasters. ─── 分布于世界各地的体形瘦长的远洋鲨鱼;蓝身体白肚子,颜色渐变;尤其在(遇到)海上灾难时特别危险。

41、settlement stage Developmental stage where the pelagic larva or juvenile is morphologically and physiologically ready (competent) to adopt a substrate-associated life style. ─── 定居阶段一种发育的阶段,是指浮游性的仔鱼或稚鱼在形态上和生理上已预备好(能胜任的)拥有与底质结合的生活形式。

42、The income shall be derived from the fishery operations in the open seas or pelagic fishery. ─── 必须是从事外海、远洋捕捞业务取得的所得。

43、With the development of pelagic fishery, they also gather deep experience that is enlightenment for 揼oing out?strategy. ─── 从发展过程中,也积累了深切的体会和感受,对贯彻“走出去”战略有不少启示。

44、Pelagic Gecko ─── n. 太平洋夜蜥(壁虎科,大洋夜蜥)

45、A fuzzy distinguishability on species composition similarities of pelagic fishes in different years in the southern Taiwan Strait ─── 台湾海峡南部中上层鱼类年间种类组成相似程度的模糊识别

46、Angel, M.V. 1989. Vertical profiles of pelagic communities in the vicinity of the Azores Front and their implications to deep ocean ecology. Prog. Oceanogr., 22, 1-46. ─── 张桂祥。1999。台湾西南海域半肌目和全肌目海桶之时空分布。国立中山大学海洋资源研究所硕士论文。

47、pelagic species ─── 中上层鱼类

48、Expert Consultation on Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnet Fishing; ─── 大型中上层流网捕鱼专家协商会议;

49、Production of large-scale pelagic ship rudder horn is difficult by casting method because of its complex shape,heaver weight,high inside quality requirement. ─── 大型出口远洋货轮挂舵臂铸钢件重量大,形状复杂,内部质量要求高,生产难度大。

50、pelagic drift-net fishing ─── 中上层流网捕鱼

51、any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced; ─── 与旗鱼属相象的几种大型健壮的远洋鱼,但第一背鳍大部分退化;

52、Keywords Eastern Pacific Ocean,Longline fishing,Shark habitat,Pelagic shark,Biology,Reproductive biology; ─── 东太平洋;延绳钓;中上层鲨鱼;鲨鱼栖息环境;生物学;繁殖生物学;

53、any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced; worldwide but rare. ─── 与旗鱼属相象的几种大型健壮的远洋鱼,但第一背鳍大部分退化;遍布但稀有。

54、This would cause the uneven distribution of different species in the East China Sea, which was the major reason to the low diversity of pelagic Decapods in the East China Sea. ─── 中型莹虾的大量出现是影响东海浮游十足类多样性指数值较低的主要原因。

55、pelagic trawl ─── 上层拖网浮拖网

56、family of pelagic fishes containing solely the cobia. ─── 仅包含军曹鱼的浮游鱼的目。

57、Recruitment of Pelagic Fish in an Unstable Climate: Studies in Sweden's Four Largest Lakes ─── 不稳定气候条件下中上层鱼类的种群补充:瑞典四大湖泊研究

58、benthic broadcaster A species that releases pelagic eggs without ascending off the bottom. The only known reef-dwelling examples are eels. ─── 底栖且产浮性卵的极少数生活于水底但又产浮性卵的鱼类。已知唯一的例子是鳗鱼。

59、slender cosmopolitan,pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous esp. during maritime disasters ─── 分布于世界各地的体形瘦长的远洋鲨鱼;蓝身体白肚子,颜色渐变;尤其在(遇到)海上灾难时特别危险

60、He fed Golden fishes and look down to the end of water, following closely pelagic Golden fishes with his eyes and finding its places. ─── 他养金鱼,每天俯视水底,双眼紧跟着遨游的金鱼,寻踪觅影。

61、Comparison of recruitment from sediments with pelagic growth of cyanobacteria in Lake Taihu, ─── 关键词:蓝藻;藻蓝素;复苏;生长率;太湖

62、slender cosmopolitan, pelagic shark; blue body shades to white belly; dangerous esp. during maritime disasters. ─── 分布于世界各地的体形瘦长的远洋鲨鱼;蓝身体白肚子,颜色渐变;尤其在(遇到)海上灾难时特别危险。

63、Study on the dominant species of pelagic Decapods in the East China Sea and their ecological adaptability ─── 东海浮游十足类优势种环境适应的研究

64、extremely large pelagic tropical ray that feeds on plankton and small fishes; usually harmless but its size make it dangerous if harpooned. ─── 远洋海域以浮游生物和小鱼为食的体型巨大的热带鳐;一般无危胁但它巨大的身体使得捕捉它时有危险。

65、meropelagic Said of organisms that are only temporary members of the pelagic community. ─── 半海洋性的指生物是暂时性大洋性群落的。


67、The origination and location of shrinkage porosity(hole)in the rudder horn was described by simulating the filling process of large pelagic cast-steel rudder horn using a CAE software. ─── 利用华铸CAE软件对大型挂舵臂铸钢件进行凝固过程的数值模拟,揭示了铸件产生缩松、缩孔的部位和形成原因。

68、Zonation of Conodonts and Characteristics of the Conodont Fauna from the Guadalupian-Lopingian Boundary Strata in Pelagic Chert Sequences in Guangxi and the Basal Boundary of the Lopingian Series ─── 广西二叠纪深海硅质岩系中瓜德鲁普统至乐平统界线地层牙形石分带及动物群特征

69、Because some common species of pelagic Decapods, such as L. intermedius, could adapt at different environment, these species usually showed high occurrence and very large values in their abundances. ─── 常见种对不同季节的环境适应性较强,其出现频率和个体丰度远大于稀有种。

70、Deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific, valued for food. ─── 北大西洋和北太平洋远洋深水中熏黑色刺状鳍鱼,珍贵食品。

71、In the experiment of 511(superscript TM), the pelagic algae in 1‰ group increased most, arid the increase of pelagic algae in other groups decreased correspondingly with the reduce of concentration. ─── 在重氢511T试验中,浓度1‰组藻类增加最多,其他组随浓度降低藻类增加量相应减少。

72、Species characteristics and diversity of pelagic Mysidacea in East China Sea ─── 东海浮游糠虾种类特征和多样性

73、Distribution of Pelagic Copepdos in Dalian Bay ─── 大连湾水域浮游桡足类的分布

74、On the basis of collecting some drawing and deep investigation on existed ships, author expounds the basic principles and features of general arrangement for pelagic jigger. ─── 在收集一些图纸资料的基础上,进行了大量的实船调查、总结和分析。

75、Keywords Bancheng of Guangxi;pelagic chert sequences;radiolarians;conodonts;D-C boundary;F-F boundary;G-F boundary;evolutionary lineage;phylozone; ─── 关键词广西板城;硅质岩系;放射虫;牙形石;D-C界面;F-F界面;G-F界面;演化谱系;谱系带;

76、Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material. ─── 远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。

77、Study on relationship between pelagic copepods and environmental factors at frequent HAB areas in the East China Sea in spring ─── 东海赤潮高发区春季浮游桡足类与环境关系的研究

78、large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing ─── 大型中上层流网捕鱼

79、Spatial heterogeneity of pelagic fishery resources in the East China Sea ─── 东海水域中上层鱼类资源的空间异质性

80、Experimental study on fishing pelagic fishes by using pelagic trawl of pair-boat ─── 变水层拖网捕捞小型中上层鱼类的试验

81、Perhaps we have forgotten our ancestors bequeathed to us by thousands of years of things, no roots, we can only pelagic drift in the air. ─── 也许,我们忘记了老祖宗用几千年遗留给我们的东西,没有了根,我们只能在空中浮游飘荡。

82、What is the range of the pelagic environment? ─── 水层环境的范围是什么?

83、large pelagic shark of warm seas with a whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed. ─── 温带水域的大浮游带鲨鱼,长有一条鞭子似的尾巴用来围捕水面的小鱼吃。

84、Dominant species of pelagic Mysidacea in the East China Sea ─── 东海浮游糠虾类优势种的研究

85、large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal fin ─── 大型远洋食用鱼,有细长的上颌和帆状的长背鳍

86、Expert Consultation on Stocks of Large Pelagic Fishes in the Mediterranean Sea ─── 地中海中上层大鱼类专家协商会议

87、These basalts are characterized by the tectonic settings of the oceanic within plate alkaline basalts in both the submarine eruptive facies and pelagic radiolarian silicalite facies. ─── 它以具有海底爆发相与远洋放射虫硅质岩相整合和大洋板内碱性玄武岩的构造环境为主要特征。

88、pelagic resources ─── 中上层鱼资源

89、In some areas even aragonitic shells of the pelagic molluscs pteropods coat the sea floor ─── 在有些地区,甚至深海软体动物翼足类的文石贝壳可铺满海底。

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